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RWBY - RWBY Universe H (Arbatos)

Posted:2017-07-31 03:20
File Size:41.57 MB
Length:9 pages
Favorited:974 times
Average: 4.55

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Posted on 19 May 2017, 01:51 UTC by:   Final Master Spark    PM
Score +31
Posted on 19 May 2017, 03:11 UTC by:   majorcalvin    PM
Score +64
Does it continue or is that just it?
Posted on 19 May 2017, 09:39 UTC by:   N-gine    PM
Score +32
More pls :) this is superb :)
Posted on 19 May 2017, 23:53 UTC by:   deadrainbow    PM
Score +26
Posted on 20 May 2017, 13:52 UTC by:   DySniped    PM
Score +23
Always happy to see a Yang comic :)
Posted on 22 May 2017, 03:29 UTC by:   Thulia51    PM
Score +23
@majorcalvin It's a work in progress.
Posted on 31 May 2017, 21:12 UTC by:   DanielTheErik    PM
Score +35
@Hobozone101 It's Not Rape, It's Struggle Snuggle.
Posted on 10 June 2017, 07:51 UTC by:   Ezekyil    PM
Score +23
@Hobozone101 Huh... who would of thought rape would of been on a site clearly labeled Hentai.... thats suprising.
Posted on 14 June 2017, 21:35 UTC by:   miracleman86    PM
Score +33
@Hobozone101 But why say all that you said on THIS particular comic? Are you even into Hentai? And if not, what the hell are you doing on a site like this? My take is that you have a personal thing for Yang as a character and ANY other hentai comic on this site you wouldn't have said what you said.
Posted on 27 June 2017, 05:46 UTC by:   Username159    PM
Score +131
@Hobozone101: Your fake outrage trolling is obvious since a real RWBY fan would be far more upset that Yang has two arms in this comic.
Posted on 27 June 2017, 14:58 UTC by:   sdshdv    PM
Score +20
Posted on 28 June 2017, 04:22 UTC by:   Babeblaster237    PM
Score +26
I feel like she would do this without being hypnotized
Posted on 28 June 2017, 05:51 UTC by:   Alaeriia    PM
Score +48
It just occurred to me: the ultimate sign of submission for Yang would be a hairjob.
Posted on 17 July 2017, 22:24 UTC by:   ppvsonicspy    PM
Score +29
@Babeblaster237 you don't know how hypnotism works do you? You can't force anyone to do anything they don't want to do by hypnotizing them. It's never the hypnotist that is on control, it's the person that is in control. The hypnotist merely gives suggestions, it can be made to sound like orders but it's always up to the hypnotized person to comply. If the suggestion is something they don't want to do or don't like to do then they won't do it. Hypnosis is not taking control of the mind of someone, it's simply heighting the focus of someone to a specific action, ignoring all other thoughts and emotions.
For example, you asked Yang to strip without hypnotizing her she wouldn't strip because of embarrassment. But when she is hypnotized she is focused on the suggestion gives and ignores everything else, so at that point if you ask her to strip and 'SHE WANTS TO', then she is will focus on that action and ignore the embarrassment. Which is why I don't like this comic, it's portraying her as being forced to do all of that and is not aware of the suggestions he is giving her, when in reality she would not want to do any of that(or would if she was into it) and also, she would be completely aware of everything that was going on, so as soon as he snapped his fingers she would have punched him to oblivion.
Posted on 31 July 2017, 04:53 UTC by:   Jack Woods    PM
Score +54
Actually it all depends on the person. Some people have repressed thoughts and feeling on such a level that what would be mind control and how hypnosis is used here can be the same thing.
Think persona 4 shadows level of repressed emotional and psychological tension with sex.

Or, it's just goddamn porn don't over analyze it.
Posted on 29 August 2017, 04:06 UTC by:   Malkalypse    PM
Score +21
I half expected to find out that Yang had been faking being hypnotized, and was going to thank the hypnotist for a fun time at the end
Posted on 30 August 2017, 13:06 UTC by:   redokami007    PM
Score +20
Is there more to come?
Posted on 10 January 2018, 05:48 UTC by:   janusmaxwell    PM
Score +3
The dialogue and concept is fairly cringy.

The Ahegao faces I.E. “Making the girl retarded from pleasure” is boner-cyanide.

This is STILL the best comic Arabatos has ever put out besides the recent Urd one, because crappy script or not, he’s still a DAMN good artist.

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