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[Various] English Translations

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Posted:2024-06-24 08:20
Language:Japanese  TR
File Size:3.28 GiB
Length:186 pages
Favorited:913 times
Average: 4.42

Showing 1 - 40 of 186 images

Posted on 24 June 2024, 08:20 by:   QscfthnQscfthn    PM
Uploader Comment
I don't have the rights of the images, please support the respective rights holders.
-I used an AI to do the translations, so if there're any mistake, don't hesitate to point it

-In the files (2-3),(13-31) the author put a text in the description of the images, I just translated and put in some place of the images
Posted on 26 June 2023, 18:58 by:   Firebones    PM
Score +25
You know, there's a site that has leaked ibarad's fantia stuff, if you're interested.
Posted on 27 June 2023, 19:09 by:   lar2    PM
Score +6
Appreciate the English Translations.
Posted on 28 June 2023, 01:26 by:   anon487    PM
Score +10

If you are talking about kem, it's missing the last years worth.
Posted on 30 June 2023, 04:06 by:   strife2cloud    PM
Score +59
Perhaps put new content at the end?
Posted on 01 July 2023, 21:00 by:   Tommy 95    PM
Score +11
Why's Misaka so thicc tho, the last time I checked, she's a literal cutting board
Posted on 12 July 2023, 13:47 by:   Karnadio    PM
Score +10
the Mythra one, you miss the last part, she have 2 foot comics on that mini-comic
Posted on 13 May 2024, 08:12 by:   mali888    PM
Score +18
bro TLed an entire kurage doujin and put it in the middle of a random set
thanks for the TLs tho
Posted on 07 June 2024, 04:59 by:   dudk8    PM
Score +5
Posted on 23 June 2024, 17:43 by:   moodyclaus    PM
Score +21
I had the opportunity to read some of the Ochiko's stuff and compare it with the raws, and the results are kind of dissapointing.

The worst thing you can do when translating is not using MTL, it's deliberately rewriting stuff.

I'll just go witht the page /s/94a13f7e81/2943632-40 (raw: /s/87e522ed4e/2842984-1440)

Original: こんやっぴ~♪
Your translation: What do you guys think
It's just her catch phrase "Konyappi" (, so I personnaly would have left it at is. Though your rewriting is not that bad here.

Original: ちょっと元の大きさに戻ってみたいw
Your translation: I returned to my original size.
A more complete translation is "I kinda want(ed) to try returning to my original size, lol." . Note that the “w” you can see at the end of some sentences can be translated as either lol or haha.

“Finally, she left the earth and returned to her original size. the bright spot in her raised armpit was the sun, making the earth's inhabitants to realize how big she was.”
“in her raised armpit” -> under her raised armpits
“earth's inhabitants to realize” -> earth's inhabitants realize

Original: “お触り禁止だってば~!”
Your translation: No touching
More precisely, the てば could mean something like “I told you no touching~!”, though could be nitpicking.

Original: も~エッチなんだからぁ
Your translation: Oh my, you’re so naughty.
も~ mean “Geez” or something similar, not “oh my” which has a clearly different intonation.

Original: あまりにもトワ様の引力に引き寄せられ、その腋に激突して しまう太陽。
Your translation: “Due to Towa-sama's immense gravitational force, the sun gets closer her armpits”
“激突” is crash into, not “gets closer”. And armpit should be singular

“A small drop of sweat end up dripping on the giant star, evaporating it in an instant.” -> “ends up”

Original: 今まで何十億年も地球を照らしていた恒星はトワ様の 腋汗一粒に負け、宇宙から姿を消してしまった。
Your translation: “The star that illuminated the earth for billions of years was extinct by a single drop of sweat and disappeared from the universe. Now Towa-sama's armpit was the new sun for the little people on earth.”
The last sentence was not in the original at all. Please don’t make up stuff…

Original: えっちな眷属にはお仕置きしちゃうぞ~♡
Your translation: For naughty people like you, a punishment is necessary
眷属 mean followers in that context, not people.

Original: 直径1万kmを超える惑星であっても、超巨大小悪魔から 見れば砂粒も同然であった。
Your translation: Even a planet with a diameter of more than 10,000 km, next to a supergiant V-tuber looked like a small grain of sand.
“小悪魔” mean little devil, dunno why you changed it for vtuber

Original: 汗で蒸れに蒸れた腋が地球を 包み込むように迫り、人類はどうあがいてもその包囲網 から逃げる事が出来ない。
Your translation: “Yours armpits that are swollen with sweat completely cover the earth. Zooming in to envelop, the humans are surrounded by the smelly armpit, no matter how much they struggle they cannot escape.”
I honestly struggle to make sense of it even when not comparing it with the original, so I’ll just give my own attempt at translation:
“The sweaty, stuffy armpit drew near in order to wrap up the Earth, and humanity, no matter how they struggled, could not escape from that encirclement.”

Original: 呆れるほどあっけなく一つの惑星がトワ様の 腋の中で捻り潰され、そこに住んでいた住民は当然絶滅 してしまう。超人気Vtuberの撮影会の代償・・・それは地球の 消滅だった。
Your translation:. An entire planet was completely crushed by Towa-sama's armpit, the inhabitants that lived there were naturally exterminated, at the price of a super popular Vtuber photo shoot...
Forgot “呆れるほどあっけなく” at the beginning, which means “In a shockingly quick/effortless manner”
Also it’s the earth destruction that is the price of the photoshoot, not the opposite. That part should have been it’s own sentence, like “In an astonishingly effortless manner, a planet was crushed within Towa-sama's armpit, and its inhabitants were naturally exterminated. The price of attending a photoshoot with a super-popular VTuber was…the extinction of Earth.”

Original: トワの腋汗にこびり付いちゃったね♡
Your translation: “I'm not going to miss you anymore, right?”
That’s not what she said at all, even using google translate should have got you “It stuck to Towa's armpit sweat”, so you had absolutely no reason to change it.

Original: これでいつでも一緒だから 寂しくないねw
Your translation:
“Because now I will always be with you guys!”
Missing the second part: “Now we’ll always be together, so you won’t be lonely, lol”

Original:トワ様が再び腋を開いた時、その一滴の汗の水滴の中に 地球の残骸が漂っていた。
あれだけの知的生命体が 住んでいた星はもはや見る影も無いほど粉々に粉砕され、
Your translation: “When Towa-sama opened his armpit again, in a small drop of sweat, debris from the earth was floating around with many intelligent life forms disappearing. The stars that lived there were broken into pieces until there was no more shadow to be seen, The bright blue earth melted in her sweat hot by her armpits.”
Once again, you translation is kind of messy so I’ll just give my own take on it:
“When Towa-sama opened her armpit again, the remains of the Earth were drifting in a single drop of sweat. The planet that once housed so many intelligent life forms pulverized into tiny fragments beyond recognition, its blue lands melting into the lukewarm armpit sweat.”
Could be better, but it’s at least more understandable.

Original: (も~~! なんであんなに調子乗っちゃったんだろ)
Your translation: “I shouldn't have done that, I don't know why I got so horny over that sort of thing, but still why did it have to be so good?”
Another example of blatant rewriting. She just says “Geez~! Why did I get so carried away?”

Original: (恥ずかし~~!)
Your translation: What a shame..
More like “How/So embarassing/shameful~!”

Original: ※悪魔的本能のせいで大暴れ したことに反省してるトワ様
Your translation: *Towa-sama is sorry for her demonic instincts that lead her to do such disaster.
It’s more like “Towa-sama is reflecting on her rampage caused by her demonic instincts” but I guess it’s close enough.

So since this translation is almost one year old, I did quickly check on /s/e996af1153/2943632-52 that you recently added to see if you improved since then, and while it’s indeed better, it still has some rewriting, for example:

Original: 君なんてちーーちゃいん だからきっとこんなこと されちゃうわ
Your translation: “You're so naughty, you will definitely end up hurt- ing yourself if you keep acting like this”
Even assuming you’re using MTL, I don’t know how you can get from “You're so small, you're bound to get something like this done to you.” (Google translate) to what you wrote.

Original: もうっ・・・! もう少しお仕置きが必要ね・・・!
Your translation: Oh my...! You need a bit more punishment...!
Again “もうっ・・・!” is “Geez…!”, or “Seriously...!” if you go by google translation.

Original: "えっちな虫さんはこんな風になっても文句言えないんだから!”
Your translation: “Those naughty bugs can't complain if they acting like this”
The google translation “Naughty insects/bugs can't complain even if they end up like this” was perfectly fine here too.

Also for: /s/62d0d887f1/2943632-35
For "お姉さん" either keep "Onee-san" as is or use "Big sis", "your sister" is just weird.
There's more, but I already spent enough time on the previous ones, so I just wanted to point out this in particular.

My best advice would be, if you aren't doing it already, to take the time you spend on these mtl translations and use it to actually learn japanese until you have the basics at least. It's way better in the long run, though I know it's easier said than done. In any case, please stick to the original script at the very least. You can take some liberties when necessary to make it flow better in english, but absolutely don't make up stuff that wasn't here in the first place. Also the english itself can be improved.
Posted on 24 June 2024, 01:41 by:   QscfthnQscfthn    PM
Score +7
@moodyclaus Thanks for your comment. I don't have plans to rewrite and fix the mistranslations in these comics (/s/94a13f7e81/2943632-40) and (/s/62d0d887f1/2943632-35) , since it's too tiring for me, so I'll just remove them from the gallery. In the (/s/e996af1153/2943632-52) I used this machine to do the translations:
Posted on 24 June 2024, 11:16 by:   moodyclaus    PM
Score +21
I mean, I only used those as an example. There’s a good chance this applies to most, if not all, of the pictures. So I don’t think removing them is the solution. You did warn about using machine translation, which is a good thing, but you should have also pointed out from the beginning that you deliberately rewrite parts of the dialogue in your translations (and that's my primary issue).
Posted on 24 June 2024, 12:16 by:   nasu    PM
Score +61
Adding rough translation based on uploader comment.

"-I used an AI to do the translations, so if there're any mistake, don't hesitate to point it"

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