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[Scriptor] Memtikhet’s New Pet!

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Posted on 06 October 2024, 14:56 by:   hnaswurst    PM
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Original Creator Post Date: 2023-10-18

Two different stories belong to this short image sequence:

Story written by Nath!

Nathronniel couldn't quite remember how she had gotten here or why she was even in the middle of a godsforsaken desert. She could have sworn that she had been at home in her forest dwelling just a few days ago… or was it a few months? Years? Everything felt really hazy, for some reason.

She does her best to gather her memories, but she could feel them slipping like sand, leaving no more than the faintest traces behind. She was… an elf? Or was she just a human, albeit modified into elfin proportions? Was she an explorer, or was she a rebel? And who, or what, against? She had the answer to all those questions, but it was as if something was busy scribbling over her memory, rewriting it.

Yes, she was a renowned elvish explorer, the Lady Tyrvalsa, being summoned to this desert in the middle of nowhere by a Lady Blackmond via an extremely irritating and arrogant note. The nerve of her to try and command one of elvenkind, let alone treat her like one of her servants! But she didn't have a choice in the matter, did she? Blackmond was still an important title among the humans, and jeopardising relations was not in anyone's interest.

Right, she remembers everything now. The loss of memory was somewhat concerning, given her normally-flawless recollection of events, but perhaps it was just part of stepping foot in a desert that no one in their right mind would have even approached, let alone built a tomb in. Not even one of the Gladelords would have deserved anything this monumental, much less a human! And instead of an accessible part of the continent, they had to do it in the middle of nowhere!

Well, there was nothing else for it, and she was sweating buckets just by standing out here in the dry heat. Time to follow the path down to the tents in front. With any luck, one of them would have a tall glass of water and a little more information.

The encounter with Lady Rose Blackmond was, as expected, less than pleasant.

"Took your time, didn't you?" she snipes as Nath ducks her head beneath the eaves of the tent.

The elf grits her teeth, trying to resist the urge to turn around right there and then. "I made the fastest time I could, Lady Blackmond," she answers, "My sincere apologies if the remoteness of the location hindered my speed."

The irony sailed over the human noblewoman's head, completely unnoticed. "Typical. I send for the best and I get the bottom of the barrel. Although if you're the best the elvish queendom has to offer… Anyway, I trust you've read the job offering? About finding the artifact I'm searching for inside that tomb? Although I have little hope you're up to the task, seeing as you can't even manage basic punctuality…"

Her bow fingers were outright itching at this point, but with a colossal effort, she manages to ignore them by digging them into the pockets of her leggings. "I have, Lady Blackmond. And you'd do well to remember my own name. I am Lady Tyrvalsa, your equal in rank, so you will address me as such!"

Rose outright gasps in outrage at the demand. "HOW DARE YOU?! Do you know who I am!? I AM LADY ROSE BLACKMOND, GOVERNESS OF THORNVINE AND FIRST IN LINE TO INHERIT THE BLACKMOND FAMILY NAME. You'd do well to give me the RESPECT I deserve. If we were having this conversation in our family's duchy, you'd be locked in the deepest cell and never heard from again!"

"We are not in your family duchy, nor are we on my own lands, or I could say as much to you," Nath bites back, restraining her own anger. "But we are here on a mutual agreement, so I suggest you brief me so that I might be on my way as soon as possible."

"The audacity of this elf…" Rose audibly grumbles to herself. "Very well then. The job is the simple task of finding a particular necklace inside the tomb and bringing it to me. Unfortunately, everyone in this camp has turned out to be incapable of performing this simple task so far. And don't get me started with their stupid excuses. "Miss Blackmond, our water provisions were stolen by bandits. But Lady Rose, people have been disappearing inside the tomb." Yada yada yada, the truth is those workers are just too lazy to do some actual work and would rather spend their time drinking. So here's me hoping you're different, although I still have some pretty big doubts about that."

Eyeing the decanter of wine sitting on the table, Nath resists the urge to point out Rose's own daytime drinking, or else they'd be here until nightfall. "So are you going to tell me what I'm looking for, or would you rather have me haul out every scrap of treasure from the depths?" she instead asks, trying not to sound overly sardonic.

Rose heaves a dramatic sigh. "According to ancient texts, it should be a golden necklace with a big ruby attached to it. Where to find it inside the tomb, I have no idea. That is your job, right? To explore places?" she responds with a roll of her eyes. "And don't go and try selling it off either. That necklace is practically worthless to all but me. Just know I'll reward you handsomely for it when you bring it to me."

"Riiiiiight," the elf replies succinctly, turning around and leaving the tent before Rose can formulate any sort of comeback.

Avoiding the bandits scattered along the path was simple enough, as was dodging the golems that roamed the halls of the pyramid. After witnessing a hapless bandit being dragged away, writhing and screaming, by a rubber golem, however, she wasn't taking any chances.

By the time she makes her way into the heart of the pyramid, she can feel fatigue setting in from all the running and hiding she had to do. Her dress was already dripping sweat onto the stone floor, leaving a damp trail behind her as she finally reaches a corridor — the narrowest and straightest one yet.

But of course, before she can take more than a few steps down it, a set of spikes springs up in front of her! She gingerly nudges them with her toes, but they don't appear to budge in the slightest. And when she experimentally presses an arrow against the top, the spike slides cleanly through the arrowhead before splitting the shaft in half. These were clearly not to be trifled with!

As she stands there wondering what to do next, she hears a door behind her open. She spins around, but instead of an attacker, she is confronted by… a woman dressed in some kind of strange rubber outfit. The bottom half was an ordinary catsuit, but the top looks as if her torso had been placed inside a large rubber ball, reinforced with golden bands across its surface, with an intricate collar made of filigree around her neck. There were no openings for her arms at all — if she had to guess, this was definitely some kind of overly-elaborate bondage suit.

The creepiest part about her, however, were her eyes. They appeared vacant, as if the intelligence behind them was gone, and her golden lips seemed to be fixed in a permanent smile that beamed simplistic joy. It was as if she had been somehow brainwashed into not just tolerating, but outright enjoying her situation.

"Yay! A new slave sister has arrived!" she cheers upon seeing the elf. Even her tone of voice reminded Nath of a simpleton, one who had regressed into a childlike innocence that lacked the ability to focus on more than one topic at a time.

In any event… "Excuse me?!" she inquires, aghast.

"You're here to become a handmaiden, aren't you?" the woman — no, the slave confirms brightly. "To submit for all eternity to our GODDESS, right?"

She swears she can even hear the word reverberate throughout the corridor, as if it was infused with its own power. "Why in the hells would I even do that?" she demands to know.

"You get to experience the bliss of being allowed into the presence of our GODDESS, serving HER in all needs and desires," comes the immediate, equally cheery reply. "Cleaning HER holy feet with your unworthy tongue, keeping the inner sanctum spotless, and the greatest of honours: being a bedpet and pleasuring HER!!!~"

The idea of becoming anything like this creature had already filled her mouth with bile, but the description left her completely stunned. Not even a human would ordinarily subject themselves to that kind of humiliation. Just what kind of so-called 'goddess' was this, that could inflict such a drastic change to one's personality? "No!" she snaps, her bow drawn and an arrow nocked before she can even think of doing so.

That finally seems to get the 'handmaiden''s attention. "You don't want to submit to GODDESS?..." she sadly asks, giving Nath puppy-dog eyes. "But being a slave is so wonderful! Why, if you're good enough, you might even… ahhh!"

Before she can finish the sentence, Nath forcefully pushes her way past the simpering idiot and stalks her way back up the stairs.

Backtracking down the corridors and up another flight of stairs, she comes across a room that she must have somehow missed on the way in. Or had it opened up especially for her, in response to her denial of the 'opportunity' offered?

Whatever the case, the entrance was right here, and she was getting desperate enough to take any chance of bypassing both the spike trap and the prospect of being bound to a mad goddess. So she cautiously pokes her head through the doorway, ready to withdraw should danger appear.

The room was nearly barren, however. The walls were golden in colour, clearly made out of rubber that gleamed and caught the flicker of the torchlight that illuminated the room, and aside from the hieroglyphs engraved into them had no features whatsoever. No convenient levers or buttons to pull or press. And in pride of place at the very centre was a sarcophagus, much like the others she had seen decorating the walls of this pyramid.

Curious about what could be so special about this one to merit an entire room to itself, she pulls at the lid. Surprisingly, it opens — not easily, not with the sheer weight and thickness, but as if it was opening itself. As if it wanted to be opened.

And inside…

Standing before her, arms crossed across its chest, is something… inhuman. Gleaming white latex forms the vague shape of a humanoid body, but one with a distinctly animalistic head: jackal-like would be the term she would have used to describe it, with a long muzzle and a pair of bestial ears on top, and long flowing — for lack of a better word — 'hair', tied with golden bands.

Gold rubber accented its other features, too. Its eyes were golden, as was the tip of its snout. A gold collar adorned its neck, while gold cuffs and anklets held its wrists and ankles. And its sexual features were just as accented as the rest of it: golden nipples, a golden snatch and a golden sphincter. And at the very tip of the muzzle, a golden ring that passed for lips, if said lips were permanently bent into the shape of a ring. Cautiously, she probes the interior of those lips with her fingers, finding that she can fit her entire arm inside.

It was unquestionably some kind of fuckdoll, all being told, if an extraordinarily perverted one. She can't even imagine what kind of crude, barbaric creature would want to use it, or why they would leave their grotesque belonging inside a sarcophagus such as this.

As she attempts to move the statue out of the way, however, the fingers of her right hand dip into the rubber surface — and don't come out again. Confused, she tries tugging at them, but to no avail, except to allow her other arm to become just as stuck within the jackal's shoulder!

Only then does she realise that the entire doll is moving of its own accord, and seemingly trying to draw her inside! She panics and pushes against it, but every struggle that she makes only succeeds in pulling more and more of herself into the jackal, even when she tries kicking at it with both legs!

Sensing her resistance, the back of the jackal opens up to reveal countless tentacles that reach out for her, wrapping themselves around her torso and dissolving her clothes and weaponry. She attempts to keep her head free, at the very least, but a large tendril reaches for her head — a large dildo-like sheath protruding from its surface, penetrating her mouth and filling her throat with rubber as the rest of the tendril wraps around her head and begins to yank it into the hood of the doll!

By this point there were increasingly few parts of her that weren't covered in white goo, and she was running out of leverage to even resist the pull of the strands, let alone struggle free! As her torso is sealed within, she winces as rubber intrudes into her snatch and her rear, forming sleeves within that go far, far deeper inside her than she had thought she could even accommodate. The chest of the doll covers her breasts in smooth cream-coloured mounds, and the golden nipples even seem to teasingly pinch her own as they coat her nubs.

She finally resigns herself to her fate as her head is the last to be encased by the suit, the rubber continuing to line her nostrils and teeth — the former hollowed out into an airway, the latter isolated within grooves that lie flush with the rest of her mouth, leaving only her encased tongue free — doubtlessly to lick at the shaft of whichever penis was forced inside. She has a brief glimpse of a gold-tipped muzzle that extends in front of her before her eyes are covered up completely, with what remains of her vision being blurry and yellow-tinted, her face hidden away behind a pliant mask of submission.

And at long last, she is fully encased within the jackal suit.

Even if escape is an impossibility at this point, she feels as though she should still try to make an effort at the very least. It was what was expected of her, after all… or it would have been, had anyone even recognised her within the confines of her rubbery prison.

She pulls at the muzzle with all her strength, only succeeding in stretching it out a few inches before it painfully snaps back onto her face. The rest of the suit is no better, and she gives up shortly after. The golden cuffs around her wrists and ankles seem like overkill to her, finding them to be solid and unyielding, and the same goes for the collar around her neck. And each and every movement of hers feels strangely stiff, as though there was something allowing her to move rather than taking rigid control — a mercy she is grateful for, at the very least.

"Well, well, it looks like I have a new TOY to play with," comes a voice in her head — or was it coming from the suit itself? It was as though the speaker was right next to her! "You tomb raiders can never resist going for the shiniest treasure you lay eyes upon. Count yourself fortunate you're not one of my works of art."

Her indignant response is muffled by the sleeve in her mouth, her voice coming out as a series of inarticulate mmphs rather than words. The voice chuckles. "TOYS don't speak. They don't deserve to speak. All they have to do is accept their purpose and pray that they don't get used up too quickly. So let me introduce myself. I am the Goddess Memtikhet, and I am your new owner. Fortunately for you, you do not need to bother yourself with learning the proper etiquette of greeting me, unlike my other SLAVES. You need only listen to what I tell you now."

Sensing that she might be in for a long lecture, Nath crosses her arms and leans against the sarcophagus as Memtikhet continues. "Normally I would have your suit take full control of you right now, and you merely a passenger within it. I require nothing more from you other than your submission to my jackal PETS, and through them, me. But I do enjoy having willing SLAVES as well, so I shall make a deal with you. If you serve me obediently and without trouble, I shall let you control your own actions. You need not be a passenger your whole life, for that is how long you will be serving me. You will do well to avoid displeasing me, however. Are we agreed?"

The trapped elf contemplates the thought of simply giving her the middle finger in response, but something about that last sentence made her shudder. She has no doubt in her mind that Memtikhet could and would make her life a living hell if she tried to rebel openly, so she reluctantly nods her head in response.

"Good. Now, I have other business to attend to, so I will leave you in the hands of the jackals. I expect not to hear from you for the next week, so have fun… or not. Enjoy yourself, my TOY." With that, the voice fades away into nothingness, but abruptly the suit begins to move on its own. Before she can comprehend what it is doing, the hands and fingers start tracing glyphs in the air, leaving behind glowing runes that coalesce into a rectangular shape in front of her. And through that shape emerges a pair of black figures that resolve into shapes… shapes with the bodies of men and the heads of jackals… and, from the looks of it, the members of horses!

Her first instinct had been to run, but the suit freezes her in place before she can even begin to do so, just long enough for the jackals to take hold of her! As her arms are tugged behind her, a leash is clipped to her collar and yanked, sending her tumbling to her knees. Her attempt to pull her arms apart is stymied by the formation of a golden chain between her wrist-cuffs, rendering her even more helpless than before.

And as a gigantic cocktip lines up with her muzzle, while another probes at her rear entrance, she resignedly braces herself for what will be a very long week…


She can't even remember her name any longer, the jackaless having long grown resigned to her role. There was no escape for her, but at least there was satisfaction in the role she now plays.

One was as the TOY of the jackalmen, being used to satisfy their sexual urges. Now that she was used to it, it didn't hurt at all. Indeed, she looked forward to her 'mealtimes', as she called them, and to being used as a cumdump for them. They were rough and animalistic, but it didn't matter. Not any longer.

The other…

Something stirs her to consciousness, the lid of the sarcophagus opening up. Her arms are uncrossed, released from the position they had been held in for… she doesn't know how long, nor does she care. All that matters is that she had been given a task.


No words were needed, no acknowledgement expected. Her body practically moves on its own, rubber squeaking as she strides swiftly down the corridors of the pyramid. Whether it was her own will or the suit's didn't matter: there was no difference, for now she served the will of the GODDESS.

And yet, as a blurry image becomes visible through the eyes of the jackal, she finds a part of her old self resurfacing, and she smiles beneath the hood. She had been anticipating this for a long, long time.

"Move, you useless lot! I can't believe how slow you all are! I have half a mind to abandon you all here and go back, necklace or no!"


"Wait… what was that squeaking noise?"


Story written by Nath!

Nathronniel couldn't quite remember how she had gotten here or why she was even in the middle of a godsforsaken desert. She could have sworn that she had been at home in her forest dwelling just a few days ago… or was it a few months? Years? Everything felt really hazy, for some reason.

She does her best to gather her memories, but she could feel them slipping like sand, leaving no more than the faintest traces behind. She was… an elf? Or was she just a human, albeit modified into elfin proportions? Was she an explorer, or was she a servant, captured and implicated alongside her employers for the crime of simply living in the same house they had plotted their aborted rebellion in? She had the answer to all those questions, but it was as if something was busy scribbling over her memory, rewriting it.

No, she was a humble village girl, Nath, having been sent here to seek a position within the Blackmond estate by ingratiating herself with one of the sisters who ruled over it. She might not be experienced or especially capable, but she was still an elf, and the Lady was apparently desperate enough to turn to even nonhumans to achieve her goal. Not that anyone would have dared to criticize or make fun of Lady Rose's choice of servants, at least not to her face.

Right, she remembers everything now. The loss of memory was somewhat concerning, given that she was already facing an uphill climb to prove herself and her race to such an influential human noble, but she can't afford to dwell on that now. She would simply have to hope that the desert heat didn't sap away any more of her faculties, or she might wind up lost within this monstrously huge tomb in the middle of nowhere. Wouldn't that be swell, finding herself face-to-face with the ghost of some long-dead human queen, trying to explain why she was disturbing her final rest?

Well, there was nothing else for it, and she was sweating buckets just by standing out here in the dry heat. Time to follow the path down to the tents in front. With any luck, one of them would have a tall glass of water and a little more information.

The encounter with Lady Rose Blackmond was, as expected, less than pleasant.

"Took your time, didn't you?" she snipes as Nath ducks her head beneath the eaves of the tent.

The elf grits her teeth, trying to resist the urge to turn around right there and then. "I made the fastest time I could, Lady Blackmond," she answers, "My sincere apologies."

"Hmph," Rose sniffs. "Well, seeing that I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel, I suppose I can't expect too much from you. I doubt you're up to the task, especially given your lack of punctuality, but there's no harm letting you try. Curtsy before me."

She blinks. "What?"

"You heard me. It is customary to bow or curtsy when greeting a lady, so show your worth by displaying some proper etiquette."

Suppressing a sigh, Nath does the deepest curtsy she can manage, the hem of her skirt scraping the carpet. Working for this woman was going to require a ton of patience.

"Needs work," Rose remarks with a condescending smile. "But still, it's better than some of the bows these native workers have performed before me. If you do miraculously manage to succeed in your task, I might consider letting you work on the Thornvine estates. After you've been appropriately attired, of course." Her lips press against each other at the sight of the rubbery outfit Nath was clad in. "Your attire is adequate for your current station, but not for a Blackmond servant. I will rectify that if you come under my… employment."

She leans back against her chair. "The job is the simple task of finding a particular necklace inside the tomb and bringing it to me. Unfortunately, everyone in this camp has turned out to be incapable of performing this simple task so far. And don't get me started with their stupid excuses. "Miss Blackmond, our water provisions were stolen by bandits. But Lady Rose, people have been disappearing inside the tomb." Yada yada yada, the truth is those workers are just too lazy to do some actual work and would rather spend their time drinking. So here's me hoping you're different, although I still have some pretty big doubts about that."

Disappearing?! That sounds very much like a valid reason not to go inside, in that case! But before she can raise any objection, she notices Rose glaring at her mockingly, and her mouth closes wordlessly.

A smirk forms on the human noblewoman's face. "I must say, I hadn't expected anything of worth from your pathetic race, but I find you somewhat entertaining. I might have to revise my stance on taking your kind into my service, for the entertainment value if nothing else. I would have had you perform as a maid for me right here in this camp, but unfortunately I have nothing for you to do at the moment, unless you wish to demonstrate your value as a footstool."

The casual denigration of herself and her entire race was really starting to grate on her nerves, but Nath does her best to endure the insufferable socialite's presence for a few more moments. "Would you have any idea of what kind of necklace I should be looking for, my lady?" she manages to get out, almost choking on the last two words.

Rose heaves a dramatic sigh. "According to ancient texts, it should be a golden necklace with a big ruby attached to it. Where to find it inside the tomb, I have no idea. That is now your job," she responds with a roll of her eyes. "I don't think I need to say what will happen if you go around trying to sell it off, do I? Just know that I'll reward you handsomely for it if you bring it to me." The corners of her mouth curl upwards. "Employment will be the least of it, I assure you."

With a long-suffering sigh, Nath does another curtsy, turning around and leaving the tent before Rose can come up with another condescending remark.

Avoiding the bandits scattered along the path was simple enough, as was dodging the golems that roamed the halls of the pyramid. After witnessing a hapless bandit being dragged away, writhing and screaming, by a rubber golem, however, she wasn't taking any chances.

By the time she makes her way into the heart of the pyramid, she can feel fatigue setting in from all the running and hiding she had to do. Her dress was already dripping sweat onto the stone floor, leaving a damp trail behind her as she finally reaches a corridor — the narrowest and straightest one yet.

But of course, before she can take more than a few steps down it, a set of spikes springs up in front of her! She gingerly nudges them with her boot, but they don't appear to budge in the slightest. And when she presses the tip of her boot on top of a spike, it slides in far, far too easily. These were clearly not to be trifled with!

As she stands there wondering what to do next, she hears a door behind her open. She spins around, but instead of an attacker, she is confronted by… a woman dressed in some kind of strange rubber outfit. The bottom half was an ordinary catsuit, but the top looks as if her torso had been placed inside a large rubber ball, reinforced with golden bands across its surface, with an intricate collar made of filigree around her neck. There were no openings for her arms at all — if she had to guess, this was definitely some kind of overly-elaborate bondage suit.

The creepiest part about her, however, were her eyes. They appeared vacant, as if the intelligence behind them was gone, and her golden lips seemed to be fixed in a permanent smile that beamed simplistic joy. It was as if she had been somehow brainwashed into not just tolerating, but outright enjoying her situation.

"Yay! A new slave sister has arrived!" she cheers upon seeing the elf. Even her tone of voice reminded Nath of a simpleton, one who had regressed into a childlike innocence that lacked the ability to focus on more than one topic at a time.

In any event… "Excuse me?!" she inquires, aghast.

"You're here to become a handmaiden, aren't you?" the woman — no, the slave confirms brightly. "To submit for all eternity to our GODDESS, right?"

She swears she can even hear the word reverberate throughout the corridor, as if it was infused with its own power. "Why in the hells would I even do that?" she demands to know.

"You get to experience the bliss of being allowed into the presence of our GODDESS, serving HER in all needs and desires," comes the immediate, equally cheery reply. "Cleaning HER holy feet with your unworthy tongue, keeping the inner sanctum spotless, and the greatest of honours: being a bedpet and pleasuring HER!!!~"

If the outfit and the expression and the voice hadn't been enough to clear any thoughts of submitting to this 'goddess' in such a capacity, the list of tasks would have been the final straw. Not even in her capacity as a maid had she ever had to undergo such a humiliation, let alone willingly and without any hint of shame whatsoever! "No!" she snaps, hefting her dagger threateningly.

That finally seems to get the 'handmaiden''s attention. "You don't want to submit to GODDESS?..." she sadly asks, giving Nath puppy-dog eyes. "But being a slave is so wonderful! Why, if you're good enough, you might even… ahhh!"

Before she can finish the sentence, Nath forcefully pushes her way past the simpering idiot and stalks her way back up the stairs.

Backtracking down the corridors and up another flight of stairs, she comes across a room that she must have somehow missed on the way in. Or had it opened up especially for her, in response to her denial of the 'opportunity' offered?

Whatever the case, the entrance was right here, and she was getting desperate enough to take any chance of bypassing both the spike trap and the prospect of being bound to a mad goddess. So she cautiously pokes her head through the doorway, ready to withdraw should danger appear.

The room was nearly barren, however. The walls were golden in colour, clearly made out of rubber that gleamed and caught the flicker of the torchlight that illuminated the room, and aside from the hieroglyphs engraved into them had no features whatsoever. No convenient levers or buttons to pull or press. And in pride of place at the very centre was a sarcophagus, much like the others she had seen decorating the walls of this pyramid.

Curious about what could be so special about this one to merit an entire room to itself, she pulls at the lid. Surprisingly, it opens — not easily, not with the sheer weight and thickness, but as if it was opening itself. As if it wanted to be opened.

And inside…

Standing before her, arms crossed across its chest, is something… inhuman. Gleaming white latex forms the vague shape of a humanoid body, but one with a distinctly animalistic head: jackal-like would be the term she would have used to describe it, with a long muzzle and a pair of bestial ears on top, and long flowing — for lack of a better word — 'hair', tied with golden bands.

Gold rubber accented its other features, too. Its eyes were golden, as was the tip of its snout. A gold collar adorned its neck, while gold cuffs and anklets held its wrists and ankles. And its sexual features were just as accented as the rest of it: golden nipples, a golden snatch and a golden sphincter. And at the very tip of the muzzle, a golden ring that passed for lips, if said lips were permanently bent into the shape of a ring. She can't resist indulging her curiosity, her fingers exploring the various entrances; they were not merely such, each containing a flexible sleeve that could take in the entire length of her arm.

It was unquestionably some kind of fuckdoll, all being told, and a very exotic, very attractive one at that. But why would it be lying in a sarcophagus, seemingly abandoned and unused?

The answer comes momentarily, as the fingers of her left hand dip into the rubber surface of the jackal's — and don't come out again. Confused, she tries tugging at them, but to no avail, except to allow her right hand to become just as stuck within the other arm!

Only then does she realise that the entire doll is moving of its own accord, and seemingly trying to enclose her! She panics for a brief moment, but if there was any window of escape, it had closed long ago! So if she was going to be taken, why not allow herself to enjoy it, just a little? She relaxes her body, letting herself go limp in the jackal's arms.

Sensing her cooperation, the jackal reciprocates in kind as it begins to draw her in — not roughly, but like a full-body embrace that goes just a little further. The white rubber continues to enclose her arms, drawing tightly against her skin as it melts her dress and absorbs it into itself. The rest of her begins to undergo the same process, her torso and legs being pulled backwards into the jackal.

She sighs in pleasure as more and more of her is covered by the living latex, the white rubber going even further than a mere skin covering. The sleeves she had noted before begin to crawl deeper within her, aligning the entrances of the suit with her own while lining her insides with rubber, isolating her while still allowing usage of her orifices. The breasts begin to cover her own, the golden nipples teasingly pinching hers ever so slightly as they flow.

By this point most of her has been covered up, leaving only her head free, but that was merely an inevitability at this point. Resigning herself, she closes her eyes and opens her mouth, and the suit takes advantage of her.

Just as with her crotch, the rubber flows over her nose and mouth before beginning to snake inside, forming their sleeves as they go. She has a brief moment of panic when her airway is blocked, but it clears soon enough as her throat is fully coated. Her teeth rest in grooves that are flush with the rest of the interior, leaving only her encased tongue free to lick at whatever was placed within it. She has a brief glimpse of a gold-tipped muzzle that extends in front of her before her eyes are covered up completely, with what remains of her vision being blurry and yellow-tinted, seen through the golden eyes she had admired earlier.

And at long last, she is fully encased within the jackal suit.

Moving around feels slightly stiff, but still manageable, which surprises her. She had anticipated the prospect of being controlled like a meat puppet by the suit, but it had apparently given her more leeway than she had thought. Or perhaps it was simply too weak.

Examining her reflection in the surface of the sarcophagus, she has to admit that the overall figure is… not bad, really. Even if she looked like a jackal fucktoy — and doubtlessly would have to play the role of a jackal fucktoy in future — at least it hadn't tried to inflate her boobs or butt to ridiculously huge proportions. The corset-like waist was still bearable, at the very least.

"Enjoying yourself, my newest PET?" comes a voice in her head as she experimentally tugs at the muzzle, making her jump. "I have to admit, if I'd known you would fall for this so easily I would have dangled this offer at the very start. But no matter. You are mine now."

She tries talking out loud for a few moments, but she can't get any words past the mouth sleeve. The voice chuckles. "PETS don't speak. They don't need to speak. All they have to do is obey orders, and I've no doubt you will do an excellent job of it. So let me introduce myself. I am the Goddess Memtikhet, and I am your new owner. Fortunately for you, you do not need to bother yourself with learning the proper etiquette of greeting me, unlike my other SLAVES. You need only listen to what I tell you now."

Sensing that she might be in for a long lecture, Nath kneels down on the floor as Memtikhet continues. "Normally I would have your suit take full control of you right now, and you merely a passenger within it. I require nothing more from you other than your submission to my jackal PETS, and through them, me. But I do enjoy having willing SLAVES as well, so I shall make a deal with you. If you serve me obediently and without trouble, I shall let you control your own actions. You need not be a passenger your whole life, for that is how long you will be serving me. You will do well to avoid displeasing me, however. Are we agreed?"

The trapped elf obediently nods her head in response. Being puppeteered by the suit didn't sound nearly as pleasant as simply doing as she was told! She was good at that, for starters.

"Good. Now, I have other business to attend to, so I will leave you in the hands of the jackals. I expect not to hear from you for the next week, so have fun… or not. Enjoy yourself, my PET." With that, the voice fades away into nothingness, but abruptly the suit begins to move on its own. Before she can comprehend what it is doing, the hands and fingers start tracing glyphs in the air, leaving behind glowing runes that coalesce into a rectangular shape in front of her. And through that shape emerges a pair of black figures that resolve into shapes… shapes with the bodies of men and the heads of jackals… and, from the looks of it, the members of horses!

The idea of running for it hadn't even fully formed within her mind when the option was abruptly taken away. As her arms are tugged behind her, a leash is clipped to her collar and yanked, sending her tumbling to her knees. Her attempt to pull her arms apart is stymied by the formation of a golden chain between her wrist-cuffs, rendering her even more helpless than before.

And as a gigantic cocktip lines up with her muzzle, while another probes at her rear entrance, she resignedly braces herself for what will be a very long week…


She can't even remember her name any longer, the jackalgirl having long grown resigned to her role. There was no escape for her, but at least there was satisfaction in the role she now plays.

One was as the PET of the jackalmen, being used to satisfy their need for dominance. Now that she was used to it, it didn't bother her at all. Indeed, she looked forward to her 'playtimes', as she called them, and to being used as both their slave and fucktoy. They were rough and sometimes harsh, but it didn't matter. Not any longer.

The other…

Something stirs her to consciousness, the door of the chamber grinding open, a familiar-looking woman stepping inside. As a blurry image becomes visible through the eyes of the jackal, she finds a part of her old self resurfacing, and she smiles beneath the hood. It was inevitable that things would come to this.

The woman barely spares her a glance, undoubtedly dismissing her as a statue, before hurrying to the dais before her and scooping up its contents. Her attention is solely focused upon the necklace she holds, examining it closely, unaware of the rubber jackal beginning to stir to life. Her arms are uncrossed, released from the position they had been held in for… she doesn't know how long, nor does she care. All that matters is that she had been given a task.


"Finally! Never trust the help to do your own dirty work, I should have known," she mutters to herself, lowering the necklace over her head. "If they weren't all golems by now, I would have dragged them back to Thornvine and dumped them in the deepest cell I can find! At least I don't have to deal with that useless lot now — I can get out of this HORRIBLE desert and back to PROPER civilisation."

"Wait… what was that squeaking noise?"

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