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[Ameshoo (Mikaduki Neko)] Rifujin Shoujo XV

[あめしょー (三日月ネコ)] 理不尽少女XV

Artist CG
Posted:2017-01-20 14:01
File Size:12.70 MB
Length:56 pages
Favorited:165 times
Average: 4.04

Showing 1 - 40 of 56 images

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Posted on 20 January 2017, 14:01 UTC by:   imerbozz    PM
Uploader Comment
Mikazuki neko's new work
Enjoy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Posted on 20 January 2017, 15:17 UTC by:   SilverSwordSS    PM
Score +6
居然已经出到15了Σ(っ °Д °;)っ
Posted on 20 January 2017, 23:00 UTC by:   MidnightPrince    PM
Score +18
I wonder if you can get his new other TSF work?, the bodyswap/gender swap one? his recent other one
Posted on 20 January 2017, 23:32 UTC by:   imerbozz    PM
Score -48
eh this one was enough work tbh
its not really fun doing this :(
Posted on 20 January 2017, 23:40 UTC by:   三日月ネコ    PM
Score +19
I write in 2P.
I wholly forbid the reproduction
and manufacturing of
my work without permission.
You delete this data.

No reproduction or republication without written permission.
Posted on 21 January 2017, 00:23 UTC by:   imerbozz    PM
Score -49
Hello minazuki
Sorry but i wont delete this
Just keep on drawing fam

You arent missing any money since you japanese dont care about western sales anyway
Posted on 21 January 2017, 00:28 UTC by:   三日月ネコ    PM
Score -12
I write in 2P.


notify the police

You do something that makes someone unmotivated this I make new work.
It's all your fault!!

I receive pecuniary damage your legal wrongs.
You must pay $ 1,000,000.
Posted on 21 January 2017, 00:43 UTC by:   Amuro1X    PM
Score +54

For fuck's sake, man, this is why we can't have nice things. The author himself is asking you to remove it, and the work is actually for sale on English DLsite.
Posted on 21 January 2017, 01:36 UTC by:   imerbozz    PM
Score -31
eh go ahead call the JDF while you are at it ^^

Dude wtf like cmon
Its like complaining about stealing anime on an anime streaming site that you use daily
Everything here is pirated (btw i bought it from dlsite)
Posted on 21 January 2017, 03:07 UTC by:   Xustan    PM
Score +6
Hello minazuki
Sorry but i wont delete this
Just keep on drawing fam

You arent missing any money since you japanese dont care about western sales anyway

***But you know every country can read this page***
Posted on 21 January 2017, 03:30 UTC by:   三日月ネコ    PM
Score -14
You don't have right this release free.
This right is have onley me.

You delete this data.
Posted on 21 January 2017, 04:57 UTC by:   asuke kuzaki    PM
Score +10
This is a weird body swap this is not gender bender according to the definition that e hentai uses
Posted on 21 January 2017, 05:47 UTC by:   Xustan    PM
Score -44
I'll help you report this gallery.
Posted on 21 January 2017, 12:21 UTC by:   imerbozz    PM
Score +32
you guys use a pirating site
and trying 2 play SJW's?
Something is wrong there
Posted on 21 January 2017, 18:16 UTC by:   Lu Bu    PM
Score -4
Well that last comment made up for the last few downvotes there @imerbozz

Though I am not gonna take one side or another, you do say some good things lmao
Posted on 21 January 2017, 18:21 UTC by:   laver6499    PM
Score +12
Last edited on 18 March 2018, 17:12 UTC.
Posted on 21 January 2017, 20:39 UTC by:   imerbozz    PM
Score +63
tbh just look at my second post how many downvotes i got

i just hate those hypocrites
beating their meat to this doujin and then after they are done want me 2 take it down
like what the fuck

If some of you guys are against pirating
Delete ur sadpanda account
Posted on 21 January 2017, 23:26 UTC by:   rtjkr    PM
Score +41
Posted on 22 January 2017, 03:07 UTC by:   superthing6    PM
Score -22
The difference is that the author is requesting the removal himself, and your response was just: "You're not losing anything from this, pfft." Yes, there IS piracy all over this site, but in a situation like this, where the author comes up himself and requests an action be taken on his own work, an action that you can very easily abide by, you show even more disrespect for the author. And at the VERY LEAST, if you were going to do this, leave some time for it, geez. Anyone from any country can indeed access this site, meaning you have no way of claiming that he isn't losing sales in Japan either.

Posted on 22 January 2017, 07:35 UTC by:   Maea    PM
Score -15
The point isn't that he did it, its that he's being flippant and a dick about it. Own up to it, don't try to mentally absolve yourself by being a pussy and making excuses about why. Everything tends to show up here and he should know that and can't let it get to him that there is piracy on the internet or nobody would make anything ever with that mindset. You're still being a dick in your response to him, though.
Last edited on 23 January 2017, 06:48 UTC.
Posted on 22 January 2017, 13:54 UTC by:   imerbozz    PM
Score +33
u guys are huge hypocrites
so you are telling me just because the author requests it we I should abide to what he says?

Thats not how piracy works
Posted on 23 January 2017, 03:40 UTC by:   lunatic09    PM
Score +14
He can file a proper takedown request if he's the real artist
but seeing that he's been trying to delete stuff since last year I doubt he has any clues
Last edited on 23 January 2017, 04:13 UTC.
Posted on 23 January 2017, 16:08 UTC by:   jeff12345    PM
Score +15
He is not the real artist as the Japanese government has been blocking access to various anime/manga/hentai sharing sites from japan for over 2 years now. Sad panda and e-hentai are on that list so unless he is using a VPN the artist can't access this site. Google it.

Edit: I was wrong check 4 posts down.
Last edited on 25 January 2017, 15:50 UTC.
Posted on 24 January 2017, 23:52 UTC by:   lunatic09    PM
Score +45
Looks like he's really pissed
He has every right to be, but on the inside I kinda want him to eventually give up, as this is the only way a CG set has any chance of getting a proper translation--last time an artist took galleries down on this site and did his own commission for English translations, the translation quality was shit and everyone was complaining (I think it was Aomizuan, can't exactly remember). And that really is the better case--most artists won't even do a commission.
Not to mention that I do enjoys free stuff.
But anyway, as long as 三日月ネコ doesn't make a proper takedown request and prove that he's really the artist, his stuff will probably be uploaded again, even if imerbozz deletes this gallery. And how many of his works are on EH? like 100+? While it'd be a nice gesture for imerbozz to take this gallery down as showing respect for the original creator, it's really for the better that 三日月ネコ goes through proper procedures.
Posted on 25 January 2017, 07:26 UTC by:   Slylee    PM
Score +20
Man, I wish I could read anime
Posted on 25 January 2017, 15:50 UTC by:   jeff12345    PM
Score +23
I retract my statement as it does appear that the blacklist does not seem to block sad panda, and Alexa says that there are twice as many visitors to sad panda from japan than america. Who would have thought. It does seem like he could be ameshoo and based on my minor moon rune knowledge he definitely is mad. From what he says he relies a lot on his porn for his bread and butter. I would care more if he didn't charge 800 yen for two images manipulated to make 54 images with different text and slightly different facial expressions and effects. But I do like his doujins that aren't image manips.
Posted on 26 January 2017, 03:30 UTC by:   三日月ネコ    PM
Score -19

全部 違法アップロードのせいなんだよ。

そっちが違法 こっちは合法なことしかしてないのに そっちにとやかく言われる筋合いは一つもない。
もし、高いとして 値段が安かろうとどっちみち違法アップロードするくせに。実際ほかのやつも全部してるじゃないか。

Posted on 26 January 2017, 12:37 UTC by:   imerbozz    PM
Score +11
can someone translate what he is saying?
Posted on 26 January 2017, 18:10 UTC by:   jeff12345    PM
Score +9
Last edited on 26 January 2017, 19:51 UTC.
Posted on 27 January 2017, 18:30 UTC by:   bismarckdrei    PM
Score +2
劲爆大象部落 大新闻啊
Posted on 31 January 2017, 13:11 UTC by:   laver6499    PM
Score -11
Posted on 05 February 2017, 02:31 UTC by:   wolfenstien    PM
Score -2

I've seen you pose before and you're one of the biggest hipocrits around. Stop pretending you think all artist are cool with having their work pirated until they tell you otherwise.
If they aren't getting your money they don't want you or anybody else who isn't paying reading it.
Either stand by and admit you're a pirate, or stop doing translations.
Stop trying to play both sides and kissing ass when an artist finally complains to you.
Posted on 07 February 2017, 15:00 UTC by:   TheEden    PM
Score +37
In the first japanese comment, he says he doesn't understand why he's being judged as he's the victim here, he can't really follow english very well and he doesn't understand why he has to wait hours to see this deleted even though he explicitly asked for deletion. As he spent months and a lot of money for his work, should be understandable he's pissed to see is work free to charge here. He repeats he's the victim and "we" are the culprits, so he doesn't understand why he has to lose time and money. Don't we get hungry if we get paid for an hour of work in a whole month? Also, it's clearly written in the second page that reprinting is forbidden, so it's just clear he's right. He ask again for deletion.

In the second japanese comment, he ask who has the fault for the high price of the release.He's the one that drawn with his whole dedication just to see his works illegally uploaded, saw his selling rates not going up and ended up losing interest in drawing another work. He has a shaking hand, but despite it he draw the whole work, but the selling went down and the price went high (not entirely sure about this part). The whole fault is on illegal uploads. "Here" is illegal, but while he is on the lawful side he gets no rights despise it. Even if something is costly or cheap, it gets illegally uploaded anyway. Basically it is true for everyone else (I guess he refers to other artists). Don't you guys try to change the subject. Cut it out.

This is a really rough understanding, and I probably got something off, but the idea is clear, he's really pissed and he gives to this the fault of his selling drop.

I personally have nothing to say in this topic, I just knew this would happen eventually. Most of them rarely give a shit about us westerns and most of the contents they make are aimed to just japanese people to enjoy. We do not have any rights to steal this, but most of the time we have no other way to enjoy their content in the regular ways. Just the language barrier is enough to stop us, since the english DL is plain shit.

Edit: I should also probably tell him technically we can't delete anything, there is no delete command in the Gallery manager and even Expunge would not make the gallery disappear, and that if he would translate and release his works in the English DL site, he would surely have some more selling.

@三日月ネコさん, ユーザーの私達は「削除」コマンドが持ってません。アップローダーもそんなことが出来ません。コメントに何度も削除リクエストされても、消えられません。Adminに削除リクエストしなければなりません。
Last edited on 07 February 2017, 15:30 UTC.
Posted on 16 February 2017, 01:56 UTC by:   mr DOTS    PM
Score +6
theres a "report gallery" button on the upper right corner of every gallery, within it you can select copyright infringement.

as for those who're in favor or against the uploader, i don't care, i'm just grateful i get to see these things on the net, i wouldn't even know Ameshoo's works existed if it hadn't been uploaded here.
Posted on 20 April 2017, 07:49 UTC by:   sgc_geh    PM
Score +8
Comments translated as best I can:
Posted on 24 January 2017, 02:55 UTC by: 三日月ネコ

I'm the injured party here. Why should I have to suffer being called a fake?
I'm Japanese, so my English isn't good and I can't form proper sentences in it. Is that any reason for my takedown requests to ignored?
I'm trying to tell you that this is a real problem, so delete the gallery.
I came to this site because of some other doujin artists notifying me of unauthorized uploads of my work happening here.
So many have been uploaded that I can't ignore it, and even though I've repeatedly requested that they be taken down, nothing has been deleted.
Literally dozens of my works are uploaded to this site, and I've put forth takedown requests on all of them. How long do you think it took me to do all that? Sure, one takedown request takes maybe three minutes to issue, but with all of my works being on this site, how long do you think that's going to take, huh?

I'm the injured party here. You guys are the wrongdoers. Why should the victim have to waste his precious time and money on this?

I'm the one suffering in this matter. I put in months of work on these, expecting only a few hundred yen per sale in return, and yet someone can just put it up for anyone to download, free of charge. Do you have any idea how furious that makes me?

Come on, now. You uploaded this without the second page - the one with the "Do Not Upload Without Authorization" notice! - in the gallery. It's totally obvious you knew exactly how wrong it was to do this.
Quit trying to spin this and just delete the material.

Posted on 26 January 2017, 03:30 UTC by: 三日月ネコ

Whose fault do you think it is that the price is so high, huh?
I slaved over this only to have it illegally uploaded. Thanks to that, I lost sales, and I lost my will to draw the sequel.
My hands are shaking too much to draw well, and it took forever to finish because of that. I had to raise prices to cover the time spent on it.

All because of some illegal uploads.

I've stayed completely within the boundaries of what's legal, and you guys obviously haven't, so what gives you the right to bitch about this?
Even if I were to take your complaints about the high prices seriously and lower the price, you'd still upload it illegally anyway, just like you do with practically everyone else's work.

Quit trying to dodge the issue. Just knock it the hell off already.

Yeah, I'd say he's pretty upset. There's not a lot we users can do about it, though. If he wants it gone, he really needs to go to the site admins.
Posted on 11 May 2017, 19:59 UTC by:   imerbozz    PM
Score -8
I think he just doesnt understand that he isnt really losing any money

Because his main income isnt the western folk
its just like with anime.The industry doesnt care about the west because the sells dont even account to 1% of the revenue
Thats why japan never cared about the western HUGE fansub scene
Posted on 13 August 2017, 04:04 UTC by:   VortexBeater    PM
Score -5
Posted on 13 August 2017, 15:58 UTC by:   OAOAO999    PM
Score -1
fxck ネコ

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