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The Impetuous Akigawa


Posted:2015-03-14 12:14
File Size:79.53 MB
Length:62 pages
Favorited:46 times
Average: 0.94

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Posted on 14 March 2015, 12:14 UTC by:   akigawa    PM
Uploader Comment
Just 3D art that I've made.
Expect hilariously bad stuff.
UPDATE 10/5/2014: Roz tries out her self-guiding kinematic restraints in the void. With disembodied dicks. What do you expect, really? Check my artblog for high resolution versions!
UPDATE: I've decided to try again. I'll only update this each month or every two months.
My artblog is so you can see more WIPs and updates there much more often than you would otherwise.
I've added something new, which is very similar to my original femmepyro but I've given her quite a makeover. Her name is now Rosalynn and she's a biotic scientist.

My skype and steam names are both [the impetuous] akigawa in case anyone wants to contact me.

There are no dupes here. If you expunge this gallery for dupes where there are none, that's abuse of a system. Not gonna be nice about it anymore.
There are different versions, but no duplicates. Don't purge this for duplicates because you will be wrong. I'm forreal here. You're allowed to upload CGs, I'm allowed to upload different versions of the same animation. Please be considerate, as this is one of the few venues I'm able to use for exposure. A lip expansion animation I made today (ended up taking up 500mb before becoming a gif)

>March 2015
I've updated this for the first time in about a year. I've made vast strides in improvement of my modeling skills. Not many of those in animation, but still. Baby steps. I've done more than this in a year, certainly, but to post all of it would defeat the purpose: to get to the good stuff and let you all masturbate to it. Sadly, gif compression forces me to a 16-bit color. I cannot upload my work at its best here. It's quite the constraint. So I'm moving most updates (smaller ones) to my twitter. I'm @sonoskeakigawa. This will be the last update I give to this gallery until I create a unity presentation I can be proud of.
Posted on 07 June 2014, 08:44 UTC by:   SandoFuta    PM
Score -30
Hilarious, yes! Bad, very yes !! :P
Posted on 07 June 2014, 10:12 UTC by:   OfDarknessBound    PM
Score +46
Okay, it's bad. My dick is sad. But you know what? That's okay. There's at least some effort here. You gave it a shot, and there's actual promise here. Keep trying, that's all I can say.
Posted on 07 June 2014, 13:21 UTC by:   m1SeRY    PM
Score -7
What exactly did you use to make this? It's not bad at all.
Posted on 07 June 2014, 19:02 UTC by:   Perfesser Bear    PM
Score +31
What is this, 1994? These have a Windows '95 quality about them, but they kind of grows on you. Worth watching...
Posted on 08 June 2014, 05:46 UTC by:   akigawa    PM
Score +81
Heyo, checking in here. I updated stuff. You can contact me on twitter. @sonoskeakigawa
Last edited on 15 March 2015, 00:42 UTC.
Posted on 07 June 2014, 23:22 UTC by:   JamesX    PM
Score +13
It's a good start and don't get me wrong I'd fuck Birdo in the (hole?) too. Could be smoothed out some and better models but nice start mate!
Posted on 07 June 2014, 23:42 UTC by:   Muska    PM
Score +21
I personally believe that you can improve, some of the animations are actually pretty decent, the only problem is that the models might not be everyone's cup of tea. Anyways, keep up the good work, and thanks for taking criticism. Hope to see more of your work soon.
Posted on 08 June 2014, 04:52 UTC by:   atwsite    PM
Score +25
Know what? Fuck it. 5 stars based on effort, alone. While I'm at it, I'm favoriting this gallery, too ... I personally want to see how you progress.

I use DAZ, and your comment about mediocre stagnation rings true for many artists out there. I try to mix my work up when and where I can.

Take a gander at my site if you ever feel like it, Akigawa. You may find some things there right up your alley. Regardless, I'm gonna be keeping an eye on you. Keep up the good work.
Posted on 08 June 2014, 07:07 UTC by:   Kezraw    PM
Score +10
I actually like it, especially the facefucking, but don't do that shit where you just speed it up so it liike like a 3 keyframe animation. :D
Posted on 08 June 2014, 20:29 UTC by:   spaz    PM
Score +0
i love your animated work, id just suggest working on cum scenes, sowing the balls get bigger and then contract and then showing the cum move out of the dick as a bulge. so hot, and if possible, have birdo suck the balls too. cant forget them ;)
Posted on 09 June 2014, 00:59 UTC by:   firecat666    PM
Score +24
Reminds me of Playstation the first. Good times.
Posted on 01 September 2014, 13:17 UTC by:   Dimitro    PM
Score +12
3D itself is not so bad actually.
His knowledge of materaials and sense of color is main problem.
Posted on 01 September 2014, 13:42 UTC by:   shyone111    PM
Score +20
Literately screaming from the first picture
Posted on 02 September 2014, 09:55 UTC by:   Red_Piotrus    PM
Score +47
1 star? Hell no, I rate this 0.5 stars :D Mostly for the terrible cover image. The gallery gets better and deserves 2-3 stars, probably... but that's what you get for making me see this in the thumb preview :P
Posted on 04 September 2014, 02:41 UTC by:   Stevewasalreadytaken    PM
Score +7
There's a very odd kind of appeal here that I have a hard time really defining. It's very unique, to say the least, and the actual animation about halfway through gets pretty intricate, if still weird. Overall, I like it. I hope to see more!
Posted on 05 October 2014, 15:41 UTC by:   Azeri    PM
Score +6
There's something fappable about giant birdo lips. I gotta say you probably have a lot to learn but damn it's nice to see someone into giant lips/lip expansion actually making art.
Posted on 05 October 2014, 18:25 UTC by:   Medals of Desire    PM
Score +1
There's actually a great deal of potential for the 3D work, the material textures could better along with better lighting. I'm also surprised you used Blender Akigawa, it's a very useful and powerful Free Open Source Software. I could suggest looking at Blender Cookie and BlenderGuru to learn lighting and texturing.

Also I gotta ask, did you use the Cycles Render Engine or Blender's old internal rendering engine?
Posted on 05 October 2014, 19:13 UTC by:   akigawa    PM
Score +7
Medals of desire: as of this update chronological order is backwards-- I'm going to put new stuff in the front, old stuff in the back since people usually make harsh judgements based on first pictures. I'd really like if all of you would ask questions and make requests on my blog, since I can't update this as often.
I'm also using internal since I hate how grainy cycles renders look and my system can't handle getting the fireflies to go away as of yet.
Posted on 14 March 2015, 17:08 UTC by:   randdoggity    PM
Score +7
I want to fuck that Birdo's face.

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