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Artist Galleries ::: Contingency

Posted:2019-08-07 04:41
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Average: 4.09

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Posted on 07 August 2019, 04:41 UTC by:   ROBBOO    PM
Uploader Comment
You might want to watch this too : /g/954315/2d33bdcf2b/ (Two Sisters)
Posted on 05 March 2016, 19:03 UTC by:   Nightbringer777    PM
Score +2025
I don't understand how an artist can actually get worse at drawing things, like holy shit. His stuff used to be pretty good, but its just managed to become worse and worse as time has gone on. He's also dropped his best couples because he's so afraid of what some random person said to him on Tumblr. Fucking A, Contingency wound up being such a huge disappointment.
Posted on 05 March 2016, 22:59 UTC by:   dman69    PM
Score +621
Is anyone else feeling like Contingency has some issues with his family he hasn't resolved? I mean I can get incest once in a while but when it's all the time it starts to feel a bit freudian.
And seeing how a lot of his recent stuff is bashing fathers feeling like there are some resentment issues there.
Last edited on 24 August 2016, 20:31 UTC.
Posted on 13 July 2016, 02:48 UTC by:   r3dd0ssal    PM
Score +173
Too much yaoi in his recent work, and the black family doesn't interest me at all. Otherwise, it's more like he's been trying out a lot of new stuff (like non-human characters and weird colors). I don't think it's got necessarily worse, just different and not as much what I liked from his earlier works.

The two sisters stuff is great. The older incest stuff is great. Really, pretty much everything prior to late 2015 is great imo.
Posted on 16 July 2016, 19:55 UTC by:   The Dark Dragon    PM
Score +276
Another Contingency gallery? Fuck off. All these photos have been posted before and in a much better order than this garbage.
Posted on 21 August 2016, 05:32 UTC by:   Loki The Flameshield    PM
Score +158
Pretty sure nothing here is new
Posted on 04 October 2016, 07:23 UTC by:   vipersgts    PM
Score +269
This guy has fell off just garbage trash now shit look mad stupid
Posted on 15 October 2016, 10:16 UTC by:   shinigami_darkrei    PM
Score +354
Idk how, but his anatomy gets worse and worse
Posted on 15 October 2016, 14:10 UTC by:   YarnHorns~    PM
Score +327
The comments are now the best part of the gallery
Posted on 15 December 2016, 18:43 UTC by:   fuckyoudmc    PM
Score +314
This guy one of the artists I can say have genuinely gotten worse. Everything looks grimy and ugly now, his dicks look like gnarled knotted ropes now.
Posted on 31 December 2016, 21:08 UTC by:   dman69    PM
Score +240
@Loki The Flameshield
To be honest out of all the OC families this one is the worst, Rei's a unrepentant douchebag and borderline rapist, the sister's an unlikable bitch, the mother's a complete pushover and the father's a blind idiot who can't see the things that happen in front of him.
I don't know why Contingency stopped with the two sisters and their little brother frankly they were hotter.
Posted on 01 January 2017, 06:52 UTC by:   RabidTanker    PM
Score +254
Am I the only one here who prefers this guy's earlier work over this trash?
Posted on 01 January 2017, 19:42 UTC by:   myvi    PM
Score +220
I also think this new stuff is absolute shit, he always had an exaggerated art style but this stuff is just fucking awful.
Posted on 01 February 2017, 19:08 UTC by:   piyin    PM
Score +197
And... this guy with progressing bad drawing style... next time i will end up looking at a transparent plastic bag filled with lard... i mean one of his drawn asses.
Posted on 02 February 2017, 13:10 UTC by:   Universe22000    PM
Score +171
How anyone can get turned on by such a grotesque and trashy art style is beyond me. Looks so gross and unappealing.
Posted on 19 February 2017, 07:29 UTC by:   idontfuckingcare    PM
Score +266
I think the one image that got me following his work was of Colonel Moore from New Vegas.
Comparing that to his current work...holy shit it was way better.
What the fuck has happened to his style?
Posted on 09 May 2017, 19:08 UTC by:   gavare    PM
Score +94
I hate his new style. Mheh.
Posted on 24 May 2017, 10:18 UTC by:   blakfayt    PM
Score +147
I can't get behind this art style. Everything looks ... lumpy, even when it's not supposed to. Like everyone in this universe has an extra 100lbs on them if they aren't overly ripped.
Posted on 29 December 2017, 01:51 UTC by:   Spasmatic    PM
Score +128
it's rare an artist gets progressively worse over time.
Last edited on 03 January 2018, 02:13 UTC.
Posted on 28 January 2018, 12:04 UTC by:   DBH    PM
Score +230
I used to love this guy back when he drew the redhead family.
His new stuff is pretty awful.
Ignoring the obvious drop in art quality why do all of the characters have to act like such shitheads all the time?
It doesn't come across as degrading or "alpha" or whatever, it is just annoying, repetitive, and distracting.
Posted on 06 March 2018, 10:20 UTC by:   Bhaal29    PM
Score +188
Jesus...give him a few years and he'll regress to caveman wall-painting.
Posted on 08 April 2018, 14:41 UTC by:   Faggotlord69    PM
Score +99
I still like his art style. What I do not enjoy is the NTR shit. Disturbing and just a shit taste. I'll try and miss it as I can, just hope there won't be more of it.
Posted on 16 May 2018, 19:24 UTC by:   imnotapervdesu    PM
Score +279
I see he's becoming more and more obsessed with awful cuck shit.
Posted on 19 June 2018, 18:28 UTC by:   toasty56    PM
Score +272
The more cuckshit he posts, the less interested I get.
Posted on 20 July 2018, 02:07 UTC by:   lumpisan    PM
Score +134
I mean I love the art but fuck me if I hate the NTR cuck shit
Posted on 20 July 2018, 03:06 UTC by:   Zeikfried    PM
Score +122
There are some people you just shouldn't cuck. Namely people who can detach your jawbone from your head with their pinky finger.


Krillin. I was talking about Krillin.
Last edited on 07 January 2019, 20:31 UTC.
Posted on 21 July 2018, 21:53 UTC by:   Sle1nde1rma1n    PM
Score +117
Guess who I gave up on being a better artist.
Posted on 25 August 2018, 19:10 UTC by:   mrttao    PM
Score +132
From the number 1 comment:
>"He's also dropped his best couples because he's so afraid of what some random person said to him on Tumblr. " - Nightbringer777

Ok, now I am hooked. Please share the whole story. This is bound to be hilariously amusing in a trainwreck kind of way
Posted on 29 August 2018, 17:57 UTC by:   Nekohunter33    PM
Score +177
lmao shitty cuck
Posted on 04 November 2018, 15:51 UTC by:   dman69    PM
Score +106
I miss when he did stuff with that kid who had the goth and blonde older sisters, but now he's just regressed into being another cuck artist who looks they're intentionally drawing with the wrong hand.
Posted on 04 November 2018, 17:24 UTC by:   imnotapervdesu    PM
Score +220
Should change his name from Contingency to Cucktingency.
Posted on 05 November 2018, 17:22 UTC by:   FlamingZombiez    PM
Score +196
On page 65, the artist spent more time drawing the guy's arm hair than the girl's pussy.
Last edited on 10 May 2019, 11:15 UTC.
Posted on 23 November 2018, 02:26 UTC by:   Nightbringer777    PM
Score +198
Man, he's gone off the deep end. First his art style went to shit, now he's posting that cuckshit. What a disappointment.
Posted on 06 January 2019, 01:13 UTC by:   Slothulu    PM
Score +146
at this point this guy has some serious issues he needs to work out.
Posted on 06 January 2019, 01:16 UTC by:   Loki The Flameshield    PM
Score +243
(sigh) I really don't want to bash this, since I still have a soft spot for Contingency's works, but it just gets less enjoyable as time goes on.
Posted on 28 February 2019, 03:25 UTC by:   nowaydude97    PM
Score +102
Or maybe a lot of us are former fans that tolerated the cuckshit because it used to be relatively rare. It was still occasionally done, but his art style itself made up for it along with the fact that there was a good balance of other stuff that was genuinely hot so the cuckshit could be ignored relatively easily. Now it's all he fucking does. I think it's clear that he's got some serious fucking issues.
Posted on 28 February 2019, 20:33 UTC by:   Enbu    PM
Score +172
The cuckshit is only half of why I think this artist sucks; the first is he's gotten lazier and more exaggerated with the shitty lips and body structure. It's telling when an earlier iteration of his work was better.
Posted on 02 March 2019, 00:43 UTC by:   Balrog De Morgoth    PM
Score +133
Calling someone with arms bigger than your head a 'manlet' and acting dominant while he could litteraly just clap you away on a conceptual level really make no sense, it make even less sense when the girl herself can tear through you like paper, Netorare really doesn't work (well, it never works but it's even worst in that case) when both the guy and the girl can solve the situation by just snapping their finger.

It being all cuck shit and the degrading quality of the art is already bad but if it's bad and nonsensical even for cuckshit; it really mean you've reached rock bottom.
Posted on 31 March 2019, 02:18 UTC by:   thekiller2413    PM
Score +125
@CelestialNTR It has nothing to do with vanilla faggotry. The art has just gone to shit over time. One of the few artists that lost the ability to draw as they kept going.
Posted on 31 March 2019, 02:40 UTC by:   RabidTanker    PM
Score +144
FFS, he got Midna's skin color wrong.
Posted on 01 April 2019, 12:22 UTC by:   rayven01    PM
Score +198
What happen to this artist ? !, There used be good all differant genes. Now it's all this cuck crap...
Posted on 02 April 2019, 16:59 UTC by:   sirtan    PM
Score +135
LMAO, when the comments on a hentai page are dedicating to roasting the artist, I'm dying!
Posted on 19 May 2019, 15:10 UTC by:   akigawa    PM
Score +86
The worst fucking thing about this is the captions.
Posted on 21 May 2019, 02:19 UTC by:   Enbu    PM
Score +117
That feeling when his older and better works are drowning in a parabola of Nok sculpture faces made out of cheap rubber getting NTR'ed poorly, with many of them being uploaded fucking twice. For those wondering, the competent shit is in the exact middle (pg 5)... hiding in shame due to being better proportioned and less hideous and those being far older works before he died of lonely hearts and made his art shit out of spite.

Love how his best work is actually almost impossible to find via thumbnail now.
Posted on 22 May 2019, 11:04 UTC by:   Kazeduwag    PM
Score +121
Your complete missing the point as to why people are upset. Nobody cares that you or anybody else likes cuck shit. We're upset that his art went to shit and that he's a total fucking sperg.
Posted on 23 May 2019, 12:39 UTC by:   Will2493    PM
Score +109
bad enough there's normal ntr and cuck shit but when you ntr the wincest...yea you can get stuffed
Posted on 24 May 2019, 09:55 UTC by:   DudeDudeDudeDude    PM
Score +123
Feels kinda weird seeing beastboy getting cucked, him being able to transform into a literal horse and all.
Posted on 13 July 2019, 18:42 UTC by:   kieyzo    PM
Score +73
im just here for the comments. thier more amusing than the art thats in this gallery.
Posted on 17 July 2019, 13:39 UTC by:   fivestarasylum    PM
Score +61
This shit is garbage talk about a fall from grace.
Posted on 01 September 2019, 19:29 UTC by:   Bastrap0    PM
Score +3
Guess that happens for drawing cuckold/NTR related stuff

Get fucked Contingency

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