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[MeowWithMe] Strange Records 4

Posted:2021-06-29 19:39
File Size:122.0 MiB
Length:32 pages
Favorited:614 times
Average: 2.92

Showing 1 - 32 of 32 images

Posted on 29 June 2021, 19:39 by:   MeowWithMe    PM
Uploader Comment
if you like my artwork,
please considering supporting me on Patreon:

Any amount is appreciated! Even $1 means I will be a step closer to my goal
none is fine as well, come read either way!
Posted on 20 January 2021, 16:06 by:   IngmarS    PM
Score +264
It's amazing how you always manage to have 4–6 pages of a story done when you initially post, just enough to get up to the start of the transformation, and *then* the story becomes ongoing with *maybe* one page a week so that you keep getting bumped to front page over and over again. As if your stories are not actually stories and are instead just recurring advertisements for your Patreon.
Posted on 22 January 2021, 20:53 by:   rantnrave    PM
Score +138
I think the 4-6 pages of story are because it would be highly rude to post just one image to start a gallery.

But I agree with the assessment of IngmarS, when this author's material has "only-on-patreon" censors, or does not actually yet-contain the material stated to be within it. As I post this, there is no gender bender, transformation, a tiny suggestion of maybe-having-mind-control, and no feminization or maid-related material.
Posted on 02 February 2021, 03:30 by:   John Abbany    PM
Score +74
Eh, I think Patreon "Ads" and "bumping" are fair game so long as it follows the site rules. After all there's nobody forcing you to buy anything and you can certainly block by artist tag if you don't like this behavior.

Though, personally, I do think that in cases where this site is being used by the original artist specifically as an advertising avenue, that the usual courtesy of "no more than two updates per 30 days" should apply (even though they are technically exempt). (In fact many people do follow this by doing monthly updates and from my observation do tend to not get these kinds of comments complaining.......
Posted on 02 February 2021, 07:07 by:   KZGerald    PM
Score -100
Back then purchasing Japanese hentai was almost impossible to support the artists but now you can support them easily. So why are some people still pretending hentai grows out of thin air? People need to buy them so creators can keep making them. It's fascinating how consistently people can sound like weird entitled man-child.
Posted on 03 February 2021, 18:08 by:   Pliny the Younger    PM
Score +189
So long as “ongoing” becomes “completed”, I do not mind at all. It’s the “ongoing” that never get labelled “sample” that we should direct our ire.
Posted on 05 February 2021, 03:57 by:   IngmarS    PM
Score +3
@KZGerald There is always someone who reads only half of the words and therefore misses the point. Thank you for fulfilling that role here.
Posted on 11 March 2021, 21:03 by:   occo    PM
Score +51
Yeah.. The 'ongoing' titles that gets constantly bumped with my preferred tags irks me to no end.
Posted on 08 April 2021, 05:40 by:   NewhalfIsMale    PM
Score +10
need boobs
Posted on 09 April 2021, 00:36 by:   zfhhu54    PM
Score +2
Posted on 10 April 2021, 15:59 by:   QuaggWasTaken    PM
Score -100
If y'all don't like MeowWithMe posting delayed and sometimes censored versions of their content (content which they're graceful enough to not force you to pay for, even though it's their livelihood), just block the artist tag, don't be a dick about it for no reason.
Posted on 10 April 2021, 16:39 by:   IngmarS    PM
Score +31
@QuaggWasTaken That's like saying it's okay to send junk email because we have email filters. It's still an abuse of the system but who cares, right?
Posted on 16 April 2021, 17:08 by:   QuaggWasTaken    PM
Score -80
@IngmarS It's not abusing the system for Meow to post their content here under the ongoing tag. You just don't like that it's either censored or the public release is delayed. There's nothing about that against the rules, or anything that's disagreeable from any reasonable standpoint. Meow makes this art for patreon supporters, and then releases it later to the public something like a week or two later per page. You don't seem to be getting on to other creators who are doing the same thing on here, it seems to just be Meow, wonder why?
Posted on 16 April 2021, 19:23 by:   IngmarS    PM
Score +81
@QuaggWasTaken I don't "get on" other creators because I don't look at every gallery. There are dozens or sometimes hundreds of new galleries created each day. Do I have to be omniscient just to have an opinion? That's nonsense. I watch certain tags, and among the creators who regularly post with those tags, MeowWithMe is by far the worst.

Also, don't you dare presume the "real" reason why I'm objecting. Frankly, MeowWithMe's works aren't very good, or at least they don't appeal to me, so I really don't care if they're censored or delayed. If MeowWithMe posted their works in full, I would ignore them entirely. But as I've said from the beginning, I object because the relentless and shameless promotion of MeowWithMe's Patreon is objectionable. Three or four different "ongoing" works constantly getting bumped to the top of the pile… c'mon, it's ridiculous.

Those are bogus arguments, anyhow, meant to distract from the real question: can something be technically within the rules but still an abuse of the system? I say yes, and in fact it's that sort of abuse that people find most frustrating. It's the old "letter of the law versus spirit of the law" argument. Just look at the scores and the other comments besides mine. People feel in their guts that it's wrong but nothing is being done about it, so they're speaking out.
Posted on 17 April 2021, 19:32 by:   Chroomsh33    PM
Score +55
@InmarS Summed it up pretty well. I'm tired of seeing content being bumped to the top of my filtered searches that are just glorified Patreon ads. I don't pay for porn, for those who do I don't mind. But It's sickening how much of a trend comics like these have become. I can't look up a single tag without an ongoing comic being updated every other day that I have to see. And sure I can filter artists, but artists may already have prior, already completed works I may want to see. Also it's not realistic to start a blacklist of dozens of artists. There's just to many to realistically include. This has been out of hand for a while now. And I'm tired of people defending it because "they're going out of their way to provide us free content". It's like saying a billboard is entertainment. It's not. It's just ads with the allure of buying to see uncensored genitals. Just because you may be a struggling artist doesn't give you the right to deflect criticism at others being annoyed at how much you're gate keeping your own fucking drawings.

I'll admit though there's definitely a grey area here. Because people are willing to put up with different amounts of advertising for their patreon. The line for me is censoring their work with the promise of showing the goods for a few bucks. For a site with a focus on archiving art, allowing said art to be censored is kinda despicable. If there's going to be any progress in this issue then the community needs to pull together to some extent and draw a line at what is and isn't acceptable for advertising.
Posted on 02 May 2021, 08:24 by:   The Goat is Watching    PM
Score -32
As someone who is a big fan of MWM's art, but not their tendency to take forever to post stuff on third party sites, I really do sympathize with people who get frustrated at them. But some of y'all are blowing the art equivalent of a carrot on a stick into a waaaaay bigger deal than it needs to be. If you don't like an artist's bullshit, block them and move on with your life. It takes all of what, a minute to do? If it's that big a deal, I think that's a you problem, at least a little.

And @Chroomsh33 I understand being annoyed at galleries like this one, but having to skip over the unwanted galleries isn't hurting you. Treating it like a big hassle, or acting like an artist having a tacky business model is somehow gatekeeping, is extremely silly. By your own admission you don't even like MWM's work. That means blocking them costs you nothing!

There's also the issue that most artists are way, way, WAAY less successful than MWM. If the rules get changed specifically to mitigate their galleries from cropping up over time, it's going to hurt smaller and more obscure artists who barely get by a LOT more than it hurts MWM.

And if you don't give a shit about that consequence, you do you I guess.
Last edited on 02 May 2021, 13:54.
Posted on 02 May 2021, 19:03 by:   Chroomsh33    PM
Score +41
#The Goat Is Watching "having to skip over the unwanted ones isn't hurting you"
The problem isn't the ordeal of skipping the content. It's having the content exist that doesn't serve the purpose of pornographic material. Or the purpose as art due to the over censorship of the actual images. The reason I'm annoyed is because it's barely teetering on the right to even exist here as anything other than an ad. This is more about discussing whether we should be drawing a line at just how egregious an ad for an artists work should be. I don't want to see full comics cut down to 4 pages and censored being posted here for the sole purpose of them asking for me to donate to their patreon. I come here specifically because I don't have to deal with that issue that many sites have made common already.

"By your own admission you don't even like MWM's work"
No by my own admission I said people may like an artists work here despite it being an ad. It's just how far it goes to completely defeat the point of being uploaded in the first place. I actually don't mind MWM's work. But that's actually why it's a problem. I don't want to see something I can't have since I'm not willing to pay for it. I come here because It's fairly well known as a place for archiving things so I will be able to have the full product. Now that's becoming more and more of a diminished concept. Why does this site have to cater towards this new practice when almost every other one does already? I'll say again: What is and isn't tolerable as an ad on this site is not a thin line. The community (like any community) is going to have different preferences for what is and isn't tolerable as soliciting their work. But we should be allowed to discuss it without being shut down in the first place.

"If the rules get changed specifically to mitigate their galleries from cropping up over time, it's going to hurt smaller and more obscure artists who barely get by a LOT more than it hurts MWM."
This is silly. Nobody trying to grow huge and gain attention is going to post here exclusively as their money boat. Many artists who grew here grew because their comics were viral to begin with. Artists can sell their products on other sites (which have much more traffic by the way) and when the comic is no longer financially benefiting them they can upload the finished product here. Quit holding this conversation under the threat of smaller artists losing money. This site isn't solely about making money from your work. It never has been. There are many other sites that cater to that much more efficiently.

Also why the hell are you insinuating artists should have the right to not have their work taken down if it's completely against what the site's purpose is? They're in no position to do so when they antagonize themselves with the sites community by soliciting their work with almost no substance. I originally came here because it had full, completed comics in abundance. That's why I joined and I'm sure that's partially why it became popular. Now that it IS popular you want to make common a practice that is the exact opposite of what made it grow in the first place? You see where maybe there's a reason people are annoyed?
Last edited on 04 May 2021, 04:17.
Posted on 15 May 2021, 07:22 by:   Niwik    PM
Score -71
Yo, you realize if you go to the settings page there is an entire section dedicated to the option of blocking specific uploaders? I figure I'd let you know so you can just blacklist MeowWithMe.
That way, instead of writing entire novellas on why you don't like a specific artist, on a doujin site no less, you can do more constructive things with your time like go outside you fucking spud.
Posted on 15 May 2021, 16:17 by:   Chroomsh33    PM
Score +48
And you realize there's more to it than that? I may like an artist but they may also post ads to their patreon on their other comics with no content as well. If I filter the artist I miss out on some of the completed works they've posted or may post later. This is also about discussing where the site is heading if we allow ad comics. Why don't you actually spend 5 minutes reading these posts before you think you're above those who are engaging in the discussion?
Posted on 04 June 2021, 04:23 by:   MistahM    PM
Score +50
It seems like the main solution to this kind of thing is to add an ongoing tag, so people can filter it out if they so wish. Considering it's already added in titles of ongoing works, adding it to the regular tagging system shouldn't be too much of a hassle.
Posted on 29 June 2021, 23:22 by:   Hentairo1    PM
Score +14
So are we just not going to acknowledge the loose older brother thread?
Posted on 13 September 2021, 08:44 by:   The Goat is Watching    PM
Score -43
@Chroomsh33 It really isn't, though? It's just getting butthurt about how an artist does comics, because you can't be bothered to just block them and forget about them.

Making it out to be some bigger deal than that is just childish, and making excuses to get mad at people on the internet.
Posted on 17 September 2021, 18:54 by:   Chroomsh33    PM
Score +26
@The Goat is Watching
I've already explained why this isn't about how an artist does comics. It's about where the site is going as result of this. If this isn't a big deal to you then there's no reason you should even be replying to me.

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