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[Softcore Works] [Wild Life Game] Lesbian Explorer: The Jungle Cow [ON-GOING]

Posted:2020-07-07 08:22
File Size:497.6 MB
Length:112 pages
Favorited:139 times
Average: 2.71

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Posted on 07 July 2020, 08:22 UTC by:   goola123    PM
Uploader Comment
Luna explores an exotic jungle filled with vile creatures.
Posted on 03 June 2020, 07:27 UTC by:   Idison    PM
Score +56
- softcore works
- Wild Life game
Posted on 03 June 2020, 08:25 UTC by:   Stevester    PM
Score +27
I believe the introduction in her character bio is redundant. I understand she's a lesbian, so you obviously don't need to tell me that she doesn't like men. You could tell the woman she like or her personality.
Posted on 03 June 2020, 09:07 UTC by:   goola123    PM
Score -24
Steve out here expecting a detailed bio for a porn comic lmfao.
She's a lesbian that doesn't like the bodies of men, it's not redundant, it's simply reaffirming that fact.
Her being a Lesbian is very important later on in the comic hence why I titled the series "Lesbian Explorer"
Last edited on 03 June 2020, 10:23 UTC.
Posted on 04 June 2020, 02:12 UTC by:   supaice    PM
Score +6
The creature should had chopped her head off and eat her before she wakes.
Posted on 04 June 2020, 08:30 UTC by:   Stupidkiller    PM
Score +18
Would it kill you to actually give credit for the visuals, rather than plaster your shitty brand all over it as if you made it?
Posted on 04 June 2020, 08:51 UTC by:   lewding-your-waifu    PM
Score +11
jungle cow
Posted on 04 June 2020, 16:49 UTC by:   goola123    PM
Score -13

Quit being a dramatic little bitch. Not sure where you're seeing my "brand" plastered "all over" I have a little text on the bottom right of the title that says "Softcore Works" and my "brand" is not seen anywhere else in the rest of the pages. So please go be a little drama queen somewhere else. As someone already stated with the first comment, the visuals are from Wild Life.
Posted on 05 June 2020, 10:39 UTC by:   Stupidkiller    PM
Score +5
It's right in the title of the gallery you fucking dingus. And the fact that someone else had to tell where the visuals come from does not exempt from doing it yourself you imbecile. The likelihood of someone missing that comment are a lot higher than them seeing your stupid name on it.
But hey, what else do I expect out of someone that's so incredibly creatively bankrupt that they HAVE to piggyback off of other's work in order to even get noticed.
Posted on 05 June 2020, 17:14 UTC by:   goola123    PM
Score -38
Wild Life was added to the title so you can shut the fuck up already, Karen.

You do realize that the creators of the game WANT people do be doing stuff like this so it spreads the message about the game correct? All 3D models and Locations have to come from somewhere in order for 3D Comic Creators to begin their work. Is a painter "not creative" because they didn't create their brush from scratch? Because they didn't create their paints from scratch? Because they didn't create their canvas from scratch? No. A painter is creative based on what they do with the tools provided to them.

Seriously, go outside, quarantine has you locked in your room typing a bunch of stupid shit. I don't see you uploading shit, so I'm really wondering who the creative/non-creative one here is.
Last edited on 07 June 2020, 03:29 UTC.
Posted on 07 June 2020, 01:44 UTC by:   HelenaGuardian    PM
Score +3
Any plans to do something with Zuri?
Posted on 07 June 2020, 03:29 UTC by:   goola123    PM
Score +9
Update for June 6th:

Sorry for everyone wanting more progression in the story, this update was mostly going back and fixing some of the gifs/scenes up some more. The Gifs should be of higher quality now and loop better. I also went back and re-did some of the scenes involving the male jungle creature, that whole sequence should be much better now. Expect more progression in the story either tonight or tomorrow. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment here and I will get back to you.


I have plans for Zuri or another similar creature in the near future.
Posted on 07 June 2020, 10:38 UTC by:   HelenaGuardian    PM
Score +9
Well I look forward to seeing that as well as where this one goes.
Posted on 07 June 2020, 18:48 UTC by:   goola123    PM
Score +7
@ HelenaGuardian

Thanks! Any feedback of how you think the comic is going so far would help!
Posted on 07 June 2020, 18:58 UTC by:   HelenaGuardian    PM
Score +3
Well I find it odd you seem to backtrack instead of progressing the story. But other than that small oddity I like where this is going so far. I do wonder though do you record footage from the game then make screenshots and gifs?
Posted on 07 June 2020, 20:20 UTC by:   goola123    PM
Score +1

Backtracking & re-doing pages and gifs isn't something I want to become the norm, but as this is my first 3D comic, I'm learning as I go and soaking everything in. I would hope that I do things "right" going forward and do not make mistakes/errors so I can just focus on progressing the story.

Yes, I record footage in-game and I make gifs and screenshots out of them.

For anyone interested in providing feedback and keeping up-to-date with this comic and future comics, feel free to join my new discord.
Posted on 07 June 2020, 20:27 UTC by:   HelenaGuardian    PM
Score +3
Well I like what I see so far. Any idea of when the next update will be? Also as a side note I'm glad to see more of this game being used I wish there was more stuff that used it.
Posted on 07 June 2020, 20:54 UTC by:   goola123    PM
Score +1
I've linked a discord server I just created which will make it easier to discuss the comic & future updates. Feel free to join.

From now on, the comic will be updated ONCE PER WEEK

Up until now, I have been updating the comic daily, or every 2-3 days, and upon reviewing this pace, I have determined that it is not beneficial for the long-run.

Wild Life is the game I'm using for the characters and location. The game updates around once every 3-4 months. This means that if I keep to my pace of updating the comic daily, or every 2-3 days, the comic will be completed in around 2 weeks

I do not want to start my next comic until the game updates, so that would mean Sitting around waiting for several months

I want to keep busy, I want to keep you guys looking forward to something every week, so I don't want to blast through the comic and then sit on my ass for months. This is why I believe keeping to a weekly pace is beneficial for everyone.

Expect a comic update every weekend. Thank you!
Last edited on 14 June 2020, 14:59 UTC.
Posted on 17 June 2020, 16:00 UTC by:   elistraee    PM
Score +8
uh, wait, a real cow? i thought it would be more like a minotaur or just a slang for huge tits
Posted on 17 June 2020, 17:05 UTC by:   goola123    PM
Score +7
Nope! a real god damn cow!

Please join this new Discord if you are a fan of my work.
Last edited on 07 July 2020, 08:23 UTC.

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