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[GrimArt] Tell Me More [Ongoing]

Posted:2020-07-30 08:16
File Size:76.80 MB
Length:164 pages
Favorited:894 times
Average: 4.37

Showing 161 - 164 of 164 images

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Posted on 30 July 2020, 08:16 UTC by:   Buy n Large    PM
Uploader Comment

Artist: GrimArt,

The artist doesn't want full resolution images posted, the link to his patreon is there.
The artist is not PK/GP. Please avoid discussion about this as it's getting old.
Posted on 19 September 2018, 17:00 UTC by:   ShowMehYaMoves    PM
Score +107
Caravan Palace vibes.
Posted on 23 September 2018, 03:54 UTC by:   bigtim11    PM
Score -9
Grimart is Purplekecleon right? Why the sudden drop in quality for the last couple of releases? The images are small, the detail is gone... It's just not the same
Posted on 23 September 2018, 04:04 UTC by:   noooo_oo_oo    PM
Score +15
Last one of these ( /g/1251140/e91db643a9/ ) there was this whole big thing about how he wasn't that person, and now three comments in here we got the same thing started again.
Posted on 23 September 2018, 20:23 UTC by:   Spyno41    PM
Score -2
So, we get a look into how much a shitstain, Spoochi is. good know. Hate the fucker already.
AND he's a contributing factor of an officer's death. Add another +10 to the scoreboard.
Posted on 29 September 2018, 20:57 UTC by:   tchubert    PM
Score +15
So what would Spoochi do if she simply didn't show up? Fire her?
Posted on 02 October 2018, 02:45 UTC by:   mdr33flame    PM
Score +82
Poochie needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine and
whenever Poochie's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Poochie?
Posted on 08 October 2018, 21:27 UTC by:   randomletterjumble    PM
Score +27
I appreciate it when an author carefully both avoids excessive technobabble and potential plotholes, while tacitly acknowledging how nonsensical the premise is, by having an in-universe character claim ignorance of how it works.
Posted on 08 October 2018, 23:16 UTC by:   IronHide77777    PM
Score +14
This is a fascinating story!

I would most definitely like to see this expanded to a running series.
Posted on 21 October 2018, 19:19 UTC by:   Rusco Istar    PM
Score -17
Grimart is obviously PurpleKecleon/PapayaKitty/GlitchedPuppet. Grimart appeared right when she got doxxed. The style is spot on hers, the panels are fucking big walls of text, the themes are "edgysexual" and the stories are stupid letdowns.

I wanted to believe this was a different person but since I saw how horribly Trust Me ended, even if this isn't PK, I'm not even interested anymore.
Posted on 23 October 2018, 03:48 UTC by:   qman55    PM
Score -17
PurpleKecleon is a genius.
Posted on 23 October 2018, 09:19 UTC by:   Buy n Large    PM
Score -4
I know Grim in person. He's black. Not a pasty white girl. Take your dumb theories out on someone else.
Posted on 28 October 2018, 21:16 UTC by:   IronHide77777    PM
Score +6
The plot thickens.
Last edited on 11 February 2019, 02:28 UTC.
Posted on 30 October 2018, 21:31 UTC by:   trapmaster101    PM
Score -2
>page 20
*tips fedora

also this dipshit draws far too similarly to floraverse/purpleKecleon to not be them, the eyes, pastels, mouth beans, and the square brush lines all point to her style, so this is clearly some alt she made.

edit: add, inability to draw arms correctly to that list as well
Posted on 01 November 2018, 21:40 UTC by:   Buy n Large    PM
Score +22
TL;DR bitch where



Just look at how many people copy Miles-DF, Wolfy-Nail, Poju, Falvie, Zaush, Nezumi for crying out loud. It's just no one's ripped off PK's art so blatantly until now. Also, the arms are fine in every page. Intentionally broken on page 23 because the robot is corrupted and janky. There's no bean mouth at all.
The eyes look nothing like how PK draws eyes. The pastels?What pastels. There's actual shading, value, and color variation. Compare it to PK's most recent comic on Floraverse.

Finally, there's a coherent story to GrimArt's works. No bitching, screaming, unbearable characters. PK has never demonstrated being able to write non-rape/non-hyper consensual shit. Along with inserting her disgusting fetishes.
Last edited on 18 November 2018, 07:03 UTC.
Posted on 27 November 2018, 05:46 UTC by:   Jsnick    PM
Score +6
inb4 it’s uncovered to be a ploy to over throw the cops and infecting there robots with roboAids
Posted on 02 December 2018, 15:38 UTC by:   IronHide77777    PM
Score +44
This is turning out to be one of my favorite intrigue stories on this site. :)
Posted on 28 January 2019, 18:17 UTC by:   Moglos    PM
Score +3
were boobs
Posted on 29 January 2019, 05:50 UTC by:   stealthg    PM
Score +15
whoops repeating images towards the end there.
Posted on 04 February 2019, 12:12 UTC by:   Buy n Large    PM
Score +6
Thanks for letting me know.
Posted on 05 February 2019, 06:51 UTC by:   IronHide77777    PM
Score +27

Go Bruce!
Last edited on 12 February 2020, 02:13 UTC.
Posted on 24 February 2019, 18:12 UTC by:   dreamzzz    PM
Score +0
Should this have the yaoi tag since it seems like Sol and Noc are both male presenting, or do robots not count?
Posted on 24 February 2019, 21:44 UTC by:   IronHide77777    PM
Score +6
You bring up a valid concern...
DO robots count?
Posted on 25 February 2019, 16:21 UTC by:   Moglos    PM
Score +11
were is boobs for this comic???
Posted on 10 March 2019, 22:24 UTC by:   IronHide77777    PM
Score +31
I think we need to be more concerned about the garbage disposal robot lady that is probobly offering to blow a guy. O.O'
Posted on 02 June 2019, 15:08 UTC by:   Moglos    PM
Score +9
better for female naked character
Posted on 25 August 2019, 03:26 UTC by:   Bedlam11    PM
Score -23
If you're not willing to upload images in the proper resolution then don't upload at all, maybe? .5 stars.

Also, as a disinterested bystander in this drama, this Grimart retard is clearly not even a tenth as talented as PK and is obviously not the same person.
Posted on 25 August 2019, 05:48 UTC by:   omnyomnom    PM
Score +11
No crap huh, Sherlock? It's Trunchbull/Shiney Desugoi's alt. And I can tell you that Trunch is MILES better than Purple Kuckleon.
Posted on 25 August 2019, 10:48 UTC by:   Moglos    PM
Score +5
add female nsfw
Posted on 25 August 2019, 15:34 UTC by:   Buy n Large    PM
Score +6
The artist stated if you upload anything but the size he uploads publicly, then it will be taken down.
Last edited on 18 January 2020, 11:20 UTC.
Posted on 31 August 2019, 11:33 UTC by:   glowingdemon    PM
Score +15
yeah nipples.
I never thought they'd show up.
Posted on 18 January 2020, 11:22 UTC by:   Buy n Large    PM
Score +6
Oof, I am WAY behind on updating this. The art style changed to save on time since too busy to do the higher quality render.
Posted on 18 January 2020, 12:30 UTC by:   nonotice    PM
Score +15
Oh so I guess purplekecleon still exists
Posted on 19 January 2020, 00:54 UTC by:   omnyomnom    PM
Score +26
It's Trunchbull. Not PK.

The difference?
Trunch wanted to separate themselves from porn at one point, so they took down everything NSFW under their name and put it under a new name, Mensies. They went SFW for a time, until they decided to go back to porn. ShinyDesugoi for latex fetish stuff, and Grimart for comics.

PK went full autism mode and took down shit on e6 after their character (that obviously looked male) was tagged male and not female:

They look similar because they both used the watercolor tool in software to color and shade.

Side note: I just realized how much Hexus and Straxus look alike. Head shape, horns, ears and eyebrows. Probably family I'm guessing.
Posted on 19 January 2020, 15:52 UTC by:   Moglos    PM
Score +5
why cenzuret vagine
Posted on 19 January 2020, 22:40 UTC by:   HikariNoKitsune    PM
Score -25
Idk about anyone else, but this thing really just, took a turn for the 'wtf'? As in, wtf is going on? suddenly nothing makes sense, nothing is following any logical timeline... just skipping and skipping around and random things happening that have nothing to do with seemingly anything and people just popping in and going ape shit and yadda yadda.... i can't make heads or tails of this anymore.... at first it was making some sense, and a story was being put together... but after the whole 'welp we fucked' scene, its almost as if a completely different person took over and has no clue wtf they're doing... there's no 'story' happening, just a lot of 'welp some time happened. welp this person is pissed. welp welp welp'.... not much story and not much sense being made.
Posted on 30 January 2020, 05:24 UTC by:   csw2661    PM
Score -6
Lower res?
Fucking censorship?

Posted on 08 February 2020, 19:15 UTC by:   Buy n Large    PM
Score +25
@HikariNoKitsune It doesn't make sense to you because you're not paying attention.

After they fuck, some people in the city are aware that Jonesy is now Straxuses girl and are being nice to her. This includes some cops in her department who I'm assuming are working for Straxus in some capacaty.

bowser is probably dirty and in on the other bad cops because Boggard told jonesy not to shittalk Bowser . not sure why he demoted jonesy yet, maybe he doesnt want jonesy knowing more about what straxus is doing by having all the details as a Detective?

Mico got mad because he doesn't pay the bill and it's a thing NYPD used to do where instead of paying the bill, they give special attention to the establishment where they'll respond quicker if a robbery or something like that take place. jonesy mad because Mico won't pay and won't let a fellow cop get away with it. they're probaly under straxus's control because the yelloweyed wolf Shicks is like "dont start things with Her because she's Straxus's girl"

Nocturne is getting raped (probably) by the crooked cops because they're mad she, a newbie robot, is climbing ranks faster than they are (Which is probably due to their own incompetance). They talked about it earlier in the comic to. don't know why she's not telling anyone. the yellow eye wolf Shicks who fucked her was probably talked to in the past by Straxus and told not to touch her.

why? remember back when straxus wasn't visitng jonesy like normal. after noc and jonesy completed the pink mouse case, jonesy says that Noc is looking happier than normal, and noc says that some of the other cops aren't around to "impede my work" look who impede Her work--Shicks raping her. when straxus come back jonesy asks what he was doing out of town and He says "Overseeing the retrainin' of some of my employees. Wastn too happy hearing some of the reports on them. Harassing fair servants of our great city" servaints of the city = public servant = cop

jonesy report back to bowser who then called deer guy who then killed yellow eyed wolf Shicks very next page because Shicks didn't stop harassing Noc, and boggart seems to know its shicks because look at how his face is hehe

IDK why Sol is in a coma yet

you weren't paying attention is why you mad.
Posted on 04 March 2020, 09:02 UTC by:   Megazord0h    PM
Score +9
Yeah, this can't be PK as the grasp on anatomy and color are too good.
Posted on 02 May 2020, 18:36 UTC by:   Vodhr    PM
Score +40
I really want to like this story.
Art is good... although best parts censored.

But the biggest thnig is, the pacing, the story is woahh... all over the place!
Got some cool concepts in it, with cool plot points - but the plot points are basicly attatched with chewed gum and elbow grease.

A lot, a LOT of interactions make NO sense.
Takes you quite out of the rythm.

I would prolly give this a 8/10
Mostly for the art, designs, and ideas that makes you want to keep going over what is a cool, but poorly paced and put togheter story.
Posted on 02 June 2020, 03:28 UTC by:   israelhusky    PM
Score +13
Man, I miss going to strip clubs so much !

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