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[Tori no Oishii Tokoro (Torisan)] INUNO EROIHON Vol. 02 ~Kairaku x Bouryoku ni Yugamerareru Tsukurareta Seigi no Kokoro~ [English] [Digital]

[とりのおいしいところ (鳥三)] INUNO EROIHON vol.02 ~快楽×暴力に歪められる造られた正義のココロ~[英訳] [DL版]

Posted:2019-12-10 08:45
Language:English  TR
File Size:350.0 MB
Length:27 pages
Favorited:802 times
Average: 4.16

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Posted on 10 December 2019, 08:45 UTC by:   imanidiot42    PM
Uploader Comment
I present possibly the most amateur translation you ever did see. This is my first attempt at one and, since I don't speak or read Japanese at all beyond knowing what a couple of symbols sound like, have done this using google translate and a lot of interpretation lol. If you see errors, please comment so I can correct them, especially regarding tenses or syntax (Japanese and English grammar don't get on very well), or any big mistranslations/interpretations. As with everything I post, I made this for myself and am sharing it here for anyone else who might be interested, but if the original creators, or anyone representing them, wish me to take it down, I shall.

Original: /g/1462516/05eeec2566/

Edit 1 (10/12/19): Thank you all for the feedback, both positive and negative. I have made the edits as recommended by Daimmo3dma and I do understand that a translation from google isn't fantastic, to the point that this currently having far more than 2 stars quite surprises me, and generally poor practice. I wouldn't normally have posted something like this (more for the original creator's sake than my own) but the whole reason I did this in the first place was I'd been waiting since August to have any idea what was being said and figured something would be better than nothing for those in a similar situation. As such, in lieu of an alternate translation, I have resolved to leave it up for now, but will remove it when/if a better, more professional one is produced.

On a side note, I do not edit or create images anywhere near often enough to justify both the expense and time required to "learn photoshop". All I can say regarding the image quality is I tried my best, and, as the theme of this post goes, know that it's not perfect, I'm sorry.
Posted on 10 December 2019, 00:11 UTC by:   Vile Mk 2    PM
Score +39
Do two favor to everyone: 1. Learn japanese, 2. Learn photoshop, then try it again.
Posted on 10 December 2019, 01:23 UTC by:   subz3ro    PM
Score +26
Well i finished reading and there was minor mistakes here and there but overall was ok. Google translate as time goes on get better but not perfect still and you tried to fix that with those interpretations. The editing on text and font could get some work to the normal we are used to see but that is better ask those people that do that.

It is welcome to see new people try translate so don't feel discouraged and keep trying :) you will get better as time goes on and then you will look back in time on your first translation and laugh ^^
Posted on 10 December 2019, 01:51 UTC by:   putinho1    PM
Score -43
Do two favor to everyone: 1. Keep translating, 2. Ignore dicks, and keep going.
Posted on 10 December 2019, 04:48 UTC by:   daimmo3dma    PM
Score +750
>"Keep translating"

I can respect the uploader for his disclaimer, but it's not something that people should be defending. You might be thinking that you are doing the world a favor by putting this out, but it's just a disservice/disrespect to the original work in my opinion, if piracy isn't already. There are already too many uploaders on here who either couldn't translate or couldn't edit but still try to do both. We shouldn't encourage someone who could do neither like this.

Since you asked for corrections, here's some I found just skimming through the first few pages:
JP: まさか奴らの狙いは同じアンドロイドの私?
EN: Wait, are they here for the people in my care ?
Rough translation: Don’t tell me their target is me, a fellow android?

JP: いや、だとしても彼女らを救い出し負の連鎖を止めるためなければ
EN: No, it’s my duty to protect them!...and to end this horrific cycle!
Rough translation: No, even if that’s the case I must salvage them (the androids not the city’s people) and end this chain of events

JP: この機体は実質御主人様に掌握されたと同義となっております
EN: Not that that should be a surprise, this facility is synonymous with converting captives after all. (I honestly dont know how you or the machine translation even get to this from the jp)
Rough translation: This body is in all senses under your thumb, Master.

and various other off-tone, off-sense wordings...

I know with the improvements on AI and whatnot, it's easy to fall into the impression that you could just make do with it. But translation, and translating japanese in particular, is just not that simple. And this is just addressing the translation issue, not the editing one.
The other guy is 'downvoted' for telling the uploader to learn japanese and editing, while it's curt, I dont see how it can be considered "dick". Those are perfectly valid suggestions if you truly care about the work in question. One should be learning either one of them, if not both before doing this. I dont see how it's unreasonable.
Posted on 10 December 2019, 05:05 UTC by:   Aeson    PM
Score +652
Don't take any praise or support seriously unless you can verify that the commenter knows what they're talking about. A lot of praise for translations on this site is for the English itself and not the accuracy, so all you can be certain about is that your English isn't terrible. If you wish to continue doing this, you really ought to learn Japanese.
Posted on 10 December 2019, 10:58 UTC by:   onenightes    PM
Score +102
"has is" I don't think that you need to learn just Japanese and Photoshop, but also English too.
Posted on 10 December 2019, 21:10 UTC by:   Gaiadrill    PM
Score +60
The difference in scores between your comment and the other guy's shows that it's not just the message itself, but how the message is delivered. There's an ocean of difference between "you suck git gud lol" and the thoughtful reply you gave.
Last edited on 11 December 2019, 06:40 UTC.
Posted on 10 December 2019, 21:29 UTC by:   rhudson765    PM
Score +2
I have a lot of bounties that need translating. You could work on the smaller ones while you improve
Posted on 10 December 2019, 23:20 UTC by:   ron_hayato    PM
Score +171
The issue with "google translation and guesswork" types of translation is that without at least some grasp of how Japanese grammar works, it's useless. You might as well do a full rewrite making everything up.

Also fuck these comments who just want things to be in English even if the translation has nothing to do with the original. Look at the raw pictures and read a completely unrelated text erotica instead, it will have the same effect.

Also, the problem with doing bad translations even if you mean well, is that an actual translator who knows what they're doing will be discouraged from taking on the same project. There's tons of stuff with well meaning garbage translations that never got retranslated. The mentatily of translating something to "pick up interest" so someone better may do it is completely misguided, in case that played a part in you wanting to translate.

If you want to translate, start by learning basic Japanese grammar. If you at least know basic nouns and sentence construction you will be able to use google or other translators as dictionaries, not as something you have to "interpret". It's still not ideal, I think people should only translate from languages they understand, but it would be a closer translation than MT guesswork, and it would also help you get better at understanding Japanese, so go for it.
Posted on 11 December 2019, 02:14 UTC by:   UberNimrod    PM
Score +13
You can practice by translating "group:mousou caution$" works. No one is working on those, and they really need translating IMHO.

I will agree with ron_hayato in that the translations need to be at least close in spirit and intention to the original. Anyone can do what I call an "Idiot translation" of something. Making up a story instead of translating the original is just a waste of time.
Posted on 03 January 2020, 11:16 UTC by:   q91    PM
Score +19
Use tools like Rikai-chan/champ/kun to hover over the japanese text (works on google using firefox)
Posted on 13 January 2020, 07:29 UTC by:   Kurisu_Makise    PM
Score +13
When are we going to get a proper translation of this butchered work?

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