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[Borba] The Longest Night (Zootopia) Ongoing

Posted:2020-07-19 00:30
File Size:7.61 MB
Length:26 pages
Favorited:235 times
Average: 2.73

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Posted on 19 July 2020, 00:30 UTC by:   moximoore    PM
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Added Pages 18 - 26
Posted on 22 January 2020, 05:09 UTC by:   Muffdiver884    PM
Score +105
Oh here we go. I'm ready for this to be memed to hell and back.
Posted on 22 January 2020, 08:04 UTC by:   neo48126    PM
Score +16
ima give it a chance, Borba did say that he do a NSFW comic maybe this is it
Posted on 22 January 2020, 22:56 UTC by:   Airogrup    PM
Score +82
Ah Shit, Here We Go Again.
Posted on 25 January 2020, 05:22 UTC by:   xcar    PM
Score +125
Now to see how Borba ruins again our favorite furry couple.
Posted on 25 January 2020, 17:16 UTC by:   supersensei    PM
Score +35
Nick has become a pimp.
Posted on 28 January 2020, 02:24 UTC by:   Lerianis    PM
Score +23
I wonder if Judy is going to have to face a few hard facts: That many of these prostitutes get into this because they do not have the stamina or physical makeup or skills for anything else and some of them, as IRL, simply enjoy sleeping with a lot of different men!
Posted on 29 January 2020, 02:28 UTC by:   stealthg    PM
Score +40
Hey, this looks really nice.

This borba artist sounds familiar, I wonder what other things he's ma--- oh it's this guy.

Still looks promising though, so I'll give it a chance.
Posted on 31 January 2020, 16:05 UTC by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +22
As a couple of arctic animals, wouldn't these girls be perfectly comfortable in something a little skimpier? I would imagine that Tundratown would be tricky enough to work what with it being so damn cold (who's gonna go out looking for pussy at this time of night when it's freezing balls?). Shouldn't this polar bear and arctic fox be wanting to show off everything they can legally get away with?
Posted on 01 February 2020, 06:18 UTC by:   MasterJaba    PM
Score +16
It has to do with the allure of what you AREN'T seeing. That and it looks cute on them.
I'm hoping we get to see some tiny rabbit dude get the Polar Bear gals company though.
Posted on 02 February 2020, 01:09 UTC by:   Trig_The_Purple_Fox    PM
Score +22
Here we go again...
Posted on 02 February 2020, 10:31 UTC by:   ssassaa    PM
Score +37
I was wondering why this was getting so panned. The characters are really cute and the art is pretty good. And then it all became clear when you realize who the artist is.
Posted on 02 February 2020, 12:20 UTC by:   SSSdriver    PM
Score -21
To be fair, I think people took that abortion comic WAY out of proportion... They acted like the artist was a convicted child murderer or something, I've known way worse artists than this guy.
His art is quite good and the situations he draws happen IRL (maybe not as extreme, sure).
Last edited on 21 June 2020, 17:08 UTC.
Posted on 02 February 2020, 16:46 UTC by:   Samael Cross    PM
Score +17
The problem is not the comic in itself, people would laught and forgot this even was a thing
The real problem is the artist/autor of this anthology as asshole who many times said he do that because it`s drama and the original movie is weak in this departament
Posted on 08 February 2020, 17:46 UTC by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +12
Also, I know that standards concerning the practical applications of fur is different in this world (considering how Judy didn't immediately arrest Nick for the selling of the fur rug made from a skunk......'s butt), but still... this polar bear wearing a fur coat (dyed RED, no less) just looks horrific. Are you ladies sure THAT'S not scaring away your clientele? It looks like sexy Leatherface is working this corner.
Posted on 08 February 2020, 18:50 UTC by:   Mr.Sal    PM
Score +6
Oh boy now I have to see where this goes.
Posted on 10 February 2020, 00:12 UTC by:   Nimbus21    PM
Score +18
Isn't this the guy who did that moronic abortian comic?
Posted on 11 February 2020, 08:49 UTC by:   meep123    PM
Score +24
@Samael Cross If that's the case then this guy is weak in this department as well. Those 2 comics we all know were all drama and little to no reality to it if he was going that way. Like no sense what so ever.
Posted on 17 February 2020, 17:54 UTC by:   theblackmage    PM
Score +11
@RobDollar I like to think of it as weave or extensions. They already live in a world where basically different races ate each other, being ok with fur clothing isn't that absurd.
Posted on 18 February 2020, 02:21 UTC by:   MagicalJuko    PM
Score +12
The Longest Night? It's the longest pacing.
Posted on 21 February 2020, 20:16 UTC by:   GBirkin    PM
Score +35
Why I feel that Page 11 is just teasing and we won't really get to see anything... like all Borba comics ever?
Posted on 21 February 2020, 21:49 UTC by:   Nimbus21    PM
Score +41
Yeah, thats probeble. I'll give it a 80/20 chance that its just a tease. We will likely get a shot of her back and the Bear Broes having a cartoon moment.
Posted on 22 February 2020, 05:44 UTC by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +18
11 - $200 paid off in 4 easy installments of $50? I remember this one scene where Miko Lee was playing a hooker who charged a guy $800 for her services, and this was 15-20 years ago, so you can adjust that for inflation. Not an expert here, but I'm PRETTY SURE this lady's giving you gents one hell of a bargain here.
Posted on 22 February 2020, 22:14 UTC by:   Nimbus21    PM
Score +47
This thing is being posted on deviantart, and I've not seen much in the way of hardcore on there, though I haven't been looking much I supose, but I don't think there will be much win in this one.

Edit: Feb 24. New pic out. I like to say CALLED IT! I so fucking called it!
Last edited on 24 February 2020, 15:29 UTC.
Posted on 25 February 2020, 20:58 UTC by:   Tonythekat    PM
Score +53
Borba stated this comic was going to be NC17, and like everyone else out there I was doubtful. But the latest page proved to be a tease disappointing all of us wanting to see some bear boobs. It's a 99 percent certainty the rest of the comic will be just as PG13-rated tameness. The art is first rate but Borba is simply incapable of doing anything of erotic explicitness. Hopefully, as the story progresses, I may be proven wrong. But I'm not going to hold my breath.
Posted on 26 February 2020, 14:06 UTC by:   theCircle57    PM
Score +19
"NCs17" is media-shorthand for "a sex scene looked close enough to real sex (instead of just artsy movie sex) and lasted long enough for someone to get too flustered over it to rate it an R".

The most vanilla 2-second porn loop would be considered NC-17.
Posted on 14 April 2020, 15:46 UTC by:   Dante-McPixel    PM
Score +6
The only thing it makes me feel better is that post Borba made of a possible Sequel of Born to be Alive, where Nick is in a graveyard and Judy is crying in his arms, and we have a third character in back, possible is the fox girl Judy fell in love meaning that she is regreting of abandone him. Well one way ir other all we can do for now is wait, to see if the things will back to normal.
Posted on 16 April 2020, 23:13 UTC by:   meep123    PM
Score +18
I'm open for anyone doing a rule 34 on these 2 ladies to spite Borba.
Posted on 18 April 2020, 21:08 UTC by:   rencen    PM
Score +6
Guys, if you really want to see some polar bears fucking then check out Elton Portilho "Polar Delight" or "Christmas Swing"!
Last edited on 12 June 2020, 11:00 UTC.
Posted on 10 June 2020, 02:21 UTC by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +2
16 - Try to catch snowflakes on your tongue. It's depressing! ^_^
Posted on 10 June 2020, 06:20 UTC by:   Samael Cross    PM
Score +6
And borba keeps on rolling
Posted on 23 June 2020, 10:53 UTC by:   Slytherin    PM
Score +9
I would take the beautiful vixen for the night and might keep her of the street for the best time of her life
Posted on 30 June 2020, 07:20 UTC by:   Grid Radio    PM
Score +19
More character assassination incoming, in 3, 2, 1...
Posted on 19 July 2020, 04:38 UTC by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +50
"I think he had the time of his life with me."
Sure would've been nice if we could SEE it.
Posted on 19 July 2020, 14:48 UTC by:   digifan7    PM
Score +7
Well we finally got some nudity but no actual porn; but, based on this artists other work, I have a feeling that Nick is going to kill himself and she's going to get blamed for it.

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