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[Uru] Elf Princess Strikes Back (English, Ongoing)

Posted:2018-04-01 20:27
Language:English  TR
File Size:620.9 MB
Length:166 pages
Favorited:1684 times
Average: 4.58

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Posted on 01 April 2018, 20:27 UTC by:   Gaze11    PM
Uploader Comment
Translated by Alice Magic
Posted on 23 October 2017, 03:42 UTC by:   GuroLover12    PM
Score +134
Ongoing?so who wins? I hope the elf
Posted on 23 October 2017, 16:11 UTC by:   SpiritSoloist    PM
Score +86
if you know uru's work,you might know what will be happened
Posted on 24 October 2017, 04:06 UTC by:   Exsteverbur    PM
Score +350
Posted on 25 October 2017, 16:40 UTC by:   Mogdonazia    PM
Score +64
I can't wait until the sequel: "Return of the Goblins"
Posted on 25 October 2017, 18:34 UTC by:   talh    PM
Score +83
@ The Mike: You did read the text in the top left corner of page 11, right?The incident of her mother's heart being taken happened 200 years prior to the events happening in the story.
Also it was stated that the attack happened because of rumors saying that eating the elven ruler's heart would grant immortality.
So naturally 200 years prior to the main story the king responsible for the attack on the elven country ate her mother's heart, found out that the story about immortality was a hoax and died normally.
Posted on 25 October 2017, 18:39 UTC by:   Kit-Cat    PM
Score +45
I love where this is going... oh man. Looking forward to some rampage!
Posted on 25 October 2017, 22:08 UTC by:   Grimmomega    PM
Score +85
You know, with a name like that, you think you'd be familiar with Uru's work. I guarantee literally everyone there dies
Posted on 26 October 2017, 05:26 UTC by:   Mr .Pink    PM
Score +130
>Side effects: Loses her senses
>Side effects become stronger as she grow bigger
>Grows in size when her emotions explode

>Map showing the colosseum, the town and the castle

Boy, I am expecting so much from this. I am not even a guro fan but I can't stop reading Uru.

Edit: I just realized that I am like the mc of the other Uru's comic. This guy knows his fans.
Last edited on 26 October 2017, 13:42 UTC.
Posted on 26 October 2017, 17:07 UTC by:   The Mike    PM
Score +110
Yes, do it, kill them all
Posted on 30 October 2017, 20:57 UTC by:   ProtectLoli    PM
Score +33
time to zenocide
Posted on 30 October 2017, 21:06 UTC by:   RigenZ    PM
Score +108
Why clothes always grow too ? o3o
Posted on 02 November 2017, 06:35 UTC by:   Gitami    PM
Score +148
Why does the clothes enlarge?
Japan, come on.
Posted on 10 November 2017, 00:19 UTC by:   bloodydeath666    PM
Score +110
It's nice to see a female elf in a situation of power for a change.
Posted on 10 November 2017, 05:42 UTC by:   The Mike    PM
Score +401
*goes to gladiator colisseum
*a gladiiator is killed
"oh, god, this is horrible"
Posted on 10 November 2017, 12:21 UTC by:   Puriap10    PM
Score +39
@The Mike: well, you don't see a gladiator getting teared apart like clay anyday, moreso by a giant elf.
That was kind of a bone killer, though.
Posted on 12 November 2017, 17:02 UTC by:   MasterSchooner    PM
Score +37
Uru's stuff is great like this because the storytelling adds to it all the more.
Posted on 16 November 2017, 05:06 UTC by:   lukman010488    PM
Score +66
i think its amazing that uru spent like 20 pages on building the world and the story before getting to the actual gts content
Posted on 17 November 2017, 02:43 UTC by:   Alurker    PM
Score +37
After this slaughter she has several hundred orks to deal with.
Posted on 17 November 2017, 05:19 UTC by:   The Mike    PM
Score +38
dead people can't spend ten million gold
Posted on 17 November 2017, 05:28 UTC by:   sephirothowa011    PM
Score +28
I hate guro but uru is a genius
Posted on 18 November 2017, 19:08 UTC by:   Trayx    PM
Score +33

I'm with you on this. Fuck the gold. I'm out.
Posted on 21 November 2017, 14:02 UTC by:   pervM    PM
Score +54
Did those seven guys miss the part where the axe did absolutely nothing against her? At this point the only way to kill her would be to climb inside her mouth, get stuck in her windpipe and choke her to death.
Posted on 21 November 2017, 22:02 UTC by:   Mr .Pink    PM
Score +83
"Okay, one sharp weapon didn't do the job, not even a scratch. Surely several weapons will do it. Even thought theses men are weaker than the first one and she is even bigger. Yep, that sure will work"

I would have put at least one guy being like "Screw the gold" and escape, only to be eventually catch up by her, because Uru.
Posted on 22 November 2017, 05:11 UTC by:   The Mike    PM
Score +33
Foolish gladiator paste comming up!
Posted on 27 November 2017, 20:31 UTC by:   electroavenue5    PM
Score +24
lol these niggas done-zo
Posted on 27 November 2017, 22:30 UTC by:   RigenZ    PM
Score +31
Honestly it would be ALOT better if the process of growth was more detailed...
I just cant really see her getting bigger that much.
Posted on 28 November 2017, 11:35 UTC by:   Hezard    PM
Score +27
Squished into goop and then having soul absorbed by an enormous pussy... I'd be okay with that.

Page 49: There's brave, there's ballsy, and then there's this guy. Soon to be know by the moniker Kibble'N'Bits
Posted on 07 December 2017, 22:13 UTC by:   Bulopu    PM
Score +36
I am so excited!

PS: she grows, ok, but invincibility too made her too OP for my taste. It would have been better to make her struggle before the size itself made her invincible or something like swallowing a soul regenerate her. That would have been more exciting to read and you would not even need any coffee for that.
Posted on 08 December 2017, 04:51 UTC by:   The Mike    PM
Score +39
page 58, the luckiest of the dead gladiators
Posted on 12 December 2017, 23:02 UTC by:   bearonfire    PM
Score +35
I generally don't like giantess stuff but this is fucking great.
Posted on 14 December 2017, 14:29 UTC by:   beyblader    PM
Score +72
It's crazy how much better this is when the girl slaughtering people is actually justified in doing so, unlike usual giantess snuff where they're crushing hundreds of innocent people for literally no reason.
Posted on 19 December 2017, 07:08 UTC by:   Fonkirby    PM
Score +69
Now THIS is some guro I can get behind. I'm sick and tired of all these stories of elves being raped and tortured and unable to defend themselves. It is about time an elf took care of the human filth. #Elvesrightsmatter
Posted on 20 December 2017, 04:13 UTC by:   imercenary    PM
Score +34
@ akunoko

Reread the beginning. Elves were wiped out and enslaved by humans because they thought eating elf hearts would make them immortal.
Posted on 13 January 2018, 08:20 UTC by:   cjrtwin1    PM
Score +66
This just turned into Attack on Titan, Lol!!
Posted on 24 January 2018, 19:47 UTC by:   a1b2c3    PM
Score +54
can't stop thinking she also chewed and swallowed down human's filth, pee and shit
Posted on 25 January 2018, 11:50 UTC by:   MooseChangerPat    PM
Score +59
It amazes me how stupid and greedy those gladiators were. Don't they realize the sheer MASS of 10 million gold? I know this is fantasy and you can put any amount of gold in a bag, but think about it for a bit. A million dollars is incredibly heavy and its just paper, often times in denominations of 100. Gold is gold is gold, in order to have more gold you can't cheat it with denominations of 100, and just 100 gold might be a bit cumbersome. 10 million would probably be enough that if you piled it, it's make a pile larger than the Elf giant. No matter HOW rich your king is, unless dragon horde hunting is a national past time, there would be no WAY he'd have that much gold. Then there's the fact that it would be for EACH of them, so that's 70 million. I doubt the wealth of the entire kingdom combined would be anywhere close to that, and even if in the impossible instance you defeat the elf and get the gold, the economy would likely never recover.

This is why humans should educate their youth.

In defense of the idea that the heart of the elven ruler could grant immortality, it's theoretically possible that the Queen surrendered her right to rule the elven people to her daughter, as well as her crown. Thus when they came for her it would do nothing, hopefully teaching humanity the error of their ways. That's purely a hypothetical, the most likely answer is that these humans are just that stupid, greedy, and evil to come up with such a rumor, believe it, and act out on it that way.

I'll admit I didn't have high hopes for this comic going in, but I was pleasantly surprised when it became more of a justice snuff story than a feel bad/ntr/suicide is painless kind of comic. That was of course until the last few pages. I can accept the idea that the magic is working in such a way that it's slowly driving her more extreme and insane, but that doesn't mean I particularly like the results. I can even handle the soul devouring to a certain degree because it's a fantasy world, whatever. I can even say eating some of the audience *could* still be justified because they watch people murder each other for entertainment, and don't speak out against such cruelty. What I CAN'T quite justify is eating children crying for their mommy, that's when you've spent so long fighting monsters you, yourself have become the monster.

I get that it's supposed to be a dark/guro sort of story, but I was actually starting to get my hopes up for a nice justice story, where our heroine defeats the evil, overthrows their king, and teaches the masses to reform their society. I know that was unlikely, but I was getting my hopes up. At the very least I was hoping she wouldn't go quite so evil, but after devouring one or two evil souls, perhaps they're rubbing off on her. (Or in?)

Oh well, it's still a pretty good story, and the middle is actually quite fun. I just hope she doesn't have a complete psychotic break when the potion wears off and she realizes how extremely cruel she was. This IS war, so drinking this potion is about the effect of dropping a nuclear bomb on the kingdom. Sometimes extreme measures are the only way to get the point across, especially when you're so powerless to change things otherwise. It's certainly not quite the happiest resolution in the world, but there is still a SMALL measure of justice if you think of this as collateral damage. Unintended, but extremely difficult to avoid. I also hope she's able to rekindle the Elven race in this world by finding a nice human she can love and trust, and having dozens of babies, who go out and find human mates of their own. If female elves always have elf babies, sooner or later they can repopulate by coexisting with humans. Provided of course she doesn't commit genocide.
Last edited on 07 February 2018, 02:00 UTC.
Posted on 25 January 2018, 12:51 UTC by:   mombastical    PM
Score +69
Which episode of Attack on Titan is this?
Posted on 25 January 2018, 21:33 UTC by:   Grimmomega    PM
Score +30
"At the very least I was hoping she wouldn't go quite so evil"
This your first Uru, lad? A common mistake for beginners. Just whip out your dick and enjoy the cruelty.
Posted on 05 February 2018, 16:04 UTC by:   riwjin    PM
Score +33
Never been so looking forward to see an update like this before.
Posted on 07 February 2018, 22:14 UTC by:   Black Paladin 666    PM
Score +29
Updated twice since I last looked this up, and yet STILL missing the first page.

Posted on 13 February 2018, 01:28 UTC by:   realgundam    PM
Score +26
theyfinally make a series out of this kind of thing lol
Posted on 08 March 2018, 18:02 UTC by:   Naruto0116    PM
Score +49
How many coffee breaks does this person need? XD
Posted on 09 March 2018, 00:25 UTC by:   LovetoVore    PM
Score +39
This... this is so awesome!!! Now inside her!!! YES!!! MORE!!! Uploader is the best!!! I LOVE URU!!!
Posted on 17 March 2018, 12:13 UTC by:   Haborym    PM
Score +34
Those coffee break pages are cute. Makes for a nice juxtaposition with the horrible violence and gore.
Posted on 22 March 2018, 10:42 UTC by:   Turbotowns    PM
Score +24
Posted on 03 April 2018, 23:34 UTC by:   Broomsareforsweeping    PM
Score +24
nigga this shit's fucked

Posted on 13 April 2018, 16:37 UTC by:   Elicaire    PM
Score +6
Yeah, 10 million gold or run away alive, I'd pick the latter. As many said before, dead people can't spend gold. To be fair if it's a do or die situation then I rather take my chances and fight my way out than to face a giant elf with absurd strength.
Posted on 17 May 2018, 15:04 UTC by:   AnimeAddiction    PM
Score +7
>watch masses of innocent people being thoughtlessly slaughtered
"Coffee break"

Damn I love uru
Posted on 20 August 2018, 01:38 UTC by:   EruniaGaia    PM
Score +23
This. This is karma for every elf that was raped, tortured, enslaved, abused, cuckolded, and killed unceremoniously with no chance of being saved from humanity's ceaseless greed and lust. Praise Prielle, she's both the hero we wanted, and so desperately needed! Thank you for delivering this to us, Uru! <3

Also, I wonder if the souls she's absorbing will be reused to give birth to new elves to rebuild their world once humanity's been completely obliterated? Still, SUPER excited to see more of this series!
Posted on 26 April 2019, 13:25 UTC by:   AnimeAddiction    PM
Score +20
btw elf princess 2 just got announced on his page
Posted on 28 December 2019, 06:55 UTC by:   civson    PM
Score +6
The biggest "why boner?" I have had to a guro manga. I like how the more souls she absorbs the more powerful and goddess-like she becomes. When she starts eating the audience you can tell she's flexing the fact she's a higher being.

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