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[Jolly Jack] The Goo

Posted:2017-02-01 02:08
File Size:2.10 MB
Length:13 pages
Favorited:891 times
Average: 4.62

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Posted on 01 February 2017, 02:08 by:   Maximum_Joe    PM
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Freely distributed.
Posted on 01 February 2017, 03:28 by:   NHOrus    PM
Score +59
Gooest goo to ever goo.
Posted on 01 February 2017, 06:58 by:   manshadow3    PM
Score +33
I saw this thought I recognized the artist from sequential art then chacked the tags and saw that jolly jack is just another handle of his
Posted on 01 February 2017, 09:10 by:   sigfriedo    PM
Score +92
I dont know who's dumber
the lab assistant that touches a clearly biohazardous substance without protection
or the guy that hired her
Posted on 01 February 2017, 15:28 by:   ZeoUnit    PM
Score +30
Please, please let there be more of this comic. It looks to be interesting if continued!!!!!! *.*
Posted on 01 February 2017, 22:32 by:   Solipsist    PM
Score +28
This is surprisingly well put together for a western work, but not quite so when it comes to corruption. It has good depictions of slime and transformation, but there's no a tinge of tension within this work. In fact, the author pretty much removed any form of tension to be had by having the girls seemingly enjoy the idea of equipping the slimes with the most nonchalant attitude one can imagine. I can't even feel like they are reluctant / are afraid to take part of the experience, or that there's any form of grave consequence. They are so happy-go-lucky about the entire procedure that I feel like I'm watching post-facto bimbos who are so airheaded that they think everything is made out of sunshine, and just imagine to themselves that it'd be pretty nice being incorporated together with their cute slimes.

Proper corruption needs a sense of fear, tension. It also needs some build up, which is probably where a short comic will always have issues with, unfortunately. But it's hard to excuse how most of the script was written, even the last line was spoken by the apathetic boss girl, who pretty much make it seem like everything is under control, and she can revert the entire process easy peasy. In such a circumstance, if the author would to focus on that attribute, the boss's apathy, and show how she just dumps their bodies after she's done experimenting, and elaborate on how human life is nothing to her...That'd add to the needed tension, even if it comes after the act. It's something that one can build upon.
But seeing this author's past works, I somehow doubt he'd feel like creating another quasi-corruption story.

Cheers for sharing, Maximum, as always.
Posted on 02 February 2017, 00:57 by:   Clautrophobia    PM
Score +46
The last time I had a biohazardous spill I got a stern warning from my supervisor.

Why can't I get smokin' hot corrupted lab girls instead?
Posted on 09 February 2017, 05:41 by:   CharlietheCharlatan    PM
Score +46

I'd just vote for removing the corruption tag, if that's possible. The person who commissioned this comic commissions a lot of stuff in this setting and it's basically a sexy science lab so there's no reason for there to be tension.
Posted on 24 March 2017, 16:48 by:   Turbotowns    PM
Score +30
...Nice! I'd love to bond with those symbiotes!
Posted on 13 April 2017, 07:42 by:   Myikaros    PM
Score +20
This goo good than all other furry story. Moer story like this pls :p

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