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[Bottle Ship Bottler (Kazakura)] Sanshoku Hirune Tsuki TS2 [English] [MetuNeng-Zero] [Digital]

[ボトルシップボトラー (夏桜)] 三食昼寝付きTS2 [英訳] [DL版]

Posted:2020-10-03 17:05
Language:English  TR
File Size:34.67 MiB
Length:38 pages
Favorited:1931 times
Average: 4.39

Showing 1 - 38 of 38 images

Posted on 03 October 2020, 17:05 by:   Kaito sakine    PM
Uploader Comment
This is our first work, yeah someone actually brave enough to commisioned us.
So it's kinda bit in a hurry.
If you have any advice, don't hestiate to tell us to improve our works quality :D.
Posted on 03 October 2020, 17:50 by:   THDragon    PM
Score +504
I see 2 major problems with this work (from an editing standpoint): the typesetting and the cleaning.

First off, your cleaning is horrible. Nearly every bubble I see has leftover text that you didn't even bother to properly clean out. Most likely, you used a brush tool, but didn't turn the brush's opacity up to 100% which leads to you missing stuff. This example I'm about to show you is from page 10. I found and circled in green all this leftover text still in the bubbles:
I shudder to think about what I would find in the other 30+ pages. Make certain your brush opacity is set to 100% and clean out all parts of the bubble, not just the parts you feel like cleaning.

Second, your typesetting is equally atrocious. The font you use is one called Felt, which is not a good font at all for typesetting. In fact, you couldn't have chosen a worse font besides Manga Temple and Anime Ace. It's ugly and bulky, 2 things fonts shouldn't be for typesetting purposes. Fonts such as Wild Words, Victory Speech, CC Meanwhile, Zap Raygun, and many, many others are far better suited for typesetting.

A third point I wanted to make was that every text box that I see in this comic is because you were too lazy to redraw the background art. Every square box in the comic is proof that you don't care about your commissioner, because you didn't even bother to read up on editing tutorials on how to properly clean, typeset, and redraw background art. You're not even trying to hide the fact that your project that somebody paid you money for is a lazy cash grab and you hoping your commissioner is oblivious enough not to notice.

If I were the commissioner, I would ask for my money back because your editing (and quite possibly your translation as well) doesn't even come close to justifying somebody paying a single cent for it. Before you even embark on another project, read up on basic guides on how to properly edit from EHCOVE:
I hope you improve your work, but from what I've seen, your work definitely isn't worth paying for in its current state.

@newzealand I've linked to EHCOVE, which should be visible to more people. Outside of the LWB official channel, I don't really use Discord, so thanks for the heads up.

@Mihawk76 You got fucking burned, plain and simple. In other words, you've wasted your money on garbage. Scanlations are never a good source for translation practice, and this doujin shows exactly why: it's chock full of unnatural dialogue, which makes it impossible to enjoy. Even a casual fan who occasionally reads doujins online can see the quality is severely lacking compared to works from other, more established scanlation groups out there like the Little White Butterflies, Team Koinaka, Red Lantern, and White Symphony, just to name a few. Look at their works, then look at this godawful piece of shit again and you'll see a clear difference in quality that even a blind person can see. 10 years ago, this scanlation might've been acceptable, but today, in the year 2020, it's unacceptable. More people should expect and demand better from scanlations in general, yourself included.

@deckard09 I was speaking from an editing standpoint. I should've clarified at the beginning of the comment because my expertise stems from being an editor for the Little White Butterflies scanlation group. As such, my criticisms are focused on the editing aspect of projects I comment on. Sorry if there was any confusion, but yeah, this project is so bad, it's not a burning house that's on fire, but the entire city block. If there's any native or fluent speakers of Japanese that wants to chime in on the translation as well, go ahead, because I know almost no Japanese.
Last edited on 08 October 2020, 21:43.
Posted on 03 October 2020, 18:32 by:   newzealand    PM
Score +20
@THDragon Just linking the channel doesn't actually let people find it unless they're already in the server.

Part 1: /g/1242886/f43e7fd9a3/
Part 2: /g/1747625/d46c70ef0a/ (here)
Posted on 03 October 2020, 18:37 by:   LineArk    PM
Score +36
I feel like it might be a bad idea to give people recently turned into girls by some weirdo sex change disease full-time jobs getting railed by old dudes. Are they supposed to be immune or something? Is there a vaccine? Or do these old men just have a perverse desire to turn their manhood inside-out, going down dicks blazing into a recently TSF'ed girl's womb.

This whole year has played havoc on my tolerance for TSF disease stories that end with this bizarro forced prostitution.

Good art. And yeah, translation is a bit rough.
Posted on 03 October 2020, 19:04 by:   Larequirem    PM
Score +74
if you wanna go that deep in the hentai plot
there is no disease, this guy's futon has power of gender bending
proof from part 1
and then part 2
two guys sleep in the same futon with both of them suddenly genderbent the next morning
coincide ? I think NOT
Posted on 03 October 2020, 19:27 by:   LineArk    PM
Score +56
Okay, you got me. I'm a TSF Futon Truther.
Posted on 03 October 2020, 20:21 by:   Boomer30569    PM
Score +272
What is it that makes so many people see a guy with no portfolio whose advertising fails to contain even a single grammatically correct sentence and think "yes, this is who I want to hire for my English translation needs"?
Posted on 03 October 2020, 21:08 by:   qweewq11    PM
Score +12
I don't get it, his own brother send him to that place ?!
Posted on 03 October 2020, 22:26 by:   galio12    PM
Score +241
Nothing is bigger letdown than getting excited about a freshly translated comic only to see how poorly translated it is.
Posted on 04 October 2020, 06:20 by:   Lin84210    PM
Score +29
For the love of god, if even the poster's comment has noticeable grammar errors, then you know that there're going to be problems.
Posted on 04 October 2020, 07:51 by:   Mihawk76    PM
Score -97
@THDragon Actually I was the one commisioned this one. The tler actually want to practice tling stuff, and because there is a fav doujin of mine that is not tled for a long time so why not. And while it's not perfect and has many lacking part I am quite satisfied with the result. As they said if you want to quality you need to pay more but with the amount of money I paid to them getting this is still quite satisfying. Though I do hope they can improve the quality of their work.
Posted on 05 October 2020, 04:01 by:   IngmarS    PM
Score +83
@Mihawk76 The problem with your "good enough" attitude — and the reason why everyone here is complaining, I think — is that since a translation is already done, it's now less likely that anyone else will spend the resources to do it -properly-.
Posted on 08 October 2020, 05:25 by:   deckard09    PM
Score +80
@THDragon Man this is borderline unintelligible at some points the grammar is so bad, and you think the "two major problems" are the typesetting and the cleaning? Not saying that you're wrong, but it's like complaining that the drapes clash with the carpet when the entire house is on fire.
Posted on 14 October 2020, 20:52 by:   Bfodler    PM
Score +29
@Larequirem It's really obvious in those pages you linked that the TSF happens because of the drink/vitamins.
Posted on 06 November 2020, 10:11 by:   lljf2000    PM
Score -79
I'm just happy to see english text.
Posted on 15 November 2021, 15:48 by:   karavanrob    PM
Score +20
@THDragon, adding to all that shit, x1280 downsample was used as well. Terribad.
Posted on 26 December 2021, 15:00 by:   Agent Bun    PM
Score +16
Posted on 04 July 2022, 03:58 by:   Scumbini    PM
Score +84
Rough grammar
p3 brother apartment -> brother's apartment
p4 or he's -> or is he
p5 is there something happened -> did something happen
about you something about you -> about you
I subconsiously speaking -> I subconsciously spoke
p6 introduced by -> introduced to me by
a woman -> a woman
taken care -> taken
pervert things -> perverted things
p9 someone with -> people with
p12 uncle partner -> uncle's parther
p15 awright -> alright
p16 such vulgar -> such a vulgar

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