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[Mophingu] Reptilia Research

Posted:2024-09-06 13:17
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[Mophingu] Reptilia Research, added 2024-09-19 10:52
[Mophingu] Reptilia Research, added 2024-10-11 18:50

Showing 1 - 7 of 7 images

Posted on 06 September 2024, 13:17 by:   Gamefriend    PM
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Story for the Images:
Pepper was a scientist who studied reptiles before the war. After everything had settled, she didn't know why she should stop. Besides, the effects of the war while she'd been underground certainly brought about all sorts of evolutionarily changes to animals, some terrifying, some incredible. Having left her vault years ago, Pepper set up in a rather remote area, free from raiders, people in general, and most dangerous things. There was however, a pretty high number of Deathclaws. She was fascinated by their physiology and spent years observing them from a distance, collecting various samples, and replicating their pheromones in order to draw them into locations for study. She understood the dangers of her work, but also thought there was more to them than people gave them credit. One male in particular she'd been studying for some time seemed incredibly intelligent and was clearly more than just some beast.

As she finished up her day in the lab, she mixed together her latest batch of pseudo pheromones to be used the next day. Holding the flask up to the light, she gave it a swirl. Bubbles formed as per the usual, but suddenly the mixture erupted, surging out of the flask and falling on to her face. She gasped in surprise, wiping the mixture off, but some of it quickly absorbed into her cloths and through her skin. She was a little concerned for a bit, but only a warm sensation lingered and spread through her before gradually fading away. Seems she'd gotten lucky this time. Pepper wrapped up her work before locking up, turning out the lights, and heading home for the day.

Over the next several weeks Peppers body slowly saw some unusual changes due to her lab accident, but she didn't let that slow down her research. Eventually the changes slowed and then stopped progressing and she was relieved that nothing extreme had happened. Her face and hands saw the most of the alterations and a small bump formed near her tailbone, but mostly, she felt the same. However, one thing always seemed to be on her mind. Some feeling was drawing her attention when she was outside. Be it a scent or an urge, she wasn't sure, but whenever it happened, her body would get very hot and she'd get uncontrollably wet. It had to be some hormonal imbalance with the pheromones she'd spilled on herself, but maybe, she thought, it too would eventually subside.

One evening, after leaving the lab late, Pepper felt as though someone or something was following her. Almost like a super power, she just sensed there was someone nearby. Even though raiders had never been seen in the area, she started to hurry. Her body temperature and her breath quickened as a yearning for pleasure suddenly burned between her legs. Not this again, she thought to herself, not right now! The closer she got to home, the stronger pleasures coursed through her body. Finally, she reached the safety of her home and stepped inside locking the door. Her body hummed with a sexual drive like nothing she'd ever felt. Taking her suit off she knew she'd have to take care the situation burning between her legs before she'd get anything done, but suddenly Pepper heard a noise coming from her currently dark kitchen.

Standing there, barely clothed, Pepper heard more movement from the kitchen. It was heavy movement and what sounded like bone scraping on metal. She slowly reached under her mattress for her revolver before mustering all of her courage and yelling, "Who... Who's in there?!" The apartment fell silent for a few seconds before the thing in the kitchen slowly made its way to the crack in the door. Pepper only now noticed the kitchen door had been forced open as claws slowly made their way around the edges. It didn't take a second of seeing them before she knew that unmistakable appearance, Deathclaw.

Peppers heart thundered in her chest. Her body, oddly, still burned with a desire like she'd never felt before. It was almost as if the source of the desire was in her apartment, but she couldn't yet explain it. The Deathclaw's head emerged from the door as it forced it open like a toy. Its eyes locked on her weapon. A deep growl rippled from its body, rumbling Pepper's chest. She knew the weapon would be of little use against a full grown Deathclaw, so she slowly hid it behind her hoping to not threaten it further and it's growling slowly subsided. The intelligence she could see in its eyes was unmistakable, this was the male Deathclaw she'd been studying. It sniffed the air and a new variation of a rumble came from him as it looked directly at her. The door slid open further and the Deathclaw's shaft slowly emerged from legs. A green precum dripped from its tip and Pepper could see its veins pulsing as it grew. Pepper expected to be terrified, but the burning between her legs only grew stronger. The desire she was experiencing was like nothing she'd ever felt before. The Deathclaw sniffed again, its head tilting slightly. A pleased noise came from it as it emerged from the kitchen and slowly moved toward Pepper.

The Deathclaw approached Pepper, backing her against her bed before she fell back onto it. The Deathclaw's throbbing shaft grew larger and larger and the desire burning between Pepper's legs did as well. To her surprise heart was racing with excitement rather than fear, and she couldn't wait to feel it inside of her. The Deathclaw stopped, just over her, it's now massive shaft dripping warm glowing green pre-cum on to her abs. She looked up and found it looking back down to her, as if it was waiting for something. She looked directly into its eyes and nodded, spreading her legs. A satisfied rumble emanated from its chest as it grabbed her leg, lifting her like a toy.

The massive shaft tip pressed against her outer labia, parting them and pushing its pre-cum inside. Instantly a quiver of pleasure shot through Pepper as the Deathclaw started working its shaft inside of her. Little by little the pre-cum helped stretch her to a size far greater than she imagined she could provide. The glowing pre-cum lubricated and absorbed into her body causing her recently stagnate body transformations to progress once more. Her nipples swelled, dripping small amounts of milk and she felt her hands and teeth stretching and growing as well. A warmth spread through her body causing her veins to bulge as waves of pleasure washed through her with each steady thrust. She panted and moaned wanting more and more until finally she felt its shaft starting to pulse. Within a few pulsing thrusts, the massive shaft unleashed its first load of glowing green cum inside of her, causing pleasures to burn through her body like she'd never experienced before.

Just as the Deathclaw's cum started to gush its way into Pepper, it quickly yet carefully picked her up by the waist and propped her on top of its massive shaft as it started to unleash its load. Pepper gasped in delight as the hot sticky cum filling her up. Her abdomen swelled larger and larger as it continued to pour in, quickly absorbing into her body and causing never ending waves of pleasure and heat to flood through her. She moaned and shook from orgasm after orgasm as her body rapidly started changing with the Deathclaw's green glowing cum absorbing into her.

Her arms and feet stretched and grew into more claw-like appearances as her breasts swelled massively in size. The veins around her abdomen were glowing green as the cum flowed from her womb to the rest of her body. Just when she thought the Deathclaw could cum no more, a fresh wave would flood into her and eventually she could hold no more. The massive amount of cum gushed out from around her pussy lips as she reached up to squeeze her sensitive breasts. Milk shot from her nipples as orgasm after orgasm ravaged her body, shaking it to its core. Finally, the Deathclaw ran dry and its panting thrusts slowed. Pepper was barely able make out what was happening as her body refused to stop quivering and cumming over and over. The Deathclaw, now satisfied, turned and placed her exhausted body on to her bed with surprising care. Pepper looked up at the it, seeing the intelligence once again and now satisfaction in its eyes before it turned to leave. As Pepper heard the door close and latch, her eyes felt suddenly heavy from the completely exhausting experience and she fell fast asleep even though her body continued to quiver and orgasm over and over.

Pepper woke up after a night full of fitful dreams. She blinked a few times and thought the whole experience was part of a dream before her senses came back and she looked down at her body. The warmth in her body from the Deathclaw's ejaculation slowly came back as she saw how much was still leaking from between her legs. She reached down to touch herself and saw her hand, now much more claw like than before. Her breasts now massive hung heavily from her chest still slowly dripping milk and tender to the touch. Peppers hands brushed against her engorged clitoris which caused waves of orgasms to flood through her as she felt her body stretch and grow in response. The resultant orgasmic fits lasted almost 10 minutes until she was finally able to collect herself and slow her breathing. She could feel protrusions from the base of her skull and the nub around her tail bone was now a full-fledged mini tail.

The more her body woke up, the more an urge pulled at her. Her body was telling her something it desired, but the feelings were so new, she couldn't place it. The urge to leave and find something or someone was as close as she could get. Looking at her old clothes, it was clear they wouldn't fit, she'd have to try to scavenge something new. At least there was one bonus to living in such a remote area, more things for her and less people around. Standing up, she balanced on her newly changed feet. Each step caused her thighs to rub together putting pressure between her legs on her puffy lips. The pleasure that emanated from it was less severe but more driving. She needed to find what her body wanted. Based on the burning desire between her legs, she had a pretty good idea of what she now needed, Pepper just had to go out and find him.

Pepper hunted for weeks looking for the male Deathclaw her body was being drawn to. Each day her clothing fit less and less before finally it wasn't worth the struggle to put it on. Her transformation continued to spread across her body slowly growing up her limbs and spreading across her face. Each day her lust grew stronger as well, her body randomly being caught in fits of pleasure where she'd have to stop her search just to please herself. Each day she was able to travel farther and eat less while doing so. Her body grew and shaped itself into stronger more resilient form. She also knew that each day, she was getting closer to him. His pheromone scent, hidden to most, but she could track it.

Finally, she knew she was close. She pushed herself harder to find him, her body driven by the strongest lust she'd ever known. Each step the burning passion between her legs grew stronger and stronger before finally she had to stop at ruined building. Gripping the wall, her new claws digging into the rock, she bent over panting from the pleasure burning between her legs. Her body was so warm and her pussy was excessively dripping, begging to be pleased. She didn't know if she'd be able to take another step without taking care of the building pleasures first, but she knew she had to be close. Between pants she suddenly heard a stick break to her right and the all too familiar rumble of his growl.

Being already bent over from the constant burning desires ravaging her body, Pepper simply turned her body allowing her backside to face the familiar approaching Deathclaw and presented herself to him. A pleased rumble emanated from the chest of the Deathclaw as he scaled over the wall and approached.

Grabbing her tail, the Deathclaw positioned himself behind her. Pepper could feel his massive throbbing shaft push up against her as she eagerly awaited its insertion. She reached back with one hand to grab and help spread her ass wider but the Deathclaw saw a second holding point and latched on to her arm as well. Seconds later the throbbing shaft pressing against her tender pussy lips was thrust inside. The initial thrust pushed Pepper forward, knocking the top layer of blocks off the wall, forcing her to bend over even further. Pepper gasped with delight at the shafts familiar feeling, as the Deathclaw began working it in and out once more. Soon the pulsating shaft began twitching and Pepper squeezed her pussy lips around it, eager for what was to come. The pulsating became stronger and stronger before finally the Deathclaw unleashed his load inside of her. A seemingly unending flow of hot liquid gushed inside, filling her up. Her partially transformed body eagerly absorbed the hot cum as its transformative properties flooding through her causing her veins to glow a bright green. Peppers body quivered and shook with orgasms more savage than she’d ever imagined. Each load drove her bodies transformation forward, her breasts and hips expanding, her face stretching forward, her tail and spikes growing larger. Before long, Pepper couldn’t hold herself up to the never-ending onslaught of orgasms and she collapsed to the ground moaning and quivering in fits of pure bliss. The Deathclaw having satisfied himself, stepped back, observing his work, before turning away to the forest with only a grumble of approval emanating from his massive chest.

.:9:.(On the way)
Posted on 24 June 2024, 03:43 by:   MitchellTF    PM
Score +24
Ah, Mophingu. Alawys awesome, even when it's not my kinks.
Posted on 29 June 2024, 19:56 by:   SilentOption    PM
Score +24
Loving I can't wait for the end results
Posted on 06 September 2024, 16:10 by:   ornate show    PM
Score +2
Posted on 06 September 2024, 16:55 by:   jixiaoran    PM
Score +11
Posted on 19 September 2024, 12:39 by:   sunny0108    PM
Score +6

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