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[REWRITE]sm couple anal cloudy fuck (taken from [Anthology] Hakudaku Bijiri Musume) (english)


Posted:2024-04-16 00:21
Language:English  RW
File Size:13.67 MiB
Length:16 pages
Favorited:36 times
Average: 1.40

Showing 1 - 16 of 16 images

Posted on 16 April 2024, 00:21 by:   entor    PM
Uploader Comment
I completly rewrote the script and edited eveerything

-You can always upload a better or more faithful version. I really don't mind. I'd love a better version. What you shouldn't do is gatekeeping and dicourage people from taking the first steps.

-I tried getting someone to scanlate for me for money, but noone answered

-MTL is far, far superior to a no translationl. Sure it makes lots of mistakes, but in a 40 page doujin I really don't care whether that speech bubble is an accurate translation as long as it conveys the mood / meaning. We had INTENTIONALLY wrong translations for decades in anime and manga because japanese translates badly, things get lost in translation, cultural differences, etc.. We got over it and enjoyed it nonetheless. If you didn't and don't, then that's your problem.

-Face it, most hentai doesn't have deep meaningful dialogue. I gettired of all the Ahh and ooohhs. It's servicable most of the time and the few Metamorphosis/ Emergence get scanlated by other people anyway

-somone who is just a beginner in the japanese language might actually do a worse translations than MTL

-altering the content of speech bubbles is a must in many cases. The doujin "[Flieger (Ten)] Seishokusha" had so much text, I would have needed to scale down the fonts to like really small sizes to fit eveything if I had wanted to have it be as faithful as possible to the original meaning

-Doing what I am doing not only promotes some of the more obscure artists and their older works, it might also encourage more people improving and delivering better scanlations instead of lurking

And lastly: You don't have to read it. Some of you try to nuke my galleries by mislabeling them and I'm fine with that. I don't care. I can see people favoriting them here and on other websites like ***** and I know they are appreciated. I also appreciate any scanlation from manga or hentai I like, no matter how bad.
Posted on 16 April 2024, 02:28 by:   ValacBroker    PM
Score +40
I'll just add my two cents here.

I'm here before the rating gets tanked, and the cover page + tags pulled me in. I gave up by page 3.

While some people are translation purists and will hate a MTL no matter what, most people dislike them because they suck. The issue isn't that it's not accurate to the original language, it's that it spits out sentences that are janky and sound awful. I've seen MTL's with heavy editing and no one cared, or even noticed.

The first pages are filled with grammar errors that scream MTL and are jarring enough that it distracts readers from the porn.
I need real dick that violates my anus = I need A real dick that violates my anus. And almost no one actually says the word anus, so it should probably be ass or asshole.

When I made the appointment and he did have weird instructions like cleaning throughoughly cleaning my bowels for a medical exam and also wear something nice. = When I made the appointment I was given weird instructions, like thoroughly cleaning my bowels, as if I was having a medical exam. He also told me I should wear something nice. (Note you super simple and obvious error of having the world Cleaning in there twice)

Ater my Partner died I developed an anxiety to have sex with other men. = aFter my partner died I developed an anxiety that prevented me from having sex with others.

Simple editing could have made these lines less jarring to read and greatly improved the over all quality.

MTL can be worse than no translation, when I go to get something translated I first check to see if an English translation already exists. But I do not read it to check it's quality, I just see (English) behind it's name and I skip to the next one. An MTL greatly decreases the odds that something will get translated.

Also, some MTL groups also ask for money, which is just adding insult to injury.

Last thing to add, I've commissioned 160 plus things to be translated into English, you either did try hard, or you offered no real money.
Posted on 16 April 2024, 06:53 by:   entor    PM
Score -84
First of all, noone in real life talks like people in anime / manga translations.
The translations have to adhere to a word/ time constraint and so did I because you can only fit so much u less you go from 18 Wild to 14 in order to annoy people with walls of texts.

If you want great dialogue then you are looking at the wrong place. Touma Ran is terrible at writing a coherent story and so are many other artists.

You don't have to pay MTL groups. This is a strawman.

I offered money they simply didn't respond to my emails.
Posted on 16 April 2024, 13:25 by:   ValacBroker    PM
Score +28

"First of all, noone in real life talks like people in anime / manga translations."
Irrelevant, also a strawman. No one in the real world talks like people do in literature. Real conversations contains a lot of Uhh, Umm, ehh, erm, and other sounds as people talk/think on the fly. The issue is that MTL without any editing produced stilted, jarring, and unnatural dialogue. There's a difference between...
I went school and become officer of the police.
I went to school to become a police officer.

"The translations have to adhere to a word/ time constraint and so did I because you can only fit so much u less you go from 18 Wild to 14 in order to annoy people with walls of texts."
This is a fair argument, but it's also why translating is hard to master and why doing so is a real skill.
Still, from the examples I gave before...
I need real dick that violates my anus
I need a real dick that violates my anus
Even keeping Anus over ass in the assumption that anus was the literal translation, the inclusion of the letter A is one extra letter with a space after it

When I made the appointment and he did have weird instructions like cleaning throughoughly cleaning my bowels for a medical exam and also wear something nice.
When I made the appointment he gave me weird instructions like wearing something nice and thoroughly cleaning my bowels as if for a medical exam.
Removing the extra instance of the world cleaning and spelling thoroughly correctly saved us space. A slight rewording made that sentence less jarring to read too.

Ater my Partner died I developed an anxiety to have sex with other men.
After my partner died I developed a fear about having sex with others.
Spelled after right, used fear instead of anxiety, The line is now easier to read and takes less space.

"If you want great dialogue then you are looking at the wrong place. Touma Ran is terrible at writing a coherent story and so are many other artists."
Irrelevent, and again, a strawman. The issue isn't a coherent story, its bad grammar and sentence structure. No one expects a 15-25 page hentai to be a great peace of literature in the realm of Shakespeare or Poe. They do want their hentai to sound normal so that they don't stop and go, "wtf did I just read?"

"You don't have to pay MTL groups. This is a strawman."
You didn't ask for money on this work, this is true. But many groups do ask, and they just makes people hate the whole MTL thing even more.

"I offered money they simply didn't respond to my emails."
I don't know what to say here, I've worked with 8 different translation groups. Each have their preferred contact methods, either a form on their sites, email, or discord. Some do take longer to reply, but not getting any response at all after reaching out to several is strange.
Posted on 16 April 2024, 16:27 by:   entor    PM
Score -97
I didn't read your post.
I don't care about your opinion and I just uploaded another MTL.
If you enjoy it, great.
If it angers you, then All the better

I'm done here
Posted on 16 April 2024, 19:47 by:   Nightwishman    PM
Score +25
Missing a few tags, but Im to lazy to add them to this awful thing.

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