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[Yakimeshi Modoki (Pilaf Modoki)] Hosomichi no Oku Nagi [English] [Wrecking Army] [Digital]

[やきめしもどき (ぴらふもどき)] ほそみちのおく 凪 [英訳] [DL版]

Posted:2023-06-11 18:42
Language:English  TR
File Size:56.54 MiB
Length:42 pages
Favorited:1198 times
Average: 4.49

Showing 1 - 40 of 42 images

Posted on 11 June 2023, 18:42 by:   ValacBroker    PM
Uploader Comment
58, This one from [email protected] (Discord: Soba#2596)

This was an unplanned release for this month, but It's something I've been waiting on for a bit.

Fun fact, the other 2 things from this Artist I also commissioned. It's with a certain amount of Pride that I've now commissioned 100% of Pilaf Modoki's stuff.

Part 1 = /g/2010981/2824a5ed2a/
Part 2 = /g/2500786/08d7f2b7f5/

And this is the third out of 5 contest prompts. If you need more info, check the discord and I'll put a TLDR at the bottom.

Right now 9 people have 2 points and an 3 others have 1 point.

Prompt 3 is to find me a work, either translated or not, that contains a Loli character that also has pubic hair.
As an extra, each person can submit up to 3 works for this prompt, scoring 3 points. (The older prompts are still active)

TLDR: I'm hosting a hentai scavenger hunt with a chance to win a free translated work of your choice. there's going to be a total of 5 prompts that allow you to score points, whoever has the most will win. The contest ends on July 4th.
Posted on 12 June 2023, 01:37 by:   kekekekekeeek    PM
Score +39
The other two were really hot. Thanks for your dedication.
Posted on 15 June 2023, 23:05 by:   krautbernd    PM
Score +201
>cervix prolapse

No guys, that not the cervix. Try again.
Posted on 18 June 2023, 14:47 by:   Factual    PM
Score +16
1. The way these are drawn, they don't really look like lolis, just flat chested.

2. Not how clits work
Posted on 18 June 2023, 22:56 by:   Swimmingly    PM
Score +64
It's supposedly an urethra prolapse, I haven't seen one irl before to tell you about its anatomic correctness though so I'm just gonna trust my dick on this one.
Posted on 21 June 2023, 06:44 by:   ValacBroker    PM
Score +0
Yeah, so while Urethra's can prolapse, it doesn't actually work like that. Also, a woman's urethra is only around 1-1.5 inches long, and since the prolapse needs to double back since the bladder didn't fall out, that gives us a max of .75 of an inch. That assumes the bladder is literally as far down as possible without if bursting from her skin.

So hentai logic at work here.

On the topic of the tag. I didn't tag is as cervix prolapse, and I tried downvoting it, but its still there. I also didn't do the loli tag, and since my power isn't high enough, I can't down vote that one.
Posted on 03 January 2024, 12:27 by:   Nomake Wan    PM
Score +19
All three books in this series get the rough translation tag? That makes me very sad, as someone who loves this artist.

Raw: /g/2299241/41d19d6bf1

Page 3
JP: オーッ
Justification: Pretty common mistake; that's a small ツ there, which is used as an exclamation mark and is not actually pronounced. I'll only count this one once though it happens twice on the page.

JP: おっつー♪
EN: You too~♪
OP: Thanks!
Justification: Not what was said.

JP: えー アレそんなむずかったっけ
EN: Ehh? Was it really that hard?
OP: Oh that test was so difficult!
Justification: Literally the opposite of what was said.

JP: そこそこ「平凡なJK」やってます
EN: I pull off the "normal high school girl" act pretty well.
OP: I'm just an "average high schooler" here
Justification: The やってる implies that she's just acting like a normal high-school girl. There's also an implied "but" here, which is exactly what the first panel on the next page then explains...

Page 4
JP: ーだけど私には
EN: However, the truth is I...
OP: ...For some reason,
Justification: This continues from the previous page's final panel and proceeds into the next one.

JP: どういうわけか気になって仕方のない子が…
EN: ...for some reason, have a girl I can't stop thinking about...
OP: There's this girl that I can't stop thinking about...
Justification: Won't count this one, but showing you what it would look like.

JP: 見て見て ホラ いつものやつ
EN: Look, look! There she goes!
OP: Look, look! It's the usual guys
Justification: I know why you made this mistake, but they didn't use the plural form of やつ so it's referring to an action rather than people. It's referring to her dozing off absent-mindedly (which apparently happens pretty commonly to Amatsuna from their perspective).

JP: 周りのおっさん達みんなソワソワしてるし 草
EN: Those old dudes next to her look so nervous lmao!
OP: They look so nervous around her
Justification: This is actually the first time there's a direct reference to the people other than Amatsuna, and they're referred to as "ossan-tachi" so...yeah.

JP: さぁ? でもどうせ玉砕でしょー あの子はだれも落とせないってうちらには常識じゃん
EN: Who knows? But it's gotta be complete and utter rejection right? It's just common sense for us that she won't let anyone snatch her away!
OP: Well, she's probably going to reject him anyway, it's common sense for us that no one can win her over.
Justification: Won't count this one, but going to put it anyway since there was a particular character in the original text that didn't quite make it into OP's version.

Page 6
JP: …ってか家でっっか
EN: ...but damn her house is HUGE!!
OP: ...such a big house
Justification: Won't count this, but you really threw out how extreme this line is in the original. Plus it further reinforces that this is the first time she's ever been here since she's never actually seen Amatsuna's house before.

JP: 天綱さん…やっぱお嬢様なのかな~~なんかいかにもって感じ
EN: Amatsuna-san...must be some kind of heiress, I guess? It sure seems like it!
OP: Amatsuna-san... I wonder if she's actually a young lady? She has that distinct aura about her...
Justification: "Young lady" may be what a dictionary or MTL spit out for お嬢様 but that's not a good way to express to an English reader the concept at play here.

Page 9
JP: いや っていうか その前に… それ…どこに入って…え?は??
EN: No, wait, before that... That thing... where's she Huh??
OP: Wait, hold on a second... Where does that thing go... Huh? What??
Justification: Won't count this but it's a little different from what was written.

JP: 尿…ど…… いや まさか… えっ? えっ??
EN: Pee...ho...... No, couldn't be... Eh!? Ehhh!??
OP: Piss... wha... No, could it be... Huh? Huh??
Justification: The 'ど' is the first part of 道 as in 尿道. Also the second part of the sentence is a negative, not a positive.

JP: わ…若宮さ…あっ なん…でぇぇっ
EN: W...Wakamiya-sa...Ah! But...whyyyy!?
OP: Wa-Wakamiya-sa-- Wha... What??
Justification: Noooot quite. Name, interrupted by moan, asking why (not what).

JP: いっきにぬけ…♡
EN: It's all coming out at...♡
OP: It's coming out...♡
Justification: It's not just coming out, she's trying to say "it's all coming out at once." There's a speed/urgency specifier in play.

Page 10
JP: 学校では あんなに物静かな「あの天綱さん」の
EN: This is a side of "that Amatsuna-san" from school who is always so quiet...
OP: At school, no one has ever seen such an unusual and completely unexpected apperance...
Justification: Just inventing things that don't exist in the original text.

JP: だれも見たことないあられもない姿
EN: An unladylike side that no one has ever seen before.
OP: ...from the calm and quiet "Amatsuna-san."
Justification: Completely missed the meaning, even looking back at the previous panel.

JP: こんなイき方…ぜったいぜったいだめだってわかるのに
EN: Even though in my heart I know that cumming like that is just wrong...
OP: The way she came... I knew I would never be able to do it
Justification: Not what だめだってわかる means in this context. "I know it's wrong, but" is the meaning. Also, this is the start of the sentence that continues on the next page.

There are of course much more than this (this is just page 10 of 40), but that satisfies the tag requirement.
Posted on 14 April 2024, 01:58 by:   ValacBroker    PM
Score +9
Pilaf Modoki Stuff
Hosomichi no Oku
Part 1 = /g/2010981/2824a5ed2a/
Part 2 = /g/2500786/08d7f2b7f5/
Part 3 = You are Here
Part 4 = /g/2880056/fa1a64bbc4/

The Circle of Chippai Life! = /g/2882915/c5095dc061/
Mecha Ude Shoujo Toffee-san vs Endless Slime Nyoui = /g/2888514/965dc6978e/

COMIC Shingeki 2024-04 = Raw /g/2843552/dd8c4cbee6/
Comic Unreal Plus Vol. 5 = Raw /g/2133488/7d0a34f457/

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