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[Netorare no Tami] She Is Being Targeted ~Prologue~ [English]

Posted:2023-03-05 07:07
Language:English  TR
File Size:6.95 MiB
Length:23 pages
Favorited:843 times
Average: 4.45

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Posted on 05 March 2023, 07:07 by:   steveyolo80    PM
Uploader Comment
Hey everyone, this is the first of many of Netorare no Tami's Hinako series. I am aiming to translate the whole series but this may take me some time. I am aiming to have the full series translated, and will update with links as I complete them. Enjoy!

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1. She Is Being Targeted ~Prologue~ [Here]
2. She Is Being Targeted ~Drawing Model Request~ /g/2484727/9df848d776/
3. Hinako's Daily Life ~Sports Gym~ /g/2485070/c84481f215/
4. Hinako's Mischief ~School Pool~ /g/2485199/c9a9d81923/
Posted on 04 March 2023, 08:35 by:   Guilty Thighs    PM
Score +15
Holy, you are a god! Thank you for this!
Posted on 04 March 2023, 08:55 by:   triz1337    PM
Score -4
A god among men, thank you sir for your efforts
Posted on 04 March 2023, 09:42 by:   VNProtagonist    PM
Score -2
Thanks for getting to this artist. These have been sitting around for too long.
Posted on 04 March 2023, 10:23 by:   prophanity    PM
Score -7
Thanks for the hard work! I've been waiting for someone to get to this series.
Posted on 04 March 2023, 10:37 by:   Threwaway12345678    PM
Score -7
I've been waiting so long, you're a hero for this
Posted on 04 March 2023, 11:50 by:   tealsack    PM
Score +126
Do keep in mind that this "translator" only does machine translations and rewrites. How this guy has people clamoring to read his uploads is beyond me.
Posted on 04 March 2023, 14:40 by:   steveyolo80    PM
Score +21

Yeah, you’ve got me stumped too.

Anyways, thanks for the kind words everyone! Despite Japanese not being my native language I always double check each line to make sure I’m getting the right meaning across. Also, I always try to get accurate translations out only for works I know will likely never get a translation anyways. If a better translator ever wants to take over this, I’ll gladly step down.
Posted on 04 March 2023, 15:35 by:   medkittestspeed    PM
Score -60
Posted on 04 March 2023, 16:58 by:   GodKiana321    PM
Score -26
Thank you so much steveyolo80!
Posted on 04 March 2023, 17:46 by:   karesh    PM
Score -7
To me at least the issue has never necessarily been MTL itself but that many of those who post MTL content do not proofread the result, and often implemented poor editing alongside that.
Here, and the NT00 work, I don't get the same feeling of trying to understand a machine that is trying to understand the material. The text makes sense. The dialogue feels decently natural. The edits aren't a nightmare mess of shoddy fonts or pixels. With there being so many works that would not see translation at all I have no problem with something I wanted to see being done decently.
Posted on 05 March 2023, 00:38 by:   tealsack    PM
Score +78
Just letting people know. I can't stop people for reading and uploading. Though I will always point it out because these types of actions is what will eventually corrode any scene they get their fang in.
>To me at least the issue has never necessarily been MTL
This type of mindset and people is what is wrong with the world today. Have some standards. This is why and how industries and hobbies are dying.
Posted on 05 March 2023, 00:47 by:   steveyolo80    PM
Score +10
Thanks for the reading order! I should know the series like the back of my hand by now, but this one in particular has a challenging order so I really appreciate it!

No problem, hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks for your honest evaluation of my work. I've gotten more experience as I do more TLs but I know my skills are not at the level of a native speaker. However, I make every effort to make my translations readable and accurate to the source material as I continue to improve my Japanese. At the end of the day, I want to do the work justice and help people read these hidden gems.

Of course, I understand. Just doing shoddy, MTL translations to ruin great works is horrible and I hate it when it's done to works I like. That's why I'll let my work speak for itself, which I believe will do the source material justice.
Last edited on 05 March 2023, 01:06.
Posted on 05 March 2023, 05:13 by:   karesh    PM
Score -7
tealsack I... Literally said I have standards. This meets them. It's done well enough, for a series that nobody was working on. My standards for this are based in the result. What parts aren't up to your standards? What did they get wrong?
Posted on 05 March 2023, 22:30 by:   rsx205    PM
Score +120
the irony of wanting to do a work justice with mtl
not a comprehensive list by any means but I always try to be charitable with loosely TLed lines whenever I make comments like this

OG: おそいよ~!
TL: "Come on!"

OG: ほら早く早く
TL: "Let's go!"

these two lines may carry some of that intent, but it's not the actual text (and doesn't warrant a rewrite). you deliberately rewrote them

two lines completely erased in the first panel, I wonder why

OG: 思春期を迎えて彼女の体は豊かに育ち始め、
TL: "Her body began to grow lots as she reached puberty"
ED: "grow lots" is underselling the original intent

OG: べ、別に見てないよ…っ
TL: "I-I wasn't looking..."

OG: 陽菜子ちゃんのおっぱいなんて…っ
TL: "at Hinako-chan's boobs..."

when you use mtl you risk randomly lose some of the intent in lines like this

OG: あとでここいっぱいイジメてあげるのになぁ…♥
TL: "I'll tease you a lot later...♥"
ED: she's specifically referring to teasing his cock

bottom box completely erased from the web page, I wonder why

OG: えっっっっろ!!
TL: Whoooooooaaaa!!!!
ED: this line is rewritten

OG: まんこめっちゃ肉厚wクッソ気持ちよさそうあとアナル舐めてぇ
TL: "Her pussy lips look so thick. I wanna lick it and her anus at the same time"
ED: missing detail about how he thinks they probably feel, and the original line doesn't say anything about doing things at the same time

OG: 絶対に俺の子供産ませるからお陽菜子
TL: "My balls are working overtime just from this pic, hehe"
ED: this line is rewritten

OG: ビュ♡ / ビュ♡
TL: "Hah♡ / Hah♡ "
ED: this isn't breathing sfx

idk just lines left untranslated, or with details omitted presumably because the mtl didn't read it in the first place (or the output made no sense)
lines combined (or separated) where they shouldn't be
rewrites to try and cover up the cracks and/or to skew the amount of effort needed to mtl etc.
Posted on 05 March 2023, 23:05 by:   steveyolo80    PM
Score -17

I quit translating. Started out as a hobby, but was something I always put full effort in. You win, hope someone picks this series up someday
Last edited on 05 March 2023, 23:35.
Posted on 06 March 2023, 00:09 by:   Throwaway645    PM
Score -32
Don’t listen to the haters! This is good work and I’ll look forward to every upload!
Posted on 06 March 2023, 00:16 by:   rsx205    PM
Score +94
so you decide to quit rather than address the errors or explain your translation decisions? it's not like they're impossible to fix
since you wrote about improving your Japanese, I tried pointing out how mtl fails you in certain areas
but if you're quitting after being shown a few mistakes, then idk what your effort was going towards
Posted on 06 March 2023, 00:43 by:   steveyolo80    PM
Score -30
Wow, almost feels like you're encouraging me, but nah I've had enough. It's not just you, it's the constant backlash and pointing out that I'm an MTL translator and straight dismissal of the translations that I'd rather quit.

I get it, I didn't capture the nuances and every single detail that a native speaker would have picked up on, but I know most of my translation is accurate. So I'll do everyone a favor and just stop translating because my translations are exactly as bad as you claim.
Posted on 06 March 2023, 02:51 by:   rsx205    PM
Score +60
ok fine, we can assume that it takes native proficiency to avoid nuances and details like removing entire lines of text, whatever

never read your uploads before, and right now I don't see a single comment showing exactly where you could make adjustments like mine did
but go ahead and lump my comment in with whatever backlash you received
if you're taking corrections and criticisms of mtl so personally then idk what else to say
I tried giving you the benefit of the doubt when you talked about improving your Japanese and putting in effort, but the way you're acting and everything you're doing just contradicts that
Posted on 06 March 2023, 23:55 by:   medkittestspeed    PM
Score -13
yep fuck off you made the right choice steveyolo80 this site is full of butthurted rats i dont even know why they shited on you so much someone was willing to put the work to translate this work yes its not perfect but it was way more than enough and this series will NEVER get translated now. thanks for your work man just know that some people do appreciate .
Posted on 07 March 2023, 00:24 by:   Renfri    PM
Score -16
People don't understand that this is better than nothing, just to get the general gist of it is way better than fucking reading characters of a language you don't know. Just as somebody said, some people do appreciate the content but I guess most japanese proficient users here (self-taught anime watching braindead users) will rather shit on you

Anyways, I think it was a good choice to quit after all the shitstorm you got
Posted on 07 March 2023, 06:21 by:   chick ken    PM
Score -1
@tealsack If you actually care about the series then have its translation commissioned. You didn't do shit while it was being overlooked and the moment some guy puts in some effort to have it tl'd, you come here preaching about your fucking standards. I'd understand your butthurt if this guy was sniping popular works left and right but that's clearly not the case

@steveyolo I understand if you don't wish to continue but would just like to let you know that your choices in picking these series to translate is great and you did a good enough job for me to comfortably follow along with the story
Posted on 07 March 2023, 18:20 by:   Dogdiggity    PM
Score -20
@rsc205 you’ve made a lot of criticisms but are you going to translate the work for everyone. you come of as a choosing beggar so ether translate the work yourself and show us you can do it and aren’t full of hot air or stop commenting about every little detail you don’t like

@steveyolo80 dude you know what this shits like, best thing for translators to do is just put their translations out there and not look back, you do it for the people who enjoy it not those who want to shit on it. Keep going and brush them off, they aren’t putting out translations so who are they to judge.
Posted on 07 March 2023, 20:52 by:   Reigan11    PM
Score -1
Your translation is excellent, far more than enough. Hell, you can see this in the ratings. Just keep doing your thing and ignore the few trolls.

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