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[EmmaBrave] After Avatar #4 - Avatar 18+ [Ongoing]

Posted:2022-07-23 08:46
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File Size:86.51 MiB
Length:30 pages
Favorited:1462 times
Average: 4.50

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[EmmaBrave] After Avatar #4 - Avatar 18+ [Ongoing], added 2022-07-30 09:06
[EmmaBrave] After Avatar #4 - Avatar 18+ [Ongoing], added 2022-08-06 19:32
[EmmaBrave] After Avatar #4 - Avatar 18+ [Ongoing], added 2022-08-13 14:38

Showing 1 - 30 of 30 images

Posted on 23 July 2022, 08:46 by:   sadikus    PM
Uploader Comment
Posted on 07 February 2022, 11:33 by:   kikimaru024    PM
Score +114
That's a THICC Katara!!
Posted on 07 February 2022, 15:57 by:   damonth01    PM
Score +195
Wow, good going, Toph. Breaking up your friends forever because you just couldn't leave Aang alone.
Posted on 08 February 2022, 01:46 by:   Red Priest Rezo    PM
Score +176
Love the art, hate the story. But oh well.
Posted on 14 February 2022, 11:56 by:   rencen    PM
Score +45
Wait this suppose to be a timeskipped atter this comic ???


If so then it's a really confusing starts!

Like geez, Aang and Katara couldn't work it out???
Posted on 23 February 2022, 23:57 by:   R.O.B.    PM
Score +58
I love it when girls are so thicc that their clothes can't even contain it. She was pretty much standing still, but still had a wardrobe malfunction.
Posted on 27 February 2022, 15:45 by:   pantonious    PM
Score +43

Agreed. This beginning has such a gap and kind of comes out of left field. Like when did you establish that zuko slept with Katara? Toph totally ruined everything lol. This group is so tightly knit that when one pair breaks up they'll just go to someone else in the group.
Posted on 09 March 2022, 08:58 by:   thataboo    PM
Score +16
Story wise it is a bit weird, art wise it looks fantastic.
Posted on 15 March 2022, 23:08 by:   glewey15    PM
Score +26

in the Korra comic by this artist Katara seems like she was with Aang in the end. I think they will make up.
Posted on 16 March 2022, 16:39 by:   jollymexican    PM
Score +39
The time skip was jarring coming from the last part, but I do find it funny that Katara is seething because Aang got over her and doesn’t care anymore about who she fucks
Posted on 16 March 2022, 16:58 by:   TVGuru1234    PM
Score +92
How can you tease me with a Zuko/Mai/Katara threesome and not show it?!
Posted on 16 March 2022, 20:49 by:   DrFreyr    PM
Score +9
Lot to like here! The artstyle is ok, but I'm actually really into your take on the future of the cast. We get some stuff from the canon, but I like things like Katara's swinging and Sokka knocking up Ty Lee.
Posted on 17 March 2022, 01:53 by:   darkboy1200    PM
Score +15
I'm just hoping we see Zuko and Katara get a little one on one scene. The tease at the beginning is too much to bear.
Posted on 17 March 2022, 02:12 by:   nymphio    PM
Score +15
Why do I have a feeling that it's going to have Aang coming out as gay?
Posted on 20 March 2022, 14:18 by:   marcellus345    PM
Score +6
With the bait we're getting, I'm about 100% sure it's going to be Aang and Sokka.
Posted on 01 April 2022, 03:22 by:   mr black    PM
Score +7
If anyone wants to upload the latest pics for this, here are some links:
Posted on 27 April 2022, 13:02 by:   Loki The Flameshield    PM
Score +7
Wait, Azula wasn't imprisoned was she? I'm fairly certain she wasn't. At least not in an actual prison. Wasn't she she hospitalized and even that was for a short while? (yeah, I obviously know it is a fan comic, but trying to remember if she was or not)
Last edited on 27 April 2022, 13:19.
Posted on 27 April 2022, 19:01 by:   TVGuru1234    PM
Score +15
Posted on 28 April 2022, 19:53 by:   dukid    PM
Score +6
@TVGuru1234 thats the thing with this artist....they spend a fucking century making an awfully written plot/build up to a 1-2 page sex one gives a fuck about this dumb drama...
Posted on 15 May 2022, 03:26 by:   Mr.2D    PM
Score +28
Ayo, why am i invested tho? I'm legit witing for the end of this. Crazy thing im sure Aang already has someone else so i'm not sure what the revenge will mean to him.

Ayo, why am i invested tho? I'm legit witing for the end of this. Crazy thing im sure Aang already has someone else so i'm not sure what the revenge will mean to him.
Posted on 15 May 2022, 13:26 by:   Red Priest Rezo    PM
Score +97
Ugh. For some reason I hoped that timeskip would end all the drama, instead it became stupid(er). Katara forgiving a murderer so she can help with "revenge" on Aang?.. Wow. By now I'm not sure what EmmaBrave hates more: drawing porn or Aang.
Posted on 16 May 2022, 15:01 by:   Selvokaz    PM
Score +12
So this is a woman writing this? just to be clear cause i don't do deep dives on writers normally.
Posted on 20 May 2022, 23:29 by:   IMAGELord6666    PM
Score +68
Why is Katara so hung up on punishing Aang anyway, the guy already moved on and he accepted he fucked up deal with it.
Posted on 30 May 2022, 06:38 by:   greatlakes100    PM
Score +27
I always find it amazing how people are still emotionally invested in this show. If the execs at Nickelodeon were competent, they would have been able to monetize this.
Posted on 30 May 2022, 20:52 by:   titlovingguy    PM
Score +6
greatlakes100 There are comics that take place after the show.
Posted on 15 June 2022, 03:16 by:   mr black    PM
Score +7
You know, sadikus, there are three new images on Kemono from Emmabrave. Why don't you upload them now?
Posted on 15 June 2022, 15:56 by:   locolol    PM
Score +51
@Red Priest Rezo, yeah with the latest pages I'm starting to suspect EmmaBrave hates Aang
Posted on 16 June 2022, 06:57 by:   TVGuru1234    PM
Score +31
Sure is a lot of not sex going on.
Posted on 16 June 2022, 08:06 by:   inmersion    PM
Score +71
Did Katara used fucking blood bending for petty revenge? Gotta say that is the most out of character anyone has been in this comic
Posted on 17 June 2022, 00:58 by:   dlue2    PM
Score +38
I cant wait till she learns the truth and she feels like shit.
Posted on 22 June 2022, 23:42 by:   lw123789    PM
Score +37
Yeah... Go ask the one responsible for your break-up, I'm sure she got good advices...
Posted on 23 June 2022, 02:28 by:   IMAGELord6666    PM
Score +98
Yep......this is just straight up Aang hate at this point that it ain't even funny now
Posted on 23 June 2022, 02:40 by:   Mr.2D    PM
Score +19
@Iw123789 to be fair, she didn't caught him with Toph, she caught him with the Kyoshi Island girls.
Posted on 02 July 2022, 16:30 by:   wolftitan    PM
Score +50
Yeah... I hope Katara, gets some Karma hit on her cause seriously that is a dick move doing that. i mean seriously it wasn't even Aangs fault through most of it the worst he did was sleep with kyoshi girls, and he got punished for it, Katara broke up with him, that is his punishment, this is just kicking him in the balls while he's down, and Toph, what right does she have to laugh and give idea's to humiliate him she's was one of the reasons that caught him into sleeping with those girls.
Posted on 19 July 2022, 19:47 by:   dukid    PM
Score +27
just draw sex scenes, emmabrave...writing isn't your strong suit
Posted on 20 July 2022, 06:54 by:   thefakeguy    PM
Score +31
Nothing about this seems fun or interesting. This feels like some angsty teen drama with tits slapped on which for the past couple months have had no action whatsoever. Is this porn or your fanfic? Choose one and commit to that only.
Posted on 20 July 2022, 12:34 by:   sirviper    PM
Score +104
Ok. I"m just going to say it. Katara is being utterly ridicolous here. What the hell is Aang doing wrong right now? What he's not directly confronting/talking to her like she wants? Why would he need to? They broke up over what happend and she ran off to be with Zuko and Mai. And Aang is respecting that choice and keeping his distance from her and not trying to pry open the old wounds. He's not running away or avoiding the problem, the problem is clearly that Katara wants a fight. She doesnt' want to talk to Aang about it, she clearlly just wants to make a big issue about the whole situation and Aang doesn't want to deal with that. He did wrong, he accepted he did and moved on. And how she's been acting is utterly WRONG. Seriously, being making his shorts wet was one thing. But forcing him to hit Ty Lee was crossing the line and then she's trying to turn it around on HIM like he's the one doing wrong cause he won't 'Talk about it.'

It's pretty clear she not only hasn't moved on, she pretty much just got with Zuko and Mai to get back at Aang cause Zuko was his best friend and she thought it would make him mad, but it didn't and she is frustrated at that. Ever notice past waking up she hasn't even spoken to the two? She proibbly couldn't care less about them or their relationship. It's just her being ridicoulous and Aang is not the bad guy here or doing anything wrong!

Also just adding this as a small edit. This whole sutaiton is Toph's fault for wanting to get Aang to have sex with her. Like she didn't even want him as her boyfriend. Like this is ALL her fault and honestly and then she turned it back on him like it's HIS fault, even though she's the one that got him to cheat in the frist place. Why is she getting off scott free in all this and still be friedns with katara when it's pretty much all her fautl? I'd of at least accepted it a bit if she wanted to be with Aang and wanted him to break up with Katara but no.
Last edited on 22 July 2022, 17:54.
Posted on 23 July 2022, 09:01 by:   greatlakes100    PM
Score +42
I feel like the huge time skip was unnecessary and out of character for everyone. It would make more sense if all of this had occurred a just few days after part one.
Posted on 24 July 2022, 01:54 by:   lugia277    PM
Score +61
More sex, less plot. I can't believe Azula has always been fully clothed when she appears.
Posted on 31 July 2022, 22:09 by:   antmandick    PM
Score +20
"im not looking for payback" then why tf is she trying to get payback on aang + bloodbended so clearly its personal, and why have there only been 2 pages of sex in a porn comic
Posted on 03 August 2022, 05:32 by:   Metalix    PM
Score +18
...Why the fuck is Katara all but throwing herself at the woman who nearly KILLED her!?
Posted on 06 August 2022, 22:20 by:   sirviper    PM
Score +30
Ok. I know I already posted a comment here. But pelase read mine above before you read this one as it will be much shorter.

Alright so. As we all know Katarra's problem with Aang and wanting to 'Talk' About what happend/him cheating on her, has been the source of all the drama here. It's very clear she's upset and angry over him cheating on her. Understandable to a point. But. Guess what?

Katara is currently in a established and seemingly lengthy romantic relationship with Zuko and Mai....

So that makes it INCREDIBLY HYPOCRITCAL of her to straight up now cheat on THEM with Azula, while being mat at Aang for doing it before!
Posted on 07 August 2022, 20:31 by:   Selvokaz    PM
Score +6
Seems Katara can't go 5 seconds without someone top of her giving her the business. Why is she so needy in this comic?
Posted on 08 August 2022, 00:36 by:   darkboy1200    PM
Score +6
All I want is to see Zuko fuck Katara and Azula.
Posted on 08 August 2022, 02:52 by:   BlackTanooki    PM
Score +6
Well damn I was not expecting Emma to actually go through with the whole Azusa x Katara bit
Posted on 08 August 2022, 07:10 by:   slendergender    PM
Score +35
Important (and sad) news,
the artist has decided to shut down her Patreon at the end of August due to her full time job in the animation industry.
Posted on 10 August 2022, 04:53 by:   NoWait2006    PM
Score +6
Mimicking Gurihiru's style is cool
Posted on 14 August 2022, 00:41 by:   Neeckin    PM
Score +7
@Slendergender Looks like they are going to finish the Enchanto comic, seems like they are going to just, leave the rest of these unfinished which is, sad. I was interested in where this one would go
Last edited on 23 August 2022, 22:10.
Posted on 23 August 2022, 02:10 by:   darkboy1200    PM
Score +6
Noooo! Well that's upsetting, but good on the artist for getting a full time job in the industry. Maybe one day I'll get my wish for Zuko.
Posted on 28 August 2022, 00:17 by:   Neeckin    PM
Score +24
The remaining script, as per Emmabraves post as this comic will not see it's end.
(Characters, K - Katara, So - Sokka, Z - Zuko, Az - Azula, Ty - Ty Lee, T - Toph, A - Aang, M - Mai)

*Katara and Azula sex scene*

K: Dont leave, I promise I’ll be back. And when I do I will have taken care of everything, you just need to trust me

K: They’re going to forgive you

*katara leaves azula in the beach house*

Scene 6 - Beach evening

*Katara racing to her destination, Sokka’s award ceremony, everyone is there*

So: And there we were, surrounded by angry spirits on all sides. It all seemed over for us until I realized the badgermoles were freed from their cages…

K: Zuko! I need you to come with me!! Mai and Ty Lee too,

Z: Now? The governor is ready to start

Mayor’s Wife: We’re about to award the medal of champions

K: I’ll explain on the way but first I need a promise from all of you to not lose your cool

So: Katara none of this is making any sense

K: Ughh, just get moving and I’ll - I’ll

*katara spots a hooded figure navigating away in the crowd, it is Azula*

K: Motherfucker!

*katara chases azula down, blowing her cover. Azula reveals herself by thowing fire back*

Az: Stay back!

Z: Azula

Gov: She’s supposed to be in prison! Sokka, I need your assistance

* The crowd is in a panic*

K: No!!

So: Suki, grab my cape! This is a job for TEAM AVATAR

Ty: Wait, sokka. Idk if i can actually fight azula, is that ok?

So: Thats ok Ty Lee you sit this one out, Suki, Toph, let’s go!

T: Finally some action

*Team Avatar rushes towards Azula in an epic fashion, katara blocks them with a shield of ice while Azula runs away*

Z: What are you doing! She’s getting away!

K: I’m not going to let you hurt her

So: Sorry sis, its the governor’s orders

*sokka runs past katara*

*big fight scene, azula v everyone rushing her, katara trying to stop/slow them down, she freezes sokka, suki, mai, toph?*

*aang flies down, real angry*

Z: Why are you helping her??

K: She’s not a threat you just have to let her go (to zuko)

A: So NOW we’re letting things go

*katara aang fight for real, super cool water effects. They are yelling at each other while bending everything they have*

K: Why is it so hard to admit you were wrong!

A: I know I was wrong, when did I ever say otherwise!

K: it would be nice to hear you say it!

A: *Reluctantly* Katara Im sorry! Ive always been sorry, thats why I had to leave for so long I was so ashamed.

K: Thats not the first time you’ve disappeared when things got tough

A: I know i do that alot, dont rub it in!! And it doesnt justify you bloodbending me either

K: I know i know, that was me being stupid. Revenge is stupid.

K: But thanks … you have someone else you need to forgive to

A: I do? *aang looks towards everyone else fighting with azula* Do i haaaaaave to

*katara glaring*

A: Fine, but im doing it for you

*they kiss, aang flies off*

*azula and zuko are fighting, aang comes out of the sky to break it up with airbending*


*the fighting stops*

A: You arent going to hurt us Azula, are you

Z: ‘Not going to hurt us??’ She just threw a fireball at my head!

Az: Only because she threw a wall at me! *directed at toph*

A: Enough! Azula, you cant keep running. Not from everyone you know

*Ty lee breaks the tension by embracing her friend*

Ty: Azula! I never thought i’d see you again!

M: Hey azula (nonchalantly)

Az: Hey Mai

K: Azula doesnt have anywhere to go, and what she needs right now is a family. One that wont attack her, or get revenge. The cycle of fucking each other up ends here

So: Alright team avatar, let down your weapons.

Mayor: WHAT, you arent going to arrest this maniac? She needs to be brought to justice!

So: If its all the same to you, I think she is going to be staying with us for a while

Mayor: In that case, you have betrayed your solemn oath to protect the people of Ember Island and will NOT be awarded the medal of champions. Come dear

Mayor’s Wife: Goodbye, Sokka

So: (To Zuko) This would be a really bad time to tell him I fucked his wife, huh

Scene 7 - Beach house night

*Everyone is fucking each other in the beach house, Aang and Katara are not there*

(Come up with some hot/funny material)

*Aang and Katara on the balcony*

K: Hey

A: So does this mean everything is all back to normal?

K: As ‘normal’ as they can be, we werent all quite this horny back in the day, right?

A: I think time apart might explain it

K: Right, what has it been, 3 years?

A: Feels like 100

K: I missed you

*fuck around a little until Katara stops*

K: So, you know … theres no reason why this ‘thing’ needs to be exclusive. If you wanted to sleep around or

A: Or you want to sleep around?

K: I like to keep my options open

A: We can make that work

*Pull out to the gaang, all mingling and fucking around*
Posted on 29 August 2022, 02:06 by:   sirviper    PM
Score +42
Ok so. While i am sad this story won't be concluded...Let me get this straight.

Her plan was to have Katarra cheat on Mai and Zuko with Azula.

Then try to help Azula for no reason really.

Get mad when Azula treis to leave and everyone reacts reasonably to the psycho who tried to kill them.

Then, get mad at Aang for a slightly snarky comment and attack him.

Then have them get into an argument in which she's somehow in the right, even though Aang was littearly not doing anything wrong in how he was acting, execpt that she wasn't getting him to outright say he was sorry. Which is ridicoulous quite frankly given he was respecting her boundries, but she decided to get petty on him and striaght up make him hit/hurt Ty lee.

Then suddenly act like everything is better/Ok...Even though she just cheated herself and is double cheating on Mai and Zuko and doesn't even formally break up with them to get back with Aang and instead just sleeps with him behind hteir backs and that's a good things?

Ike....WHAT? This script is ridiculous. All it needed was to have Katara get called out for how SHE was wrong not in how she was feeling, but how she was ACTING and how ironcially she's done WORSE to mai and Zuko than Aang did to her!
Posted on 19 October 2022, 10:59 by:   Mr.2D    PM
Score +3
@sirviper I can see what you're saying, but when you think about it, the scene before the Azula/Katara sex scene can be considered her getting called out, as well as Aang calling her out for the bloodbending with her agreeing it was shitty. Plus, on the patreon post before Emma put up before she quit, that was a first drafted, that would've been changed somewhat to make more sense as she drew the scenes out.
Posted on 12 February 2024, 21:32 by:   mr black    PM
Score +7
Guys, the story is back!!!!
Posted on 21 February 2024, 00:51 by:   freeDragon    PM
Score +6
Ayo, are we gonna see ang fuck Azula? Cuss that would be dope
Posted on 19 June 2024, 10:16 by:   rencen    PM
Score +7
So this page doesn't have the entire pages now but this one does-


They were able to resolved their conflict but overall not a fan of this artist altogther eventhought the art is good.

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