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Shattered Pleasures (ongoing)

Posted:2018-06-03 22:07
File Size:68.50 MB
Length:38 pages
Favorited:183 times
Average: 0.65

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Posted on 03 June 2018, 22:07 UTC by:   lutai    PM
Uploader Comment
Hello everyone I would like to announce that ill be posting pages that are a week old on here and recent ones on the patreon for patrons to see first.edit*

The First two pages were made by artist ArtByZora.

The story: Xing Zhi a banished deity from the celestial world was imprisoned for 1000 yrs on earth within the yellow river for his misdeeds against his own kind and humanity itself for bringing demonic lust bound creatures into the world. Now after a construction accident he has been freed from his prison and the whole world is his playground again but a group called Extermas is a anti monster unit that tracts down magical or monster like horrors in the world and tries to stop them from trying to control the world or destroy it. Will they be able to stop Xing Zhi and his demonic horde from causing chaos!?

This comic is a Action/Horror comic that will involve vore,sex, and violence. More volumes are to be expected but only if the patreon
Posted on 23 July 2017, 20:50 UTC by:   Nakromis    PM
Score +443
I'm confused how that can be worth 1200$, on Kick starter of all PLACES! and how this is uhm. i don't understand this.
Last edited on 31 August 2017, 11:16 UTC.
Posted on 23 July 2017, 20:58 UTC by:   Narutu sand ninja    PM
Score +796
Jesus Christ this is horrifying.

>This comic is a Action/Horror comic

Ahahaha, yeah sure buddy. Come on, you're not fooling anyone. This is a porn comic with some horror themes. This shit is gonna get removed from kickstarter I'm pretty fucking sure.

EDIT: Well I guess patreon is better than kickstarter, but dude? You aren't even close to good enough to deserve to be paid for your fetish art. No one should have to pay for sub-mediocre drawings of mutant MLP characters assimilating furry chicks. And holy shit, you want 100 bucks a month to make this? God damn son, that's some audacious shit right there. Maybe 20 bucks a month. And fuck, you say 100 bucks to just make the FIRST CHAPTER? What do you think you're gonna do, sell this shit at Comiket?

Also, don't fucking shill your stuff on here. I'm gonna assume you didn't realize since you seem to most likely be a teenager, but no one wants to that shit here, don't do it. Oh, and make sure you don't put your real name and city on your weird fucked up fetish porn projects, James Bean of Paris, Kentucky.
Last edited on 24 July 2017, 20:43 UTC.
Posted on 23 July 2017, 21:06 UTC by:   hermit20    PM
Score +25
The third image is sort of small there man. Do you have a bigger version?
Posted on 23 July 2017, 21:09 UTC by:   Demiroth    PM
Score +105
Just make a damn patreon already don't kickstart this stuff man.
Posted on 23 July 2017, 21:27 UTC by:   negavamas    PM
Score +374
$1200 for this, are you fucking mad?!
Posted on 23 July 2017, 21:59 UTC by:   theboredotaku    PM
Score +228
I have NO issues with the fetish.
I have NO issues with the idea of paying for comics.
I have NO issues with KickStarter.

but the fact that you went to KICKSTARTER means you don't understand how reality works. you have 50$ pledged of 1200$ and have 19 days left to get the money.
5 backers pledged 10 bucks so far, your NOT gonna get the money, you know this right? kickstarter isn't the place to go to fund comics, patreon is.

I genuinely feel bad for you, but why not just use PATREON? you get paid monthly and can just produce your comics for everyone to enjoy :) I'ts a win win for everyone involved. the creator the customers and the public.

PS. I'm not trying to hate or be an ass, it just frustrates me because i liked and fapped to this little bit.
I want this to succeed and be a full comic but knowing it wont and it's because you didn't market it right is what pisses me off.
Posted on 23 July 2017, 23:58 UTC by:   l4chuga    PM
Score +79
So we have The Thing taking the form of Princess Celestia and is running around absorbing Furries? K, got it.
Posted on 24 July 2017, 04:47 UTC by:   theboredotaku    PM
Score +65
oh my god. you actually took our advice and apologized? i feel bad now for being so critical >.<
that's really mature and cool of you.
Posted on 25 July 2017, 09:18 UTC by:   negavamas    PM
Score +123
The problem is not the money you ask, the problem is that you think you are going to get money for this, much more talented, experienced and famous artists barely pass the $100 barrier what makes you think you and your buddy will even reach half of that?

Well that and that shilling in this place is not very welcomed, this is the worst possible place to ask for money or criticism.
Posted on 26 July 2017, 01:35 UTC by:   danund81    PM
Score +98
One criticism I'd offer is first impressions are key. The title pic, the thumbnail alone is enough to get you downvoted to all hell on this site. No one will even give your drawings a chance if the first image isn't the most interesting thing ever. That's advice that applies to a lot of things actually...
Posted on 29 July 2017, 10:24 UTC by:   gigadyne    PM
Score +99
For $1200 I'd spend that on some art courses and come back and draw a 24 page comic that'd definitely come out better than this mess
Posted on 15 August 2017, 20:05 UTC by:   Ixiah    PM
Score +90
If we pay double, will you not draw this Comic ?
Or at least use the Money and visit an Shrink, you´ve got Problems.
Posted on 15 August 2017, 22:34 UTC by:   imercenary    PM
Score +77
A patreon for a gallery with just 5 pages? Disgusting.
Posted on 16 August 2017, 05:53 UTC by:   Loki The Flameshield    PM
Score +48
This is one of the scariest things on the site.
Posted on 16 August 2017, 11:30 UTC by:   mombastical    PM
Score +59
You need jesus, bro.
Posted on 16 August 2017, 19:01 UTC by:   gweh    PM
Score +79
You know that feeling you get when you kinda vaguely feel like you're being watched or just that something's super off and you get a full-body shudder through all your muscles?

That just happened to me because of your creepy-ass cover. So thanks for making that a thing whenever I search the tags on this.
Posted on 24 August 2017, 03:42 UTC by:   Runeless    PM
Score +34
Ah here come the NIGHTMARES
Posted on 25 August 2017, 05:16 UTC by:   Kuntitled    PM
Score +48
This is disgusting
Posted on 01 September 2017, 04:05 UTC by:   37311095    PM
Score +83
I am here for comments.
Posted on 11 September 2017, 13:29 UTC by:   FireBallGT    PM
Score +39
I'd rather read a Laruffi translation than this Horse-Shit!
Posted on 13 September 2017, 17:20 UTC by:   okamiKung    PM
Score +43
totally shit
Posted on 23 September 2017, 16:21 UTC by:   edibility    PM
Score +40
How do we vote to delete this shit? Mostly the advertising but also because its pure trash
Posted on 23 September 2017, 17:06 UTC by:   xblurp    PM
Score +24
I think page 3/Shattered pleasure 1 needs a re-upload to a bigger size. It's pretty tiny.

Edit: If you have the original file, trying changing the resolution and then export it.

And if it's because of the site then cut and paste the panels and put the images going down vertically instead of horizontal.
Last edited on 25 September 2017, 00:46 UTC.
Posted on 25 September 2017, 12:17 UTC by:   Calarakien    PM
Score +67
Someone wants money for this? i feel like i should be paid just to read this
Posted on 26 September 2017, 06:04 UTC by:   Cryosite    PM
Score +42
It isn't even the fact that this is "horror" that it deserves to just be abandoned. It is that it is shoddily drawn regardless of what it is trying to be.

Go to school, practice, learn how to draw, then start looking for money once you have something to actually sell. Come back when you have the talent to actually draw whatever the hell it is you're going for here. It isn't gross or scary. It's just pathetic.
Posted on 26 September 2017, 08:23 UTC by:   Cameron Hagen    PM
Score +80
You want 1200$ for this smut?

Amano Taiki could maybe coax me outta 100$

For you I wouldn't throw a fucking dime.
Posted on 06 October 2017, 06:45 UTC by:   420memescoper    PM
Score +60
I actually GET the fetish and i still find this abhorrent.

This site could use a little more filtration
Posted on 06 October 2017, 19:59 UTC by:   Enbu    PM
Score +63
When you can't even get a depraved pigman like me a stiffy; that probably means this is not your calling. All this proves is this site needs an album ignore feature so when a user doesn't like a work they can just never have to see it again when searching for things to jerk it to.
Posted on 07 October 2017, 08:56 UTC by:   Boy Named Sue    PM
Score +51
The fact that this gallery has a half-star and that your Patreon only has $49 pledged as of the writing of this post should tell you that this is not the website to undertake this endeavour on.

Please stop advertising your Patreon on this site.
Posted on 17 October 2017, 03:05 UTC by:   SaradominSpy    PM
Score +37
No! I don't want that!
Posted on 19 December 2017, 08:45 UTC by:   eric 1    PM
Score +59
Posted on 20 December 2017, 12:33 UTC by:   Jomamma64    PM
Score +68
Getting real tired of this popping up every time it updates.
Posted on 27 December 2017, 01:00 UTC by:   edibility    PM
Score +56
Welp time to filter this pure trash, always pops up in my fucking searches
Posted on 07 January 2018, 16:46 UTC by:   Ande_85    PM
Score +34
This reminds me of one of those 70s drug cartoons that was popular back then. Not saying it's a bad thing, just that is my first impression when looking through this. As for charging for continued work on it...I don't know...I think not charging anything, and having it strictly donation based in a better idea, and a way to attract a lot less hate. The point is, for this comic, given the negative publicity it has received, I think only continuing as a passion project would be the best way to turn things away. Just be "hey, here's something I'm working on, and if you like it, float me a few dollars, and if not, then at least toss me some feedback."

I like this comic, but only for the novelty of bringing me something I really haven't seen that many times before, so if my words sound like I'm condemning you with faint praise, apologies in advance. Keep working on this, but only because you want to, otherwise the resentment may show through your work.
Posted on 29 January 2018, 01:32 UTC by:   guylikesex    PM
Score +36
We have strayed so far
Posted on 04 February 2018, 02:10 UTC by:   xxhieixx    PM
Score +52
Please stop posting.
Posted on 04 February 2018, 04:09 UTC by:   Lord Dashwood    PM
Score +38
So I finally clicked into this gallery to see what that cover pic of Princess Celestia either drooling on or chewing on a woman's hair was all about.

I see that the answer was not worth putting this into my browser history.

The best I can say is that at least you have a work ethic, but I'm with the rest of the commentators: this isn't worth money.
Posted on 04 February 2018, 04:46 UTC by:   AnonimousFan    PM
Score +43
Would you take my money to create a website with all your backers so this won't have to show up on e-hentai like transmorpher annoyance marketing?
Posted on 09 February 2018, 23:31 UTC by:   llorir    PM
Score +56
I'm really glad there's about three garbage galleries that keep on getting updated that pop up whenever I search any tag.
Posted on 27 February 2018, 08:06 UTC by:   hibryd7    PM
Score +64
Posted on 27 February 2018, 09:50 UTC by:   AlientKnight    PM
Score +49
You know, for better or worse, I am curious just what sort of spectacles will just ooze out from the artist's mind next. It's almost like I am watching someone going through a bad acid trip, and have it visualized in MLP art.
Posted on 28 February 2018, 23:34 UTC by:   darktails    PM
Score +40
i want cry
Posted on 12 March 2018, 05:53 UTC by:   Doommaster    PM
Score +47
Men this is like a rolling snowball but made out of shit it just keep getting bigger and bigger in a horrible spectacle no one wants to see.
Posted on 14 April 2018, 22:25 UTC by:   JovanJocaCar    PM
Score +30
Doommaster, don't say that. You know people would pay top dollar to see a giant shit ball rolling down a hill like some sort of Scatamari.
Shit, I'd make a game show out of it.
Posted on 16 April 2018, 22:20 UTC by:   Perfesser Bear    PM
Score +28
Over 650 ratings, and it can't break 2/3 of a star. That should be telling you something, like, it's putrid.
Posted on 03 June 2018, 22:12 UTC by:   lutai    PM
Score +25
Hello everyone its me Lu Zhen the writer/creator (not the artist) of this comic. Now I know the love and hate this comic generates and well its good and bad I love the support and love the negative comments because its just telling me to get better and work harder. Yes money was the main problem for this comic's popularity may of even tanked it but well it takes money for anything you do and I did have good support for a while and even tried to get more artists on board but some wished to other things or were unreliable. The main artist is the man who draws the comic, and still work on it for me. So despite financial and time issues the comic will continue for all to see and ill try to make updates when I can. So for those who love it thank you for those who hate it thank you.
Posted on 05 June 2018, 05:08 UTC by:   ZxWasHere    PM
Score +9
i wouldn't say "love".
but i like this comic
Posted on 05 June 2018, 14:11 UTC by:   DallyD    PM
Score +7
The thing I like about this comic is how creative it is. I stopped wanting to fap after about the 10th page, but I still keep coming back to see what creative way the next person is gonna transform. You're a good writer and have some cool ideas. :)
Posted on 03 July 2018, 14:34 UTC by:   Pononimous    PM
Score +3
Why the fuck did you even bother making this thing? What a huge waste of time: yours and everyone else's!
Posted on 18 March 2019, 20:03 UTC by:   Furryboi04    PM
Score +9
What The Fuck did I just read?
Posted on 15 March 2020, 05:42 UTC by:   Doommaster    PM
Score +16
I can't be the only one who willingly return here purely to read the reactions on the people on the new comments.

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