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[Chalo] Las Lindas (in progress)

Posted:2017-03-18 01:36
File Size:302.5 MB
Length:543 pages
Favorited:814 times
Average: 4.20

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Posted on 18 March 2017, 01:36 UTC by:   Tonny666    PM
Uploader Comment
An updated gallery with the most newest pages available and 4 others were missing. If something is not in the corret order or missing tell me.

Added 19 pages released between June & December 2013. Added 40 pages released in 2014.
Added 33 more pages released in 2015. Added 29 more pages released in 2016.
Added 2 more pages released in January 15 & 22. Added 2 more pages released in February 11 & 19.
Added 1 more page released in March 05. Added 1 more page released in March 12.
Posted on 21 June 2013, 15:20 UTC by:   Jammingonhigh    PM
Score +34
What's a paladin line killed
Posted on 22 June 2013, 17:13 UTC by:   DeadlyWolf844    PM
Score +42
This.... this is beautiful. The storyline is amazing, the artwork is excellent, I have not planned on sitting down reading this for this long. Jay Naylor has a run for his money
Posted on 08 July 2013, 03:05 UTC by:   Tonny666    PM
Score +76
@ DeadlyWolf844
Indeed this work is amazing but is NOT a Jay Naylor work. It's a Chalo work
Posted on 16 July 2013, 04:40 UTC by:   phage83    PM
Score +191

that's website and it has side stories with nudity
Posted on 17 July 2013, 04:09 UTC by:   yurilover121    PM
Score +63
Can somebody point out to me on which page/pages the yuri is here? Because I can't find it.
Posted on 02 August 2013, 06:04 UTC by:   nyankochan    PM
Score +38
There's a bit of a hint of it with one character who likes another but it may be one-sided. but yeah, that tag is really misleading....
Posted on 04 August 2013, 02:28 UTC by:   Aspada    PM
Score +155
I thought it was alright, but after that Miles and Taffy breakup, I thought it went downhill, they didn't get back together, that's what ruined it for me.

And the part where Miles had sex with Mora, and the WHOLE thing AFTER just got 3 pages? She wasn't mentally injured enuff for me to make it interesting, thought she should have cryed more.

Plus, the lines that get you into it, with all the suspense, they DO NOT deliver on what you want them to, they either just end slowly, or just FAST, that's it. Man this would have been sooo much better it it were just...More.
Posted on 08 August 2013, 00:02 UTC by:   Count zero    PM
Score +51
In response to Kuehnau:

Despite your discrediting "furfag" term at the end, you are mostly right. The story could be a lot better as proven by many other web comics, and overall it is obvious as a ploy to work heavily off of attracting a male crowd with big tits. The thing is.... this is not a furry only thing. Have you seen how much the japanese do this very thing with hentai and even "PG" rated content, or even european and american comic artists (ohh god.... so ugly) draw their shit too? If you want a good laugh, go look up some of the original pokeman manga that had misty (a 13 year old?) with mellon sized tits. The sad truth is this kind of low class cheap gimmick is used everywhere, and won't go away any time soon as long as people find it interesting enough to keep their attention.
Posted on 17 March 2014, 02:41 UTC by:   argentlupus    PM
Score +60
The artwork is admirable, it is just below Naylor and Perry in my books. The story a bit contrived at times. However I am enjoying it, I am up to Digit, she is just too cute to hate.

Edited for 8/21/13: OMG I SAW FEL from My life with Fel!

Edit 03/16/2014 (that's the bottom line): I am so enjoying Sunny's character. So spunky and adorable.
Posted on 08 October 2013, 02:34 UTC by:   wastedman    PM
Score +345
There is a lot of hints for adult content, but not much happening. Maybe it's a good idea to make an animation and watch it together on Disney channel.
Posted on 12 October 2013, 13:16 UTC by:   Saurian34    PM
Score +69
Ok! I read it in all, too much, too much like Archie conic comics, also way too much drama.
Posted on 13 December 2013, 18:15 UTC by:   provenshrimp30    PM
Score +55
holy shit this maybe better then the porn i was going to look up before i found this!
Posted on 26 April 2014, 05:03 UTC by:   Veral    PM
Score +19
448 is easily my favourite page so far
Posted on 05 April 2014, 01:11 UTC by:   will of abyss    PM
Score +78
I can't believe I came here looking for a fap-with-storyline and just kept reading with real's like when I started playing Monster Girl Quest XDXD

btw, #43 just made my day XD
Posted on 30 June 2014, 06:49 UTC by:   ohshiznit_90    PM
Score +31
@will of abyss


Came to fap, and instead spent the next 2 hours reading this with genuine interest lol
Last edited on 31 May 2016, 04:21 UTC.
Posted on 12 August 2014, 00:49 UTC by:   will of abyss    PM
Score +40
This comic had a very good base, but it wasn't well developed.
[spoilers ahear] But the part when Digit "dies" was acctually very good.
Posted on 06 October 2014, 19:04 UTC by:   maradeth    PM
Score +28
I first saw this comic a little over a year ago now.
While I thought it was interesting then(1-30pg), it wasn't until I came back much later (467pg),
that it has grown into something worth keeping an eye on.
I hope it continues to progress and grow in depth and character until the end of time.

Please keep up the good work, and I pray for a long life for "Las Lindas"
Posted on 13 October 2014, 08:31 UTC by:   Pedrobeartimon    PM
Score +20
That character on the bottom right of pg. 411, or was it 410, whatever, she looked like someone rather familiar from a different comic...
Posted on 27 October 2014, 08:39 UTC by:   tyty7023    PM
Score -10
Wow, this really got my attention from the start! Kinda unfitting for it to be on this site though, if you know what I mean.
Posted on 20 January 2015, 18:22 UTC by:   Haruhi13    PM
Score +1
not bad :)
Posted on 06 April 2015, 04:22 UTC by:   Arlis05    PM
Score +47
I came for porn but instead got a beautiful story that I read all day.
I came for porn but instead i got suckered into a love story with well rounded (hue) characters
I came for porn but didnt get it.
But you know what?
I don't care
I loved every second of it
I came a little from sheer bliss of finding a wonderful love story with backstory upon backstory (still wondering about the Sarah thing) at first I thought it was gonna be generic fap material after a few pages, but because the writer didnt put out it made me keep on reading, it wasent the artwork...well ok I lie the artwork helped, but I loved the story more than anything furry related Ive read.

Sir artist I tip my hat/take it off/bow to you! Keep it coming!
Posted on 18 May 2015, 20:39 UTC by:   guesswho000    PM
Score -6
not bad not bad at all
Posted on 19 May 2015, 05:41 UTC by:   Hardcore Genesis    PM
Score +14
One of the best "came for the porn, stayed for the plot" comic I saw till yet!
Posted on 29 May 2015, 13:45 UTC by:   maskyPegasus    PM
Score -11
the torrent link is fucking broke............hate those people never update it

please someone give me a working torrent???? hate reading it when the loading is so fucking slow
Last edited on 29 May 2015, 14:18 UTC.
Posted on 11 July 2015, 22:19 UTC by:   DeadlyWolf844    PM
Score +6
P 493: I dont get it, can someone explain pls?
Posted on 04 August 2015, 04:44 UTC by:   argentlupus    PM
Score +8
@DeadlyWolf884 What part do you not understand? The fact that Tootsie just poured her heart out and Alejandra asked "Oh how long have you felt this way?" or the part where we see her smirking a bit?
It was all a part of a small joke she played. Alejandra is not as foolish as Chalo wants to believe she is. She knew Tootsie was in to her. She was just poking a bit of fun at it.
Posted on 04 August 2015, 06:29 UTC by:   DeadlyWolf844    PM
Score +6
@ argentlupus yeah the part I didnt get was why tootsie just yelled "seriously?!" but I think i kinda get it now. Thanks
Posted on 09 October 2015, 20:22 UTC by:   CrystalMendrilia    PM
Score +1
Golly I remember Las Lindas, used to be such a great comic before they went all magic and nonsense.
Posted on 30 November 2015, 03:37 UTC by:   eric b    PM
Score +2
#385 is one of my favorites...
Posted on 08 March 2016, 19:56 UTC by:   DEATHBRINGER114    PM
Score -45
stop stealing his comic
the artist word really hard on these
Posted on 26 March 2016, 14:41 UTC by:   andreo    PM
Score +20
Page 497 [510 on this website] is not up right. ( )
Posted on 03 August 2016, 00:40 UTC by:   FakeFx    PM
Score +24
I usually don't give a damn about this comic, but could someone explain why he suddenly decided the naked lizard lady and the bull guy came from space? Did he just turn this into Battlestar Galactica, or something? Is the writer on crack?

Edit: Wait this was the story all along? The hell? And now it turns out that high prime thing is a god? There's spirits that live in bracelets? What? I thought TwoKinds was the worst of the worst, but this just keeps topping it. Not even boobs can save this.
Posted on 26 September 2016, 07:54 UTC by:   Firefer20    PM
Score +10
:( We need a Spanish Version
Posted on 27 December 2016, 06:46 UTC by:   Tungsten Seraph    PM
Score +13
If memory serves then yeah the plot has been post-post-post-apocalypse the whole time, with the "primes" basically following a sort of hivelike caste system based in empiricism as specific animals/bloodlines are better than others.

Tastes like hemospectrum.

I don't think they are literally descended from gods but rather just some really tought doods.

As for spirits they may just be like Digit.
Posted on 18 March 2017, 01:58 UTC by:   nosohelpfulguy    PM
Score +5
@page 543 Aw Yiss.
Posted on 18 March 2017, 05:21 UTC by:   SithLordOfDarkness    PM
Score +3
So this means that miles is going to get more "pussy" than before , or he's going to get owned at the end ? :p

Glad he's luck change
Posted on 23 August 2019, 15:36 UTC by:   Dos-Tree    PM
Score +13
"Gee I wonder why I dropped this comic befo-"
>Page 29
Oh yeah: she's a cunt. I had completely forgotten.

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