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[Whitekitten] Breaking the bitch

Posted:2017-06-24 14:54
File Size:3.60 MB
Length:4 pages
Favorited:227 times
Average: 3.00

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Posted on 24 June 2017, 17:13 UTC by:   Darlumina    PM
Score +52
Snuff has to be visible for the tag to apply and since Talos or Meat isn't a shemale no balls and no balljob either.
Posted on 24 June 2017, 17:19 UTC by:   greymon1996    PM
Score +32
Just found whitekitten's furaffinity, fuck was that not the most messed up thing i've seen in a while!!!!
Posted on 25 June 2017, 00:08 UTC by:   question42    PM
Score +23
Snuff? I do not think you know what it means.
Posted on 25 June 2017, 00:39 UTC by:   enigmatic1606    PM
Score +58
You know ... the stuff whitekitten commissions is normaly really good, but all that implied canibalism and stuff is disturbing enough to kill every boner.
Posted on 25 June 2017, 06:28 UTC by:   Triforce777    PM
Score -21
I've seen stuff like this before and I just don't get it. Not the shemales, cumflation, rape, or snuff. While 3 outta 4 aren't my cup of tea, I still get the appeal. What I don't get is the tone here. It's got a misogynistic tone, but I can get the appeal of that kind of domination in porn, but it has an anti feminist tone, as well, which confuses the fuck out of me. I don't care what your political beliefs are, but why are you putting it in your porn? Is it a message to people to get your political beliefs across? During a jerk session isn't really a good time for that... Is that your fetish? How the hell does that fetish develop? What about during normal political discussion? Do you get aroused by talking about the elections? So many questions...
Posted on 26 June 2017, 07:23 UTC by:   DefendinMyBase    PM
Score +25
It's not political in a real world sense it's just a domination fetish taken to the extreme.
In his society women are expendable playthings for anyone with a dick. The anti feminist slant just gives him an angle to show how completely they're dominated while giving an outlet for the brain breaking and rape and snuff.
Love it, hate it, I'd suggest just blacklisting it if you don't have a strong case of morbid curiosity, but it's not that complicated.
Posted on 27 June 2017, 15:52 UTC by:   fiamole    PM
Score +3
It could be worse you could have guts and feces going everywhere oO.

I like when people comment and I thank you for the conversation.
My question is: what is it that makes you think their's a anti feminist or any other message in it ?
Posted on 01 July 2017, 03:02 UTC by:   Hardcore Genesis    PM
Score -26
I'll answer the question for Triforce, though they surely have different opinions and a different point of view on the situation, but here's my analysis:
first of all, it's a work of fiction. It has a detailed story, background, rules, institutions etc...(I'm talking about whitekitten's universe in general, not this particular comic) Like all works of fiction and all universes anywhere, it has bases, roots, real life implication and inspirations. The fact is porn doesn't remove anything to it, it is a way of expression, and as soon as it leaves the private sphere, it becomes an object of expression. And even if it wasn't originally meant to have a certain type of message, when it is released, it is opened to interpretation, and in this case, simply having the artist say "I didn't mean to send any message" does not mean that the work in itself isn't sending any messages, it simply means that the person who decided for the piece of work to be the way it is didn't want to send any message.
Secondly, the way this universe is built: not at a single moment there is a question of an actual rebellion, revolt or resistance movement, the feminism depicted in WK's world is similar to a stereotyped/simplified version of feminism in our world, and this is a problem. Pick up any fantasy/sf book, any comic, even the amateur ones that you find on internet, even in porn (Gunmouth's universe being an excellent example of such) there is a form of contestation of the power in place, not just different ideological movements where one happen to run against the established power, a form of contestation and even of attack which is directly aimed at the head of power. This implies that the dictatorship in place in this world isn't disputable by anything else than an ideological opposition. And once again the fact it's porn doesn't change anything to that. To develop an example already given, Gunmouth shows a plot aiming to upset the place of power as well as the contestation of the world's hierarchy and tradition even at the highest place of administration. It might seem like a detail, but it's not. Usually in works of fiction depicting a form of oppressive and dominating power, there is a form of contestation against it, actually, even when the power isn't oppressive or is morally good (or at least appears to be), the authors try to implement a form of contestation against it. Now it might seem like a lot of talk for details, but once again, it implies that everyone agrees, or at least copes, with the current way of power, even though it's a genocidal dictatorship (where it would be surprising to not see an armed revolution taking place, even in works of fiction).
Thirdly, and lastly, the vocabulary chosen is rarely kink-specific, there rarely is a reference to the actual species of the characters, very rarely you'll see Whitekitten write "mares are worthless", more ofently you'll see "females/women/girls are worthless". It might seem like a detail once again, but words have their importance. And if you don't believe that, read my text again (or absolutely any texts that tries to prove a point), take note of the bits you found the most convincing, those you found the least convincing and try to analyse the words I used in each part. The words and vocabulary used won't directly convey the message, but they will create an athmosphere where the message will be more easily interpreted, wether it was intentionnal or not. It's not just to bother us that literrary teachers make us learn about figure of speech, it's because we are built to firstly analyse the words in themselves and then the message they're conveying (in order of treatment), and even though our cognitive ressources are more aimed to understanding the meaning, the primary analysis of the words themselves will remain and influence our judgement on the meaning we understand. Now I know all of this might seem like pseudo-science, but it's among the first things you learn in cognitve psychology when you study language. Just look it up if you don't believe me.

Now I know this might seem like an absolute over reaction to what could appear to simply be porn (I'm more talking about the length of the analysis than its content) but it's not the first time I see people asking why everyone sees messages in Whitekitten's commissions. And most people seem stuck between a few reactions, which range from "everyone loves it, they just hate on Whitekitten because it's anti conformist" to "this is horrible and turning our kids into rapists". And just to make myself clear, those are simplified versions of two extremes, I know a lot of people defend and attack Whitekitten without being so quick and easy in their judgements, but in general, between those who call Whitekitten "the side of the furry everyone loves but no one wants to admit it", those who say "this is basically propaganda" and Whitekitten who usually answers with a kind of asshole-ish attitude kinda like "your problem if you like boring porn", I feel like there is an actual debate who everybody participates in, but that no one, even Whitekitten, want to have a debate and just want to say "what I say is true and if you don't agree you're a mysoginistic/sjw asshole" (both side basically use the same type of phrases to describe each other). While I see each other's points, maybe we could settle this like adults instead of joining the cancer of teenagers on internet who try to talk about subjects that are beyond them.
I may not change anyone's mind, but if I participated, even slightly, in calming the debate, or at least making it less sterile, stupid and 4chan-worhty, then I'll consider it a victory.
Posted on 28 October 2017, 20:55 UTC by:   Himmelreich    PM
Score +5
It's actually really funny to me that it's cis women, specifically, who are the downtrodden, and shemales are the superior class.

Anyway, this specific gallery is really not very good. Too tiny and the resolution on some of these are miniscule.

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