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[Yakimeshi Modoki (Pilaf Modoki)] Hosomichi no Oku | Deep in the Narrow Path [English] [defski] [Digital]

[やきめしもどき (ぴらふもどき)] ほそみちのおく [英訳] [DL版]

Posted:2021-09-15 03:57
Language:English  TR
File Size:84.15 MiB
Length:27 pages
Favorited:1379 times
Average: 4.58

Showing 1 - 27 of 27 images

Posted on 15 September 2021, 03:57 by:   defski    PM
Uploader Comment
First time whipping out the iPad and its pencil to write handwritten bubbles. My "cursive" isn't the prettiest thing in the world, but in fairness, neither is the original raw's. Tell me what you think!

Commissioned by Anonymous!
𝐑𝐚𝐰: /g/1794175/a3f170f167/
𝐅𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐬: CCComicCrazy


𝓥𝓲𝓼𝓲𝓽 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓲𝓷𝓯𝓸!
Posted on 15 September 2021, 05:15 by:   Noni    PM
Score +169
Works quite well, the handwritiing. Looks like it belongs there. Also, nice artwork with some good x-ray views - thanks for sharing this!
Posted on 15 September 2021, 06:07 by:   Fatesifaeve    PM
Score +101
Other Language or Version
Chinese translated by 不可视汉化
English translated by defski, You are here!
Posted on 15 September 2021, 06:27 by:   repec    PM
Score +30
Good job! Thank you for your work!
Posted on 15 September 2021, 06:36 by:   nabusco    PM
Score +94
Weirdly hot but thats the fastest way to a UTI or renal problems.
Posted on 15 September 2021, 07:33 by:   Zeikfried    PM
Score +71
Here's to more from a great new artist.
Posted on 16 September 2021, 22:58 by:   Progeusz    PM
Score +31
Posted on 05 October 2021, 21:33 by:   Rocket 4000    PM
Score +80
Real life must be like 90's or before full bush Porn Star gets wide long huge cock into her pee hole and demonstrated by them holding vigina open. Several video online but she does not look that hot except in the one were she puts a large cock in her pee hole and rides it a good while cowboy style. Only one who done that I found on web although there is a much more recent amaitru getting her pee hole fucked but that is a small short penis.

So this is a real life thing. Probably requires a long training period of starting really small and slowly working up to the extreme like the girls who put super large objects extremely deep in body till it bulges at belly button area. This was actually perfected by gay men. Same with swallowing something all the way to stomic like primitive tribe does on video with folded over leather straps they swallow all the way down and then pull out. I have seen one girl take a dildo far into her chest.

But the pee hole star did not prolapse although you could tell her pee hole had been expanded before it was opened.

Vaginal, anal and pee hole all muscles can be strengthened with every other day exercise like any muscle group. They can be tightened enough to actually cause a lot of pain to a penis that is in there. So stretching or many male lovers does not prevent a woman from being tighter than a virgin.

All of these require great research working up slowly and skill as you can end up in hospital easy for emergency surgery.

As mentioned a UTI or renal problems are possible so research and sanitize. Seeing some web girls do ass to pussy over and over for a long time and others having to quit because to many infections I assume immune system strength a major part of girls doing pee hole, deep anal or ass to pussy. With care though nothing not curable after a Dr vist.
Posted on 23 March 2023, 08:58 by:   Lews Therin    PM
Score +49
There are some small translation mistakes, such as in page 9:

Your Translation: After all that hard work, it's time for a break. After her bath, it's time to move right on to the next course in the menu.
Raw, translation meaning: 頑張った後は一休み [After all that hard work, it's time for a break] と言ったい所だが [is what I'd like to say, but] お風呂から出たらすぐに次のメニューに移ろう [let's move on to the next course in the menu as soon as she gets out of the bath.]

The difference between these two, is that the flow and mood changes a little. She didn't get a break. Sure, she took a bath, but as soon as she got out her "training" continued. The "meister" seems kind, recognizing that she worked hard and maybe should get some rest time, but rushes her on regardless. It feels a bit more urgent.

Anyways, I feel like the differences in meaning that I spotted weren't all that important, and "you did a good job" is what I'd like to say, but...
Nah, good job, thanks!

Your cursive looks fine, trust me ^^
Posted on 03 January 2024, 10:37 by:   Nomake Wan    PM
Score +95
Considering I'm the one who uploaded the raw for this, it's my own fault for not seeing this gallery earlier. That someone had already commented about errors also was a hint. Anyway...

Rough Translation Tag

Page 3
JP: 細き道を究めしものー「尿道マイスター」の仕事を紹介しよう
EN: Let's introduce you to the job of one who masters the narrow path--a "Urethral Meister."
OP: Let me introduce you to the work of a 'Urethra Meister', a professional of the narrow path.
Justification: I won't count this, but the original phrasing is slightly different, and in this sense "job" is the clearer word over "work".

JP: まずは細めの器具でやさしくいじって反応を見ていく
EN: First, he uses a narrow implement to gently tease the area and gauge her reaction.
OP: First, begin by probing gently with a narrow implement, watching her responses as you do so.
Justification: This is not an instructional for the "viewer," it's describing the actions of the "Urethral Meister" depicted in the story. Also "gauging her reaction" is a much better way of writing this concept than "watching her responses" since the latter implies that her speech is the only thing paid attention to, while the original phrasing includes non-verbal indications as well.

JP: やんっ…
EN: No...!
OP: (untranslated)
Justification: QED.

Page 4
JP: 痛がる様子もなくスムーズに入っていくようなら進捗は良好だ
EN: If the implement goes in smoothly and painlessly, this is a good indication that progress has been made.
OP: If the implement slides in painlessly, proceed with caution.
Justification: Nowhere in the original text is anything about proceeding with caution.

JP: そんなにいじったら…っ
EN: If you tease me like that, I'll...!
OP: Don't stir it around like that...
Justification: It's not being stirred around at this point, and she's warning him of the impending reaction (which happens in the very next panel).

JP: やあんっ
EN: Noo!
OP: (untranslated)
Justification: QED.

JP: 順調に開発された尿道は刺激に応じてすぐに緩んでくるので…
EN: A urethra with sufficient training will immediately loosen up in response to stimulation, so...
OP: Her well-trained urethra will promptly loosen in proportion to the stimulation.
Justification: First, it is "in response to" rather than "in proportion to". The former only requires the presence of stimulation, while the latter implies that the loosening requires a specific degree of stimulation (which was not what was said). Second, this box is half of a full sentence. It leads directly into the next box, which states "it is good practice to stroke her bladder until all of the morning's first fresh urine is emptied."

Page 5
JP: 何…!?どうすんのソレ….
EN: What...!? What are you gonna do with that!?
OP: What... What are you doing?
Justification: Dropped the reference to the ball itself.

JP: その機能性から尿道フェッチの間ではいまだ根強い人気を誇る定番スイーツ
EN: They are a go-to sweet which went from mere health food to having a deeply-rooted popularity amongst urethral fetishists.
OP: They are a classic sweet, very popular for their use amongst urethral fetishists.
Justification: Dropped part of the original sentence; the 機能性 is a reference to tapioca being a "functional food" item, something that can be consumed even if someone is on a diet.

Page 6
JP: そして全身を愛撫しつつ下腹部をやさしく刺激して尿意を促していく
EN: Then, while caressing her entire body, he gently stimulates her abdomen to promote her urge to urinate.
OP: Then, gently caress down to her lower abdomen to stimulate her desire to urinate.
Justification: The しつつ and lack of まで was the hint that this was not caressing -down- to the abdomen but -while caressing her entire body- placing extra emphasis on her abdomen. Also, again, this is not an instructional for the viewer, it's an explanation of what the Meister is doing.

JP: 大切なのは 決して無理やり出させようとはしないことだ
EN: The critical distinction is that his ministrations are never what force anything out.
OP: Important note: never try to force them out.
Justification: This is not an instructional. It's not that you -can't- force anything out, it's that the focus of this specific training is to encourage her to force them out herself.

Page 7
JP: だめッ…
EN: No...!
OP: (untranslated)
Justification: QED.

JP: 女の子はみな 本来泌尿器で気持ちよくなれる素質を秘めている…
EN: All women have within them the potential to experience pleasure through their urinary tract.
OP: Every girl has the capacity to reach climax with their urinary organs, but they will try to stifle those feelings.
Justification: Where did that second half come from?

JP: 秘められた快感の扉を女の子自身の力で開く手伝いをすることー
EN: Helping to show a woman how to open the door to that amazing pleasure with their own body...
OP: We try to help the girls understand the potential of their own bodies by opening new doors to pleasure.
Justification: Not quite; the implicit point being made in the original text is, as on the previous page, that the focus should be on merely helping the woman's own body learn how to achieve the pleasure, not to force it to happen. Further, this panel actually leads directly into the next panel on the following page.

There are of course a lot more (that's only 7 pages out of 26), but there are more errors like this. Honestly it seems like either massaged MTL, or just a beginner at Japanese in need of someone to QC. If it's the latter, I sincerely hope that you continue your education and that you can find someone to help you correct these sorts of mistakes going forward. If it's the former...well. Please try harder is all I'll say.
Posted on 14 April 2024, 01:57 by:   ValacBroker    PM
Score +38
Pilaf Modoki Stuff
Hosomichi no Oku
Part 1 = You are Here
Part 2 = /g/2500786/08d7f2b7f5/
Part 3 = /g/2578917/2f8e4c826f/
Part 4 = /g/2880056/fa1a64bbc4/

The Circle of Chippai Life! = /g/2882915/c5095dc061/
Mecha Ude Shoujo Toffee-san vs Endless Slime Nyoui = /g/2888514/965dc6978e/

COMIC Shingeki 2024-04 = Raw /g/2843552/dd8c4cbee6/
Comic Unreal Plus Vol. 5 = Raw /g/2133488/7d0a34f457/

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