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[ArbuzBudesh] Price for Freedom (ongoing)

Posted:2024-10-19 03:51
File Size:98.81 MiB
Length:425 pages
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Average: 4.56

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Posted on 19 October 2024, 03:51 by:   Dropbear667    PM
Uploader Comment
Posted on 13 January 2021, 23:21 by:   Melyn    PM
Score +51
Not duplicate, contains two pages that /g/1809026/84210b9bb2/ doesn't.
Posted on 20 January 2021, 20:25 by:   OrinMidwinter    PM
Score +29
p329: the look of wtf just happened.
Posted on 31 January 2021, 08:20 by:   Blur95    PM
Score +54
Been reading for...well I forgot how long. Think the first cliffhanger was right after nameless gets raped by the demon. Been reading ever since. Love it.
Posted on 24 February 2021, 18:57 by:   Dragonax    PM
Score +60
Now they're creating an adult game in the same name. Check it out
Posted on 24 February 2021, 22:26 by:   Trashboy21    PM
Score +108
Goddammit why am I so invested in this comic. I just skimmed through the sex scenes a couple times and now I’m like obsessively checking back every week for the new page
I stopped lurking to comment for the first time because of this shit
Posted on 27 February 2021, 06:24 by:   Mars11    PM
Score +17
I always smile when the name of the city is mentioned, just changed around a few letters from the city you start in in Baldur's Gate 2.
Posted on 07 March 2021, 03:13 by:   Omniquential    PM
Score +85
Came for the porn, stayed for the plot. I need. MORE.
Posted on 16 March 2021, 08:23 by:   Comrade Claus    PM
Score +23
P 337

Aaaand we finally learn where Nameless is from


3 cheers for some new lore!
Posted on 09 April 2021, 01:16 by:   Hyperfapz0r    PM
Score +21
A lesbian scene with Sasha please!
Posted on 09 April 2021, 08:55 by:   redragon1990    PM
Score +29
arbuz is finally getting back into drawing random monster girls
Posted on 30 May 2021, 10:25 by:   l4chuga    PM
Score +103
Fack, she said her name out loud and the cursed vermin heard it. She is totally fucked now.
Posted on 30 May 2021, 15:14 by:   hedav    PM
Score +50
I wonder can demons really do something with person name in this universe. Looks like it has some value for them
Posted on 02 June 2021, 07:27 by:   redragon1990    PM
Score +74
Namey->Noemie well played arbuz
Posted on 03 June 2021, 22:57 by:   Hyperfapz0r    PM
Score +64
No Yuri scene in the bath? Nooooooooo
Posted on 10 June 2021, 09:19 by:   Comrade Claus    PM
Score +59
347 pgs to learn her name!

how many years IRL did we have to wait to learn this mystery?

but to no ones surprise the walls of a public bath have ears!

was hoping the snake woman would turn out to be the senator, but she only appeared in the main bath for 1 panel

gotta admit Arkhid has balls, hard not to respect one who never gives up & can regain ground one inch at a time
Posted on 30 June 2021, 18:44 by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +28
But, did Posh get 2 barrels of fish? I have no idea what kri-kri is but there better be a round of it soon!
Posted on 07 August 2021, 07:54 by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +22
It feels like there might be a bit of inconsistency here. When the warslave was first given to her, he gave her advice on the local laws and what was socially acceptable for a warslave to wear or not, and did this of his own initiative. Now he cant even speak up to join a conversation about his needs? I'm sure he remembers his own training and workout regimen.
Posted on 07 September 2021, 07:13 by:   Comrade Claus    PM
Score +40
p. 360 That was a smile

Oh NO! She's SMILING! Look out Namey!
Posted on 25 September 2021, 22:58 by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +46
First the hair, now fastening a corset. Wolf is seriously baiting Namey with these openings. And from the look on that face she might be biting...
...Daria? That might explain her usual expression.
Last edited on 11 October 2021, 14:13.
Posted on 11 December 2021, 23:49 by:   noneatall123    PM
Score +34
I can't help but feel that Casca's end will come swift and unpleasant. After all, in an oriental city full of intrigue and crime, connections are what matters most. Going around bashing people who made you a favor is a failproof way to end up at the bottom of the canal.
Posted on 12 December 2021, 09:13 by:   Xiggy4U    PM
Score +87
Casca: “Wow, screwing over crimelords is so easy! Why doesn’t everyone do it? I must be smarter than them.”

I can’t wait for his wake-up call.
Posted on 16 December 2021, 11:55 by:   ArbuzBudesh    PM
Score +21
"Getting a game" is a strange way to describe it, given its not like manga "getting an anime" when its different studio making it.
Posted on 02 January 2022, 10:15 by:   Comrade Claus    PM
Score +27
hey, Arbuz, i've been loving this story ever since i stumbled on it!

considering Noemie's name reveal was fairly recent, did you plan on that being her name from the beginning?
Posted on 07 January 2022, 11:10 by:   ArbuzBudesh    PM
Score +62
No, early on i had no idea on her name.
Posted on 17 January 2022, 15:45 by:   jmaster    PM
Score +45
I hate insufferable MCs. Then again, this is not meant to be a friendly story.
Posted on 17 January 2022, 18:10 by:   erdervv    PM
Score +71
No, no bully Sasha :(
Posted on 19 January 2022, 07:17 by:   Derra    PM
Score +56
Oh, and I thought it was a throwaway name. Shame for the elf girl to keep falling for mind tricks every time though.
Posted on 24 January 2022, 02:39 by:   Miralelian    PM
Score +68
I wonder if Sasha didn't defend herself more vigorously because she thinks Noemie's best chance to get out would work better if she wasn't trying to get anyone else out. Be hated by your friend so she can be free.
Posted on 01 March 2022, 23:52 by:   OrinMidwinter    PM
Score +160
For those not familiar Arbuz is Ukrainian and lives there, while he and his family is safe at the moment, PFF, Avarice, and other work he is involved in is currently on hiatus.
Here's to whatever greater power there is, that he and his family stay safe throughout this tragedy.
Posted on 25 April 2022, 18:26 by:   Katajanmarja    PM
Score +33
@ OrinMidwinter: Thank you very much.

This reminds me of the days when I was waiting for more news about the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, wondering whether one of my favorite artists was alive. She had indeed survived and resumed work on a couple of titles I was following with great interest.

I truly wish Arbuzbudesh will be as lucky. Sadly enough, this time the crisis as a whole will not be over any time soon.
Posted on 16 June 2022, 20:13 by:   Aquzim    PM
Score +21
@Katajanmarja Unfortunately one of my favorites lost his life in that tragedy, Mosha. His uploads stopped on the date of the earthquake. Such a shame, his art and choice in characters was my taste to a T.
Posted on 11 January 2023, 19:45 by:   kikimaru024    PM
Score +21
@Comrade Claus
GreatActa is fine
Posted on 23 December 2023, 12:05 by:   Katajanmarja    PM
Score +133
My respect for the return of "Price for Freedom".

Even in case it’s only this single page, it feels magnificent to witness how the human will to create is stronger than the human tendency to destroy.
Posted on 23 December 2023, 15:50 by:   l4chuga    PM
Score +71
It's finally back? Better now than never!
Posted on 26 January 2024, 07:01 by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +34
Sasha finally asking what we all want to know.
Posted on 10 February 2024, 14:32 by:   skenver    PM
Score +17
Tall oni + Tomboy + Bottle Gourd = I'M COMPLETE!
Posted on 17 February 2024, 22:44 by:   PoorWhiteTrash    PM
Score +66
I'm just happy this story is continuing. I love me some adventures of Nameless.
Posted on 17 March 2024, 20:44 by:   darkmaster07    PM
Score +37
"Price for Freedom", and yet in 400 pages I never once saw any character actually try to escape, at most they talk about escaping or "make plans to". They mostly meander around, sometimes on the orders of various factions. The idea of independent escape is dismissed as being impossible because of "the guards" or "bureaucracy", even though the guards are repeatedly shown to be the most inept and corruptible faction... (not that they all aren't). Actually the city borders and security are never shown, the guards just "check things". The premise of maintaining the plots of escape and staying in the city to engage in faction war is just too much to maintain at the same time and over this length. All of the characters other than Casca just end up sounding like delusional victims, even the leaders barely come off as having any agency. There is a lot of potential here but please find a direction for the plot to actually go in other than just factions fighting.
Posted on 27 March 2024, 15:40 by:   Lord Dashwood    PM
Score +30
So does Noemie do anything but bitch, moan, blame other people for her problems, and generally make every effort to avoid freeing herself?
Posted on 31 March 2024, 19:08 by:   jmaster    PM
Score +29
Hopefully we get more sex scenes.

Why is he writing Lady Wolf so passive these days? Is this the same woman that bit a man's dick off and tore him apart?
Last edited on 19 April 2024, 01:14.
Posted on 30 April 2024, 15:59 by:   kurtistryker    PM
Score +37
i just want lady wolf to fuck someone....please!!! we want more of her!|!
Posted on 08 July 2024, 21:07 by:   PoorWhiteTrash    PM
Score +26
I recognise those feet. That's definitely one of the girls from the Tied to Twins comic coming in.

Wait, no it's Lady Wolf. Hope Ko'osh brought lube.
Posted on 02 August 2024, 02:06 by:   Katajanmarja    PM
Score +61
@jmaster: I wouldn’t think so. My interpretation is that the demons in this world have peculiar appetites. They live immensely long and are more or less sociopathic to begin with. Thus they have no inhibitions similar to us humans, and if they find a person fascinating or interesting in any way, sexual encounters are readily among the set of tools to satisfy their curiosity, just as well as intellectual discussions, intimidation, bribery, imprisonment, violence, or murder. Furthermore, the demons have nothing stopping them from using sex to manipulate other beings for gain. Yet, if Lady Wolf felt or decided, for whatever reason, a hundred years of celibacy to be in place, she would have no problem sticking to that.

Those who know the lore better, feel free to correct me. So far, I have no idea why the demon lady has chosen Ko’osh as her target, and why right now. (Except that if we follow hentai logic, it makes more sense than the majority of everybody’s actions in this story.)
Posted on 30 August 2024, 17:57 by:   Dreamnyaner    PM
Score +20
@VanillaFaps my brother in Christ you don't suppose to grow to like a person who raped you whatever goods they might do to you afterwards
Posted on 31 August 2024, 08:32 by:   Katajanmarja    PM
Score +26
A manipulator who has grown bored of easier targets, I’d put it.

Lady Wolf has been very patient, indeed, but not supportive at all, even if some of her actions have brought undeniable benefits to Nameless. Wolf is motivated by curiosity and a will to control, these two getting mixed up in unpredictable ways as she is playing her endless games.

Nameless has, apparently because of her cultural background, an extremely strong prejudice against demons. Having read the comic itself and very small amounts of additional info, I still cannot decide how justified that prejudice is; it is shared by most residents of the city, but outcasts seem quite capable of overcoming it if serving Lady Wolf becomes essential for their own survival. Nameless, then, would be quite ready to die rather than serve a demon. I imagine something could be achieved through a combination of honesty and empathy, but that is something we have never seen from the Lady’s side.

What makes me partially agree with VanillaFaps is how Nameless extends her prejudice to all of Lady Wolf’s servants. Sasha had become something of an exception, and that prospect got deliberately destroyed. Rather easily, true, but I maintain that world literature has presented many protagonists as crushed, untrusting and lost as Nameless is. The main difference is that in this day and age, novels are typically published as whole works, not little by little like online comics.

What makes "Price for Freedom" worthwhile in my opinion is that it is not really the story of Nameless – it is the story of Atlathka, prominently featuring the fates of many of its different citizens. That’s a shining spider web that keeps me coming back year after year.

(The porn scenes are very beautifully drawn, and a few of them have brought some characters closer to me. Yet sex is far from being the essence of this work in my eyes. People who enjoy the power play aspect of sexual encounters – and they are not few – probably find this story much more interesting as a pornographic work.)
Posted on 04 September 2024, 22:08 by:   VanillaFaps    PM
Score +24
Perhaps using Lady Wolf as an example was a poor choice. Being a rape victim, having a vendetta against them makes a certain degree of sense. I'm not asking Noemie to like her, or even get along with her. Merely that she executes some amount of sense. Wolf, as her benefactor, quite literally holds her life in her hands at all times. And were Wolf not exceedingly patient, the amount of aggressive hostility, flagrant disrespect, and blatant contempt Noemi continues to show would have rendered her a corpse if this behavior was show to anyone else, and yet she continually shows absolutely no regard for the good graces she continues to find herself in, which, I think, is understandably bothersome to behold. Having it out for demons is one thing, having it out for Wolf as a person is another thing, but its Noemie's blatant disregard for her own safety, taking Wolf's nonchalance for granted, that really rubs me the wrong way. A slave doesn't have to like their master, but they do need to show them some degree of respect if they desire to keep breathing. And if they'd truly rather die then serve a demon, she seems at least content enough to keep living in her service, such as she is.

And having her lash out at people does get old after some point. Wolf is clearly a conniving, manipulative individual, and Noemie seems to know this. Yet when Wolf reveals she knows her name, rather then assuming the work of a spy, demon magic, or literally anything else, what is, quite literally, the first thing she does? Rather then taking a single moment to think about the situation, or have a rational discussion, she snaps and aggressively destroys the only real friendship she's managed to forge. I think my frustration with the character is at least somewhat warranted. I don't hate her character archetype, and I understand to a degree her choices, I just find the discordance between her actions and her consequences slightly bothersome. As to why Wolf is so patient with Noemie, well, that's something that we really don't have enough information yet to tell, but its something I hope we get to see developed in the future.

For all that though, I do really enjoy the story. As Katajanmarja just said above, this isn't really Noemie's story, its the story of Atlathka, all the people in it, and all its going-ons. I find the world endlessly fascinating, being drip-fed things that keep the greater world feeling huge, mysterious, yet very lived-in.
Posted on 07 September 2024, 04:19 by:   Vyrming    PM
Score +30
Ko'osh becoming Lady Wolfs dedicated pussy sucking ogre seems like a fitting fate for her.
Posted on 19 September 2024, 17:00 by:   PoorWhiteTrash    PM
Score +12
I remember seeing an Ogrish Libido video 20 years ago and really wish I hadn't.
Posted on 29 September 2024, 17:34 by:   Master Sigiward    PM
Score -21
REALLY hate how this has a slave tag when it only involves slaves for the first 5 pages
Posted on 14 October 2024, 15:00 by:   Itrogash    PM
Score +6
@VanillaFaps You assume that Nameless cares for her personal safety. It seems to me, judging by pages 204-205, that she's a bit suicidal. Which is understandable, she went through so much in such a short amount of time that it would break a normal person many times over. In this context her outbursts are very much understandable, she just doesn't care about what's going to happen to her anymore.

Also, it's kinda hard for me to be angry for her for her outburst at Sasha when she's going through opiate withrdrawal. Laudanum is strong stuff, good thing she just lashed out verbally. I'm sure Sasha understands that too and won't hold it against her. She's a medic after all, she most likely expected this when she did this.
I do understand your frustration, but I guess I am a bit more understanding and patient with her. She got sold to slavery, tortured, raped, twice if we count Ko'osh, forced to live with her abuser, got hooked on laudanum likely due to constant trauma she's experiencing and no way to address it properly, and it seems there is no end for all this suffering in sight. I do hope she gets better, but so far it's not happening, you can't get better while being constantly punched down. There needs to be some kind of catalyst for that. With Sasha she finally got some semblance of support system she can fall back on. Now, with current arc, I really hope she will actually start to address her trauma and start actually healing.
Last edited on 14 October 2024, 15:54.

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