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[popopoka] Blind Girl's accident (English)

Posted:2022-05-29 22:00
File Size:64.91 MiB
Length:79 pages
Favorited:276 times
Average: 2.33

Showing 1 - 40 of 79 images

Posted on 29 May 2022, 22:00 by:   kikimaru024    PM
Uploader Comment
Posted on 19 September 2021, 14:07 by:   Foostini    PM
Score +404
Dude that draws these has some fuckin' issues, christ.
Posted on 19 September 2021, 14:10 by:   AyeSpy    PM
Score +80
lmao page 14
Posted on 19 September 2021, 14:18 by:   Link_9    PM
Score +226
Cannot understand why the artist is so popular on twitter.
The art is good but the theme of his stuff is just disturbing.
I feel like shit and hate humanity everytime i see his stuff.
Last edited on 21 September 2021, 20:36.
Posted on 19 September 2021, 14:26 by:   progste    PM
Score +246
well what did you expect from twitter?
Posted on 19 September 2021, 14:28 by:   MasterSorrowBorn    PM
Score +78
That dog is fucking awesome, also....blondy was trying to sex the dog....what a mongrel XD
Posted on 19 September 2021, 14:29 by:   绯夜坊主    PM
Score -51
Posted on 19 September 2021, 14:38 by:   ford444    PM
Score +98
If the narrative stays the same until the end I assume the artist just draws this to satisfy their/their customer's sadistic fetish. And on p17 I can already see the "she has her own problems" redemption arc. Dog is the real MVP.
Posted on 19 September 2021, 15:23 by:   uanime5    PM
Score +35
Given that this guy draws this for free it's not to satisfy anyone's feitsh. Also it's not really sadism given that the dog stands up to Blondy, rather than being brainwashed.
Posted on 19 September 2021, 15:50 by:   0zm@ndi45    PM
Score +24
At least I don't have to ask "what the dog doin'?"
Posted on 19 September 2021, 16:57 by:   justin878    PM
Score +69
page 15 perfectly sums up the artist in general, though its probably bad that they know exactly what's wrong with themselves and just don't care.
Posted on 19 September 2021, 17:12 by:   ringorm    PM
Score +37
Whoever uploaded this here is a awful person, screw you for making me feel sad.
Posted on 21 September 2021, 18:47 by:   Airogrup    PM
Score +60
I don't get it. Is this shitty story going somewhere? Or the author just fucked up in the head and just likes to torture characters he created?
Posted on 21 September 2021, 19:44 by:   Thebigmouthmonster    PM
Score -59
Posted on 21 September 2021, 20:16 by:   filias    PM
Score +8
yeah!.... pls more
Posted on 21 September 2021, 21:20 by:   Eddi2001    PM
Score +33
why does every one hate this story? this poor girl going through such harsh things and it makes me want to rute for her. have you guys never read a depressing story before?
Posted on 21 September 2021, 22:04 by:   fasfaewtgh    PM
Score -12
you can't tell me page 18 isn't fucking hilarious
Posted on 21 September 2021, 22:04 by:   Narutu sand ninja    PM
Score +149
Oh I saw this on twitter one time, thought it was a bit too edgy and dark for me. Dark ass stories need to either be extremely oppressive and nihilistic for me, or have some kind of hopeful turn or something. This is too far in the middle, just lots of "wow it's dark and sad and will always be that way" for me. Like, they either all need to kill themselves and end the story with a "don't let this happen" or something needs to change and improve.

Reading these comments is giving me an aneurism though. What is it with people on this site and seeing fucked up stuff and assuming that the person making it must be someone with a super fucked up psyche and tons of mental problems who are gonna like shoot up a school or something.


Pretty sure that sums up the character, not the artist. I mean, maybe it's a bit of a dig at themselves for drawing nothing but endless angst but to say something like this makes you sound like a retarded normie who sees someone draw psychological horror artwork or like goth shit and think "oh my god this person needs therapy immediately before they kill someone!!!!"

You're all fucking dipshits, holy fuck. Have you seriously never seen edgy artwork or dark fucked up stories before? Do you watch nothing but happy fun time movies? I can't even imagine what would happen if you watched Funny Games. Sometimes, the point of a story like this can be "don't do this".

Another thing is, did any of you consider that these people might actually draw stuff like this to vent about their own shitty lives, drawing someone having a much worse time than they are, which is actually a fairly healthy coping mechanism? I doubt it's even that, really, I bet they just like angst.

I know art is meant to be a view into the artists mind but it's not 1:1 like that, you can't just go "guy draws people suffering, must want people to suffer". Again, you know it's more likely THEY are the ones suffering right? Even then, it probably isn't even that significant, especially because this story feels so forced. It feels like an act, to me, based more on their own tastes and sensibilities.
Posted on 22 September 2021, 06:23 by:   BusterCaptain    PM
Score +56
Damn, top of pg 16 has strong Jojo vibes
Posted on 22 September 2021, 20:54 by:   mrwhoopee    PM
Score +226
Context is king. We're on a site dedicated solely to porn, and a lot of this screams fetishization rather than just edginess or angst. The foster-dad's blatant, idiotic disdain, Blondy's sadistic manipulation, the blind girl's meek helplessness in the face of it all, while she dreams of recovery so her family will be pleased. It's all as over-the-top as a porn star's moans, and just as transparent if you're not invested. Even the fucking doctors hate her for no reason.

I think the thing that hits close to home for a lot of folks though, is that for all the story's contrived-ness(?), it's not completely unrealistic. There really are people like this out there. Like fuck man, I was just looking for a bit of anime tiddy escapism and now I gotta be reminded that somewhere out in the world there's probably a horrible, hateful man who would throw a baseball at a blind girl and blame her for failing to catch it. And someone else out there is jerking off to the idea. Thanks, I hate it.

But hey, like I said: this is a porn site. I won't choke your boner if you wanna fap to abuse, but I can't imagine the post-nut clarity would be very pleasant.
Posted on 24 September 2021, 04:43 by:   Fortnut    PM
Score +82
Haha why is this gallery rated so low? The artstyle is great!

Posted on 09 October 2021, 13:46 by:   SoulSilverOnThe3DS    PM
Score +45
People have this crazy notion that since something doesn't fit their taste, it deserves a low rating regardless of any quality. It's moral fagging plain and simple.
Posted on 10 November 2021, 09:40 by:   TuzOfSpades    PM
Score -57
Lol cheap tricks as always. Not even annoying anymore.
Posted on 19 November 2021, 23:13 by:   8008lover    PM
Score +41
This dude actually soyjacked the abusive parents and made the damn dog talk
Posted on 19 November 2021, 23:22 by:   rwatt5931    PM
Score -21
Whoever did this comic has a lot of personal demons to overcome.
Posted on 19 November 2021, 23:34 by:   nameress    PM
Score +39
This cruelty for cruelty's sake type of story telling is fucking weak and boring.
Posted on 20 November 2021, 17:09 by:   VicariousSFM    PM
Score +28
I say this as someone who's into guro, ryona, rape, etc... this is fucked.

Abusing people with disabilities is right up there with animal abuse when it comes to things that piss me off. I know it's not real, just like all the fucked up shit that I actually enjoy. But I guess this is just a little too grounded in reality for me. Even with a talking dog.
Posted on 21 November 2021, 14:19 by:   Pinkamina    PM
Score +85
I went in expecting way worse from the comments. The abuse is so over the top and ridiculous it's comedic and the girl barely even reacts to it, if you take out the foster parents calling her a whore, the bit where she comes home and they scream at her for making a mess/to do the dishes could be a joke straight outta a cartoon network show circa early 2000s. I've seen some badly written edgy "smut" but this just feels like the artist finds this shit funny. They don't even dwell on the actual physical abuse aspects enough to make me think it might be some nu!Tomb Raider ryona/guro fetish shit, I think ya'll are reading too deep.

Tangentially related, there's an older webcomic called Clarissa that's in a similar boat, though that one keeps its cards close to its chest, making it much more grounded, and by extension even more depressing. The best way I could describe it is a newspaper strip, down to the artstyle and joke structure, but the premise... well it's fucked up enough that I think it'd be best to say not to read it, but if you're that curious, the first page will tell you all you need to know. Don't think there's anything that's made me feel as shitty as laughing at some of the jokes in that comic did.
Posted on 23 November 2021, 03:12 by:   gddfd    PM
Score +40
What’s more horrible is the people in his Twitter, half of erm suggest even worse torture for the characters and another large portion is various threats against the artist.
Personally I think the story is interesting especially when you take into account besides the dog the only pictures that show happiness for her have various monsters in them.
Posted on 19 January 2022, 18:20 by:   dado134    PM
Score -67
jesus fucking christ I can't get awa from thi guy's art even here
Posted on 19 January 2022, 20:48 by:   DeepPzizzl    PM
Score +113
Calm down son, it's just a drawing.
Posted on 19 January 2022, 21:54 by:   WatarouDesiderus    PM
Score +58
Its really sad despite how clean the art is and well done this series is people feel the need to downvote it because "hurt anime girl bad". When I see a one star rating its saying that the art and themes is on par with the shitposts that litter this site. Grow a pair is something yall should consider.
Posted on 01 February 2022, 14:34 by:   theCircle57    PM
Score +32
Unfaltering spirit.
Posted on 13 March 2022, 18:47 by:   Arturo ayala    PM
Score +14
Y'know, the picture that’s first also have an image of the little nuns (web comic maded by diva), maybe we can include that album here to wash away all that sadness from this?
Posted on 20 May 2022, 10:51 by:   darkmind35    PM
Score +72
I fucking love this stuff.
Posted on 30 May 2022, 02:50 by:   erogal    PM
Score +17
Why such a low score? Picky weirdos here
Posted on 30 May 2022, 03:48 by:   Impregnator    PM
Score +17
DAFUQ is WRONG with this MF artist!!??
Posted on 13 October 2022, 17:32 by:   TiceBarrett    PM
Score +19
I came here looking for fun.
not this!
I made a lot bad thing in my hole life
wiped clean after read this
Posted on 19 December 2022, 17:12 by:   awsl001    PM
Score +22
Posted on 14 March 2023, 20:53 by:   Didi159    PM
Score +9
P46: nope!!!
Posted on 30 July 2023, 16:33 by:   ezequiell    PM
Score +35
so i suppose the blond bitch is fucking insane for some reason.
Posted on 11 October 2023, 01:36 by:   Hispanonautista    PM
Score -4
the art is good, the story is depressing in some edgy way, idk why this don't get more upvotes

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