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[Mirin] Musashi Tentacle Trouble! ( ・д・) (Azur Lane)

Posted:2022-12-28 01:30
File Size:66.52 MiB
Length:24 pages
Favorited:168 times
Average: 4.09

Showing 1 - 24 of 24 images

Posted on 28 December 2022, 01:30 by:   RForReversal    PM
Uploader Comment
Support the author on Fanbox or Patreon!

Commission the artist at their pixiv page!
Posted on 29 December 2022, 23:06 by:   R_T    PM
Score -27
Ah, I see you've taken to uploading the full sets now. I guess that just proves that Mirin was never upset about his works being uploaded here, just the fact that he was being exposed as a scammer. It's amusing that in all of this, you've been unable to provide a single piece of proof that Mirin didn't scam me. For those unaware, I've been uploading Mirin's sets here for the past couple months due to the fact that he screwed me out of $2000. In response, Mirin has sent out his 'friends' to attempt to suppress the issue, as they have no real explanation to justify his actions. Here's some proof I've provided to backup my side of the story, although I recognize that most people don't care much.

Anyways, best of luck to you Reversal! For someone who claimed to hate drama in our DMs, you've really gone all in to protect someone you don't even know.
Posted on 30 December 2022, 00:19 by:   RForReversal    PM
Score +37
1. Mirin NEVER scammed you, you gave him financial aid, which was very kind of you, and then RETROACTIVELY said that he owed you commissions.

2. There are countlesss examples of you verbally abusing Mirin and treating him like absolutely garbage, but why do dms have to be public knowledge?

3. Mirin. hasn't. fucking. sent. me. Stop making up this narrative of you being the victim constantly and everyone being against you. I have been uploading sets here for ages, in fact I even uploaded the full sets a long time ago and then disowned them because I felt bad. But I figure if somebody is going to do it anyway and spread lies while doing it, I may as well resume uploading them myself. I AM REVERSAL, not Mirin's pet here to exact 'revenge.'

4. Even if you we're telling the truth, your side of the story just makes you an idiot. If Mirin needed money, you should have paid him AFTER receiving the product or through Pixiv. Why would you keep sending him more money when you didn't receive what you supposedly thought was repayment? That leaves your story with you either lying, or being financially irresponsible. You even got called out on this by a random person a couple sets ago.

Stop the vendetta, you are delusional and keep making everyone who doesn't agree with you out to be the bad guys.
Posted on 30 December 2022, 04:06 by:   Ordin4ry    PM
Score +24
D_T, just stop with this man, you aren't doing yourself any favors by doing this crusade. people are here to fap, not to get involved with months old drama.
Posted on 02 January 2023, 04:50 by:   R_T    PM
Score -25
A little late for my response, but I've been busy with the holidays and if I don't respond I'm sure you'll just assume that you've 'won' the discussion. As I've maintained since the beginning, really the only thing that the public should have any awareness of is the issues regarding the commissions I was scammed out of. Nevertheless, it seems several of you have shown up here, and you continue to make allegations and allude to things as if Mirin's actions are in any way justified. So I'll go ahead and respond to your points, even if I'm saying some things that I'm sure Mirin doesn't want to be made public. Odds are you either won't see this or won't respond, so I'm probably just wasting my time.

1) I've shown multiple times that the money was agreed to be for commissions, both prior to and after sending it. You can continue to make the asinine claim that Mirin doesn't owe me anything, but you're just making a fool of yourself. He even went so far as to suggest characters for a comm himself, which I have provided pictures of. You have to twist and contort things so much to make his story make sense that you may as well be a gymnast.

2) Nice to just leave that hanging in the open, so that any passerby can wonder what 'abusive' things I have said. I know there are cases of me getting fed up with his abuse and calling him out for it, and I've said some pretty hurtful things, but you're making it sound as if I was harassing the guy on a daily basis. To be very clear, Mirin is a toxic person who feels the need to constantly belittle his friends so that he can feel important. Just because he doesn't outright call someone a piece of shit, doesn't mean he isn't manipulative. You seem to have this delusional idea that I got kicked from Mirin's friend group, and that I've taken to posting his sets for 'revenge'. So let's set something straight. Mirin got kicked from MY friend group, not the other way around. The reason he doesn't want to do my commissions is almost certainly his way of getting back at me for that. Ordinary, Blurpin, Frubo, Marsh, all the guys I'm sure you're talking with? Mirin abandoned them near the beginning of the year and removed the channel he was using to talk with them. He refused to join a replacement server they made, and instead decided to hang out with my friend group who I had previously introduced him to. He then spent ~8 months hanging out with us, because he didn't want to be around the others. During that time he consistently made fun of them, talked about how much they annoyed him, and otherwise was a general ass. Brute, who has read these comments, knows a little bit about what I mean, but perhaps not to what extent. Because Brute was also used as a punching bag, to the point where Mirin literally made a small group chat without him and changed the name to make fun of him. He does not value anyone, not his friends, not his family, not his fans. He is a self-proclaimed high school bully, and he enjoys it. Whenever I would get pissed at Mirin and call him out, it would be because I had had enough of his shit and wanted him to cut it out. If Mirin actually showed you the arguments I would have with him, you'd notice how I would consistently say how he was the only friend who made me feel like shit, and the only one I got into fights with. But I'm a dumbass, because I repeatedly went back to him and apologized for being mean to him. I was in a bad mental state, and he was able to easily manipulate things to make it seem like I was being hysterical and making things up. We even had an argument about the fact that he was never willing to admit when he was wrong, and seemingly refused to say sorry when he would cross the line. And he acknowledge that I had a point and then... didn't change a thing. When things inevitably reached a breaking point and we got into our final argument, he left the server we were in and I was forced to give an explanation as to why. After everything was said and done, no one wanted him back. And before you go and say that I somehow 'manipulated' all of my friends, several of them even told me that they had noticed his toxic behavior before, but hadn't called him out on it because they didn't want to cross a line. Furthermore, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, before you claim that Mirin didn't want anything to do with those friends anymore, he had dialogue with him and attempted to explain his side of the story, painting me out to be the sole bad guy. He even continued to play the game (Destiny) for several weeks and, to my knowledge, is still lurking in our clan. The fact is, no one likes to hang out with a bully. Given that you don't have any history with the guy, I wish you the best of luck Reversal. As for those who welcomed him back despite being treated like absolute shit, well I mean, you already know what you're getting into. Have fun walking on eggshells until his next outburst.

3) My dude, stop assuming everything is about you. Unless you are using multiple alternate accounts, it should be very clear who I'm referring to when I say that Mirin's 'friends' have been trying to suppress things. Ordinary commented here, Brute and roflstompers (who I don't know but who has gone out of their way to give a negative score to everything I have posted, all the way back to the beginning) reacted... Not to mention Frubo or Drunii in other posts or 'Veraltee' who made his account on the exact day Mirin found out I was posting his stuff, and proceeded to react and then later leave a comment acting like a neutral 3rd party. You clearly think I'm an idiot, but the fact is I was IN the chat that you guys are now collaborating in. I know what goes on there. You claim that I was gaslighting Mirin, but have you taken a look in the mirror?

4) Have you... ever commissioned an artist before? Because even suggesting that I pay Mirin "AFTER receiving the product" is completely ridiculous. That isn't how commissions work, and it never will be. I assumed such a thing was obvious, but I guess not, so I'll explain why: it's because after the work is done, there's nothing preventing the commissioner from just... not paying. As for commissioning through pixiv, Mirin didn't set that up until well into 2022, and that was only at my suggestion. In fact, there's even proof of that in the last picture of the imgur album! I have gone out of my way to be nice and state that if someone wants to commission Mirin, they should use pixiv to guarantee they get what they pay for in a timely manner*. And you know what, maybe I shouldn't have been nice. Mirin scammed me out of 2 grand, an absurd amount of money. It would be more than understandable if I was telling people to not ever commission him. As for why I continued to send him money, man, I've already explained multiple times that Mirin needed financial assistance. He assured me that he would do the commissions, and we had been close friends for over a year at that point. I put my trust in him, and yeah, I guess that does make me an idiot. As for the random person who called me out, it's pretty clear that he's the type of person who goes around trying to pick fights with others given his profile bio. I really don't care what he said, because he made it abundantly clear that he came up with his conclusions before even attempting to understand the situation. Funny how you don't mention the commenters who have shown up to support me.

Nah man, I'm not delusional. You can continue to call me names all you want. If I wanted to, I could take the time to provide discord proof for most of the claims that I have made in this comment (probably not all, because a lot was over voice chat). Mirin treated me like garbage, I put up with it because I wasn't in a good mental state and sometimes he would be nice, and when I had finally had enough he decided to break any sense of professionalism he may have had and refused to do his job. Now he has gone crawling back to the people who he actively loathes being around, solely because they will follow his every whim. I know this because I was once one of those fools, until I decided to grow a spine and end what was an incredibly toxic relationship. And once again, as I have stated in the past, I will fully acknowledge that I was a dick to Mirin and went along with his bullying from time to time. Ordinary is the guy I mentioned in my pastebin as the friend we mistreated, and why I felt it was karma. Mirin abandoned the dude and completely broke him to the point where he was joking that he would be suicidal, and I didn't stick up to defend him. I even ended up blocking him after he resorted to stalking me on steam (his admission), although I do feel that my actions there were somewhat justified. I am not a good person, and I went along with some things that made me despise myself. But if you honestly believe Mirin was the victim in this situation, then I've got a bridge to sell you.

*As for the timely manner comment, ordinary went ahead and messaged me on the 12/29/22 through a chat we were in (because I have him blocked due to the stalking) to gloat about the fact that Mirin FINALLY finished his commission after more than a year. I have commissioned many artists, and continue to do so. I have never heard of anything this absurd, especially given that it's not as if Mirin had extenuating circumstances preventing him from working on the comm. The only reason he took over a year was because he didn't like the guy. If you think that's a professional artist, and someone you'd like to support, then be my guest.

EDIT: You know what, here's an example of what I'm talking about of what sort of an asshole Mirin can be. There's worse stuff I can probably find, but this little rant only took a second to find and does a nice job of encapsulating a lot of the things I said. It even includes something that I didn't mention, which is that Mirin loves to share private DMs with others for no real reason other than entertainment or to make fun of people. If you messaged Mirin at all during the time we were friends, odds are he relayed that message to me because he does not respect anyone's privacy. Furthermore, you can even see me calling myself controlling and being incredibly passive/submissive during this convo, because I had been led to believe that I was the abusive one in our relationship. He doesn't address this but leaves me hanging and changes the topic before finally going back to the subject at hand. You'll probably just ignore it, but I'd honestly love to see you explain what a nice guy he is, and how I'm the one who scammed/abused him.
Last edited on 02 January 2023, 05:45.
Posted on 03 January 2023, 09:07 by:   Resilius    PM
Score +14
Hi. Impartial viewer here. This has been pretty hilarious to watch as you guys are arguing on a hentai site of all places. But nevertheless, I have looked at every link, page, and image that R_T provided, and I can say with 100% certainty that what Mirin did was completely normal. He had two people nagging and pestering him, so he decided to vent to a friend because he didn't want to explode in public. An admin friend and I did the same thing with a troublemaker in our servers. As for a rant, I've seen those too. I have also seen way worse things being typed in Discord. Mirin did nothing wrong. You, R_T, either have the biggest victim complex I've ever seen, or you are incapable of distinguishing between a gift given to a friend and a professional transaction between a businessman and his customer. And no R_T, I didn't just skim what you posted. I actually looked those links over while fully expecting Mirin to have stickier fingers than a tree frog.

I will reiterate: Mirin did nothing wrong. You, R_T, need to get your head checked. Now that I've wasted about an hour's worth of sleep, I'd prefer it if the two of you would kindly take your argument somewhere else.

- Someone who needs insomnia medication

Edit: I am commenting on this against my better judgement. After I'm done editing this, I'mma take a step back and let this play out.
Last edited on 03 January 2023, 09:34.
Posted on 03 January 2023, 16:28 by:   R_T    PM
Score -12
Hi there impartial viewer. I'm a little suspicious that you aren't as impartial as you claim, given that you made your account a couple of days before VeralTee and how wholeheartedly you defend Mirin here. Mirin and Co have already shown that they have no problem creating alts to give the appearance of public support, so another one isn't that unlikely. Nevertheless, I fully realize that there will be some people who disagree with me, so I'll take you at your word.

I'm going to keep this short, because I'd rather not waste my time responding to points I already have. You say that I am "incapable of distinguishing between a gift and a professional transaction." I have already provided multiple instances of Mirin himself stating that he owes me commissions for the money I gave him. Unless he's just lying for some reason, I really don't see how that's not evidence of a professional transaction. I don't have a verbal acknowledgement of him stating that the money was for commissions, because why would I? I don't have a formal business contract, because that's not how commissions work. What I have is detailed proof of discussing one commission in detail, and several other example of minor discussion on the other commissions. So my question to you is, where in any of this do you get the impression that Mirin did not scam me out of $2000 worth of comms?

It sounds like you won't be responding anymore, but if you are impartial as you claim then I am genuinely curious why you are so certain that he didn't do anything wrong. Him and his friends have yet to provide anything to support their ridiculous claims, yet you seem to believe every word out of their mouths.

Anyways, best of luck to you with your insomnia. I've had several other impartial users agree with me, so I don't think things are as clear-cut as you seem to insist.
Posted on 04 January 2023, 15:49 by:   Resilius    PM
Score +14
If $2000 was indeed "scammed", then I'm a little suspicious and surprised that you haven't taken any action beyond spreading heresay. Yes, I made my account a short while. But it doesn't take days to look at all the links that you provided. As I said, I actually agreed with you at first, thinking Mirin to have sticky fingers. However, your evidence failed to convince me. I will also say that I haven't even talked to Mirin or his friends. You have been my only source of information regarding this matter. I have also noted that the moment I decided that Mirin was in the right, you called my impartiality into question, implying that the only time you think someone is impartial is when they agree with you, indicating that you have absolutely no interest in actually hearing people out and are only interested in being right.
Posted on 05 January 2023, 04:52 by:   R_T    PM
Score -12
If you really read everything I've posted as you claim, then you'd have noticed where I mentioned attempting to do a chargeback. Here's the exact line from the pastebin: "I was advised to do a chargeback on the money I had given him, but unfortunately I had done it through paypal 'friends and family', and it had been too long since I had sent the money." And that was after a month of attempting to resolve things civilly through 3rd parties. Once again, Mirin's own words aren't hearsay unless he is lying. You keep talking about Mirin having "sticky fingers," but what does that even mean? Were you expecting him to say "Yes D_T I owe you commissions but I will not be completing them" or something? The only sort of proof that is going to exist is Mirin discussing the commissions when we were friends. A lot of that discussion was through voice, which I obviously have no way to prove, but I do still have several examples of him mentioning it in text thankfully. I could potentially ask the mutual friend to screencap his logs from when Mirin offered to complete the commissions in exchange for me removing these posts, but I'd rather not get him more involved in this matter. I'm really not sure how to make things more obvious.

Nah, I don't "only think someone is impartial when they agree with me." That being said, Mirin and his friends have shown that they have no trouble ganging up on me to attempt to suppress what I have to say. In this comment section alone you have Reversal, Ordinary, Brute, Drunii, VeralTee, and rolfstompers. And then you. Is it possible that you're impartial? Sure. I even said that I would take you at your word. But if I'm going to be realistic, there's also a chance that you're just another one of their alt accounts. And to be clear, it's not as if these people are random Mirin fans who stumbled across my posts/comments and took offense. I've been posting his stuff for a couple months now, and it's always the same guys. I know most of these people by name. I would bet money that Mirin has re-opened the hidden "sussy bakas" channel in his discord, potentially under a different name, and that my posts here have been mentioned there multiple times. They like to get on my ass about how most people don't care, and you know what, they're absolutely right. I even said that at the end of my very first post. Most people are just here for hentai. But you know who seems to really care a lot, and really doesn't want me to say anything? Mirin and his friends.

Anyways man, if screencaps of Mirin stating "I owe you more than just that comm," among other things, aren't enough to make you think that he... owes me more than just that comm (and even that one was never finished), I don't know what to tell you. I must be some galaxy-brained manipulator to make him say these things if he actually didn't mean them.
Posted on 31 January 2023, 13:11 by:   Zephmor    PM
Score +1
I just saw the cache of this illustration in the folder. What's going on here?

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