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[Erica] Neylu's Club Consolidation

Posted:2017-08-07 20:51
File Size:3.15 MB
Length:7 pages
Favorited:125 times
Average: 3.13

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Posted on 07 August 2017, 20:51 UTC by:   Maximum_Joe    PM
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Neylu is just out and about at a premier shemale club... in the backrooms. One of the party goers becomes enamored and approaches her. Before she can even introduce herself, Neylu's cock latched on and began sucking, the foreskin reaching around her own head and seemingly pulling her further into the meat stick.


The shemale felt her balls clench up and release the largest load she's ever experienced, a massive sensation of warmth overcame her. Neylu's cock eagerly gobbled it up. "Your balls.. and curves are mine... MMmmm.. you were really backed up weren't you? But I don't think I'm done with you yet though, give me a nice kiss baby"


"Alright baby... time to get inside of me." She moaned as she rolled her eyes up, grinding her growing cock on her lover's back. She looked down and noticed a newcomer, a pregnant shemale. Interesting, she must've been knocked up with some kind of alchemical magic. It'd be a shame to not gobble her up as well. "You are more than welcome to our little party, baby"

Both of her victims made out, as her first began to sink into her malleable cock flesh, the veins quickly tugging her down and inside. Her growing tip peaked out, and swiftly clamped on the woman, intending to gobbler her and her perpetual pregnancy.


The cock lurched forward, the foreskin fusing with her neck and claiming her body, as Neylu's. Her first victim was almost absorbed, only her receding cock was left and it was quickly adding to her own. The pregnant shemale was simulataneously being swallowed whole and transformed. Her wide hips, belly and balls proving to be quite the obstacle, before sliding into the musky prison. Her balls moving along to join the other four.


A torrent of cum erupted out from her cock. "Holy shit.. I'm still so horny. I could keep cumming for days. You two really did a number on me, look how fucking huge I am." Neylu felt a kick in her belly. Of course, she stole the perpetual pregnancy. At least she wouldn't have to give birth. Taking a few steps forward she felt balls. 6 balls. sloshing. She peered over her belly and tits, bent over her gigantic cock housing two others, and thick hips and thighs. "Yep. That's 6. Still don't think I'll be letting you two out, so get used to living in there." Her cock throbbed. She heard the pit pat of feet behind her...


"oh HO! Even after seeing me take in those two, you still want to grind on my cock huh?" Neylu's cock supporting the full weight of this extremely horny, curvy and quad-titted woman. "Then by all means. Get inside. Make me thicker, make my cock fatter, and give me those balls. Enjoy being trapped in me for good baby" The shemale came, and immediately began to sink inwards. Before she was fully absorbed, Neylu felt her balls sink down and join the others. "Next time I'm not gonna let my future cock meat have their release, I want to cum their loads. mmmm.."


She felt good. Great. Her second pair of tits were highly sensitive. They were new. She could feel all eight of her balls throb. Another kick in her belly. The subtle presence of three entities residing inside of her. "mmm..." Lips thicker. "Who else wants to hop in? What about you baby?"
Posted on 07 August 2017, 21:18 UTC by:   NotSwordfish    PM
Score +114
You need Jesus
Posted on 07 August 2017, 23:07 UTC by:   J_B    PM
Score +6
What the fuck is this shit
Posted on 08 August 2017, 03:27 UTC by:   OddXodd    PM
Score +3
I am Odd. Very odd and my perverse deprivations know no bounds nor depths. And yet I cannot find anything, logical or illogical that could possibly denote sensual drive or pleasure from this piece of art. It is simply empty. The artist. Devoid. Hollow... The artist desires to speak but has nothing to say.
Last edited on 08 August 2017, 06:35 UTC.
Posted on 09 August 2017, 03:08 UTC by:   vidoplyasov    PM
Score +21
undeservedly low. this deserves 4 stars
Posted on 01 December 2017, 00:32 UTC by:   fran6    PM
Score +6
You know... Not all people can pay a commission to make it look perfect and yes, i know it is commission and i know for whom it was.
Posted on 08 March 2018, 09:26 UTC by:   IllegibleScream    PM
Score +1
I was OK.

Then I saw this.

Now I am not OK.
Posted on 25 June 2018, 17:44 UTC by:   LeFrenchguy    PM
Score +6
This is so cursed, an exorcist is required...
In the name of thee, I banish you demon!

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