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Posted:2012-04-25 05:13
File Size:4.42 MiB
Length:20 pages
Favorited:67 times
Average: 1.44

Showing 1 - 20 of 20 images

Posted on 25 April 2012, 05:13 by:   flllaa    PM
Uploader Comment
pixiv :
Posted on 25 April 2012, 05:32 by:   RasenganRage    PM
Score -100
Posted on 25 April 2012, 05:46 by:   anonim8900    PM
Score +375
at rasenganRage,

why do people make horror movies? why do people pay $14 to watch people die gruesome deaths on wide cinema screens, in 3D?
Posted on 25 April 2012, 06:49 by:   DmonHiro    PM
Score -100
Glad to see Hanibal Lector took up a new hobby: drawing.
Posted on 25 April 2012, 08:17 by:   OsoroshiiShoujo    PM
Score -100
This sick crap stays and other galleries are removed after 5 min.? Go watch Saw XXXI and kill yourself.
Posted on 25 April 2012, 08:26 by:   giovanny    PM
Score +49
mmm was good and disturbing
Posted on 25 April 2012, 08:29 by:   Dulei    PM
Score -92
Pics 1-4 is truly what one would say, "Mind fuck"
Posted on 25 April 2012, 08:38 by:   Dinnistock    PM
Score -100
Fapping to this is how you know your a monster.
Posted on 25 April 2012, 12:37 by:   Rawrtasticallytastic    PM
Score +537
@Everyone + those who are downvoting...

If you don't like it, don't look at it...
Posted on 25 April 2012, 15:22 by:   SonDEre-ix    PM
Score -79
Fantastic. My excitement was almost palpable when I discovered new guro and scat pictures right after waking up.
Posted on 25 April 2012, 15:49 by:   kusoman    PM
Score -100
You don't really want to feel horror
You want to be...........fooled
Posted on 25 April 2012, 16:38 by:   starflesh    PM
Score -100
shit and inners... awesome! /ironyoff
Posted on 25 April 2012, 16:40 by:   selcux    PM
Score -100
at anonim8900,

but noone of them is fucking nude ?!?!! or shitting !!?!?!?

this is the worst fetish ive ever heard , "fap to girls who are nude , shitting , and amputated"

wtf ?

Someone should explain me why this makes u guys "horny".
Posted on 25 April 2012, 18:00 by:   xxcashxx    PM
Score +12
People really need to chill out. It's just a bunch of lines and colors put together, it's not real.
Posted on 25 April 2012, 20:42 by:   SaittaMicus    PM
Score +212
I can understand that people dislike this sort of thing... I mean.. I hate guro and scat pics to!
But at least its in a place where I can get a warning about it... or look at the picture to this gallery to warn me!

So... if it was shoved in my face, I would be upset to, but you got a warning about it, its your own fault that you looked at it...
So... I agree with Anonim8900... even if I dont like this sort of theme!

(Yes I know its weird that im here talking about it... but its hard to look away sometimes)
Posted on 25 April 2012, 20:50 by:   zeh_lp    PM
Score +143
You're not here to rate your taste, but the art itself.
I don't like scat and heavy gore(just a little blood), but I recognize this is well done.
Posted on 25 April 2012, 21:39 by:   verdugo    PM
Score -100
Nasty!!!! I don't like to mix porn with murder.
Posted on 26 April 2012, 04:07 by:   wbeep    PM
Score +73
What is this atrocity? How darest thou not post the complete image collection from Pixiv and introduce one with less pictures than the parent directory? Thou shouldeth posted the complete available image set to further pisseth off all the uptight internet peons.
Posted on 26 April 2012, 06:04 by:   zzyzzyxx    PM
Score +94
Lol at people trying to expunge this gallery calling that it doesn't have any reddeming quality.

If you don't like guro then don't try to mock the ones who like it.
Posted on 26 April 2012, 09:38 by:   bakasora    PM
Score -44
To imagine someone able to masturbate on guro material. What made them that way?
Posted on 26 April 2012, 12:54 by:   superskitlez    PM
Score +6
lol retards there's a warning label on this its ur fault 4 seeing this anyways if u dont like it
Posted on 26 April 2012, 14:09 by:   hentaiyade    PM
Score +42
@bakasora yeah....fapping here, sometimes i just hate god.
Posted on 26 April 2012, 17:09 by:   altereggo    PM
Score +331
Hey morons: being butthurt is a bad reason to expunge.
Learn the damn rules before you moralfag.
Posted on 26 April 2012, 21:34 by:   goncathens    PM
Score +7
Oh wow love that gore and scat in this! Really amazing set here. I dont think I knew about this artist until now. Might have to sub to him now.
Posted on 27 April 2012, 00:25 by:   Ultimadrago    PM
Score -7
Posted on 27 April 2012, 16:23 by:   Seyser Koze    PM
Score +61
The funniest part of all this drama is that it's stuck on the front page indefinitely while the upload server is down.
Posted on 28 April 2012, 04:23 by:   ChipsHandon13    PM
Score +2
lol, babbys first guro/scat
Posted on 28 April 2012, 04:26 by:   Ikonos    PM
Score +4
what is going on more then 3 days and not a single new gallery is the website done uploading gallerys or something i just can't believe the 100's of 1000's of people go on this site and none of them have anything
Posted on 28 April 2012, 08:02 by:   loc0    PM
Score -15
For torture on pics #5-#10 I MUST vote -13 but I can only 1/5... I hate it when fucking artists doing it to Succubi! >:(
Poor girls...
Posted on 28 April 2012, 09:05 by:   Sitai    PM
Score +6
Where is new galleries? No one want to upload?
Posted on 28 April 2012, 14:51 by:   bubblybb    PM
Score +1
Posted on 29 April 2012, 06:44 by:   ExTe    PM
Score +26
Great Art is Great art. Nuff said. U cant deny that
Posted on 29 April 2012, 09:07 by:   Zyrdrak    PM
Score +5
This guro is rather tame compared to others I've seen. And if you came in here knowing full well that there was scat and guro in here and don't like them, then don't vote and just leave. It's not really my thing, but the artwork is pretty good. I'll give it a 4/5.

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