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The King Blade 2

キングブレード 2

Posted:2017-10-16 16:51
File Size:13.07 MiB
Length:19 pages
Favorited:26 times
Average: 2.46

Showing 1 - 19 of 19 images

Posted on 16 October 2017, 16:51 by:   MadPen    PM
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The King Blade is a Manga written and illustrated by me, It's a Ecchi, Fantasy, Magic, Zako, Super Power Theme.
So i hope you enjoy it :D

The story is about a boy called Daiki,He was a normal guy before he got a Magic Blade, called The King Blade. Now he is dragged by the power of This Sword to another world and he got a super power by owning this sword...
Posted on 16 October 2017, 21:22 by:   MinRan    PM
Score +8
There is so many bad things in this "Manga", I'm starting to believe the creator is just a troll shitposting.


The story :

"The story is about a boy called Daiki,He was a normal guy before he got a Magic Blade, called The King Blade. Now he is dragged by the power of This Sword to another world and he got a super power by owning this sword..."

A young "normal" guy transported to another world suddenly becomes OP thanks to an edgy (I mean, come on : "The King Blade", really ?) super power/weapon. That looks like a totally not boring and cliché story at all !


The dialogues :

Well, if we can call it dialogues. With things like "All your friends are ran away" and "It was my fault that I saved you ! Godbye I must find my way!!" we are at the level of Zero Wing's "All your base are belong to us".

Normally, one would use rectangles for narration and bubbles with a jagged outline for screams and shouts. Instead here, rectangles are sometimes used for normal speech while screams are simply indicated by multiple exclamation points.

- Die!
- As you want
- We want your blood
- So!
- What do you think?
- ...
- Did I ?
- Yes you did, please kill me fast !

^ No fucking clues what they're trying to say. And the fight scenes are as confusing as the dialogues.


The protagonist :

The "normal" hero wakes up face-to-face with a Cerberus... and promptly proceeds to kill the beast in one slash of his sword. Of course, he doesn't forget to strike a cool pose while doing so.

Dragons flying over his head ? A strange sky filled with 3 moons/suns ? Well, our "normal" guy is fine with that too.

Our hero is perfectly calm in any situation. Unless he sees boobs, then he becomes your typical annoying perverted protagonist. "Hey ! I just saved you, why didn't you let me touch your boobs ? Stupid bitch !" <-- Gods, he's annoying.

By the way, I know it's only my personal opinion but his face on page 15 (first chapter) is one of the most punchable one I've seen (even if it's not the first time I've seen it, I wonder were the creator took it from).


The "good guys" :

We don't know much about them yet, but with phrases like "With this blade we can defeat all the evils", they seem like they will be well developed characters.


The evil villains :

They are obviously evil, so evil in fact, that they pull a |You Have Failed Me| right off the bat to let you know how evil they are.


The rest (in order) :

Ahegao when dying, because why not ? (it's not ridiculous, it's arousing !)

Bikini armors, because it's Ecchi, so fuck you and your logic !
Exploding clothes because, once again, it's Ecchi.

In this world, women only have two settings : big boobs or loli, nothing else.

When our hero is trying to save the girl (in chapter 1), is there 3, 4 or 5 girls attacking her ? Like pretty much everything else, it's very confusing. The 3 exploding armors would make you think that there is 3 of them but we can see :
- A girl without a scar (and short dark hair)
- A girl with a vertical scar (and long dark hair)
- A girl without scar (and long dark hair)
- A girl without scar (and long clair hair)
- A girl with a horizontal scar (and long clair hair)

"My super sword just disappeared and you have been defeated by a mysterious man with a super sword ? Wow, you must totally be punished for coming back without any information." <-- Those bad guys are not very bright, are they ?

Hero leaves village without asking anyone for help/food/informations. <-- He's not very bright, is he ?

His magic sword King Blade make his eyes glow, give him tattoos and make him grow fangs ! That, plus his black clothes and he is so cool ! It's totally not screaming chuuni or edgy !

Chapter 1 : "Oh no ! The sword disappeared in search of its master in another world !"
Chapter 2 : "The blade flew north ! Let's kill demons to ask them where to go !"
Posted on 16 October 2017, 21:29 by:   anonomys1    PM
Score +12
I'm honestly surprised you can write a description so long for this vapid turd
Posted on 16 October 2017, 22:00 by:   MadPen    PM
Score -30
MinRan thank you so much, you really surprised me with your comment, that is too much appreciated <3 i reconize my english is not perfect, so thank you so much again. <3 <3 <3
anonomys1 thanks for your time too, if you dont like what i do you can go somewhere else, or you just can stay. there's no difference for me :D
Posted on 17 October 2017, 07:43 by:   yetsun    PM
Score +11
the drawing is fine but the grammar and plot reeks of so much Chuunibyou syndrome.

I suggest sticking to just the drawings and leaving the story out.
Posted on 20 October 2017, 05:59 by:   pizzarolls37    PM
Score -3
You guys wanna have a good laugh? Check out this retards Deviant Art page

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