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[Tora Shutsubotsu Chuui (Zelo Lee)] HIGH VOLTAGE (Mobile Suit Gundam Tekketsu no Orphans)

[虎出没注意 (Zelo Lee)] HIGH VOLTAGE (機動戦士ガンダム 鉄血のオルフェンズ)

Posted:2016-11-29 18:00
File Size:16.08 MB
Length:30 pages
Favorited:109 times
Average: 4.56

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Posted on 29 November 2016, 20:47 UTC by:   notknow    PM
Score +9
That game dev sucked
Posted on 30 November 2016, 02:08 UTC by:   Daisuke Mizugawa    PM
Score +10
Zelo lee, amazing work as always. I want to understand the plot tho, pls, someone translate it >.<
Posted on 30 November 2016, 10:49 UTC by:   toratora2    PM
Score +40
So the story takes place after Episode 3, Where Gjallarhorn's Crank Zent lose the duel with CGS's Mikazuki Augus, and at the end of the episode Mikazuki shot Crank, ending his life.

This is the aftermath, people from CGS is cleaning up the battlefield, trying to savage what they can from the battle. They're discussing what to do with Crank's corpse, when a car suddenly pulled up. And out comes the doctor that does the procedure for the Alaya-Vijnana System.

The doctor confirms with the guys that Crank was the pilot for the mobile suits, and the guys says yea, but you're too late, he's dead. The doctor replies, well, I don't know about that, and ask them if they want to earn a little something extra…

~30 days later~

In the doctors lab, we see Crank naked except for a pair of form fitting brief, hooked up to a machine in a chair. The doctor asks how is the test subject, the assistant said that the subject is stable, the artificial heart is working, with no irregularity. The doctor said, my finest work, if we can succeed with this experiment, then our work is finish! The assistant replies, the preparation for the final testing is finished, we're ready to start anytime. The doctor gives the go ahead.

Electricity runs through Crank's body, you can see his cock bulging in the form fitting brief. The flow of electricity stops, and the doctor said, this is perfect! A leap forward for the advancement of the Alaya-Vijnana System. My research will make those heretics regret, artificial organs, memory manipulations, my techniques are flawless.

And so, you are my greatest work! You, who were on the brink of death, I picked you back up. And thanks to you, I had the perfect test subject at hand. I think we were both lucky (to have met). The doctor was talking to Crank Zent as he was removing the goggle apparatus.

The CGS guys come to check on the doctor, asking if he's finished and said that the rental period is over, return him. The doctor said, But I still have so many ideas for him, how about you just give him to me? The leader replies that we can't do that, since there a line waiting for the old guy. The doctor sighs and says too bad, but let me give you an advice, this guy's not too stable, so be careful with him. The leader tells him to mind his own business…
The other guys lifts Crank out of the chair while the leader said, this guy was confirmed KIA, so no one's going to care about what they do with a dead guy. Let's have some fun, old guy. Gjallarhorn's soldiers killed our friends, so that sin will have to be payed back on you. As he said that, he took the alligator clip that was attached to Crank's left nipple and clipped to his half-hard cock.

The leader called for Tank to bring over somethings. There was a camera that was left there by the soldiers that came from Earth, and his Gjallarhorn uniform. The leader then tells Crank that they'll use this camera to record his humiliation, and tells the guys to dress him in his uniform. The leader continues on, saying with the increase of people viewing Gjallarhorn with hostility, videos of Gjallarhorn's humiliation is worth a lot in the black market. While he was saying that, the guys shaved Crank's face, and stripped him of his underwear (thong) and removed the catheter. Dressing him only in the Gjallarhorn uniform jacket.

With a gun to his head, Crank was forced to kneel in front of the camera. The leader laugh as there was no need to outfit him with underwear. He wonder out loud at where should they start with, the camera focusing on Crank's cock, and the leader uses his foot to play with Crank's cock. He then shift focus to Big and tells him to fuck his face, Big said, Huh? Why me…

Big strips off all of his clothes and stands in front of Crank, and tell him to watch his teeth. Big then pull his cock to Crank's lips, and Cranks start by licking it all over, and then takes it into his mouth. Some of the guys eggs Crank on, telling him he's doing great. Big asks how come this guy is so good/tame (depend on how you read it).

The leader answers, It's all thanks to the doctor, he had his brainwashing, and was taught strange things, so he can't help but do these things. Well, isn't better like this, since the doctor's also having his own fun. Big can't take it anymore, and cums in Crank's mouth, Crank chokes coughs all the cum out. One of the older guy razes Big about cumming too soon, and said watch and learn, kids!

He pushes Crank onto his back, spread his legs wide open, and starts to finger his hole. He then comments that even though he's old, his hole is surprisingly tight. Not long after, without any more preparations or lube, he position his cock at Crank's hole and rammed right in. Crank felt a shock right through his body, the fucker laughs and said his hole feels nice and tight. He then said that he's making a nice facial expression, and asks if he was thinking of rebelling. He also said that when he's making that face, it makes him want to fuck him even harder.

A guy with a white Mohawk goes to Crank's face and said that since the back is busy, let me use the front instead, and pushes his cock down Crank's throat. He commends how good Crank is and that he can feel his cock in the back of Crank's throat.

While Crank was getting spit-roasted, the fucker comments that even though Crank had his poker face up, they are getting some good moans out of him. The throat-fucker said even though his mouth is this full, he's not even panting. The fucker then said, this guy, he must like to be fucked. He must be feeling good with the way we've been fucking him…?

With that thought, they both cum. The throat-fucker said that felt great, definitely, way better than jerking off. The fucker agrees, and said that it was lucky that they were left on Mars. Now that we've got this great toy in our hands. We've gain more than just sex with him, there's no telling how much he's worth, with how lewd he is.

The fucker then notices the tablet next to Crank, and picks it up to read it over. He notices that it was an operation system. While he's looking it over, Tank points out that Crank's pecs are really big, almost like they're breasts. He reaches out with his hand to give it a squeeze, and said that it's a just a bit harder…?

Tank then strips naked, and climbs onto the table, putting his cock into the ridge of Crank's pecs, and starts thrusting, saying that he can't hold it back, let's give it a try! and laughs while he starts for fuck Crank's pecs.
All the while, the leader was filming every single deprave thing they were doing to Crank, he asks a blue haired guy why he's not joining in on the fun. The guy asks him the same thing, and the leader said probably the same reason as you. The blue haired guy thought, there's no way we're thinking about the same thing here…

Going back to Tank, on the verge of cumming, he moves closer to Crank's head and cums all over his face. The fucker, who was tinkering with the tablet shows the guys that with a push of a button, Crank's cock can become rock hard. Tank's amazed by it, and the throat-fucker is interested in this, and said let's see if we can make him cum.

Tank grabs Crank's cock with both hands and peels back his foreskin, he then said this is really big, bigger than anyone in our army. Crank moans as Tank stick his index finger into his urethra, and Tank asks him how do we make you cum?

As Tank continues to play with Crank's cock, the leader said that he's currently in Automatic Mode. The throat-fucker asks what's that? So the leader starts to explain that it's one of the doctor's program, in this situation, to get him to cum, all you have to do is to stimulate his hole.

Tank then said, of course, well, let's get to it… The guys pushes Crank off the table, with his back towards to table, and his ass exposed in the air. One of the guys said really hold him in place, just in case he tries to resist. Tank then position his left hand at the entrance of Crank's hole. Without much preamble, he punch his way into Crank's hole, while screaming let us see you cum!

And Crank cums all over his own face.

The leader ends the recording there, and starts uploading the video. Everyone got dress, and without cleaning Crank up, just plopped him back onto the chair and starts hooking him back up to the machine, cum is leaking out of his ass an onto the machine.

The leader said We've finish recording, the rest will be dealt with, he then said to Big not to mess with the wires. The fucker said it looks complicated, what's it for? The leader replies, brainwashing, wiping unnecessary memories. The doctor might think that his piloting skills are needed, but to us, it's nothing more than a nuisance. Nothing else matters as long as he know how to suck cocks.

The leader then sets up the mind wipe, and presses the start button. As the process starts, Crank physically tenses up. in his mind, we can see a virtual representation of him, naked, with images floating around him, a shock look on his face. As he marvels over his hand, the leader said, first we'll be taking over the control of his body.

Crank was examining his hand when it started to disappear, the leader said that he'll experience something like having his hands and legs amputated. For our friends that have lost their arms and legs in battle, we'll give that bastard a taste of that pain!

As Crank's hands and legs disappear, his cock started to get hard, and small tentacles started to appear from all directions. The tentacles spreads his hole, and grabs onto his foreskin, tugging on it. As that was happening, the leader said, next, is to inject the control program, which is difficult. He'll probably feel like something's continuously flowing into him, but for this guy, he'll probably just feel even more excited…

As the tentacles extends to the sides of Crank's head, the leader said, hmm, it's starting, the memory wipe, your life that was filled with sins will be erased so that not even a speckle will remain, so that he can't help but be happy, right? Looks like it's almost finished, you perverted old man.

As more tentacles wrap around Crank in the virtual space, in the physical space, electricity's arcing all around him, blood coming out of his nose, saliva drooling out of his mouth, and cum gushing out of his rock hard cock.

As the leader was about to confirm all of the changes on the tablet, he said, it'll be a waste to stop, now that we've come so far. He was just about to press the button, when the blue-haired guy grabs his hand and tells him, that's enough. You've already done enough, if you stop now, we might still be able to salvage the situation.

The leader smacks the blue-haired guy, and screams, are you out of your mind, isn't getting revenge on this bastard an undeniable justice? The blue-haired guy said, you're wrong, his hand is not stained with the blood of our friends. The leader asks him how would he know that? The blue-haired guy then said, if you check the logs on the mobile suit, you can plainly see that. That's why, he isn't someone we should revenge upon. All of this is just a personal grudge! The leader tells him to shut up, even if that's true, his family is Gjallar…
As the leader was saying that, Tank shouts, this is back, leader! The machine is short-circuiting! The bolts are also pass their limits! The leader said, damn that doctor! If he didn't just such shoddy materials… what about manual control? Tank said, I can't get any control! The leader said, Damn it! Where the hell did it go wrong…? (zoom into the cum leaking out of Crank's ass, as it overflow into the circuits of the machine he's sitting on…) The leader said, if this continues, the brainwashing program will wipe everything…

Suddenly, there a blackout, the leader realizes that they've probably overloaded the generator. In the dark, he can hear someone said, who's there… Ah! Old man, stop… Ahh! The leader said, What the hell? Where's it coming from? The guy continues to say, don't come any closer… AAHH!

The leader tells Tank to start up the back-up generator, and Tank pulls the lever. The can see Crank standing over the fucker, grabbing onto his tank top. And the leader swore. Seeing that Crank seems to be confuse, the leader grabs the gun in his back pocket and screams, Die! (Stupid…)

Crank grabs the goggle off his head and throws it into the leader's face. As he was distracted, Crank's soldier training kicks in and wrestles the gun out of his hand, twists his arm behind his back, pushes him into the floor and points the gun to the back of his head. Crank then tells him don't move, he then realizes that the leader was a child.

Crank asks the other guys, where he was, is he at the CGS? Crank asks how long has he been here? He estimates that he's been there for more than a month. Tank's shocked, and asks what does he remember…

The blue-haired guy steps up, and asks Crank to let his friends go, and that if he wants to go, he's willing to be his guide. Let's have a hostage trade. The other guys are panicking as they're not sure what to do…

The leader said, Don't worry about me, all of you, attack him! One of the guys said We can't do that, Leader. We're no match for him… The leader screams, Ahh1 You weaklings!

The blue-haired guy asks Crank, how about it, will you accept my offer? Crank smirks and said, it looks like I don't really have a choice.

-Scene Change-

On a mobile worker, heading away from CGS, the blue-haired guy informs Crank what he missed during his incarceration. Crank then said, Right, due to my selfishness, I've brought trouble to everyone… But young man, why are you helping me?

The blue-haired guy said that's… it's just that it's the right thing to do. Crank smiles and said, the right thing, huh… you said that right. The blue-haired guy then asks what does he plan to do, now that he's free?

Crank tells him that even though he has a subordinate that he likes, but he can't go back to the army. But, with how vast Mars is, I'm sure there is a place I can make my own. Well, this is where I like to get off, and starts fiddling with the hatch door.

Crank returns the gun back to the blue-haired guy, and said, if you tell them that you shot me down, there's nothing they can say. The blue-haired guy said, at least let me drop you off at the town.

Crank said, this is fine, I cannot shoulder anymore kindness, the next time we meet, I'll definitely return it. Thank you and goodbye! Crank then salute to the boy. He then walks off as the sun rises…
Posted on 30 November 2016, 19:22 UTC by:   elgringo    PM
Score +51
Posted on 01 December 2016, 16:17 UTC by:   mipp    PM
Score +1
Posted on 02 December 2016, 16:45 UTC by:   FigureGunplaFan    PM
Score +6
Wait, a doujin of Crank-nii?
Posted on 03 December 2016, 16:22 UTC by:   whereyou    PM
Score +9
Posted on 05 December 2016, 18:05 UTC by:   xia110101    PM
Score +5
Posted on 22 December 2016, 15:01 UTC by:   rabbimeng    PM
Score +5

Posted on 17 March 2017, 16:04 UTC by:   xiao sen    PM
Score +1

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