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[Scriptor] A Shizzling, Shining Shellacking!

Posted:2024-05-15 12:29
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Posted on 15 May 2024, 12:29 by:   hnaswurst    PM
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Original Creator Post Date: 2023-04-28

Attached Story:

Story written by Rubbutts“Agh, what in the–”
“. . .”

“Seriously?”Freshly spawned into a new VR hell, Shuumi took stock of her outfit. Pure chainmail bikini, little more than a tiny metal linked bra and thong with tight leather straps supporting and digging into her firm green flesh. It accentuated her beefy body perfectly and just barely kept her ‘modest’, heavy assets spilling out but somehow kept in check and not simply tearing apart the straps to fully expose her. Rounding out the ensemble were little sandals that felt like more of an afterthought and surprisingly tame considering the rest of what she’d been stuffed into.Probably some effect of the simulation. Whoever coded it had to be some kind of degenerate. Still, wearing a deep frown and not much else, Shuumi stomped her way forward toward the town in front of her. The guard at the gate looked equal parts intimidated and embarrassed, unable to stop himself from sneaking a few badly hidden peeks of her body while he did his usual spiel.

“Uhh…halt! St-state your business!”Shifting her stance and crossing her arms under her more than head-sized chest, the orc glared down at the man she had nearly a foot of height on, practically looming over him and focusing all of her displeasure into a hard, even stare. Her frown took a few seconds to break but eventually she replied, favoring a glance past him and seeing what looked like some kind of classic adventurer’s guild. “What do I look like I’m here for? Adventuring. Gold. Monster slaying. Let me in and I’ll deal with your problems.” She sounded painfully impatient.Still shifty and meek, the guard’s gaze faltered before he took a breath and tried to center himself, tightening his grip on his weapon and going back to some flavor of professional standard.“O-of course! We’ve many a problem, and adventurers like you are always welcome! Be sure to stop by the tavern later and share a tale or two, eh? Haa…!”He didn’t wink, but she could feel it implied anyway. Her thinly pulled lips twisted into a grimace and she rolled her eyes, stalking past him without another word. She could feel his eyes on her once she passed, the chainmail thong doing little to hide her absolutely massive ass. It was all emphasis and zero practicality, and the only thing on her mind was finding someone to get something better from.Thankfully, the town seemed rather sparsely populated on the inside. What she assumed was the adventurer’s guild looked a bit more bustling, so going in now would surely have all eyes on her. Better to be more discreet, she thought. Check out the rest of the town. The place across the town square looked decent. Some kind of shop, maybe. Big sign, relatively normal, surely a good place to start. Shooting a few glares at lingering stares, Shuumi opened the door and stepped inside, head slightly bent to not bump it on the top of the frame.“Oh, hello and welcome. My name is Iris and I–”“...Oh.”What the orc could only assume was some kind of sorceress greeted her with a surprised, wide eyed stare while being clad in barely more than the chainmail slut-wear she’d been stuffed into. Lots of flowing fabrics, practically a bikini of her own, and a luxuriously large hat made up most of her ensemble, accentuated by long purple hair and unnervingly glowing eyes. She was stunningly pretty though, and Shuumi’s grumpy demeanor softened a little in the face of Iris’s shock at her newest customer.“You’re new here, aren’t you? I’d remember a look like that. And…everything else. Wow.” Her voice was soft and a little breathy, but it couldn’t hide the tone of amazement.The greenskin rolled her eyes and shifted her stance, staring down with her hands on her wide, heavy hips.“Mmhmm. Fresh face. And I didn’t choose these clothes. It’s…a long story. But mostly why I’m here. Doesn’t look like you have what I need, but could you point me toward a blacksmith or armorer? I need something a bit less revealing.”She let her gaze wander a little as she spoke. Potions, magical knick-knacks, and other strange doodads. This was clearly some sort of magic shop or alchemy store. A few suspiciously phallic things set on shelves clued her into it being something else as well, but Shuumi shrugged that off.Iris hummed and tapped at her chin, losing herself in thought for a moment. Full lips pursed, eyes narrowing, she sat there for a few long moments before finally speaking.“Blacksmith’s across town, but…I think I have something for you. You might not be able to afford it, but you look like the adventuring type. You’ll just need to do me a little favor and you’ll have your very own set of magical armor. Interested?”There was a little too much slyness in the smile the sorceress sported after her offer. Shuumi squinted down and pulled her lips into a thin little line, doing a bit of thinking herself. Surely she couldn’t trust anyone or anything in this place, but it was also the starting town in this twisted little game she’d been thrown into. A little bit of meta knowledge nagged at her, but confidence flared. Whatever low level threat that might rear its pretty head she could surely handle.“Mmh…sure, why not. Just tell me what I need to do, and it’ll be done. Easily.”The pretty magic user perked up, her glowing gaze seeming to brighten even more as she stared up to meet the orc’s eyes. Gliding past the counter and then past Shuumi after breaking eye contact, she moved with unnerving grace toward a door with a magical seal on the front. A wave of her hand had it fading and the door itself swinging open, stone stairs leading downward. Her heels clk-clacked as she went, shooting a glance back and raising a hand to beckon the orc forward.“I’ll give you the armor first as a little show of good faith. It’ll make your job easier, too. Come along!”That little voice in the back of her head tried to warn her of something, but Shuumi dismissed it as nerves. There was the barest shred of hesitation before heavier steps followed Iris’s own. Magical torches lined the walls, flickering as if they were real, but no heat came from them. Without the heat there was a certain chill that only got worse the deeper they went, but the orc paid it no mind. The sorceress certainly didn’t seem to notice even with her equally ridiculous outfit, and soon enough the stairs down widened into what could only be some sort of arcane laboratory.So many shelves. Tables. Books. A magical repository if she ever knew one, and all of it surely beyond her nonexistent skill. Iris immediately got to work, moving to the center and raising her hands with the hum of power following. Thrumming, pulsing, and etching itself into the floor, a brightly glowing blue and purple circle came to life at her feet, its icy tones washing over the room.One final thrum of power had Iris dropping her hands and stepping off to the side opposite her guest. She turned and, gesturing toward the circle with a nod toward Shuumi, put on a soft, expectant smile.“Whenever you’re ready. Don’t worry about your…armor, the circle will take care of everything. I just have to get one last thing out.”Her hand reached off to the side and clenched into a fist, telekinetically dragging over a heavy looking wooden barrel while Shuumi scrunched up her face and thought for a moment. Deep feral instinct told her not to go stepping on unfamiliar magical circles, but bumbling around in little more than metal underwear in a place stacked against her sounded like certain doom. Better to take her chances early on, right…?So, she stepped forward. Her heavy, sandaled feet stomp-stomped into place, and she took a tense, but accepting stance. Staring square at Iris, her eyes occasionally flicked to the barrel, but she looked as ready as she could be.The sorceress answered her inquisitive eyes. “It’s called Styx Sap. Purified goo from the Void. Hard to work with, but makes incredible armor. Strong, flexible, even resistant to magic. But you need magic to work it in the first place, so…”Now both her hands came forward. Curling into claws, they forced the barrel open with another telekinetic flex, then out oozed the Styx Sap. Impossibly glossy, dark as its namesake, and the orc could swear it was sizzling. She held her ground though, letting the growing pool of space-black goo approach.When it reached the edge of the circle, the unreadable edge crackled. It looked like it was forcing its way in, the glow of the runes growing just a little brighter. In a flash, Shuumi’s ridiculous ‘armor’ vaporized off her body, leaving her completely bare. She didn’t lose her composure though, merely scrunching her eyebrows a little harder and setting her lips into a thin, firm line as she did a quick bodily twist to observe her overly slutty getup fizzle away into magical particles.Iris snuck a few glances at a pair of breasts well past head sized, her concentration almost shaken at the orc’s naked physique. Statuesque. Heroic. So much raw strength packed into a hulking form, pleasingly padded by a perfectly sculpted layer of fat. Powerful arms, and even more frighteningly powerful legs, rippling with the power to crush steel. A dead ringer for the orc barbarian of legend. The one she’d never have. But then…Goo met orc. Shuumi hissed, the suspected heat of the stuff now very real and sliding over her feet as she returned to standing straight-on with Iris.. No reaction beyond that though, aside from her hands beginning to twitch and slowly curl into fists. It still had a long way to go.“Sorry. It absorbs magic into itself, which heats it up. I’ll try to be careful. Just relax as best you can.”So, Shuumi did. Or tried to, at least. Closing her eyes, centering herself. Hands finally completely pulled into fists, but simply braced ones. Nothing to worry about. Never mind the creeping sensation of uncomfortable heat sealing its way over her flesh with an equally as discomforting tightness. She could swear she heard it creaking, and she could definitely hear it sizzling now. Still, she held firm. It worked its way past her ankles, then steadily swallowed up strong, meaty calves. The layering was uneven and thick, with globs of the material built up in random places. A bit like melted wax, but rubbery, and just as hot if not moreso. It even steamed, thick rivulets of foggy white rising upward and getting heavier and heavier.Then Iris pushed her luck. More magic flowed forward, activating something new. A tingle, heating up, then searing for a brief second around her feet, the sensation quickly traveling upward before meeting up with the steadily creeping wave nearly at Shuumi’s knees. The orc unconsciously shifted at that, a pained little groan sneaking out as her eyes shot open and fired a measured glare at the sorceress. She tried to wiggle her toes, but found it all but impossible, the stuff becoming nearly hard as rock.“It’s the binding effect! Can’t just leave it on you, we have to make sure it’s properly bound.”“Bound? What does that mean? And why did it hurt?”The Styx Sap kept on going as the seconds ticked by. Past the greenskin’s knees now, replacing slick, emerald skin with a solid black shellac. Massive, sensitive thighs followed, the orc beginning to fidget and look increasingly concerned in between sharp gasps and growls. It was getting hotter now, her flesh flushing a notable red at the edges before being sealed over.Iris didn’t answer at first. Instead, her own hands clenched, and her eyes glowed brighter. Shuumi’s teeth bared, eyes widening as suddenly it was near unbearably hot. Her legs were dipped into searing water and nearly frozen to the spot, the sorceress flexing the goo to attempt to immobilize her with crushing tightness.The sorceress dropped all pretense now, a vile grin splitting itself across her lips and sick cruelty in her tone. “It means at this point, you’re already done for and I’m going to make you mine. Be a good idiot and stay still so I can finish sealing this to your flesh.”But the orc roared in response. She couldn’t bend her legs, but she managed to shift one a few inches forward in the mire below before the wave of Sap surged upward and engulfed her crotch and ass in one swift moment.”HNNNNGHHGHRHHHH!?!!”Her eyes bulged and she’d have staggered if not for her legs being all but truly frozen now, a thick layer built up at her feet and still creeping higher without giving her a chance to recover as it kept her mostly stable. The orc’s ass looked beyond incredible even with the uneven layer, an obnoxiously tight pull giving it gravity-defying lift. She was in agony beneath it though, both holes smoothed over along with the rest of her thighs in one incapacitating surge of burning hot pain.The stuff was crackling as it heated green skin to an angry red before sealing it over in that foreboding and messy void black shellac. Little rivulets of the stuff even occasionally dripped downward to rejoin the puddle at Shuumi’s feet while it worked over her stomach and back, her statuesque musculature showing through as it smushed her pleasing layer of fat downward. Obnoxiously shined up black played with the blues and purples of the magical torches and the now violent glow of the circle beneath, creating a wild light show while the orc regained her senses and roared away.Indecision and a flare of panic were her doom. Touching it certainly wasn’t an option, so she put every last iota of strength into trying to move. Only the barest twitches and shifts, the occasional leg shaking angrily in a half-step before violently snapping back to standing awkwardly, her attempts ruined by the still-thick puddle hiding away her feet. She twisted her body into it until she couldn’t, a brutal corset like feeling mixing with the horrible heat of the heavy layering on top. The orc struggled to breathe, sucking in, flexing, and failing again to make any progress. Heavy trails of steam surrounded her, smothering the air, making her dizzy and even more unfocused as she belted out her resistance anyway.”GHHGG…I’LL…END YOU IF IT’S THE LAST THING I…DO…AAHHGGH…YOU WHORE.” Hateful, yelling, all but shaking the walls with her promise. Powerful lungs stayed strong despite being crushed inward by the horrible ooze.Iris’s smile was wicked now, eyes wide, relishing in her power as the ooze tickled at the undersides of Shuumi’s massive tits. The wave slowed a little again, the sorceress savoring the moment now that she had her prey all but helpless.“You’ll serve me forever, you brainless cow. But go ahead, struggle all you like. It won’t help you~.”All villain, and the raging greenskin squealed out as more supple, sensitive flesh was seared and fused onto. It took her breath away and she lost her rhythm, hyperventilating a little once it pushed past her nipples, over the tops, and started to work on her collarbone, her shoulders, then down her arms. Not really knowing what to do with them, she simply raised them as high as she could as if she were drowning, teeth clenched in agony and rage and brows crunched violently downward while her head tilted upward.Just the tiniest shifts now. Nearly a full body effort, moving herself from side to side a few centimeters but otherwise fruitless. Now it was past her neck, gliding past her jawline, then over her mouth.”HHHMMMGGGHHHH!!”The pain was unbearable. The heat was exhausting. The sheer overstimulation had her bloodshot eyes embarrassingly cross before they were smothered over, her hair roughly flattened out to render her head an uneven, bald dome with the vaguest expression of ugly fury and a hint of fear frozen on it. Her hands clawed around at nothing, fingers twitching and jerking in horrible pain as the last bastion of any real movement.”GGGHHH!!! GGLRKGKGKK!!!”Her body shifted until it couldn’t, powerful muscles seared into place as wrists twisted, fingers twitched, and then stopped dead. The last of the Sap sealed itself into place, the puddle at Shuumi’s feet gone, and there stood a solid black ‘statue’ of an orc. The heavy waxlike effect across her frozen form was bizarre, smothering her facial and bodily features but cooling enough to stop its occasional drips now. For a few long moments there was only the latent hum of magic and the horrible hot sizzle of the orc’s space-colored body, but then…”HHHMMMMMGHHH!! HHHMMMMMMGGGHH!” It sounded panicked, blindly feral. Shuumi’s thoughts went a mile a minute, the overstimulation of being trapped in a burning hot rubbery oven while being all but immobilized driving her mad. She couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t see. Couldn’t…couldn’t–She still steamed, though. Waves came off her from the top, the crackle in the air all too notable. Her prison might’ve cooled slightly outwardly, but she was still encased in a crushingly tight hell on the inside. Somehow, she still managed the occasional shift, and Iris took a moment to appreciate what she’d done while pulling something out from between her breasts.A beautiful, icy blue gemstone, large and cut perfectly. Keeping one hand trained on Shuumi, the other funneled power into the gem, the icy blue color pulsing to life. She stepped around the barrel and approached the circle, staying just outside the edge while reaching up to place it squarely onto the petrified orc’s forehead.The encasement shifted. All at once, the excess began to move. The majority of it fucked and forced its way inward.SSSCHLRRRPPCRRRKKKLLLKRREEAAKKK–”HHRREGHHRLLL–ghhkkk–”Her body immediately came to life again once the Sap began to sear itself down her throat, nose, and eyes while filling out her lower holes, insides brutally and deeply lined while her face and body were, steadily, smoothed over. The orc clawed at her face, her horrible squeals only barely audible with the sheer volume of goo forcing its way in while her feet shifted frantically, artificial heels forming to spike her upward even taller. It was a slow process, her face an unnervingly placed series of holes while even her nipples were filled in. Every possible hole was being filled, every inch of her being shellacked, preserved, and seared onto. The big, bulky, and all but anonymized thing stumbled and fought, completely single minded and downright berserk now. She had to get free. Tear it off. Get it off. Get it off.Somehow, some way, she got enough of a grip. Fingers stretched down, sank in, and tore with all her might, peeling enough of the now glass-slick mask back to reveal most of her face. Hidden no more but with an overstuffed, heat-seared throat, nose, and eyes all tainted red hot. Horrible. Bloodshot. But focusing all of its pure, vile hatred at the sorceress in front of her while the thick, gooey layer had all but smoothed itself out by fucking most of the excess inside.

Hellbent. Choking on the stuff gunking up her throat, somehow not simply suffocating her to death. She could only repeat a single word, hands shaking with the impossible, herculean effort of tearing the mask away. “KHHLLL. GHHHLLL. GHHLLLLL–”And then, the gem pulsed again, and it was over. Shuumi’s eyes went glassy, slack, the rest of her body following suit. In one awkward motion, her arms dropped. Her entire form slumped, the banehood snapping back into place as Shuumi became a puppet with its strings cut. But the sheer force of the hood fixing itself slammed her body back first, the empty bulk nearly falling backward before gravity finally took over and it simply fell forward fully. Powerful legs kept it standing, but from the waist up there was nothing holding. The faceless, baned-out nothing ‘stared’ at the floor, bathing the area in the sharp, icy cold glow of the gem set upon its head while monstrously strong arms hung completely limp from an equally as heavy torso.Iris had reached into the orc’s mind with the gem, rooting in it, then pulsed everything unimportant out in an instant. There was simply no Shuumi left as the horrible magic that had now taken over her body suddenly righted it again. Rigid, so rigid. Unnaturally so. Arms at its sides, legs together, chest pushed out. Silent, obedient, horrifically powerful, and even bigger than before. The thick layer of Sap hid away most of the orc inside’s definition, making the golem downright mannequin-esque and absolutely inhuman.The circle continued to glow as the sorceress stepped in, rubbing up against her still steaming hot, but bearable enough new void golem. She was like an over affectionate cat with the way she pressed against it, hands wandering, grabbing handfuls of huge, over glossed tits and an enormous ass, fingers tracing along powerfully thick limbs and a flattened stomach.“The one that got away. …But then you showed up. I truly am blessed. And now you’ll keep me safe, just like you were always meant to. My knight in shining armor, now and forever…~”And through it all, the void golem didn’t budge an inch. Ever obedient, it was a simple extension of Iris’s will now. The orc inside didn’t exist anymore, a mindless frame perfectly preserved by the goo that encased it inside and out. Rumors of said orc passing through town were quickly forgotten in favor of salacious gossip involving the sorceress and her new, imposing ‘toy’ that was eventually joined by another identical golem.And another…

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