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[Artist] - Pochincoff / ポチンコフ (Pt. 5 | 5.50 GB) [Uncensored]

Image Set
Posted:2024-02-10 08:40
File Size:5.50 GiB
Length:1978 pages
Favorited:4011 times
Average: 4.32

Showing 1 - 40 of 1,978 images

Posted on 10 February 2024, 08:40 by:   Seithplenf    PM
Uploader Comment

Special thanks to @pool1991 for bringing the updated torrent for this gallery!


Part 5 of the full archive of Pochincoff.

- Part 1: /g/2585070/2b071059bb/
- Part 2: /g/2585439/b7d2451e6b/
- Part 3: /g/2586233/1dabf8fff1/
- Part 4: /g/2681792/e30e9df7f0/
- Part 6: /g/3035403/89ff9a8119/


• This gallery no includes Doujins, Comics and Third-party edits. Let me know if I'm missing sets.

• Images from Patreon/FANBOX. All images with it's original size.

• Uncensored gallery.

• Listed from newest (2024) to oldest (2023).


Support the artist:
- Patreon:
- Fanbox:
- Twitter:
- Nijie:
Posted on 24 September 2023, 08:50 by:   zkvls    PM
Score +45
I'm so glad there's no picture of poop
Posted on 25 September 2023, 05:31 by:   Seithplenf    PM
Score +44

You're celebrating too soon my bro, this gallery WILL also contain scat...

...and here we are.
Last edited on 28 September 2023, 05:56.
Posted on 29 September 2023, 22:50 by:   schody1234    PM
Score -67
Man, I like this artist. But since he started doing scat I barely visit his galleries.
Posted on 01 October 2023, 05:57 by:   HF561    PM
Score +45
He only posts his scat alts at his payment platforms only via download. The last time he ever posted scat publicly was as a MyPixiv upload and his early tumblr account.

Regardless, it's not anywhere to be seen on his official public platforms beyond download. He does quite a lot to respect people who enjoy his stuff.

and i personally think he feels even more content to hear that unsupportive freeloaders casuals have to wade through the mud to even see his new stuff.

So saying you lost respect is sort of just funny, take it as a lesson, don't exclusively browse boorus or archival for whatever you want.
Posted on 01 October 2023, 08:15 by:   schody1234    PM
Score +10
Lol, who said I lost respect. I just don't like scat. Wtf do you even mean?
Posted on 05 October 2023, 08:45 by:   koralobb    PM
Score +19
This proves that we are attracted to big tiddy thicc thigh anything with holes in it
Posted on 05 October 2023, 09:33 by:   Czxa9r    PM
Score -100
why all there is english .I'm a pure chinese
Posted on 17 October 2023, 03:48 by:   vulcan114514    PM
Score +10
Posted on 19 October 2023, 07:11 by:   Gb102    PM
Score +6
So, any chance reuploading torrent file for previous gallery?
Posted on 19 October 2023, 13:42 by:   jcdentonxs    PM
Score +6
what's the name of the first character in the gallery? the one with the blue "goo" skin
Posted on 20 October 2023, 06:47 by:   Seithplenf    PM
Score +11

It's an OC by the artist. She is called "Una". You can found more of her on the earlier parts.
You can see the specific character here on Sankaku:
Posted on 27 November 2023, 10:39 by:   LuVez    PM
Score +25
Posted on 27 November 2023, 14:08 by:   herobrine1208    PM
Score +9
Posted on 28 November 2023, 06:22 by:   张佳乐ll    PM
Score +9
Posted on 28 November 2023, 07:51 by:   Ira-sama    PM
Score +6
would be great if any of these had working and or up to date torrents
Posted on 01 December 2023, 18:55 by:   KuroKamiS    PM
Score -25
there should be a gallery but without the scat
if there is one thing i dislike the most, its scat, more than guro and anything else...well there is Bara
Posted on 04 December 2023, 07:33 by:   jeff ♥    PM
Score +25
i remember before he started doing scat and it was really obvious he wanted to. im glad hes living his best life now
Posted on 06 December 2023, 18:15 by:   ancientsofmumu    PM
Score -2
... but how can robots poop?
Posted on 13 December 2023, 14:28 by:   Carrion Vermin    PM
Score -13
I just wanted to give an appreciative shoutout to Seithplenf here for not being a batshit insane autistic retard like Azure13; just uploading the good art, describing it, and sourcing it without writing novel-length screeds and throwing Chris-chan tier shitfits about it. Thank you.
Posted on 13 December 2023, 15:02 by:   Azure13    PM
Score -99
Posted on 13 December 2023, 14:28 by: Carrion Vermin

"I just wanted to give an appreciative shoutout to Seithplenf here for not being a batshit insane autistic retard like Azure13; just uploading the good art, describing it, and sourcing it without writing novel-length screeds and throwing Chris-chan tier shitfits about it. Thank you."

Thank you for making me live rent-free in your head, but I'll stick to living outside of it. With that out of the way, I wouldn't be writing novel-length responses if you didn't write retarded comments like the ones below in my Pochincoff scat-centric galley that all got downvoted to oblivion by both the regulars and one of the E-Hentai forum Moderators:


Posted on 28 September 2023, 14:10 by: Carrion Vermin

"okay but why is there shit"


Posted on 15 September 2023, 11:11 by: Carrion Vermin

"but why poopoo"


Posted on 16 August 2023, 13:50 by: Carrion Vermin

"but why is there scat though"


Not one, not two, but three separate retarded comments since August why a fucking scat-centric Pochincoff gallery with scat in the title and the tags has scat in it.

It took a fucking E-Hentai Moderator (@Agoraphobia) to address your retarded comments because YOU KEEP MAKING RETARDED COMMENTS WHY A SCAT-CENTRIC GALLERY HAS SCAT IN IT.

---> Creating repetitious comments on numerous galleries. This can be seen as an attempt at "point whoring" for toplist points.

---> Posting gibberish comments, malicious, or irrelevant URLs.

---> Repeatedly abusing or harassing other users for any reason.


Out of both of us, YOU are the retard for not reading on how to comment or the gallery tags and title, not me. I'm just plain autistic and batshit insane. Then again, everyone in E-Hentai are in one form or another.

I'm not the one who went inside a gallery with SCAT IN THE TITLE AND THE TAGS and then COMPLAINED REPEATEDLY WHY IT HAS SCAT. I called you out and explained to you and to others in explicit detail about not only the purpose of the gallery, but of Pochincoff's Patreon separating the character sets into regular and scat verions, but you and the other beggar retards keep demonizing me.

You obviously are too retarded to even skim through the fucking rules on how to comment on a gallery, much less respect the fucking artist's fetish.


Pochincoff loves scat, but separates his scat from the regular ones if you actually went and paid for his Patreon character sets, because of entitled beggar retards like you who obviously hate scat that makes him depressed every fucking time, but still makes seperate versions so as not to offend the ones who do not share his passion for scat. Fuck off with your sincerity, because its people like you who hurt the artist with your retarded entitlement when you don't even pay and support his works.

You have no idea how many times Pochincoff gets depressed and self-depreciates himself because of people constantly putting down his works, both regular and scat, even when he separates them into two different downloads if you have been following his Pixiv and Patreon where he always apologizes for "offending" beggar retards like you.

Talk to him in his Pixiv Fanbox. Pochincoff is very chill when it comes to fans of his works, both regular and scat, with him having a passion for drawing scat since his tumblr days like what @Jeff said up there.

You'll see how fucking depressed he gets when retards like you keep put him down with your entitled beggar bitching on what he can and can't draw when he tries so hard and updates regularly to please his so-called "fans". Fuck off. He deserves better than entitled retards putting down his scat work.


Don't fall for his flattery, @Seithplenf, because Carrion Vermin doesn't give a damn about you, me or even respecting Pochincoff'. He is nothing more than an entitled, retarded beggar who can't even follow simple instructions, use his Black List and avoid the Scat tag or ACTUALLY GO PAY AND SUPPORT POCHINCOFF'S PATRIONS SO HE CAN DOWNLOAD THE NON-SCAT REGULAR VERSIONS OF ALL THE CHARACTER SETS like the rest of the entitled, retarded beggars who share his idiotic braincells.

I apologize for the novel-length autistic response, Seithplenf, but I have to defend myself from Carrion Vermin's demonizing comments. I sent you a PM, please read it when you have the time.

If there was a way for Gallery Creators to ban Visitors permanently from their galleries or making a comment from said galleries once on their Black List, I would have done it a long time ago.



@DiggerNick12345 and Magnat Cleo below. Downvote me all you like because I will just repost this comment. Your efforts are futile and it won't change anything since me and Seithplenf are NOT GOING TO SEPERATE THE SCAT in all the Pochincoff Galleries we upload. Merry Scatmas, you beggar fucks!

Last edited on 22 December 2023, 20:43.
Posted on 24 December 2023, 20:46 by:   shikadang    PM
Score +12
Ain't that a cute little gun?
Posted on 29 December 2023, 00:37 by:   porno-mancer    PM
Score +0
Not understanding why people hate scat is like failing to understand why people absolutely loathe child molesters - it's a near-instinctual dislike that exists for a very good reason, and only utterly defective human beings will fail to understand.

On the flip side, to all the people bitching about scat in here: YOU ARE RETARDED. This artist is far from new, you know what's going to be in this gallery. Stop going out of your way to be whiny fags about shit.

Lastly, to the gallery poster: do yourself and others a courtesy by following the example of guro posters - put a warning in the gallery title and in the preview thumbnail. It will keep the idiots out, and help those of us who find the blacklist insufficient due to presence tags.

@Azure13 Nigga quit being such as assmad autist.
Posted on 29 December 2023, 07:16 by:   Azure13    PM
Score +55

"@Azure13 Nigga quit being such as assmad autist."

Sorry, homie. More than a couple of years of telling people who hate sushi that they are in a sushi restaurant, as if the sign outside isn't obvious enough, took a massive chunk of my sanity away and reduced me to an angry autist. I already had a talk with Seithplenf and apologized for the wall of text I left up there in this gallery.

At the very least, Pochincoff is still going to be drawing beloved characters taking a massive dump no matter what stance anyone here in E-Hentai has about seeing their favorite characters literally having the shit fucked out of them. Its also one the reasons that Pochincoff started doing scat in brown color only, even to his own OCs and other established robot characters who usually are drawn with only purple or blue scat, since he heard about the beggar idiots here bitching about his scat sets several months ago.

It wouldn't be a surprise if Pochincoff did it just to permanently cement the fact that he loves scat and that no one will tell him otherwise.

"Lastly, to the gallery poster: do yourself and others a courtesy by following the example of guro posters - put a warning in the gallery title and in the preview thumbnail. It will keep the idiots out, and help those of us who find the blacklist insufficient due to presence tags."

That's not really going to help much and they will still go in and downvote it to hell on top of leaving scathing comments about the uploader and/or the artist for offending them, despite E-Hentai's warning before entering galleries tagged with offensive content like Scat. It is just catering to the entitled, sensitive retards who can't or refuse to read tags and gallery titles as well as how to use the E-Hentai Blacklist. Do not give them an inch, because they will take the entire fucking continent. We have enough fans of Pochincoff to know what gallery they are in, so no need to cater or conform to these retarded tourists and censor Pochincoff's art in any way.

The same goes to all the other gallery creators: Do Not Bend The Knee. Pochincoff's art does not deserve to be censored. Or any artist for that matter.

Why should we conform and cater to visitors who do not even bother to follow the basic rules and etiquette about commenting, much less have any respect for the artist or the purpose of the gallery? That is what the Gallery Warning and Tag Blacklist of E-Hentai is for. If they bitch about it, let them bitch about it.

In all seriousness, if these visitors really hate scat, they should go and actually pay and support Pochincoff via his Patreon and other art platforms and then download the Art Packs directly, where the scat is in a seperate pack from the regular set. Or better yet, make their own damn gallery to do as they please instead of harassing gallery creators and putting down the artist by their blatant disrespect.

Its really that simple, so no need to give these whiny, entitled retards twitter-tier conformity. After all, beggars can't be choosers. Especially ones who have all the tools given to them by E-Hentai to make their lives easier.


If the beggars don't like the menu after ignoring the advertisements and sign on what the restaurant is all about, then they can go kindly fuck off instead of harassing the restaurant owner on wanting certain entrees removed or segregated to suite their entitled, beggar palates because of their inability to have decent dining etiquette as well as obvious lack of basic reading comprehension.
Last edited on 29 December 2023, 20:51.
Posted on 30 December 2023, 14:36 by:   imreallybored54    PM
Score -15
I just want Pochincoff to come into one of these galleries with Azure and just pull this:
Posted on 30 December 2023, 17:08 by:   Azure13    PM
Score -18
Posted on 30 December 2023, 14:36 by: imreallybored54
"I just want Pochincoff to come into one of these galleries with Azure and just pull this"

You are far from being sane and reasonable yourself. I want to see what Pochincoff's reaction is to your asinine and idiotic comments below from my gallery:

Posted on 01 April 2023, 21:33 by: imreallybored54
This gallery is for TRUE and HONEST scat and futanari lovers only! And no JERKOPS or TROLLS allowed!!!


Posted on 07 May 2023, 23:04 by: imreallybored54
"Ah, but you did ignore what I said in my first wall of text" my brother in christ, i ain't reading that


Posted on 02 June 2023, 18:27 by: imreallybored54



Posted on 09 June 2023, 23:03 by: imreallybored54
i'm banning anybody giving me advice


Posted on 11 June 2023, 15:06 by: imreallybored54
Alright guys, I give up. I don't know when I'll comment again.

I really wanted to enjoy this fucking porn. I really wanted to bust this fuckin nut, man. I wanted it so fuckin bad.
I just can't do it, I can't TAKE this shit no more, man.
All I wanted to do was, like, I was fuckin lonely. I wanted to just fuckin goon, and- and, have a good time, maybe have a good fap.
...i hate my life...
Sorry. I'm so sorry.

Last edited on 31 December 2023, 07:32.
Posted on 31 December 2023, 21:17 by:   imreallybored54    PM
Score -15
Mods, ban anybody callin' me asinine, real tawk. Either subscribe, donate, or get da fuk out
Posted on 01 January 2024, 02:21 by:   Azure13    PM
Score -3
Posted on 31 December 2023, 21:17 by: imreallybored54
"Mods, ban anybody callin' me asinine, real tawk. Either subscribe, donate, or get da fuk out"

"real tawk."


Such asinine language.
Posted on 02 January 2024, 22:34 by:   Blackwasp    PM
Score +33
Couldn't you guys just, ignore it? Or re-upload lol.
Posted on 02 January 2024, 23:49 by:   Azure13    PM
Score +6
Posted on 02 January 2024, 22:34 by: Blackwasp

"Couldn't you guys just, ignore it? Or re-upload lol."

Thank you, that was what I have trying to tell the scat haters for a couple of years now since everyone has those options as an E-Hentai user:

- Ignore the Scat and enjoy the rest of the art. This is the easiest thing to do.

- Get out of the Gallery peacefully without leaving any scathing and demonizing comments to both the artist and the gallery creator. If you DISREGARDED AND IGNORED the "offensive" Content Warning below that displays for "offensive" E-Hentai galleries, YOU HAVE LOST ALL RIGHTS TO COMPLAIN.

- Use the E-Hentai Blacklist to avoid Scat permanently and galleries with Scat, since that is what it is for.


- Make your own Pochincoff gallery without Scat.

- Pay Pochincoff ACTUAL MONEY INSTEAD OF BEING A BEGGAR BITCH in his Patreon and other art platforms so you can DOWNLOAD THE NON-SCAT REGULAR CHARACTER SETS ONLY. This is the best option, since you not only have to deal with Pochincoff's scat sets, you also support and keep him happy by giving him money for the art you enjoy!


Plenty of options, but the most vocal complainers are too entitled to even think rationally of using any of the above and want their way to be followed. I mean, my gallery literally has SCAT IN THE GALLERY TITLE and the entitled beggars who visit it demand scat be separated, making the purpose of the gallery pointless just to cater to their asinine entitlement.

I wish E-Hentai would give gallery creators the option to restrict visitors in their Blacklist from commenting in their galleries at the very least. Seithplenf, me and other gallery creators would not have to deal with being harassed and ridiculed by all these entitled idiots who refuse to read or follow E-Hentai's rules. Or even basic Gallery Commenting.
Last edited on 05 January 2024, 06:37.
Posted on 04 January 2024, 21:02 by:   porno-mancer    PM
Score -3
@Azure13 Oh fuck off you self-righteous fag, you ain't sorry for shit - you're still posting retarded booty-bothered walls of text in every fucking Pochincoff gallery. What I suggested wasn't in any way "censorship" either; it would be a cover page appended to the front of the gallery you fucking twit.

You're just making excuses for your antagonism in order to justify this cancerous white knight crusade. You're no better than the people coming in here solely to bitch about the scat you daft cunt.
Posted on 05 January 2024, 00:06 by:   Azure13    PM
Score +6
Posted on 04 January 2024, 21:02 by: porno-mancer

"Oh fuck off you self-righteous fag, you ain't sorry for shit - you're still posting retarded booty-bothered walls of text in every fucking Pochincoff gallery. "

If Carrion "okay but why is there shit" Vermin up there did not open his entitled tourist mouth, I would not be writing all these walls of text, porno-mancer. That maso-moron tourist made all those retarded "but why scat" comments repeatedly on my Pochincoff Gallery 2 ever since I created it last year and he did the same here, pretending to give a damn about the Gallery Creator and Pochincoff when all he wants it to stoke the fire further with that comment.

I have to defend myself whenever these beggar idiots who don't use their E-Hentai Blacklist talk shit that isn't about the shit Pochincoff draws and explain what they could have done to avoid such Tags that they clearly hate. Also, I did apologize to and already talked to Seithplenf via PM.

"What I suggested wasn't in any way "censorship" either; it would be a cover page appended to the front of the gallery you fucking twit."

It is not the Gallery Creator's fault nor responsibility to use a Gallery Cover that does not trigger the beggar tourists who do not use their E-Hentai Blacklist in the first place. Besides, both Seithplenf and me do not even us any Scat character art as the Gallery cover since we started all these Pochincoff Galleries. As for my own Pochincoff Gallery, the Gallery Title is about as simple as it gets, so a non-offensive "Cover" is not needed at all when all these E-Hentai features are already available.

Why cater to the entitled beggar tourists who do not use the features provided to them by E-Hentai to avoid the Tags and Content they hate on top of not educating themselves on basic Tag searching and Gallery commenting etiquette?

E-Hentai offers everything to make the beggar bitches here have a pleasant experience, but it is not enough and they want to impose their will on the Gallery Creators of Tags they hate to cater to them.

The obvious TAGS, and the E-Hentai Blacklist and Gallery Warning is more than enough. THAT IS WHAT ALL THOSE E-HENTAI FEATURES ARE FOR TO AVOID OFFENSIVE CONTENT.

Also, the E-Hentai FAQ exist for a reason. Everyone needs to fucking educate themselves on how to avoid Tags they hate yet ignored before they go into a fucking gallery and bitch like they own the place.

A Cover Page will not stop people who ignore any of these, my now frustrated homie, for the sake of imposing their will on Gallery Creators such as Seithplenf and myself. They will hate for the sake of hating to get what they want, regardless if it goes against what the Gallery is all about and the wishes of the Gallery Creator.

As stated by E-Hentai regarding offensive Tags, if the beggar bitches IGNORE THE GALLERY WARNING BELOW for whatever fucking reason, they "LOSE ALL RIGHTS TO COMPLAIN ABOUT IT".

They have NO SAY IN THE MATTER. If they willingly chose to ignore or go into a Gallery with Tags that offend them, that responsibility is ON THEM AND NOT THE GALLERY CREATOR.

If the entitled beggar tourists refuse to read the obvious Tags and Titles as well as Ignore the in-your-face Gallery Warning regarding the Gallery's content as well as refuse to use the Blacklist that E-Hentai provides, that is their fucking fault and no one else. Entitlement should never be catered to, much less stupidity and ignorance.

"You're just making excuses for your antagonism in order to justify this cancerous white knight crusade. You're no better than the people coming in here solely to bitch about the scat you daft cunt."

The only cancer here is the sca-hating, entitled tourists who do not use their E-Hentai Blacklist and other features to avoid this Tag.

Let me ask you this, porno-mancer, what is the excuse of all these entitled, scat-hating beggar tourists for antagonizing me Seithplenf and repeatedly coming back to galleries they hate and making scathing and demonizing comments over and over again without even praising the Artist or proper commenting on the artwork for that matter? What the hell is their fucking excuse for harassing the Gallery Creators over and over again, especially when they all have been given all the tools and features to make their E-Hentai Tag browsing pleasant and avoid Scat?

FUCKING NOTHING. Its pure Ignorance, laziness and entitlement on their part to be given everything on a silver platter, even on a goddamn hentai pirating site.

Call it what you want, but I sure as hell did not start this, my confused homie.

The entitled beggar bitches who went into my Pochincoff SCAT Gallery wanted everything to be separated because they, in their own words of the very first one who started it all a couple of years ago they, "love the artist, love futa, straight up hate scat", therefore defeating the purpose and focus of the Gallery and the wishes of the Gallery Creator. Which is about the SCAT as well as the futa.

That would be like someone going into a sushi restaurant and demanding all the sushi be removed from the restaurant because they hate sushi, therefore defeating the purpose of the restaurant.

Never bend the knee to entitled beggars who do not read gallery commenting rules, the Tags, ignore the Gallery Warning and have been given everything by E-Hentai to avoid content they hate via the Blacklist.

So in conclusion, no, a cover warning the ignorant and entitled beggars of offensive content within a Gallery, even with literal Scat in the title, cannot even make these Visitors bother to read or use their Blacklist is a temporary solution at best to a very long and ongoing problem that Gallery Creators have suffered here in E-Hentai.

A permanent solution to all the harassment and hate suffered by Gallery Creators from entitled beggar visitors is to have an E-Hentai User Blacklist, not unlike the Exluded Uploaders Blacklist in E-Hentai's My Settings, that makes it so that Gallery Creators that put a User's name there will make said User permanently unable to make a comment on their galleries ever again as well as make both the Galleries created by the Gallery Creator invisible to the Blacklisted user and vice-versa, since it is obvious it is too much work for the entitled beggar tourists to use all the E-Hentai features and read the E-Hentai FAQ on how to search and avoid Tags they hate at the very least.


Homie, this is a hentai fetish piracy site. Why the fuck do these tourists always selfishly complain about changing shit in a gallery to suit their feelings? *smh* Just fuck off the gallery, its that simple! Nobody owes these tourists anything! Its whiny bitchy beggar tourists like Carrion Vermin that end up ruining shit for everybody because they don't use their fucking Blacklist that is provided by E-Hentai! Pochincoff's scat artwork is actually very damn tame compared to artists like Kinhasu or even hr555 who are actually both extreme when it comes to Scat and other so-called offensive Tags. At least Pochincoff keeps it "clean" and it looks just like a massive, long dildo going out of their assholes instead of the characters eating it or slathering it all over their bodies in a shit-filled blood-orgy.
Last edited on 06 January 2024, 08:59.
Posted on 08 January 2024, 19:53 by:   imreallybored54    PM
Score +34
Anybody else hungry for some Five Guys Burgers & Fries
Posted on 11 January 2024, 22:44 by:   porno-mancer    PM
Score -9
@Azure13 You have no room to be calling people entitled either - not when throwing such pretentious tantrums laden with condescension. Sanctimonious hypocrite.
Posted on 12 January 2024, 04:05 by:   Azure13    PM
Score +6
Posted on 11 January 2024, 22:44 by: porno-mancer
"@Azure13 You have no room to be calling people entitled either - not when throwing such pretentious tantrums laden with condescension. Sanctimonious hypocrite."

@porno-mancer And you have no right to defend the complaining entitled tourists either - not when the E-hentai commenting rules, Gallery Warning and E-Hentai Blacklist to avoid Tags that they find "offensive" exist for them to use instead of being entitled beggars who demand the Gallery be catered to their selfish wants and needs instead of that of the intention of the Gallery Creator.


The moment they ignored the Commenting Rules, Blacklist and Gallery Warning above was the moment the entitled beggar tourists lost all rights to complain, as stated in the Gallery Warning.

Vexatious Neanderthal.
Last edited on 21 February 2024, 01:53.
Posted on 03 February 2024, 14:50 by:   The rando    PM
Score +24
Did someone reasonably tell you tourist that it bad to colonize other people interest,or it is to late to change your selfishly entitled behaviour?
Harassing people over that also not cool,dude
Blacklist exist for an reason,or your just wanted to be "offended".
Posted on 07 February 2024, 05:57 by:   porno-mancer    PM
Score -3
Your sockpuppets are super obvious, faggot.
Posted on 07 February 2024, 07:23 by:   Azure13    PM
Score +0
Posted on 07 February 2024, 05:57 by: porno-mancer

"Your sockpuppets are super obvious, faggot."

Almost a month of silence and that is the best counter-argument you have on how these entitled beggar tourists are not using their Blacklist and other E-Hentai features to avoid Gallery Tags they hate as well as properly following proper Gallery Commenting and instead continue to ignorantly harass Gallery Creators like Seithplenf to cave in to their selfish demands?

Well, that is to be expected of the counter-argument of another tourist defending the entitled beggar tourists of a pirating hentai site that do not use said site's features to avoid Gallery Tags they hate and demand that the Gallery Creator follow their selfish and ignorant whims instead of actually learning how to use the features of E-Hentai.


Do what you want with your gallery, Seithplenf, because you have no obligation to these entitled beggar tourists who do not abide by E-Hentai's rules.

That goes for every gallery creator out there. Never bend the knee to these entitled beggar tourists. Do not censor nor follow their demands no matter how much they harass you and call you all sorts of derogatory names for following what you want in your own gallery, for you have no obligation to them. Only to the artist and to E-Hentai's rules. Let the E-Hentai Moderators deal with them.

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