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[Toketa Ice no Futa no Ura (Sakuraba Rokusuke)] Yakimochi Kanojo no Wagamama Kai | A Time My Jealous Girlfriend Was Very Selfish [English] [A Cool Person] [Digital]

[溶けたアイスのふたの裏 (桜庭六輔)] やきもちかのじょのわがまま回 [英訳] [DL版]

Posted:2023-10-04 00:38
Language:English  TR
File Size:17.36 MiB
Length:34 pages
Favorited:803 times
Average: 4.53

Showing 1 - 34 of 34 images

Posted on 04 October 2023, 00:38 by:   cybeast93    PM
Uploader Comment
Raw: /g/2685384/c69e7ff9e8/

Dlsite ENG link:

Translated by A Cool Person:


TL Info:
Artist Info:

Part 1 (ENG): /g/2215376/7d8c45b195/
Part 2 (ENG): /g/2407051/62ea5b5c5d/
Part 3 (ENG): /g/2409684/731e3adf82/
Part 4 (ENG): (You're here)
Posted on 04 October 2023, 00:46 by:   nabusco    PM
Score +29
"full packaed futanari" lmao
Posted on 04 October 2023, 01:09 by:   Jhosy    PM
Score +20
please add tag futa on male
Posted on 04 October 2023, 01:29 by:   viltras    PM
Score +117
We got something called "full-packaged futanari" tag but we never got lolibabaa tag

Posted on 04 October 2023, 05:01 by:   RandomPerson_    PM
Score -9
I greatly appreciate the English translation, however you appear to have used low quality down-scaled images as opposed to the originals. The resolution of the original images for this work are primarily 3496x4961, while the images that have been used for this translation are 1783x2530. Unfortunately, the difference in quality is extremely stark, due not only to the far lower resolution, but also a seemingly poor resampling algorithm that has lead to immense loss of detail and jagged lines everywhere.
It should be noted that even the torrents for the raw don't appear to contain the full size images, so you'd need to either archive download the original sized gallery using gp, or manually select the download original image button for each page.
Posted on 04 October 2023, 08:07 by:   biscardone    PM
Score +15
This is so sweet, it's gonna give me a cavity! And it's one of the most wholesome couples I've ever seen. Much appreciated, thanks!
Posted on 04 October 2023, 22:53 by:   cybeast93    PM
Score +26
These pics are crisper. Compare those "higher res" pics. Those suck ass.
End of discussion.
Posted on 05 October 2023, 01:13 by:   RandomPerson_    PM
Score +24
I really do appreciate the translation, so please pardon me if I come off as abrasive in the following statements. I'm not trying to cause offense or patronize you, but I've found I tend to be a poor judge of what other people deem as "rude". That being said, I am extremely baffled by how you believe these images are not vastly inferior to the raw.

To start, are you looking at the 1280x resampled images of the raw? These images are missing so much detail you can literally tell the difference between them and the raw from even the gallery thumbnails. Every single "gradient" formed by the screentone patterns is cut off in the images you've used, turning substantial portions of the image that are supposed to appear light grey into nothing but empty white. Additionally, some smaller lines are disconnected in these images, and some images even have obvious moire patterns.
Let me give several examples of these blatant issues, these are only a tiny sample of the multitude of easily visible issues on each and every single black and white page. I'll be highlighting some of the most egregious ones on the first couple of pages, since if I included even a tenth of the minor examples I'd be here all day. These comparisons are at 100% zoom (original size) with no resizing, resampling, interpolation, or filters of any kind:
pg _004:
*extremely obvious moire patterns are visible, most obvious in the mattress they're laying on and in Ichigo's clothes, these moire patterns do not exist in the raw
*lines in the blush of both characters are disconnected, as opposed to being contiguous lines like in the raw
*the top of Ichigo's head is lacking a substantial portion of the light grey gradient leading to the blank white space at the top, in these images it cuts off far sooner and more abruptly, while in the raw there is a large amount of progressively lighter and more sparse dots creating a transitional zone
pg _005:
*Missing portions of gradients all over the place, most egregiously in:
the grey areas as a background for the waitress cut off far to early and are missing large portions (including a sizeable section of that grey background in front of Kiyo's face simply doesn't exist in these resampled images); the top of Ichigo's head in both sections of the image are left with a blank white, this is especially noticeable in the bottom image of Ichigo on this page (in the raws it is completely filled in for both, transitioning from dark to light grey at the top of her head); Ichigo's blush in the bottom image of this page is once again missing an enormous portion of the gradient; the flower patterns in front of her face likewise are missing large portions of the grey screentone patterns around them, etc.
*Broken, jagged, and missing lines can be seen most obviously in:
on the plate directly to the left of the 3 food items not only are several lines reduced to a series of disconnected dots, but some lines are flat out nonexistent; the three lines of Kiyo's blush in the top panel are reduced to a few larger dots; the thin lines in Ichigo's hair in the bottom image are missing portions (most obviously with the 2 thin curved lines starting behind her ear which disappear after intersecting rather than continuing); the broken up lines of Ichigo's blush in the bottom image; portions of thin lines in Ichigo's clothing in the bottom image, etc.

Once again, these are just a few of the most obvious issues on the first two pages alone (and these two pages aren't even close the worst). If you have any doubts whatsoever, try comparing the appearance of the top of Ichigo's head in every single panel it appears in, and you'll see massive blank white spots that are properly filled in the raw. Your statement that these resampled images are "crisper" seems to be some misconception based off of the fact that a meaningful portion of the fine detail has simply been deleted, leaving much more stark and blocky transitions and lines. There's a reason anti-aliasing is important, a stepped progression of rectangles in all their jagged glory may appear the most "sharp", however that isn't the intended appearance of said line. The resampling has also seemingly changed the size and shape of the "dots" forming the screentone patterns so, depending on the resolution you're viewing at and the interpolation algorithm of whatever image viewer you're using, the combination of lower resolution and a different pattern may lead to a visibly superior result at that lower resolution post interpolation.

Regardless, the images that "suck ass" are the ones that have been used for this translation. If they were half the size but competently resampled such that the vast majority of detail was preserved that'd be one thing, but in this case the resampling done has simply discarded a tremendous amount of information from the original images. This has left glaring white holes, moire patterns, abrupt transitions, non-existent gradients, broken and blocky lines, and simply erased parts of the image from existence.
End of discussion.
Posted on 05 October 2023, 06:07 by:   akinomiyabita    PM
Score -40
The time you spent writing that novel could have been spent just typesetting the raws you would prefer to be used yourself, o karen of doujins.
Posted on 23 October 2023, 15:07 by:   NotThrustday    PM
Score +6

would you be willing to fix this upload?
Posted on 16 November 2023, 17:20 by:   cybeast93    PM
Score +33
Part 1 (ENG): /g/2215376/7d8c45b195/
Part 2 (ENG): /g/2407051/62ea5b5c5d/
Part 3 (ENG): /g/2409684/731e3adf82/
Part 4 (ENG): (You're here)
Part 5 (ENG): /g/2738338/37f7574dbe/
Posted on 21 November 2023, 02:29 by:   SpencerSDH    PM
Score +6
Not sure why @RandomPerson_ got so much shit. Comparing these two pages (/s/58c9513088/2695702-4 and /s/940bfa108d/2685384-3), the quality difference in the screentone is staggering. I'll never understand why people downsample high quality images.

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