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[Foster-Tony] Bondage God (The Boy and the Beast)

Posted:2023-09-07 19:59
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Posted on 07 September 2023, 19:59 by:   romanicyte    PM
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DISCLAIMER: The story is not made by me, but by the commissioner. Credit to him for the story!

------ Image 1 ------

Deep within the recesses of the Beast Kingdom, the lone bear, Kumatetsu was idling by himself and his anger over a bottle while is simian companion, Tatara watched from the sidelines.

“DAMMIT!” The bear roared as he slammed his fist onto the table. “How the hell could the Grandmaster choose Iozen over me without a fight?”

“Yeah, it’s certainly unfortunate.” Tatara chimed in, “But you remember what he said, ‘You can’t become a grandmaster without a disciple’ and you’ve gained about… zero, since you’ve started pining for the title.”

Kumatetsu snarled. “I work my ass off every day just to get by and be the damn best fighter in this town, yet he barely needs to lift a finger and gets rewarded for it!”

“Well, that and he has multiple students, a loving family, great hair and body, is about as good a fighter as you if not m-“ Tatara cut himself mid-sentence as the bear shot him a deathly glare. “- I mean, hey, you got as much good looks and skills as he does, that more than enough for consideration. I mean, second place ain’t that bad right?” Tatara exclaimed, desperately trying and failing to soothe the bear’s mood.

Kumatetsu ultimately sulked his head between his arms, nursing his bottle in between. It wasn’t long though until the two’s conversation ultimately drew the attention of bypassers who recognized the red bear, scoffing and mocking him as they went by. Tatara took notice of this.

“Hey,” He nudged the drunken bear, “Let’s get outta here.” Kumatetsu reluctantly replied.

The walk back home wasn’t that much better. The poor bear was laughed at and shunned by a good number of pedestrians walking by in the crowded streets and when they were alone Kumatetsu violently swore under his breath as he marched up the stairs and into his dojo, and dropped himself onto his worn-out couch.

“C’mon, Kumatestu” Tatara pleaded, “You can’t stay like this forever.”

“What’s the point?” The bear retorted, shocking the monkey to his core. His state was a side of him Tatara had never seen before. “Iozen won. He’s Grandmaster now and havin’ the time of his life. By the time the position opens up again, I’ll be long dead. I’m stuck here until I die a lonely death.” He drunkenly lamented.

Tatara was terrified to hear this but he understood why. Kumatetsu had no one in his life growing up; no family, no master, only a select few friends like himself, but it wasn’t enough. The closest he ever got to finding a disciple was some kid in the human world a while ago, but nothing ever followed up from that. Everyone already had a disliking towards him for his laziness and bad manners and after coming so close to his dream and to be denied a chance to show his worth, it only amplified those feelings more. Tatara was disappointed he couldn’t help him achieve the dream he wanted so bad, but he might have something that could get the bear close.

“Yeah, yeah…” Tatara replied. “-Oh! Speaking of which, now might be a bad time to bring this up but you remember that ‘bet’ we made a while back?”

Kumatetsu’s ears perked and turned his head halfway to look at the monkey. “What bet? He asked.

“You know? The bet you made with me about being Grandmaster before Iozen? The one where we made a contract for and that Hyakushūbō had to help you write up?” Tatara explained as he pulled said contract out of his pocket, displaying it for the bear to see.

“Ah, right. The whole ‘slave for a week’ thing,” Kumatetsu shuddered. He remembered Tatara posing a bet over his own boasting of becoming Grandmaster, that if he failed, he’d become Tatara’s personal slave for a week, doing anything and everything the monkey wanted. Any instance of him rebelling against his ‘Master,’ like swearing, bad behavior or resisting his orders would extend his sentence by a day. Actually calling Tatara “Master” truthfully would extend the sentence indefinitely.

Kumatetsu was so confident in his abilities that he took it without a second thought, and now it was coming back to bite him.

“Forget it. I ain’t doing it.” Kumatetsu barked.

“That’s a shame,” Tatara continued, “Because according to this contract, you HAVE to do this under by the authority of the Grandmaster.”

“That was the old Grandmaster we were talking about.”

“Same rules apply. Do you really wanna take this up with Iozen, the NEW Grandmaster?” Tatara replied smugly.
Kumatetsu shot him a menacing stare, his rage building. “What? You wanna just embarrass me in front of the whole kingdom either way, huh?”

“Well we won’t have to if you take the bet.” The monkey replied.


“I found this abandoned shack out in the middle of the forest, no one around for miles.” Tatara continued, “It’ll be just be the two of us and it’ll stay between the two of us. I promise.”

Kumatetsu sighed, “You really want me to disappear for a week or more to serve you a slave while I barely make enough to get by as is?”

“Look, don’t worry about this place. I’ve got everything covered so you won’t have to worry about anything, I’ve got it ALL planned out.” Tatara explained as Kumatetsu stared in confusion, “I’ve had a month to plan this after your breakdown started. Look, I was honestly planning to forget this bet, but after seeing you so far down in the dumps and the way everyone’s been badmouthing you, I honestly think you need this. Let’s just away from all this for a bit and focus on something else. I promise, it’ll be good for you.” Tatara expressed with a look of concern of his face.

Kumatetsu struggled to retort against him, but seeing one of his only friends express this, he ultimately failed. “Fine…” Kumatetsu reluctantly agreed.

“Alright! This ‘ill be great!” Tatara exclaimed in relief, “I gotta go grab some stuff for the trip. We’ll start tomorrow.” Tatara joyfully walked out of the house. “’Night, Kumatetsu!”

Kumatetsu hazily responded, “Good night…” as he turned his head and drifted into slumber. In his mind though, he kept asking why he agreed to this. Why would so willing be this monkey’s plaything? Maybe there really was nothing left for him to do after all.

When he awoke the next morning, Kumatetsu found himself shrouded in a blanket that was nowhere near his position when he fell asleep. He lazily got up to begin his service as a slave.

“So…. This rundown shack is the place?” Kumatetsu questioned.

After a long journey, the two were finally standing in the midst of an old wooden shack deep within the forest. It was small and appeared desolate, yet the woodwork on it was surprisingly decent, strong and clean cut.

“Yep! Our home away from home!” Tatara replied, carrying a giant bag nearly own size, “No one besides us knows about this place, so it’ll be just us. Although…” He paused, “Calling it ‘rundown’ is quite a harsh to give our place of residence. Such rudeness will extend your sentence by one day.” He ordered smugly. Kumatetsu was enraged by Tatara’s early misuse of power.

“Why you LITTLE-“ Kumatetsu yell was cut off.

“Yelling at your master also extends the sentence by a day.” Tatara replied. Kumatetsu wanted so badly to beat his ass over his misuse of power, but ultimately recognized who was in charge in this situation and desperately calmed himself down.

“Good boy!” Tatara cheered.

Then again, smashing his face in was incredibly tempting.

The two made their way inside, Kumatetsu taking extra measures to remove his sandals before entering to avoid another day being added. The shack consisted of a small living room with a small table to the left while to the right a passage way with a door at the end. Oddly enough, the shack contained strange devices like power outlets, a sink, a heater and a fridge; something the Beast Kingdom didn’t have yet but was common in the human world.

Tatara explained someone had apparently made this to emulate the human lifestyle, but Kumatetsu shrugged it off, ultimately not needing an explanation, likely out of desire to just be done with this. Tatara saw this as rude and extended his sentence.

The two marched to the door on the right and walked within the small room it led to. The inside of the room was but a single, padded chair underneath single light. The rest of the room was dark, the walls composed of strong oak and the floor made of stone that was surprisingly warm to walk on, despite the beastmen being barefoot.

Tatara finally sat his bag down as Kumatetsu investigated the chair, only to realize it wouldn’t budge. It was firmly stuck to the floor. Kumatetsu slumped into the chair to test it out. It was surprising comfortable, his whole body seemed to meld with it.

“Alright, Tatara…” Kumatetsu began, “This shack is pretty alright, but what do you really want me to do here? Clean the place? Make you food?”

“Ha! As you could make a decent meal.” Tatara laughed, much to Kumatetsu’s dismay. “Nah, you really don’t have to do much, my idea of a slave is… a bit different than what most people think of.”

“O…K…?” Kumatetsu raised an eyebrow at this.

Tatara continued. “Don’t worry, it’ll make sense soon. Let’s get started.” He finished, gesturing Kumatetsu over to him. The bear reluctantly agreed a stood hunched over to the monkey, his sheer size double of what his friend was, now awaiting his orders.

“Strip.” The monkey commanded.

“What?” Kumatetsu asked in surprise.

“Take off all your clothes. Get naked. Unless you want to extend your sentence another day?” The monkey clarified.
The bear sighed in agreement, removing his shirt and coat in one fell swoop, revealing his refined chest and abs, the muscles oh his arms and back well defined and bulging despite his fur. He removed his pants and fundoshi immediately after, revealing his tender legs, his rock-hard ass and giant member. His whole visage was immensely tantalizing and unashamed of its structure.

Tatara, not wanting to spoil himself yet, frantically searched his bag and pulled out a rubbery mesh. It appeared to be a pair of pants, yet the entire back side of it was completely exposed and the crotch area seemed to be designed to only cover the privates of the wearer.

“Put these on.” Tatara ordered. Kumatetsu reluctantly obeyed his command. The chaps felt a size too small for him, snagging on his fur and getting stuck on his muscles. Kumatetsu struggled to get even a single leg in and ultimately tripped and fell onto the floor for his efforts.

Tatara rolled his eyes and approached him, offering to help. The stubborn bear insisted he could do it but Tatara’s request turned into an order and Kumatesu obliged. With Tatara’s touch, the chaps seemed to simply glide onto the bear’s hunky body, finally finding themselves around his waist; the tight leather hugged the muscles of his legs, the inner of his thighs and feet exposed, his bare bear ass completely vulnerable and his privates neatly secure in a nice, tight bulge. Even when Kumetesu tried to adjust it, it wouldn’t move, it clung to him like a second skin.

“How did you even do that?” Kumatetsu questioned.

“Don’t worry about it.” Tatara replied. Kumatetsu tried to press for more answers but Tatara raised a single finger to denote what will happen if he does. Tatara continued to search his bag until he pulled out other piece of rubber attire. It appeared to be a rubber coat, however, it was lined with zippers and belts, and the two sleeves lacked an opening to for the hands to come out.

“Alright, this goes on next.” Tatara said.

“What is it?” Kumatetsu asked as he studied the black mass.

“It’s a straitjacket, “The monkey explained, “It’s a thing humans made to securely restrain insane people, or in your case…” He trailed off. Kumatetsu paused to think for a moment before coming to a conclusion.

“Restrain? Wait? YOU’RE PLANNING ON TYING ME UP!?” Kumatetsu yelled.

“Yep, that’s what I meant by you don’t have to do much,” The monkey explained, “No need for a bondage slave to do much of anything.” He said smugly.


“Ha,ha, I mean, it’s pretty obvious, look at where we are and what you’re wearing.” Tatara laughed. Kumatetsu became more and more flustered and began pacing back and forth across the room. He was infuriated that he didn’t see this coming. The secluded area, the isolated room, the kinky rubber, it all made sense. Was Tatara planning this from the start? Was he going to blackmail him or just leave him here for dead while he takes his stuff? Was he really just some kinky bastard who enjoys seeing people get tied up?

These thoughts ran through his head as his pace quicken and was now desperately trying to remove the chaps to little avail. Tatara stepped in to end this chaos.

“Look, you can complain about it all you want, but the contract you signed gives me your full consent to do whatever and I made a promise that this stays between us.”

“And you didn’t think to tell me any of this before we started?” The bear snapped back.

“Wanted to keep it a surprise for as long as possible.” The monkey shrugged. “Besides, is the all-powerful Kumatetsu really afraid of being tied up?”

“I AIN’T OF AFRAID OF NOTHING!” The bear yelled, now inches away from his would-be master, not caring about the extension he’s getting for his disobedience. “And I’m certainly not afraid of some fetish gear!” He exclaims as he holds the rubber jacket.

“Then put it on then.” Tatara ordered. “After all, there’s nothing stopping you from taking your stuff and leaving, I can’t stop you. I won’t even bug you about it anymore. But I know you’re no coward, even if you are a bit dull. This whole slavery thing is just between us and I promise, I’ll be here the entire time.” He paused briefly before changing expressions “But I know you love a challenge, so either: Stay, get put in bondage and be my slave for a good while or go back to the kingdom alone. Your call.”

Kumatetsu stared him down, his comments ringing home and his smoldering face breaking down the bear’s anger. He sighed in defeat.

“…Alright, then. I’ll show you I can take this!” The bear declared as he struggled to put on the straitjacket, his arm getting stuck in the sleeve, the attire was again too small to put on comfortably.

“You’re putting it on backwards.” Tatara commented.

“Shut it! I can do this myself.” The bear barked.

“Ok, first off, your sentence has been expanded by another week with your disobedience, and second, that is order. Let me do it.” The monkey declared. The bear reluctantly agreed and handed the piece to his compatriot.

The monkey smoothly pulled the jacket over the bear’s arms and closed it behind his backside, zipping it up and strapping the belts together. Kumatetsu could feel each strap as it was pulled and tightened, ending with a collar around his neck that made his appear like a dog.

The monkey then reached for some rope from the bag and began to loop it all around the bear’s body, creating knots across the chest, down to his waist and then separate down his legs.

The end result was a nice tight shibari tie that pressed down on the bear’s pressure points, making even the smallest movements tease the bear’s body with small jolts of pain. The monkey then finished the straitjacket by pulling the two crotch straps between his thighs and pulling them tight from the backside. He crossed the bear’s burly arms and crossed across his chest, securing the two straps on the ends on the hands tightly together, then he secured the area where the arms intersect, securing them with two more belts.

Finally ending my strapping the upper half of his biceps with his pecs with a strap and one final belt that stretched across his frame, soundly securing his arms.

However, the monkey was not convinced it would hold, so he grabbed a dozen or so padlocks from the bag and locked one on each and every buckle, ensuring there was no way for it to come loose and tied his arms with rope that connected back into the shibari.

The bear’s upper torso was no complete covered in rubber, his powerful muscles trapped, useless, yet their refined shaped still bulged through. Kumatetsu was now completely vulnerable and defenseless, but it was too late to turn back now. He agreed to this and now he has to obey, for now at least. He slowly arised to his feet, the shibari ropes making this act extremely difficult. Tatara smiled at his captive.

“Alright, we’re almost done getting ready” He says, surprising the bear. The monkey points to the chair, “Now, go sit in that chair there.” Kumatetsu obeyed and slowly made his way over, Tatara slapping him on his exposed ass as he walked by. Kumatetsu growled at this but Tatara extending the sentence got him to shut up. He slowly slumped into the chair, the padding canceling out the bulkiness of the belts and padlocks. Tatara pursued, grabbing extra ropes, straps and locks from the bag.

The monkey used the belts to ensnare the bear’s legs to the legs of the chair, ensuring leg movement impossible and then, looped extra straps through the bear’s armpits and pulling him straight with the chair’s back, further emphasized by the ropes attached to the shibari also pulling him back into the chair. It was now impossible for Kumatetsu to even lift himself from his seat. Tatara went back to the bag and pulled out a large red ball with straps on each end. He climbed his bound victim to present it to him.

“Time for the gag, Kumatetsu. Open wide.” Tatara singed.
The bear was taken aback. “Oh hell no, you’re not shoving that in my mo-“ He cut mid-sentence when Tatara raised a single finger, denoting the extension. The bear rolled his eyes at this, only for his companion to raise a second finger at his misbehavior.

The bear growled at this, but not wanting to extend is punishment any further, obliged and opened his mouth.

“aaaaaaaaaaaAUGHMMFh-MMM! MMGGHFFM!” Kumatetsu felt the gag shoved into his gaping jaw. The sheer size of it was a near perfect fit. The monkey rolled it around his tongue, getting it nice and wet with the bear’s saliva, finally ending as he pulled the straps behind his head and locked them tight. Kumatetsu was robbed of speech and being unable to swallow, he began drooling uncontrollably.

“Y’know, that's a damn good look for you Kumatetsu, “ Tatara commented, “especially since you’re a lot more quiet now.”

“GGRRRRMMPPHH!!! GMMMPGGH! MMFFH! HRMPH!” Kumatetsu cried through his gag

“Don’t act like you don’t like it Kumatetsu. This guy down here seems to enjoy it.” The monkey gestured to the bears now fully erect cock, bulging from his pants but unable to escape. Tatara smiled as he pulled a strange glowing ring from his pocket. “Let’s help him out, shall we?”

Tatara, in spite of his poor captor’s protests, grabbed the bear’s member, stoking it and sliding the ring down the bear’s massive dick until it was tightly secure at the base. He then took some left over rope from the shibari and tied his balls and dick to the point where their shapes where better defined and prevented any chance of the ring coming off. Kumatetsu violently protested against this, but he was helpless to do anything. Tatara took a step back to appreciate the craftsmanship of his bondage and his trapped captor.

“Okay, now that that’s done, I’m going to go change into something more comfortable, and then we can really have some fun. Go ahead and struggle all you want Kumatetsu, you’re not getting out of that.” Tatara proclaimed as he left the room.

Kumatetsu took notice of that and observed the bonds he was in. He studied how the bondage was laced together and opted to try and squirm each body part out until he could find an exploit to it. Sadly the bonds held fast, there was no leeway with these straps and movement was impossible and painful with the shibari.

Eventually, Kumatetsu’s rational thought of escaping gave way to frustration. He began to furiously struggle against his bonds. He squirmed and writhed in his jacket, hoping to loosen or break the straps keeping him down, screaming and raging through his ballgag as he fought, but none of his efforts yielded any results, minus the intense squeaking of his rubber as he strained.

It was fruitless, the bear could not break his restraints. His strength that he prided himself on, failed him. His voice silenced by the gag. His body was completely vulnerable, especially his member. Only after his struggles had ceased did the bear notice the energy the ring was emitting. It was extremely… pleasurable, like an endless amount of hands stroking him at once, keeping him fully erect. It was such a wonderful, blissful-

No! He shouldn’t be liking this. He shouldn’t like the situation he’s in. Yet, why does he feel this way, especially since Tatara-

“Having fun over there?” A familiar voice called.

Kumatetsu looked up for a shocking sight. Tatara stood bare in the doorway; now wearing leather chaps comparable to Kumatetsu’s own, wriststraps and a leather harness strapped to his chest and topped off with a general’s hat. His entire image exuded an aura of dominance and Kumatetsu did not know how to properly process his captor’s new appearance, but he was becoming extremely aroused by this tiny figure’s dominating presence on a subconscious level.

The monkey cracked a seductive smile.

“NOW, the fun begins.”

------ Image 2 ------

Kumatetsu was still in shock as he witnessed Tatara visage completely changes. What was originally the bear’s drinking buddy and poker player and transform into a figure of domination is spite of his small size. Kumatetsu struggled to keep himself together Tatara made his way over to him, seductively posing along the way to show his small, yet… oddly attractive body.

No! The bear thought, he’s just playing you. Focus.

The two’s eyes met, the bear’s file with annoyance and anger, the monkey with smug confidence and lust.

“Not a bad look for me right?” Tatara questioned to a silent audience “I can tell you certainly like. Here, I’ll give you a closer look.”

He stated as he began to climb his way onto Kumatetsu, meeting him face to face. Kumatetsu shot him a look of defiance as noticed some things from the monkey’s backside.

“Oh, Kumatetsu, you big, dumb, stupid, sexy bear. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this to you.” Tatara explained, catching his captive off guard. He does this twice in a row as the monkey kisses his captive on the cheek and began rubbing his pecs. “Everyone dismisses you for being rude and lazy, but you’re so full of energy, pride, shamelessness and such a carefree attitude. And yeah, you’re kinda loud, rude and lazy, but I always kinda liked that about you. Well, that and your sexy voice and smokin’ hot bod. And man, seeing you in bondage like this, your strength robbed and being so vulnerable and helpless while little ol’ me is in control?” He explained as he squeezed the bear’s pecs, causing him to growl in rage.
“Such a turn-on for me, and I can tell you feel the same.” Kumatetsu stared back in defiance.

No way he was enjoying this…right?

“Y’know? I’ve been planning on getting you to do this to you for quite a while now, make you my bondage slave and all, but I held back on that idea because I didn’t want my desires get in the way of yours.” Tatara continued, “But now that your dream has been unceremoniously crushed, now was the perfect time to do it.” Kumatetsu scowled at him, his disrespect for him started to truly piss him off, though it wouldn’t matter for long.

“Like it or not Kumatetsu, I’m going to make you mine, one way or another.” Tatara proclaimed as he reach behind him as shoved a black muzzle over-top the bear’s gagged maw, strapping it and locking it in one fell swoop.

“Mmmmmmghh!! Mggh! Mmmmmmmfh!” the bear mumbled through the gags.

“Remember that one part of the contract? Extending your sentence by a single day for misbehavior is one thing, but the sentence becomes indefinite if you call me ‘Master.’ Soooo…..” Tatara trailed off as he began to use his feet to tend the bear’s throbbing dick, ”Can you outlast your own sentence before calling me ‘Master’?”

Kumatetsu let loose a barrage of muffled growls and insults that Tatara was in no doubt keeping track of, and intensified his struggle to escape. Though, it was all useless as the restraints wouldn’t break and the bear couldn’t even twist a centimeter from his position, and the pleasure he was experiencing didn’t help either. Kumatetsu had never allowed anyone near his privates before yet his supposed best friend is doing so freely, without his permission.

No, wait.

He gave him permission because he let him do so, because of a dumb contract. But oh, the pleasure, he was practically on edge but with his hands bound he couldn’t do anything about it. He was at his “Master’s” mercy, but oh he needed to cum so bad. At this point, he didn’t care what happened, if the monkey wants it so bad, he’ll cum right in front of him, there’s no shame anymore.

It might get Tatara away long enough to try and escape, or at least to where he doesn’t keep monitoring him. So he waited, and waited, and waited.

Something was wrong.

The pleasure was immense but surely after all this, he would have cum by now. The bear began buckling his hips the best he could, as some sort of way to hump his way to cumming. Tatara noticed this and began to laugh.

“Not able to cum right? That means it’s working.” Tatara said as he gestured towards the bear’s cock ring, “The bad boy here will give your tasty dick all the pleasure you could ever want, but it won’t let you cum. Oh no, the only you’ll get relief is through me.” Kumatetsu snarled and cursed through his gags at this revelation.

Tatara continued, “You know what else his bad boy does?” This time he gestured towards one of the padlocks, which terrified Kumatetsu to his core; the padlock’s keyhole was filled in.

“The ring also makes any bondage I put you in unbreakable and inescapable. Unless I will it so.” Tatara showcased as he yanked the padlock, unlocking it with ease, without need for a key, and immediately locking it again.

“Best part is that I don’t need to undo any of it for you to eat, drink or go to the bathroom, cuz this baby’s got you covered there too.” Kumatetsu didn’t immediately understand what this meant, but then he realized he hadn’t been thirsty at all since the sexual escapade began, or hungry or in need to relieve himself.

Kumatetsu became extremely furious at this revelation. He violently shaked, cursed and roar underneath his bondage, not caring for the authority of his simian captor. The bastard’s plan was so diabolical; he couldn’t escape unless the monkey wills it, he couldn’t cum unless he wills it and he couldn’t even get a break for the bathroom or a meal because the ring had it covered. He robbed everything from the bear; his freedom, his body and practically his life in the span of an hour at most. No, he thought, not like this.

He would play Tatara’s game and win.

He just needed him to show good behavior towards him for as long as his sentence is in effect and avoid calling him ‘Master,’ he would earn his freedom back and then he could do anything, he wanted to the little bastard. He just needed to focus.

“mmmmmmmmGRRMMMPPHHhhhhh!” But damn, was this little bastard’s teasing making that a difficult task.

“What’s wrong, my pet? Upset you can’t curse and yell back at your mouthy master?” Tatara said with a lustful grin. “Don’t worry, I’ll make it even.” With that he reach behind him and pulled out two fundoshis; the monkey’s own and… Kumatetsu’s… Wait, when did he-?

The bear didn’t get a chance to finish his though as the monkey preceded to sniff both rags, absorbing their musk and truly terrifying the poor bear as this was the masterminded pervert holding him captive. Tatara then rolled the rags into a ball and stuffed them in his own mouth, finally gagging himself with a bandana.

“Hrrrrmmpffhh…HrmphPhmmmmGrrmf….” The monkey mumbled. Obviously the bear couldn’t understand a word he was saying but the tone was unmistakably pleasurable, mocking the own bear’s predicament. He growled loudly and squirmed as violently as he could in protest. Tatara then proceeded to rub his gagged face against Kumatetsu’s own, moaning and groaning in such a way that itched a certain feeling in the back in the bear’s mind.

“GrrmphMpphMrrmmph…” Tatara mumbled as he sat down on the bear’s lap, his hand grasping his chin as if he were admiring him like some trophy, their eyes locked; Kumatetsu’s filled with hatred and digust and Tatara’s filled with dominance and lust.

Taking advantage of this, Tatara signaled the attention of captive to the monkey’s tail as it slowly wrapped around his vulnerable dick. The bear exploded into a fit as the monkey teased and tended to his needy member. The hairs on the tail tickled and scratched his dick through the rubber of his pants. It contracted and squeezed the bear’s manhood like a hungry snake crushing the life out of his prey. Combined with the cock ring’s own stimulation and it became unbearable.

Kumatetsu screamed and cursed through his gags, but all that came out were distorted muffles. He squirmed and writhed in his bondage, yet all it produced was rubbery squeaks from the straitjacket. Even his attempts to cum have all been denied by this monkey.

Tatara. Oh, Tatara. He betrayed everything Kumatetsu knew about him. He took him away and locked him up in a lustful bondage dungeon after falling to his lowest point; he waited for his time to strike and took control. A terrible villain. A no good liar. A mocker of his own victim’s trap. He was evil, diabolical, so…so…sexy.

Such a dominating, powerful man. Always a laidback slacker like himself, but now he had full control of a man who had trumped him in every physical way. Now he was in control, him flaunting his small body through kinky gear, revealing only the bare minimum. He gagged himself, taking away his ability to speak just to sexualize himself more. The way he knew how to treat Kumatetsu, to grope and touch him in all the right ways, to press all the right buttons. The way he teased him at the edge, yet never allowing him to cum. It was so, so w-

NO! The bear thought. I shouldn’t be feeling this way!

Yet his mind kept coming back to this thought as the edging continued, the bear falling into a state of frustrated ecstasy. He thought Tatara would eventually get tired and take a break, but he just kept going and going, on and on. The teasing caused each second to feel like hours. Hours rolled into days, days into weeks, Tatara was definitely counting the swears Kumatetsu let loose, adding it to his sentence, but the poor bear had completely forgotten about it, it didn’t matter at this point.

Without any windows, time seemed to stop existing within the room, all that was there was frustrated pleasure, building, growing, and becoming faster, hotter, more intense, yet never painful. The tightness of the bear’s bondage, his stripped freedom of speech, the monkey’s lustful moaning as he continued his edging; it was too much. Too much to bare. Too much. No more. Kumatetsu needed freedom. He needed to let loose. He needed to cum. SO. BAD. There was only one thing he could do to finally get some relief. He just needed to say one word. One word and it was over.

“NMMFHHMRRPHH!!” Kumatetsu roared.

Tarara paused his teasing to lean in closer. “Mrrff?”

“NMMFHHMRRPHH!!” Kumatetsu roared again. Tatara took the time to undo his own gag and cracked a small grin.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you, say that again, slave?”

Kumatetsu froze at this. He suddenly realized what he was doing. Tatara had been keeping track of his swears for a while now, he knew what the bear screamed under his gag. Kumatetsu knew the consequences for this. Tatara could be cruel and keep him here like this forever if he wanted to. But he didn’t care anymore.

“…mmffmrrmhh…” The bear mumbled.

“Sorry, a little louder please?” Tatara asked as he undid the bear’s muzzle. Kumatetsu didn’t have a chance at fulfilling his dream anymore. With all the bad behavior he showed, he would be here his entire life anyways. At least this way, there would be at least some relief. He just couldn’t take it anymore.

“MMPPHHMMPhRR…” Kumatetsu growled, his instincts and sexual urges completely taking over.

Tatara unlocked his captive’s ballgag, finally re-gifting him the ability to speak. He cracked a smug face.

“One more time, Kumatetsu.” He said.

“MASTER!” Kumatetsu yealled at the tops of his lungs.

“Again!” The monkey demanded.


“*Master please’ what?”

“Master Tatara, please let me come!” The bear finally bellowed at last.

Tatara smiled. “Anything for you, my love.” The cock ring glowed and Tatara’s tail violently teased the bear’s cock until, at long last, sweet release. His cum ruptured out, staining the inside of his chaps with its thick substance. Kumatetsu buckled his hips and humped every last ounce of his seed out. Tatara clung to Kumatetsu’s chest as a form of support. At long last, relief had come to the poor bear.

Kumatetsu and Tatara embraced each other, as best they could, after such a long and tortuous session, as the bear finally calmed down.

“That…was…amazing.” Kumatetsu panted.

“Yeah, it was. It really was.” Tatara added. “And we’re going to have a lot more fun like this from now on.”

Kumatetsu went pale. Reality had finally set in. He had just sacrificed his life and freedom over to Tatara just for a moment of ecstasy. Regret and fear overwhelmed him.

“N-No… wait, I-I didn’t mean…”Kumatetsu tried to force out.

He struggled weakly against his bonds, too tired to fight back. Tatara leaned in closer.

“It’s alright. You don’t have to say a thing.” The monkey replied as he locked lips with his captive.

Kumatetsu was surprised by this, yet couldn’t, or rather wouldn’t fight against it. The kiss was long and messy. Their tongues interlacing and wrestling against each other, tasting the musty breath of their partner. Tatara pulled Kumatetsu’s in as close as possible for maximum comfort. Kumatetsu closed his eyes and let his new master take control. He had lost all freedom, now just a slave to this kinky monkey. After minutes on end, the two finally released, a trail of spit still connecting their mouths together.

“Am I… going to be trapped here… forever?” Kumatetsu asked weakly.

Tatara paused for a moment before answering. “No…not here, forever. Now, you’re definitely going to be my bondage slave for all time, but really I just need to keep you here for a full year. And since you were already up to a 6 month sentence in three weeks you’ve been down here, well...”

“…What?” Kumatetsu was confused. Three weeks was such a long time for Tatara to keep edging him non-stop, yet it felt longer, but why a year? Was he planning to keep him bound and edge him for a whole year?

Tatara smiled. “See, that bet we made. After we made it, I asked Iozen and the last Grandmaster that if he was made Grandmaster before you did, I’d get full charge of you and make you a god of my own liking.”

Kumatetsu was shocked. “A-a God?..”

“Of course, the Grandmaster didn’t like that plan, but Iozen… Iozen agreed to it.” Tatara continued. “He made all of this for us; the shack, the bondage, the cock ring. It was designed to keep us here as long as need be until the time came. Guess he felt bad after you tried so hard to get the the title only to get fucked by the rules in the end and, I guess, he really wanted to humiliate you at the same time, so he agreed.”

“W-wait… Iozen did this?” Kumatetsu stammered. His face finally turned to anger once more. “What do you mean? What are you planning on doing to me, Tatara?”

Tatara let out a small chuckle.

“Oh, Kumatetsu, my dear friend, this is your consolation prize. You might not have been able to become Grandmaster, but you’re definitely going to become a god, alright. The God of Bondage.”

------ Image 3 ------

Kumatetsu stared back at Tatara. He felt a strange mixture of confusion, anger, fear and… excitement?

“Wait?...Wha? God of…Bondage?” The bear forced out.

“Yep.” The monkey went on, wearing a smug expression. “Basically, all I need to do is keep you nicely bound to this chair and build up your sexual tension for a whole year and then you can ascend to godhood just like that.”

“And when I do, it’ll be just like now where I bound like this forever? All alone with nothing for me to do about it? Is that how that works?” Kumatetsu growled, hostility in his tone.

“Well, you’re mostly right. Except, you won’t be alone, I’ll be coming with you.” Tatara declared.


“Iozen was nice enough to tie me with your own reincarnation. So, I’ll come with you once you become a god, as your Master of course.” The monkey cheered.

“Huh? You!?” Kumatetsu yelled.

Tatara gloated on. ”Every bondage slave needs a master to take care of them. And don’t worry, you won’t be bound like this forever. We’ll have a near endless amount of toys to play with and try out. And besides, we’ll take it at your own pace, we’ll do what you want.”

“WELL I DON’T WANT ANY OF THIS!! LET ME GO!!” Kumatesu barked, catching the monkey off guard as he struggled vainly against the restraints. Tatara shook his head at this.

“You say that, but it seems your little friend down here says you like it a lot.” He said as he pats the poor bear dick.


“Maybe,” Tatara added, “But it really only does this unless the wearer likes it. If they want it.”

“No…No, I don’t. You’re lying.” Kumatetsu denied.

“Oh, yes you do! You know I’d never lie to you about this stuff. And… I know you’d like this stuff to begin with.” Tatara continued, grabbing hold of his captive’s chin.

“I know you like the idea of being tied up, being controlled by someone smaller than yourself, specifically… me. I know you’ve tried this out on yourself a few times, tying yourself up and jacking off to the thought of me. And while that was flattering, I really wished you just told me. After all… “ He licked his lips, “I do the same for you.”

Kumatetsu was at a loss for words. He viciously denied it, even to himself, but it was true. He had such a huge fetish for being bound and gagged, unable to escape despite the muscles he prided himself on, and fantasized about having Tatara dominate him.

Deep, deep down he wanted to admit it, and after everything that happened; being denied a chance of being Grandmaster, being humiliated by the kingdom for it, being placed in this compromising position, being edged relentlessly for days AND having the man he’s been fantasizing about admit he has fantasized about him as well and is trying to fulfill his wish, he wanted to say it. Oh, he wanted to admit it, but his pride won’t let him. He wanted to just give up and admit his feelings but, no, no he couldn’t. Yet the ring knew what he wanted and began to resonate once more, both of them feeling its effects. Both men knew what this meant.

“Tatara… I-“ Kumatetsu sputtered, but ultimately silenced by his monkey master’s finger on his lips.

“Shhhhhhhh… Don’t worry, I know.” Tatara said as he pecked his new slave on the cheek. “So, what you say? You wanna become the God of Bondage, Kumatetsu?”

Kumatetsu raised an eyebrow. “Oh? I get to choose now? I thought slaves didn’t get a choice?”

Tatara laughed. “Hey, you’re the one who’s becoming a god. But, I’d figure I ask one last time before we go through with this. So, whatdya say? Think long and hard about this one…” Tatara said as he tapped the bear’s forehead.

Processing all the information as best he could, Kumatetsu weighed his options, determining whether or not going back to his training and old life was better than giving it up for an eternity of bondage with his only real friend in this scenario. After a long period of silence, Kumatetsu finally spoke out.

“Fine. Let’s do it. I got nothing better to do anyways.” The bear said.

“That’s what I’d figured.” Tatara smiled. “But, here’s the thing, You need to stay bound in this chair for a year straight, and keep you on the edge for that entire time and since I just made you blow your load after less than a month we gotta start over.”

“WHAT!?” The bear barked.

“Don’t worry. Iozen gave me some extra toys to use in case this happened. We can use them to make up for lost time and it might accelerate the process.” The monkey reassured.

“And you didn’t use it earlier because?” Kumatetsu sneered.

“Wanted to keep it a surprise.” The monkey teased. “Besides, I’m not too sure such a big burly bear can even take it.” Dammit, he knew exactly what to say to get under the bear’s skin.


Tatara shrugged. “Alright, don’t say I didn’t warn you!” With that, Tatara forced himself onto Kumatetsu again, giving him a long, passionate kiss as he reached for the bear’s pecs and began pinching the bear’s nipples through the rubber of the suit. The bear flinched at this, trying to focus attention on his master’s kiss, but it only helped so much.

Tatara broke the kiss and immediately went and attached the ballgag back onto the bear’s jawline, replacing the wet slop of the kiss to the hard plastic of the gag. That didn’t stop Tatara as he continued teasing the bear’s nipples and bit the ends of the ballgag, teasing and denying Kumatetsu of his taste.

He then added his own bandana to the mix, wrapping it around the ballgag and over the bear’s nose, silencing him further and forcing him to take in Tatara’s own breath that clung to him from earlier. He finally added the muzzle back on, the coldness of the material still forced through the layers, forcing the poor bear to bite down on his already gigantic gag. It resulted in almost pure silence; Kumatetsu became virtually inaudible anywhere past his face.

“mmmmmmmmpmmmm……” The bear moaned as the gag layering was complete and his nipples finally allowed a break after so much teasing.

Tatara rubbed his hands together. “Alright, now that I have a perfect, silent audience, unable to talk back, let’s have some fun.” He walked over into the darkened corner and pulled out a small string with clamps on each end, and pinched both of Kumatetsu’s nipples with them, pulling the string to tug on both simultaneously to tease the bear further.

“grrmmmmppgggh!!” Kumatetsu whimpered as he felt the pain of both clamps pinching his nipples tightly. Suddenly, he felt a small shock surge through him from the clamps. It wasn’t painful, but it was unwelcome, yet oddly tantalizing. The bear tried desperately to maneuver his arms and torso to shake of the camps, but with how tightly he was bound his body was, he just seemed more to jitter, like a living statue.

But Tatara wasn’t done.

“One more thing…” Tatara whispered. For the dark corner of the room, he pulled out a strange looking machine with a dildo sticking out on top. “We need to do something about that sweet ass of yours.” He said sinisterly.

Kumatetsu reacted violently against this, straining as much as possible as the small beast pushed it under his chair, yet all that came of it were just squeaks or rubber.

Even the design of the chair failed him as he felt the dildo phase and penetrate through the seat, likely some form of magic. Kumatetsu could only brace himself as the large phallic item penetrated his prostate and was slowly, but surely shoved up his ass. Kumatetsu growled at this, feeling the pressure of the large object, when he suddenly felt the dildo move up and down on its own rhythmically. It was extremely kinky.

“Grrr!...mmmrgh!...mmrrghf!” Kumatetsu wwhined as he felt the machine mercilessly fuck him. Tatara approached him once more, now holding a blindfold and extending it to Kumatetsu.

“Time to sleep, my pet.” Tatara snickered as he wrapped the blindfold around his head and locking it tight. The bear’s final sight was the monkey seductive staring back on him before being greeted by total darkness.

With his eyesight gone, Kumatetsu’s other senses where drastically overwhelmed. His sense of taste was only met with the wet plastic of the ballgag.

His sense of smell was only that of Tatara’s breath as it clung to the bandana he now wore around his nose.

His touch completely overshadowed by the extreme waves of pleasure that radiated throughout his body caused by the monkey’s toys. And his hearing only consisted of his faint mumbles and the squeaks of his straitjacket as he squirmed.

“Oh yeah, he like that, you big, stinky bear?” Tatara whispered as he removed his hat and placed it on his captive’s head, taunting him further. He sat back down on the red bear’s lap and began tickling his captive dick once more with his fuzzy tail. Kumatetsu shuddered.

“Don’t pretend you don’t like it. This is what you wanted, right? It may not have been your dream, but it is the darkest fantasy you’ve had, and a good master always delivers.” Tatara went on. “There’s no escape from this, you threw that opportunity away. You’re a slave to bondage and pleasure now. Don’t fight it. Embrace it. Let it take you. Be mine forever, Kumatetsu, my slave…” The monkey trailed off.

He was right. Kumatetsu did love this. The pure helplessness of his situation. How his strength and will and been betrayed by his sheer lust. Being teased and fucked like some toy. Being dominated by Tatara. Oh, it was all so good. He needed more. He wanted more.

He felt the cock ring’s power increase in intensity. The other toys followed suit, being powered by the ring itself; the clamps’ electric shocks increased in insanity and frequency and the fucking machine increased in speed and power.

Oh, it was too much, but he wanted it, he could take it. Kumatetsu wanted to become a god so badly. He wanted to become Tatara’s bondage slave. He wanted to live an eternity in lust after being denied everything else. He embraced it. All of it. Even his own ejaculation being denied was nothing compared to everything else he was feeling. He wanted to lose himself and be a good slave for his master.

He just wanted to come so badly. And ultimately, he fell into an ecstasy-driven sleep.

------ Epilogue ------

Kumatetsu awoke in a dimly lit room, now fully naked and unbound.

The small room was alit by candles, with a single window that peered outside into a setting similar to that of the human world. It was a city-like area that seemed to stretch on forever, accompanied by a looming rainstorm that felt more serene and peaceful than harsh. The bear noticed a bucket full of ice and beer next to him. Curious, Kumatetsu uncorked one and took a swig of it.

He could still taste it. Did he really ascend to godhood?

“Weird ain’t it?” A familiar voice chimed in. Kumatetsu turned to see Tatara, still decked out in his dom outfit, suddenly appear on the bedside. “But that’s what you get when you’re a deity of earthly desires.”

“Hrmph, fair enough,” Kumatetsu replied, “But couldn’t we get a bigger place?”

Tatara laughed. “Hey , don’t worry, this is just a small portion of what’s available. We have eternity to check out everything as we please.” The monkey chimed, yet the bear was looking distant. “What’s wrong, oh God of Bondage, Kumatetsu? Any regrets?”

“A few…” Kumatetsu replied. “But, being honest, if I’m gonna be horny and bondage-crazed forever, I’m glad you’re here to do it to me.” Kumatetsu said as he turned to greet the monkey with a welcoming smile. Tatara grinned back, though a little more devious.

“So… wanna get this started, my slave?” The monkey asked sinisterly. The two shared a brief kiss.
“Take me, master.” The bear replied, romantically.

In a single instant, Kumatetsu was forced down on the bed and in the bondage he endured for the past year. The only difference was that now his giant cock was now fully exposed and Tatara stuffing his face right into it.

“Let’s start with this.” The monkey said, “I believe I owe you a proper release after a year’s worth of denial.”

With that, he began to deep-throat the bear’s succulent member, driving him more insane and begging to cum. This was but one of infinite sessions he would endure with his new master.

There was no hesitation anymore. No fear. Kumatetsu finally yelled out something he wanted to say for years. Though, it was mumbled by the gags.

“MMPPH MMRRPPH Mmm MMGHMMRMMPPPHH!!!” Kumatetsu bellowed with all of his being. In that same instant, his cock exploded with semen, spreading the substance all over the two beastmen’s bodies.

Tatara leaned in closer and gave his perfect bear slave a kiss on the forehead before he drifted back into an uneasy sleep.

“I love you too, Kumatetsu….” Tatara replied, licking the semen from his lips.

------ Image 4 ------

Here, Tatara has just taken up his role as dom and is asserting his dominance over his tightly bound captive.
Both stare at each other.
Kumatetsu, with anger and apprehension, and Tatara, with confidence and power.
Now how will this turn out?

------ Image 5 ------

Now this is a predicament.
Our poor bear seems to be under some extreme sexual torment

A milking tube has been merged with his bulge and is now using this as a way to relentlessly milk poor Kumatetsu. With the addition of 2 bullet vibrators strapped to his member, in conjunction with the ring's edging power, it's creating an exhausting feedback loop where all the sexual sensations created by the objects builds up and magnifies, driving the new God of Bondage insane with denial, only to immediately follow up with an explosion of pleasurable milking that last for who knows how long, forcing him to beg for a stop that will never come.

This is just an early look on the effect and Kumatetsu is most definitely pent-up about it, though, with the muzzle overlapping his ballgag, I doubt he has much room to complain. The real question is: how long will he last until he breaks?

What you do to this vulnerable, sexy beast, free for the taking?

------ Image 6 ------

With all the merciless stimulation from the cock ring, vibrators and milking machine, the sheer pleasure Kumatetsu's dick is experiencing is unfathomable. But of course, that's just not enough.

He has had a fucking machine forced underneath, which relentlessly pounds his ass, a pair of clams attached to his nipples that tickle him with small electric shocks and he has been outfitted with his new Master's hat and bandana, his musk clinging to both, forcing the poor bear to breath it all in. It's too much.

The bear's will is broken.

His attempts at escape as been reduced to mere futile squirms in his tight, rubbery bondage. He has been silenced completely, reducing his bellowing roars to long moans of pleasure, he is perpetually trapped in a state of wanting the endless pleasurable torment to end, wanting to rest, yet at the same time, he doesn't.

He keeps begging for it to continue forever. He revels in it. Losing himself in the ecstasy he's experiencing. For him to lose all form of power and be endlessly toyed and played with as his struggles to escape are nothing more than cute reactions to his inescapable punishments. Tatara was right. He loved it, he wanted this. He wanted more and he'll get it. This was all his, this torture, this wonderful, blissful never-ending torture was his to enjoy for all eternity, as the new God of Bondage.

The only thing that excited him more than that... was what else his new master had in store for him

Posted on 09 September 2023, 11:25 by:   IMsuper    PM
Score +33
Posted on 09 September 2023, 13:28 by:   ultradooms    PM
Score +6
Posted on 26 September 2023, 15:27 by:   hsy159    PM
Score +4
FA描述免责声明:故事不是我编的,是专员编的。这个故事归功于他!-图1 -在野兽王国的深处,孤独的熊熊哲独自一人无所事事,他对着一个瓶子发怒,而他的猿猴同伴塔塔拉在一旁观看。“可恶!”当他把拳头砸在桌子上时,熊咆哮了。"大师怎么能不战而屈人之兵呢?"“是啊,这当然很不幸。”塔塔拉插话说,“但你要记得他说过的话,‘没有弟子,你不可能成为一代宗师’,你已经获得了大约……零,因为你已经开始渴望这个头衔了。”熊哲咆哮道。“我每天都在拼命工作,只是为了混过去,成为这个镇上最好的战士,但他几乎不需要动一根手指就能得到回报!”“嗯,他有很多学生,一个充满爱的家庭,漂亮的头发和身体,是一个和你一样好的战士,如果不是m-”塔塔拉在熊用死亡之光射他的时候割伤了自己。“——我的意思是,嘿,你有和他一样多的美貌和技能,这已经足够了。我是说,第二名也没那么糟吧?"塔塔拉喊道,拼命试图安抚熊的情绪,但失败了。熊哲最终还是把头埋在双臂之间生着闷气,用胳膊夹着奶瓶喂奶。没过多久,两人的对话最终引起了路人的注意,他们认出了这只红熊,并在路过时嘲笑他。塔塔拉注意到了这一点。“嘿,”他推了推喝醉的熊,“我们离开这里吧。”熊哲无奈地回答道。回家的路也好不到哪里去。在拥挤的街道上,许多路过的行人都嘲笑和回避这只可怜的熊,当熊哲独自一人时,他大声咒骂着,大步走上楼梯,走进他的道场,倒在他破旧的沙发上。“来吧,库玛特斯图,”塔塔拉恳求道,“你不能永远这样。”“有什么意义?”熊反驳道,把猴子吓了一跳。他的状态是塔塔拉从未见过的一面。“Iozen赢了。他现在是大师了,享受着他一生的时光。等到这个职位再次空缺的时候,我早就死了。我被困在这里,直到孤独终老。”他醉醺醺地哀叹道。塔塔拉听到这些很害怕,但他明白为什么。熊铁在成长过程中没有人陪伴;没有家人,没有主人,只有几个像他一样的朋友,但这还不够。不久前,他最有可能找到一个门徒的人是人类世界的一个孩子,但是之后就再也没有了。每个人都已经因为他的懒惰和不礼貌而讨厌他,在如此接近他的梦想并被剥夺了展示自己价值的机会后,这只会更加放大那些感觉。塔塔拉很失望,他不能帮助他实现他如此渴望的梦想,但他可能有一些东西可以让熊靠近。”“是啊,是啊……”塔塔拉回答道哦!说到这个,现在提这个可能不太合适,但你还记得我们不久前打的那个“赌”吗?"熊哲竖起耳朵,半转过头去看猴子。"什么赌注?他

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