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[sketchatron] World's Fuckest (DC Comics)

Posted:2022-03-20 23:30
File Size:119.9 MiB
Length:15 pages
Favorited:100 times
Average: 4.02

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Posted on 24 March 2022, 03:51 by:   H-Knight    PM
Score +28
The funny thing about this h-comic, is that these two parings actually HAVE Canonically occurred (non-H, obviously) in DC Comics...

1.) Stephanie Brown (Spoiler, Batgirl IV, Robin IV) + Tim Drake (Robin III Red Robin) - One of the longest, though sadly not consistent, romantic relationships between these two respective Bat-characters, Stephanie and Tim have been through a LOT together (since 1993). Two (of many) of the most notable events...
- a.) 1998 - Tim was there for Stephanie after Stephanie was date-raped (drugged) at a (friend of Stephanie's) party and impregnated. Tim helped Stephanie through her unwanted pregnancy after Brown's mother pressured Stephanie to not abort. Tim supported Stephanie through her pregnancy (i.e.: Tim attended lamaze classes with Stepanie), helping to arrange to give up the baby to Foster Care and Adoption, and was there to help Stephanie through the emotional trauma throughout.
- b.) 2004 - Stephanie was there for Tim when Drake's father (Jack Drake) was murdered by Captain Boomerang during the Identity Crisis (2004) CrossOver event [Short Summary: A traitor within the Super-Heroic community deliberately leaked many of the Super-Heroes' secret identities, and the Super-Villains began striking at the Super-Heroes' families, loved ones, and dependents.]. Tim's mother (Janet Drake) was murdered when Tim was a small(er) child, thus with his father's death, Tim had no more blood-family. Stephanie (& the rest of the Bat-family, of course) helped Tim get through his grief.

Sadly, Stephanie and Tim's relationship has not been consistent across the years due to changing comics-series, -events, and -writers, across the years. But during the times the two are brought back together, it is usually very well done and heartfelt.

2.) Cassandra Cain (Batgirl III, Orphan) + Conner Kent (Superboy II) - While this paring Canonically occurred, it lasted for only two (2) issues; thus why most do not know &/or remember it. For the short summary of their casual fling...
- a.) Part 1/2 - While vacationing with Barbara Gordon (Batgirl II, Oracle) aboard a cruise liner, Cassandra crossed paths with Conner, who was also vacationing aboard. Neither Cassandra nor Conner had met before, so the two were unaware of each other's heroic personas (& Barbara was not present to inform/reveal such). Despite that lack of information, the pair could sense the other's strength of character (beyond just the physical), and thus naturally felt drawn towards each other. The cruise liner came under attack by a large group of heavily armed pirates, spurring the three (Barbara, Cassandra, Conner) into action. In the aftermath, Cassandra and Conner realized how much more complicated their mutual attraction had become, and would entail if pursued. Nonetheless, the two shared a passionate kiss at the closing page of the issue.

- b.) Part 2/2 - In the following issue (several days later in-comics), Cassandra and Conner quietly meet-up in the early morning (literally the crack of dawn), to consider whether they wanted to pursue a romantic relationship with each other. Across the day spent together, the pair discuss their feelings, the potential benefits and complications, the reactions of their respective families (Bat-family and Super-family), fight Crime(s), halt Super-Villainy, and have a few make-out sessions along the way. Basically, a variant of the World's Finest comics-partnership between Batman and Superman. In the end, Cassandra and Conner decide not to pursue a romantic relationship further, and part as friends. However, Cassandra leaves the door open with a "friends with benefits" parting flirt. Sadly, this was never followed up with, ever again. :(
Last edited on 27 November 2023, 00:42.
Posted on 25 March 2022, 20:01 by:   Fenl1    PM
Score +40
On model and in character. Fucking hell that's more than DC's managed in the last decade.
Posted on 15 June 2022, 13:40 by:   Romi the Byzantine    PM
Score +19
@ H-Knight

And then DC decide to break Tim/Steph so to make Tim having a boyfriend.

Because with better to show tolerance toward LGBT then destroying an fan-favorite couple and changing the sexuality of an decade old character that never show interest in people of the same gender.

Jon Kent was a better call, but they should give him a better partener that a dude that look a stereotype of gay from an right wing webcomic.
Posted on 29 September 2022, 16:11 by:   TheSPNCupcake    PM
Score +6
I love the little Ted Kord cameo in this, hes my favorite comic book character so seeing him pop up in this made my day. Guessing its because he and Barbara had a thing once but maybe the artist just put him in there for a unrelated reason not sure.

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