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[taniyaraku] Double Dare (rewrite)

Posted:2017-10-27 07:00
Language:English  RW
File Size:28.49 MiB
Length:26 pages
Favorited:653 times
Average: 4.05

Showing 1 - 26 of 26 images

Posted on 27 October 2017, 07:00 by:   bloodyred    PM
Uploader Comment
Artist: taniyaraku
Editor: Zaigo

A remote that can change features about someone's body

sorry geez, this is a rewrite (Not done by me)
Posted on 27 October 2017, 07:26 by:   gustave2017    PM
Score +15
Very funny and sexy, I like, more like this ! XD
Posted on 27 October 2017, 09:17 by:   Noni    PM
Score +38
The story idea is great, I want that remote control unit! Very hot scenes, too, I love how her boobs lie on the floor on p. 21, I can look at that pic for hours!
Posted on 27 October 2017, 09:51 by:   maverih345456    PM
Score +110
does anyone have the actual translation not rewrites?
Posted on 27 October 2017, 10:12 by:   Hikikomori Gamer    PM
Score +28
MC's bro actually turns out a bro at the end. NICE~
Posted on 27 October 2017, 12:21 by:   airindex    PM
Score +17
artist : 谷屋楽 taniyaraku is right

not taniuraka
Posted on 27 October 2017, 14:11 by:   antareja987    PM
Score +55
Isn't this the "fake translation" from /d/?
Posted on 27 October 2017, 14:45 by:   marc455    PM
Score +21
Wish there was a round two as well, nice story~
Posted on 27 October 2017, 15:01 by:   maverih345456    PM
Score +15
@ antareja987

Posted on 27 October 2017, 15:10 by:   MedNed    PM
Score +3
This isn't the 90s anymore we don't have tolerate rewrites. The issue with rewrites, especially if you don't mention that it's a rewrite, is that it comes across that you're 'stealing' the artwork of a better artist to make your script appear better, after all no one is going to look at your shitty story if it looks like a 5 year old drew it. "b-but I want to make a comic and I can't draw!" Then maybe you shouldn't and stick with stories, if you still want to insist, you can always just commission some porn artist to make a comic using your script as the base. That's what that tsf no F guy does and he's a true blood jap.
Posted on 27 October 2017, 16:05 by:   ast4    PM
Score +34
That's way too much japanese text to just skip. I've done typesetting and if you want to be lazy you can just white out the text and type english over it with a thick white stroke. You can do it just as quickly as a speech bubble without redrawing (though of course redrawing would be ideal). But ya this does seem like a rewrite.

Also where did those panties come from?
Last edited on 27 October 2017, 21:55.
Posted on 27 October 2017, 17:35 by:   Starwind08    PM
Score +34
I was afraid this would happen. Unless it was clearly made jokingly like some rewrites, I don't think a lot of people would put 2 and 2 together and actually mistake this as the actual translation. Which is why when people do this, it always made me feel uncomfortable and left a bad taste in my mouth. Kind of destroys the trust you have between reader and whoever wrote this if you don't make it very clear that these are fake translations. Kind of like what MedNed was saying, and what TFS No F (ironically, this being his work) was screaming at us for the past year or so about.
So yeah, next time, please make this clear that it's a rewrite or fake translations. Otherwise, this definitely feels dirty and like it's stealing.
Posted on 27 October 2017, 22:07 by:   MariSwann    PM
Score +34
I can't even express how much I laughed at @lljf2000 's post.
To think I came here to actually make myself available as a cleaner to fully "translate" the remaining Japanese text...
I just deleted this shit from my computer. I mean, art's good and all, being a TSF no F work, but it definitely feels very, very wrong.
Anyway, it was a good one, but it won't happen again for this "stolen" goods. Please clarify better when it's a rewrite as well, even if it'll only make me delete the shit out of my computer. I mean, fair is fair, huh?
Posted on 28 October 2017, 02:14 by:   King of bili    PM
Score +6
Posted on 28 October 2017, 03:51 by:   maverih345456    PM
Score +33
Seriously does anyone give an actual translation to this manga?
Posted on 28 October 2017, 10:29 by:   dnbdave    PM
Score +5
Murder all rewriters.
Posted on 28 October 2017, 18:32 by:   MedNed    PM
Score +6
I remember the thread on /d/ where this 'rewrite' was made. The guy who made it stated original manga that was used as a base didn't have gender bending at all. Maybe the mods were right about banning caption threads on /d/ after all, when you get down to brass tacks a caption is just a single page 'rewrite'.
Posted on 28 October 2017, 21:10 by:   lljf2000    PM
Score +6
Wow I guess my comment got taken way too seriously. I'm glad it at least made @MariSwann's day.
Posted on 28 October 2017, 22:37 by:   Starwind08    PM
Score +6
Though it is a rewrite, pretty sure it's still gender bending just from the visuals alone and that it's from TSF no F. Though kind of agree or at least see where you are coming from with the latter half of your statement with the caption ban mentality.
Last edited on 28 October 2017, 22:53.
Posted on 29 October 2017, 08:22 by:   weidenritter    PM
Score -3
We really should ban all kinds rewrites from the internet. They go against the authors intends. Decensord pictures too, they are practically graphical rewrites and will never be true to the authors originals. And fan translations. They are rewrites of the original text, never meant to be. And memes, those are evil rewrites. And we schouldn't republish the original online , most authors forbid it.

Or maybe we let the guy have fun, laugh about it or just ignore it. And all just be nice.

But most probably its futile and haters gonna hate...

PS: And a translation from japanese where they talk about fda laws... maybe a rewrite? ;)
Last edited on 29 October 2017, 17:42.
Posted on 30 October 2017, 03:13 by:   MedNed    PM
Score -19
@ weidenritter
We get it, you like terrible fap fiction that's pasted over somebody's else's work because you have shit taste. You don't have to write a thinly veiled post to justify rewrites to like them, mostly because we can see that the reasoning is bullshit and just wastes everyone's time.
Posted on 30 October 2017, 23:17 by:   lljf2000    PM
Score +6
nevermind this post
Last edited on 31 October 2017, 00:15.
Posted on 02 November 2017, 22:37 by:   TeslaHaxz    PM
Score +22
Lol, nothing wrong with rewrites, no need to be stuck up. Id rather have basically ad libbed english gender bender stories than none at all, like normal. And sometimes people who would be able to write a good story dont have the resources to commision art for it.
Posted on 24 November 2017, 13:17 by:   The Goat is Watching    PM
Score +35
Good lord, this comment section. lol
Posted on 07 December 2017, 17:00 by:   Rule63MePlease    PM
Score +11
Damn! I so badly wish I could have a remote like that. I would love to play that game, as well as many other games I have ideas for. ;)

Also editing out the Japanese text is not hard. Photoshop is your friend. :)
Posted on 07 December 2018, 22:42 by:   Not-Benny    PM
Score +6
Wish I could get that remote

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