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[EBA] Noryoku Gakuen Gekokujo ~Boku ga Gakuen o Seisu made~ [English] {Hennojin} [Digital]

[EBA] 能力学園下克上 〜僕が学園を制すまで〜 [英訳] [DL版]

Posted:2022-04-10 12:10
Language:English  TR
File Size:207.3 MiB
Length:236 pages
Favorited:4451 times
Average: 4.67

Showing 1 - 40 of 236 images

Posted on 10 April 2022, 12:10 by:   NekoHime27    PM
Uploader Comment
Commissioner: Kaigen
Translator: Potato
Editor: VanDerGraf
Proofreader: Eclipsoul

I don't usually check the comments on every gallery all the time. Please contact me directly via the forum PM or the contact form on my website if you need to reach me.

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RAW: /g/1942058/3be474b35e/
UPDATES: Minor errors corrected on a handful of pages. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Posted on 10 April 2022, 13:03 by:   Notalent    PM
Score +429
The true origin of All For One
Posted on 10 April 2022, 13:07 by:   asd9d    PM
Score +70
God tier work from Eba
Posted on 10 April 2022, 13:24 by:   Amauri14    PM
Score +53
Oh shit! I really wasn't expecting to see this one getting translated so soon.
Posted on 10 April 2022, 13:27 by:   SilentAnime    PM
Score +30
Viva la Vida, girls!
Posted on 10 April 2022, 14:11 by:   Firegunz    PM
Score +64
Holy hell , this one is so good
Posted on 10 April 2022, 14:24 by:   Gentleman Chimera    PM
Score +283
Holy Macaroni, finally it's been translated!
TFW the MC is unironically a hero in this setting.
Posted on 10 April 2022, 14:42 by:   archmancer8    PM
Score +517
Before translation: "Damn! This MC is a piece of shit! Hope he gets what he deserves!"
After translation: "Damn! All these girls are pieces of shit! They got what they deserved!"
Posted on 10 April 2022, 14:42 by:   lai099    PM
Score +25
If only the mother get extra chapter...
Posted on 10 April 2022, 14:52 by:   Red 255    PM
Score +130
if the guys sisters are all espers this seems like its genetic, and if you got 10% males to females espers, wouldn't the government want to breed the males with the females anyways?
Posted on 10 April 2022, 14:53 by:   dgjdgjdgj    PM
Score +90
Hey it's Charlotte but hentai huh ?
Posted on 10 April 2022, 15:55 by:   mish2001    PM
Score +34
Another god tier Eba translation!! This artist is such a pleasure
Posted on 10 April 2022, 22:47 by:   SSBDeft    PM
Score +143
This is legit just Toaru but porn, no? Ren's absolute reflection is literally just Accelerator's reflection. She even has the same white hair.

Still hot af though.
Posted on 11 April 2022, 00:43 by:   Forgunia    PM
Score +96
These bitches were evil; they deserved everything they had coming to them.
Posted on 11 April 2022, 03:27 by:   fillin    PM
Score +83
I mean, that one loli didn't really do anything wrong other than being in that family. She just had the cloning ability the mc needed.
Posted on 11 April 2022, 06:40 by:   CycloneJoker    PM
Score +68
with all this femdom, im surprised they could breed. i mean, if all males were considered trash, no way theres going to be any copulation
Posted on 11 April 2022, 09:16 by:   keymon2    PM
Score +14
this is surprising good
Posted on 11 April 2022, 09:56 by:   dakight    PM
Score +69
I was sympathy with the MC until he raped the loli, just because she got what he need. I suppose being an ass run in their blood. No wonder it jump from one extremist to the other.
Last edited on 21 April 2022, 08:56.
Posted on 11 April 2022, 17:55 by:   anonymousMember    PM
Score +33
So.. he can get the abilities through cumming in their pussies
what if he need to get it from the boys? balls deep in the ass? lmao
Posted on 11 April 2022, 21:29 by:   Yefta    PM
Score +68
All for one need to learn from this dude about how to steal superpowers
Posted on 12 April 2022, 01:19 by:   Kaisigmu    PM
Score -86
@dakight That's the wrong mindset to begin with. The very fact that he was taking revenge already deserves no sympathy. An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. That said, I did like seeing the oppressors get oppressed. That doesn't mean you should sympathize with his actions.

It is disappointing that he raped Noko without any evidence of her being like the rest of the family but considering literally every other female character in this was at the very least complacent to the oppression, I wouldn't be surprised if Noko was going to turn out the same way anyway given her family environment.
Posted on 12 April 2022, 03:42 by:   animedingo    PM
Score +32
You know ironically, I dont think mind control is actually one of his powers lmfao

Body control, mind breaking, but actual mind control? Not sure about that one
Posted on 12 April 2022, 08:03 by:   saitemaru    PM
Score +65
i don't always appreciate sharing your women with your bros, but those bros really deserved it :D
Posted on 12 April 2022, 08:27 by:   Quartafeira11    PM
Score +86
> you got 10% males to females espers, wouldn't the government want to breed the males with the females anyways?

I think you're right on the money with this. If anything, the government would want to protect the males away so that powerful females can use them to have powerful children.

The current whole setup sounds counter-productive to those in power.
Posted on 12 April 2022, 15:02 by:   KaInEvIL    PM
Score +55
Yeah all these bitches are pure evil. They even killed his Dad. So they deserved everything. Fun times though.
Posted on 12 April 2022, 19:01 by:   adun3    PM
Score -40
I'll give it to the artist. The story is very elaborate in its awfulness.
Posted on 12 April 2022, 19:12 by:   bergil    PM
Score -70
Funny, even after the translation I find the MC pretty much unlikable. At the end of the day it's just another power fantasy built on justifying rape.
Posted on 13 April 2022, 07:35 by:   chenya    PM
Score +132
This is glorious. I have been reading this on repeat over 10 times now.

The power scaling is kinda wack though. All the top-tier power is a huge letdown after some thinking.

- World strongest ability absolute reflection: Invulnerable tank without any offensive capability, literally archiving nothing. Take a hostage and she disables her own ability.
Plus have a million weaknesses if she is unconscious.
- Mizusawa (water) and Enka (fire): Typical gun and bombs = Council level.
- Warp and freeze girls are borderline useless too. Strong but restricted. Plus no defense again.
- But the dude light control (flashbang): Useful in many tactical and rescue ops = D rank???

Regardless none of them is even close to competing with military force. No different than an armed average joe.

Meanwhile, those fodder with clone, physical/mental manipulation quirks are stupidly OP but glossed over as a given power for MC to have lmao.

The OP powers in this world are Hyper regen and Marionette control. I would rank Marionette as the best in this series next to MC's predation.
It effectively lets you have 2 quirks at once, no range no time no stamina limit. Plus unlimited combo potential.

Posted on 13 April 2022, 10:17 by:   bergil    PM
Score -100
Criticizing the plot is fine and all but you know you have no life when you write an essay overanalyzing some nonsense power system in a hentai, which was created only as a fapping material and not some battle shonen to be read for the purpose of excitement.
Posted on 14 April 2022, 08:34 by:   hunderdhead    PM
Score +26
Great story, especially his bros, but I wish they didn't forget about his original power like immediately after he introduced it. It would have been nice to get stats for all the girls.
Posted on 15 April 2022, 06:33 by:   znzo    PM
Score +1
Posted on 15 April 2022, 22:27 by:   Ruckkus1411    PM
Score +35
The bitch kills his father and his way of getting revenge is to give her more pleasure than she has ever experienced... I wish there was ryona in this one, would make it so much better.

Beat those cunts within an inch of their lives and dry fuck them.
Posted on 18 April 2022, 07:11 by:   Silenteye    PM
Score +88
I see this has sparked up a lot of conversations. So here's my bit because there's one thing I see nobody has really pointed out.

First women especially esper women see men as trash and not equals, men are not equals, especially men with esper abilities.

All the women and girls are taught from an early age that men are not equals.

Secondly the Women and girls DO NOT see this as a problem. They do not see this treatment as wrong, they do not see the actions they do to men as wrong, and that it is RIGHT to do it. This is shown when they see the MC's actions as horrible when they have done just as bad if not worse to him the dude has scarring on his back from his sister whipping him since he was young and they never apologize for it, nor do they show remorse for doing it even after he broke them they never apologized for their actions. They cannot see what they did to him as wrong in any sense of the word or in their form of morality.

Thirdly the women want power to themselves forever, this is shown when the MC's mother murders her husband because he was pushing for equal rights. By this function men are effectively slaves for women forever.

So do I see his actions as wrong? On most levels yes, but do I understand why and his justifications for doing it? Absolutely he has every right to stop this vicious cycle, and if it's by treating them how they treat men I say go for it.
Posted on 19 April 2022, 22:52 by:   AntPoub    PM
Score -46
The problem with your reasoning is that apart from the sexe of the abuser/abused, nothing much has changed: men are no longer beaten, instead women are raped and brainwashed to be sex slaves, what an amazing progress. And contrary to men where apparently the bullying seems to stop at school (and the fact that his mother needs to assassinate his father show that men could attain some power in this society. you don't assassinate slave, you execute them), now the abuse will be permanent, for life, and since the MC can reverse aging, they will live like that for a very very long time. The problem for the main character wasn't the existence of a pyramid of abuse, it was that he wasn't at the top of it.

And it's not because he does a little bit of charity that I will overlook that he seems to devote a lot of time and effort in his torture, where his sister seems more casually cruel: he would have eventually escaped his sister, they will never be able to escape him (of course, in a realistic scenario, he would be murdered by the family of those he raped very quickly, they just have to wait for him to sleep to kill him either by over or under oxygenation).
Last edited on 20 April 2022, 20:58.
Posted on 21 April 2022, 09:09 by:   dakight    PM
Score -36
@Kaisigmu that is like how the females in this world see every males "he will just be anothrr bitch with no power anyway, so why bother treat him differently". AntPoub said it right, boy is just mad that he wasn't the one who did the raping, everything else is just excuse. Not that i mind who raping who but give me back my sympathy.
Posted on 01 May 2022, 09:55 by:   inerg    PM
Score +122
"Thank you for purchasing this from Fanza"
Y-yeah.... you too.
Posted on 04 May 2022, 15:07 by:   debunote    PM
Score +7
Still not how hymens work
Posted on 10 May 2022, 13:50 by:   jbdxbl@uestc    PM
Score +13
super good
Posted on 18 May 2022, 00:36 by:   Yomi is my waifu    PM
Score +68
Needing to be conscious to have your defenses active is a huge downside. I'm surprised she's at the top.
Just think about it, if you're at the top, a lot of people will want to challenge or attack you. And whats the most common method of ambushing someone? When theyre asleep.

Also that final fight was incredibly pointless when he couldve just done the same thing he did to his other sister
Drug her.
Posted on 04 June 2022, 05:36 by:   kiwino    PM
Score -64
you are a clout seeker in milf gallery
/g/1456151/37f8b3cdd7/?hc=1#comments mi
/g/1085508/6539fdd0da/ mi
/g/936354/8cb242664f/ incel

@inerg unfunny purchase comment
Posted on 16 June 2022, 07:23 by:   tehemai    PM
Score +50
The weirdest thing in all this is that people are acting as if having a good guy in this story is in any way necessary or even desired. It's a revenge rape story. The main character sees every female as complicit for being a part of the oppressive system. He's not Yagami Light. He's not trying to create a Utopia or "be justice". He just wants them to suffer for the pain they inflicted on him. An ordinary human reaction.

The story in no way calls for a "good guy" and all the misguided bumper sticker points being made about morality are rmoot.

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