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[AI Generated] Transformation_AI, His New Hooters: Alex's Fast Track

Posted:2024-09-30 14:19
File Size:80.27 MiB
Length:46 pages
Favorited:183 times
Average: 2.59

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Posted on 30 September 2024, 14:19 by:   Polymorphed    PM
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Requested by a Patron, thank you for your support!

(1) Alex fidgeted nervously as he stood in the Hooters staff room, his lanky frame looking out of place among the bustling female servers. It was his first day of orientation, and the 25-year-old computer science graduate couldn't believe he'd actually taken a job here. But times were tough, and bills needed paying, thise student loans wouldn't pay themselves.

His new boss, a tall man with a stern expression, approached. "Alright, newbie. I'm Mark, your manager. Let's get you suited up."

Alex's eyes widened. "S-suited up? You mean...?" He glanced anxiously at the iconic Hooters uniforms hanging nearby.

Mark chuckled, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "That's right, Alex. Equal opportunity employer and all that. You'll be wearing the same uniform as the ladies."

"But... but I'm a guy!" Alex sputtered, his face turning bright red.

"And? We don't discriminate here," Mark replied with a smirk. He thrust a bundle of orange shorts and a tight white tank top into Alex's arms. "Now go change. Your shift starts in 10 minutes."

(2-13) Alex stumbled towards the changing room, his mind reeling. As he slipped into the revealing outfit, he couldn't help but wonder what he'd gotten himself into. The shorts hugged his slim hips, and the tank top left little to the imagination.

"This can't be happening," he muttered, staring at his reflection in disbelief.

As Alex stared at his reflection, a strange tingling sensation began to spread through his body. He gasped, watching in disbelief as his features started to shift and change.

His angular jaw softened, becoming more delicate and feminine. His lips plumped up, taking on a natural rosy hue. His eyes grew wider, lashes lengthening and curling upwards. His short brown became silkier and more styled, giving him a pixie-like appearance.

"What's happening to me?" Alex whispered, his voice now higher and melodic.

The transformation continued down his body. His shoulders narrowed while his hips widened, giving him a more curvaceous silhouette. His waist cinched in, creating an hourglass figure. His skin becomming smoother, taking on a creamy complexion.

His legs grew more shapely, and his feet shrank to a daintier size.

As the changes settled, Alex realized he now looked like a perfect blend of masculine and feminine features - a stunning femboy with boyish short hair. The Hooters uniform, which had looked ridiculous before, now hugged his new curves enticingly.

"Oh my god," Alex breathed, running his hands over his transformed body. Despite his shock, he couldn't deny a thrill of excitement coursing through him.

Just then, Mark's voice called out. "Hurry up in there, cupcake! Your shift's starting!"

Alex gulped, realizing he'd have to face the world in this new form. With a deep breath, he turned towards the door, his heart racing with a mix of fear and unexpected arousal.

As Alex stepped out onto the restaurant floor, he felt exposed and vulnerable in his new form. His heart raced as he approached his first table, tray in hand.

"Welcome to Hooters," he said, his melodic voice surprising even himself. "What can I get for you today?"

The customers - a group of men - looked up, their eyes widening as they took in Alex's lithe figure and androgynous beauty. He felt their gazes roaming over him, a mix of confusion and unmistakable attraction in their expressions.

(14) As the shift progressed, Alex found himself growing more comfortable in his new skin. He noticed the lingering looks, the flirtatious comments, even a few phone numbers scrawled on napkins. It was a heady feeling, this newfound power of attraction.

By the time he was delivering a round of beers to a rowdy bachelor party, Alex was swaying his hips with confidence, a coy smile playing on his lips. He leaned in close to take their order, reveling in the way conversations hushed as he approached.

"Anything else I can get for you boys?" he asked, winking playfully. The groom-to-be blushed furiously, stammering out a reply.

As Alex sashayed away, he caught his reflection in a mirror. The person staring back was alluring, confident, sexy. He smiled to himself, realizing he was actually enjoying this unexpected turn of events.

Just then, Mark appeared beside him. "Looking good out there, honey," he murmured, his eyes roaming appreciatively over Alex's form. "Keep this up, and you might just become our star server."

Alex felt a thrill run through him at the compliment. He was starting to think this job might not be so bad after all.

(15-24) Alex arrived for his second shift, still buzzing from yesterday's success. As he slipped on the familiar orange shorts and white tank top in the locker room, that now-familiar tingling sensation began to spread through his body once more.

"Oh god, not again," he gasped, watching his reflection change before his eyes.

This time, the transformation was more extreme. His chest swelled rapidly, growing into large, round breasts that strained against the tight fabric of his top. His waist narrowed further while his hips and ass expanded, giving him an exaggerated hourglass figure. His lips plumped up even more, taking on a glossy sheen.

But the most shocking change was between his legs. Alex felt a sudden pressure and warmth as his cock began to grow, lengthening and thickening until it created a noticeable bulge in his shorts.

"Fuck," Alex moaned, overwhelmed by the intense sensations coursing through his body. Without thinking, he reached down and began to stroke himself through the fabric. The pleasure was immediate and intense.

Caught up in the moment, Alex slipped a hand under his waistband, wrapping his fingers around his newly enlarged shaft. He began to pump furiously, his other hand kneading his sensitive new breasts.

"Oh god, oh god," he whimpered, his voice now high and breathy. He was lost in ecstasy, oblivious to his surroundings as he pleasured himself right there in the locker room.

Alex's body shuddered as he reached his climax, a muffled cry escaping his glossy lips. He leaned against the locker, panting heavily as waves of pleasure washed over him. As the euphoria faded, reality began to set in.

"Shit," he muttered, glancing around furtively. Thankfully, the locker room was still empty. He quickly grabbed some tissues and cleaned himself up, adjusting his uniform to accommodate his new, more voluptuous figure.

(25-27) Taking a deep breath, Alex stepped out onto the restaurant floor. The reaction was immediate. Heads turned, conversations halted, and eyes widened as he made his way to his first table.

"H-hi there," he stammered, still adjusting to his transformed state. "Can I take your order?"

The customers - a group of businessmen - gaped openly at Alex's curvaceous form and barely concealed bulge. One of them cleared his throat, his eyes never leaving Alex's chest. "Uh, yeah... I'll have the, um... wings?"

As the shift progressed, Alex could feel the weight of countless stares on him. Men and women alike seemed captivated by his unique blend of feminine curves and masculine... attributes. He caught snippets of whispered conversations:

"Is that...?"

"Holy shit, look at those tits..."

"But did you see the package on her?"

Despite his initial embarrassment, Alex found herself growing more confident with each passing hour. She began to emphasize her assets, bending over tables a little more than necessary, letting her hands linger when delivering drinks.

By the end of his shift, Alex had racked up more huge tips, more money than she'd ever seen. As she counted her earnings in the back room, she couldn't help but wonder what other transformations might be in store for her at this unusual job.

(28-40) Alex made her way toward the changing room and was intercepted by Mark, her manager.

Mark gestured towards the office, leading Alex inside with a mysterious smile playing on his lips. "Alex, I've been watching you closely during your shifts, and I believe you have great potential," he began, his voice smooth and confident. "I'd like to offer you a position as my personal secretary. It comes with a significant pay increase and other... mutual benefits."

Alex's eyes widened in surprise, a mix of shock and excitement coursing through her. "Really? That's... unexpected but intriguing," she replied, her voice tinged with curiosity.

"Absolutely," Mark continued, his gaze lingering on her with a hungry intensity. "I see a lot of potential in you, Alex. And I want you to work with me closely."

Alex gleefully responded "I can't believe it, yes if course!".

Suddenly a strange sensation washed over her, and she felt her body shifting once again. Her once prominent cock shrank and disappeared, leaving her with a new, fully formed pussy. Alex couldn't help but gasp at the unexpected transformation.

Alex's fingers traced over her newly formed pussy, feeling the softness and warmth of her delicate folds. She hesitated for a moment, exploring the sensation of her transformed body. The touch sent shivers down her spine, and the moisture between her legs only intensified her arousal.

As she tentatively rubbed her clit, a surge of pleasure shot through her, causing her to arch her back and let out a soft, breathy moan. The slick wetness coated her fingers, evidence of her growing desire and the overwhelming stimulation that consumed her senses. Alex's eyes fluttered shut as she lost herself in the sensation, her hips moving in rhythm with her touch.

Mark watched her intently, a hungry gleam in his eyes as he observed her newfound femininity. The sight of Alex pleasuring herself in the office, her moans filling the room, only fueled the desire that simmered between them. He couldn't resist the urge to step closer, his voice low and husky as he whispered, "Enjoying your transformation, Alex? Let yourself go. Show me how good it feels."

Alex moaned softly, feeling herself squirting in thr office. Mark chuckled at the sight, his eyes glinting with desire. "Looks like we're already making a mess, it won't be the last one," he teased, his voice low and seductive, hinting at the thrilling experiences that awaited them. (41-46)
Posted on 30 September 2024, 17:57 by:   m3jn95    PM
Score +12
Overall great! The jump between 19 and 20 seems to abrupt. I loved the slow progression prior to that.
Posted on 30 September 2024, 19:30 by:   Polymorphed    PM
Score +19
@m3jn95 You are right, I saw that last night. I wanted to post it and didn't take the time. I think I'll go back and add a few frames.

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