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[JLullaby] Spookums [WIP]

Posted:2018-11-02 01:27
File Size:5.45 MB
Length:5 pages
Favorited:232 times
Average: 4.39

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 images

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Posted on 29 October 2018, 03:14 UTC by:   Hinoron    PM
Score +38
Creepy-ass porn for Halloween! Appropriate... a bit disturbing, but seasonally appropriate. :/
Alright, it's not going to be my favourite work by Jlullaby by a long shot, but I appreciate the intent. :P
Posted on 29 October 2018, 03:50 UTC by:   cg8    PM
Score +43
Intriguing I never knew a backward head would be that . . . convenient.
Posted on 02 November 2018, 01:48 UTC by:   BlackTanooki    PM
Score +10
@gr8 at least he didn't make the guy ear fuck the doll like he did with certain cat milf
Posted on 02 November 2018, 09:05 UTC by:   Asura_Otutsuki    PM
Score +6
ROBBOO sends me a private PM because he doesn't like the fact that I pointed out that the gallery he tried to use to snipe this one is a duplicate of this one because WIP images are extraneous content and so they don't count as 'more complete' despite what some believe. He said he's going to get my captainjerkpants gallery because I pointed out this fact that would've eventually been pointed out by someone else that wasn't me. Wow...

@ROBBOO: I know what PM is. Don't talk to me as if I'm an idiot. Besides, what I you said could have been put in the Comment section there was no need to privatize it. What's it about these words that you didn't want people to see:

"Make no mistake my friend = for your comment on the Spookums gallery you gonna loose your Captain Jerkpants gallery".

Is it how petty it sounded? I was just being vigilant and pointed out 'injustice' and you decide to 'splice' me for that.

ROBBOO's PM reply: 'All bets are off...'

So what, are you going to start sniping any galleries I chose to upload or update? I pointed out the fact that yours is a duplicate with content that does not add to the story at all and again, if I didn't do it, someone else would have done it or you would have done it to someone and laughed as they got their gallery expunged; but when people do it to you you cry fowl... wow; and you call people childish.

@ROBBOO: I can't start an expunge log because I've been restricted for a little over a year now, if I wasn't don't you think I would have done that rather than point out the reason for expunging in a comment box? And you say I'm an idiot; and I use this gallery because this is the gallery that will eventually stand.

Call me names and insult me all u want ROBBOO, doesn't change the fact that I was right to point out the Expungable offence you made, and the fact that you're being petty because I did said pointing out.
Last edited on 02 November 2018, 16:51 UTC.
Posted on 02 November 2018, 12:55 UTC by:   ROBBOO    PM
Score +28
A PM is a Personal Message and not to put in a comment section. == I wasn't trying to snipe anything, it was an almost simultaneous upload. That happens sometimes.
@ Asura_Otutsuki = This is not the place to fight out our differences = that's why i sent you a PM.

NOTE: I"m sorry about this VriskaSerket. This idiot seems not to understand how EH works. (If he was really sure about his claim, he could have started an expunge log himself, but no = he puts a comment on the gallery i made in the hope someone reacts to his claim). Right or wrong: you win some, you lose some.
I really don't understand why he uses this gallery to vent, instead of the gallery he is talking about.

Disclaimer: Asura and I have a history = his comments are out of context.
Last edited on 02 November 2018, 15:42 UTC.
Posted on 04 November 2018, 00:37 UTC by:   MilfHunterCougar69    PM
Score +16
Lul why argue about who uploads gallery first or whatever. I mean it is a good thing in case one of the artist galleries get deleted or something.

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