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[Natsumemetalsonic] Naga's Story, Rika's Introduction to Vore

Posted:2017-02-27 14:42
File Size:32.12 MB
Length:52 pages
Favorited:1770 times
Average: 4.50

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Posted on 09 September 2013, 20:33 UTC by:   Crociere    PM
Score +133
art is really good.
however i dont mind the vore, its just slightly cheesy in this one. As it just escalated so quickly!

"Hey random person, I see you've been dumped by your parents due to becoming pregnant so young. Live inside my stomach!"

Posted on 30 April 2014, 04:07 UTC by:   Ezio45    PM
Score +338
awsome want more love vore. if thay dont die aww no 19 is makeing sad plz dont eat and than kill her just soft vore her :x
Posted on 11 September 2013, 10:32 UTC by:   errata    PM
Score +92
I like how this started out really dark, with an abandoned pregnant woman in a life of vagrancy, then out of nowhere a Naga shows up and suggests vore.

Also, her attire kinda clashes with her story. You'd think she'd take a coat and sell/hide her jewelry if she was really living on the street.
Posted on 17 February 2014, 06:34 UTC by:   Otaku4Noobs    PM
Score +168
anyone else a little turned on?
did anyboby else notice that there was more than one woman in the snake girl's belly?
Posted on 21 December 2013, 20:08 UTC by:   D u b b y    PM
Score +90
I kinda hope she ends up being turned into a naga/lamia at the end of the three months.

@Cridel .... the faawk? That's, ugh; and I thought guro was disturbing.

Also, to break the illusion: Sternum.
Posted on 22 December 2013, 05:15 UTC by:   Arma Sektos    PM
Score +78
The only negative I can give this so far is that it takes so long to get a new page out. That said, I'm surprised the vore isn't bothering me in this.
Posted on 22 December 2013, 19:24 UTC by:   trivialconquest    PM
Score +265
How can she talk with her mouth full?
Posted on 04 February 2014, 12:03 UTC by:   Bear1177    PM
Score +23
We want more
Posted on 20 February 2014, 06:54 UTC by:   Soldier A    PM
Score +39
Wait, who the hell is inside the naga's tail?

EDIT: ...oh, that's who. Huh.
Posted on 24 February 2014, 17:53 UTC by:   sef50    PM
Score +41
on the blog natsumemetalsonic you can read.

by Natsumemetalsonic, 3 days, 17 hours ago
Journals / Personal
Hello everyone, sorry for my pathetic English but I expect that you can understand all.

This commision is the favourite of everyone, the page 15 is not the final page, there is a really big script waiting for be drawing, so dont worry, we will have more Melinda in the future, but...

I was talking with the customer of this Commision and there is a big problem, it's possible he could lost his job the next month so he can´t affort the payment of this commision in this moment, so this commision will be in "pause", in the end of March he should know if He will have a job or not, so here is my proposal, do you want collaborate with donations for continue this commision?, if my customer lost his job the commision will be "paused" indefinitely but you can avoid that with your help.

I have put a "donation button" from Paypal in my blog, if anyone want collaborate please use it. I will report about the total of the money and the number of pages that I will draw here in the journals.

If in the end of March my customer preserve his work we will stop the donations and he retake the "payments".

So, what do you think?, I dont have more ideas to save this commision. If everyone prefer wait to the end of March and see what happens I´m agree too.

See you later everyone.
Posted on 30 April 2014, 01:45 UTC by:   hentailover70    PM
Score +28
I'm really liking this so far. There are VERY few vore-related comics where the victim (willing or not) doesn't end up extra fat on the body of the one who ate them. I'm eager to see how this ends.

Ooh, it's not ending with the birth? Consider me interested and intrigued. I look forward to seeing what happens to Rika's sister. >3
Posted on 27 April 2014, 05:24 UTC by:   NicoMartok    PM
Score +20
I'm not a vore fan. This is actually my first vore that I've read and I wasn't turned on in the least, but I am interested in seeing how the story goes.
Posted on 29 April 2014, 15:55 UTC by:   antisock    PM
Score +33
guess her sister is going to be digested.
Posted on 29 April 2014, 18:31 UTC by:   ThatGuy_35    PM
Score +30
she's gonna eat her fucking sister
Posted on 01 May 2014, 16:09 UTC by:   FieldsOfWeed    PM
Score +130
Another person in that building eats other people?! And apparently everyone is cool with it? And men don't exist as far as I can tell, as apparently herm girls walk the world. All things considered I'm fine with the genre until people start dying. Then its just kind of sad.

Edit: And now she has the daughter being digested... This is the point where any good mother would start punching/stabbing/shooting to get their child out and keep them from being eaten alive. This is also where I truly understand just how horrible all these characters actually are as people to not give as many fucks as they should that people are literally getting eaten/killed like its no big deal.

Edit 2: Now the stories just all over the place.
Last edited on 22 December 2014, 05:41 UTC.
Posted on 12 September 2014, 23:43 UTC by:   Joses1984    PM
Score +20
When do we get to see what happens next?
Posted on 25 October 2014, 03:20 UTC by:   yonko22    PM
Score +68
Wow pg 21 is a big time skip I wanted to see the bit in between that but man digesting the daughter wtf
Posted on 26 October 2014, 03:21 UTC by:   gir-is-great    PM
Score +34
I was really expecting one of two things, or both. One seeing rika getting plowed by a futanari or two. Seeing her sister becoming food or being pleasured before becoming food. Not a dang time skip to where her kid is teh one becoming food next. :/ So disappointed.
Posted on 22 December 2014, 13:22 UTC by:   ART65    PM
Score +107
The digested girl is actually making me sad.

The mother has sacrified a lot for her after all.
... yeah, i know i should'nt think too deep about it.
Posted on 22 December 2014, 23:54 UTC by:   ablock    PM
Score +28
Alas! An update!
Posted on 16 February 2015, 05:16 UTC by:   Somethings_Wrong    PM
Score +41
This is dumb, why can't vore be fun? Not all about "impossible to get out" digestion crap, who would basically want to kill themselves for pleasure? A fucking moron that's who
Posted on 19 June 2015, 00:32 UTC by:   megasean3000    PM
Score +45
An Update?!
It's been 3,000 years!
Posted on 22 June 2015, 00:56 UTC by:   ART65    PM
Score +21
If you have to die, at least do it with the first monster girl you known... Why this one ? : <
Posted on 22 June 2015, 14:12 UTC by:   Ogodei-Khan    PM
Score +83
Yes, let the monster who's eating you promise to take care of your infant daughter.
Posted on 23 June 2015, 09:20 UTC by:   Sippycup    PM
Score +33
Might be a while for the next page since its continuance is donation based as well as the artists whim on which story she counts the donation towards.
Posted on 19 October 2015, 15:14 UTC by:   Jarl Zander    PM
Score +22
When is this going to be updated? This is so amazing to stop now!
Posted on 28 December 2015, 14:51 UTC by:   Sippycup    PM
Score +43
6 more months till the next page.
Posted on 11 January 2016, 23:47 UTC by:   tsunamisan    PM
Score +33
She leaving behind her daughter which kind of makes it a sad setting even if she did say it would be taken care of.
Posted on 12 January 2016, 05:53 UTC by:   John_Thrust    PM
Score +25
If that's what ends up happen, I may commission an alternate ending. Not sure if I can.
Posted on 05 February 2016, 19:11 UTC by:   Sintel    PM
Score +52
I'm interested to see if she gets rescued.
Posted on 24 February 2016, 05:48 UTC by:   FarkyMac    PM
Score +20
@Hyperfapz0r no u /o3o/
Posted on 11 June 2016, 22:42 UTC by:   Joses1984    PM
Score +26
Please tell me this is not how you are going to end this comic. What about her sister and will thay get the mom back to the child?
Posted on 14 June 2016, 07:58 UTC by:   Lorisor    PM
Score +97
Sigh, the story tricks you into thinking it's all good...
Then the characters you get attached to are immediately(storytelling wise) eaten.

It started dark, got light, then returned to the darkness.

If it's going down the path of the mother and daughter you thought had a second chance being eaten then I'd rather it stop where it is.

I guess the point was to get you attached then fuck with your emotions. Kinda like NTR where they spend enough time getting you invested so the betrayal hits harder.

I wonder why people enjoy emotional destruction like this? Even if it is "only fictional characters blah blah blah etc etc".

Edit: Okay but this story is still telling. Vore is Love...which means it's still going to happen but there's going to be different connotations...but you can't change 'Death'. In the end, when you're eaten, you die. Let's see. "People die if they are eaten!" that about sums it up.'s nice, and sweet but you can't make Vore Vanilla, but it is a very decent attempt. It probably doesn't help the Vore Vanilla attempt that the characters aren't really as grounded as they could be, everyone's kinda 'Eeeeh' about everything. Even the Naga goes on this Moral tirade then immediately says "I'll eat you if you really want tho." you just took away from the entire situation ESPECIALLY when you consider the whole "Vore is Love" concept.

I think the entirety of the problem with this story stems from whether or not the story wants to be taken seriously or not. If it wants "Vore is Love" then it has to be played straight. It can't be wishy washy, if the written world IS "Vore is Love" then this is bad character development. If the character that's giving the "Vore is Love" speech is talking out of her ass and Vore is really just Vore 'Just Cause' then that's bad Storytelling.

I don't get that strong of a feeling from the "Vore is Love" speech because the buildup wasn't really strong enough, there wasn't enough time for something like that to set in. But I digress I'm essentially reviewing a Vore Comic trying to make more out of it than probably was ever intended.
Last edited on 02 February 2017, 17:02 UTC.
Posted on 15 June 2016, 04:01 UTC by:   snake520    PM
Score +41
This is why i generally turn off the western option while searching for monster girls. It seems that many western comics have vore. Why is that?
Posted on 22 June 2016, 03:52 UTC by:   biosnake3    PM
Score +27
@um0k1e Don't see how it's explained at all in those three pages.
Posted on 23 June 2016, 01:04 UTC by:   AmoraSilver    PM
Score +23

This is the source for page 21, explaining it is part of chapter 2 later on. Natsu only made it super early as a payment of sorts.
Posted on 30 July 2016, 18:06 UTC by:   MisterSinister    PM
Score +32
That JoJo face...You done fucked up now!
Posted on 30 July 2016, 18:06 UTC by:   Meridian92    PM
Score +21
Page 39: serious mode engage
Posted on 30 July 2016, 21:13 UTC by:   omegachavez    PM
Score +30
Page 39 Proceed to play Roundabout.
Posted on 29 September 2016, 02:52 UTC by:   Arma Sektos    PM
Score +37
Nice DBZ Cell saga reference in page 41. Bravo.
Posted on 29 October 2016, 04:44 UTC by:   Ogodei-Khan    PM
Score +32
Is that Vegeta on page 41?
Posted on 28 December 2016, 08:48 UTC by:   Loki The Flameshield    PM
Score +73
I feel like has gone on longer than it should.
Posted on 27 January 2017, 11:11 UTC by:   Xion Rabbit    PM
Score +52
pg. 48 I called it.
Do you see the amount bs being said? This should be a comedy.

On a serious note; Killing your lover is the ultimate form of love? Really? Like you dont see anything wrong with that?
Posted on 01 February 2017, 06:59 UTC by:   vincent darkfire    PM
Score +14
Page 50 sempai noticed her.
Posted on 04 February 2017, 06:01 UTC by:   Xion Rabbit    PM
Score +35
If you want a reason why people want a story that just doesn't throw reason out the window to satisfy an itch here is one: I'm sure the concept is foreign to you but, believe or not, people get emotionally attached to things. Even stuff that isn't real like characters.
Posted on 12 February 2017, 05:45 UTC by:   Dopplemaker7    PM
Score +7
There's the two extra pages. now to wait for more. I like reading this vore comic to pass the time.
Posted on 11 June 2017, 05:38 UTC by:   Blackbog69    PM
Score +4
is there ever going to be finished cause im pulled into this story.
Posted on 14 June 2017, 21:51 UTC by:   GGS    PM
Score +63
"Vore is Love"? More like Vore is assisted Suicide.
Posted on 22 June 2018, 20:54 UTC by:   Kusae Murakumo    PM
Score +28
There is a part two now out there of this story and it is on aryion right now. Takes place 18 years later

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