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[GrimFC] Grim Mini (Ongoing, Collection)

Posted:2019-11-04 03:15
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:51.25 MB
Length:108 pages
Favorited:1610 times
Average: 4.33

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[GrimFC] Grim Mini (Ongoing, Collection), added 2020-03-21 04:59
[GrimFC] Grim Mini (Ongoing, Collection), added 2020-06-13 05:16

Showing 1 - 40 of 108 images

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Posted on 04 November 2019, 03:15 UTC by:   Fire32    PM
Uploader Comment
I am Sonokeeper, writer for Grim Fate Comics! My ancient username actually matches that, but my display name is stuck as Fire32. :P Also, Bobbydando == Eldrik Aethervial, Bobbydando is just his HF account name.

These are our bi-monthly* patreon-decided mini comics! Each mini comic is now 4-5 pages long (They used to be 3-4 pages long). Some comics are Canon to main comic's multiverse, some are not. For example, Wheel O'Doom is not canon in the main comic multiverse (I probably should have said Non-Canon instead of Alternate Canon..). If you're interested in submitting ideas / voting on submissions, check out our the reward tiers at

*Alternates between voting and submitting/posting the comic. Voting tier patrons get a savable bonus vote during the non-voting months.

NOTE: I have rearranged the mini-comics to put the part IIs, IIIs, etc together (most recent mini will always be at the end, however). This means some of the comments below referring to the Xth mini won't make sense anymore. Also, Glue Plant was one of the first minis, if you're wondering why it's the only one with a 3-panel alternate page.

NOTE 2: The pile of comments referring to wishing it was them are talking about the mini "Fetish Fuel". ;)
Posted on 22 August 2016, 03:20 UTC by:   imercenary    PM
Score +126
The third story is... awkward.

I don't know if the writer knows, but fairies in old mythologies were sinister fuckers to the point that humanity (in mythology) informally banded together to banish them wherever/whenever/however possible.
Posted on 26 September 2016, 11:09 UTC by:   gorden_wick    PM
Score +35
Nice comics.I was looking forward the fourth story.

Sorry I don't see the "End".But I think the fourth story was too short.3 pages is not enough.
Last edited on 26 September 2016, 11:47 UTC.
Posted on 14 April 2017, 20:32 UTC by:   brickcity    PM
Score +54
I am not really into Western style,

but...HEY! hand? What are you fapping at?
Come on, brain, tell my damn hand to stop...
What do you mean this turn you on!

Posted on 29 April 2017, 00:14 UTC by:   Fire32    PM
Score +29
So, I'm thinking about re-ordering this archive so all the part I, II, IIIs, etc are next to each other. If so, that'll happen during the next update.
Posted on 30 April 2017, 19:18 UTC by:   BrainPain    PM
Score +18
I think those fairies need an appointment with a flamethrower.
Posted on 15 May 2017, 18:30 UTC by:   nabbel45    PM
Score +6
Is the Plant Food Comic the main comic you are talking about or is there sth. else im missing? Really enjoying your works :)
Posted on 16 May 2017, 18:58 UTC by:   Fire32    PM
Score +11
Thanks! Plant Food is the main comic, yes. The only thing you might be missing are the Q&A comics, which are not on e-hentai at this time. The main comic should make sense without them, however.

On the fairies needing a flamethrower appointment: Well, I was actually planning to eventually add them to hentaiverse as it were. :P Eventually. I'll make a note here when-
Edit: Meh, why not now? *Adds* As per the tumblr tagging and such they are the "Glitterskull Sisters".
Last edited on 17 May 2017, 10:34 UTC.
Posted on 30 July 2017, 12:02 UTC by:   absorbentgene    PM
Score +13
aw man I wanted dragon lunch.
Posted on 09 November 2017, 10:43 UTC by:   shokoshu    PM
Score +4
My only complaint (apart from the snuff part - it's a magic world after all, so surely the Mimic will agree to put her together again if I ram a BFG9000 into his nose) is that an episode is direly missing, i.e the raepspider throwing a lasso from below and catching the show host. (To Ye Artist: hint, hint.) Otherwise I can only agree to my foreposter: fap fap fap. World needs more orgasm torture.
Posted on 27 December 2017, 05:52 UTC by:   biggleboggleboogie    PM
Score +10
These are good, but they're all too short with things not happening until right before the end. Pace it all better or make them longer
Posted on 04 March 2018, 01:45 UTC by:   bobomb1    PM
Score +21
Wish that was me.
Posted on 04 March 2018, 11:19 UTC by:   z4cko    PM
Score +27
[Said bobomb1]
Posted on 04 March 2018, 17:54 UTC by:   Sippycup    PM
Score +21
Good god I would fall for that fetish fuel trap so hard.
Posted on 04 March 2018, 18:17 UTC by:   girlfortentacles    PM
Score +24
Heh. Wish that was me!
Posted on 05 March 2018, 03:50 UTC by:   gijinkigengar    PM
Score +25
I really do wish that was me.
Posted on 06 March 2018, 08:11 UTC by:   deaftnone    PM
Score +8
enjoy it ,amazing
Posted on 06 March 2018, 11:24 UTC by:   Amarelle    PM
Score +18
Damn last story... i wish i was her ! ;)
Posted on 18 April 2018, 01:22 UTC by:   AngelW    PM
Score +24
Heh. Wish that was me!, pretty please ^_^
Posted on 09 September 2018, 23:19 UTC by:   auron7777    PM
Score +20
Even when you touch something like zombies you manage to make it great and sexy. You are awesome.
Posted on 14 September 2018, 08:57 UTC by:   maurice17    PM
Score +8
The Mind Flayer one is so fucking hot. I think the addition of victim agency/acceptance pushes it into epic.
Posted on 06 October 2018, 15:51 UTC by:   TikTikKobold    PM
Score -15
I don't really get what people enjoy out of innocent people getting murdered. If there's any death in porn for me it needs to feel deserved, otherwise it just feels like psychopathy
Posted on 02 November 2018, 06:47 UTC by:   maurice17    PM
Score +11
@TikTikKobold: Masochism and projection.
Posted on 08 January 2019, 04:29 UTC by:   ralfie    PM
Score +3
@TikTikKobold,IT ISN'T ABOUT "masochism and projection",as someone WRONGLY says!And IT'S NOT "PSYCHOPATHY also!Simply,some people get excited from those things!It's just like other SEXUAL FANTASY and NOBODY could be called a "psychopath" for a SIMPLE FANTASY!
Posted on 09 January 2019, 11:20 UTC by:   Lord Janus    PM
Score +23
all of these are just absolutely fucking amazing. i love them!

having said that, can i give some advice? focus on one work first, so you can finish it, instead of spreading out. because then youll have a ton of work yet to be done, and you wont feel like finishing it "soon".

i know because that happened to me. at one point i was making 9 sets, and i only finished one, never bothered to finish the others, at least not yet. some are still unfinished, 6 years later.
Posted on 13 January 2019, 01:41 UTC by:   Evilducks    PM
Score +11
@Lord Janus these mini’s are part of a larger Patreon project that has a main comic. The minis are a bonus that patrons suggest and vote on, so it’s unlikely they’ll focus on a single plot. It lets them jump around to different kinks
Posted on 21 May 2019, 08:00 UTC by:   Fire32    PM
Score +27
@Lord Janus

Thanks! As Duck's mentioned, the main comic (also on this site, just check out the Eldrik tag) updates every week and has switched to full color updates for quite some time now (Over a year IIRC). The older pages of the main comic are also being slowly colored as well.

As for these mini comics, although they're longer and more colorful than they used to be (order of comics in the gallery above is not quite the same as the order they were done in), we don't have the resources to full color them at this time. If we could form a larger art team it'd be different but we'd need the patreon to be higher for that.

There's also the color drives and such - WoD part 1 did not originally have anywhere near that much color, for example.
Posted on 21 May 2019, 14:57 UTC by:   JuankiMan    PM
Score +14
@raffie It might feel like psycopathy to some people (which doesn't necessarily mean it is) because a total lack of empathy is one of the better known symptoms of psycopathy, and there are few things more unempathetic than being aroused at seeing innocent people being tortured and murdered.
Posted on 07 July 2019, 15:54 UTC by:   ur2omgwtflolz    PM
Score +19
So much of the Bad End stuff is great, though I'm not super fond of the snuff.

It's a shame that some of these characters won't be returning. The superheroine from Termogasm machine was a cutie - you don't see plus-sized Indian women like that every day. GrimFC is up front about what they're into, so as readers we know what we're getting into, but still: I want more of those characters!
Posted on 04 November 2019, 03:29 UTC by:   Fire32    PM
Score +23
@ur2omgwtflolz I'd note that these minis (with the sole exception of Wheel O' Doom) all occur in the same multiverse as the main comic (well, that's where we first saw Navya / the indian woman actually). So anything going on there may effect whether they or someone like them (depending on how you feel about old boats) appears again.

Deciding how cryptic to be in this reply was hard, don't want to spoil things for those that haven't read the main comic. I'll only say main comic doesn't include anything close to complete revivals 'cause that'd be cheap given the Bad End niche we occupy. >.>
Posted on 06 November 2019, 22:42 UTC by:   thetempmailman    PM
Score +14
@Fire32 Big fan of all the GrimFC stuff, thanks for writing for it! A lot of stuff gets ruined by poor writing, but your writing is great! In most instances, I'd even regard a story like this as overly ambitious, but both you and Eldrick Aethervial have managed to surpass all previous expectations.
Posted on 21 March 2020, 05:05 UTC by:   Fire32    PM
Score +28
@thetempailman - Thanks!


I'm wondering if I should swap the position of Termogasm Machine and its prequel when I post the next minicomic...I'm probably going to swap them, yeah.
Posted on 21 March 2020, 11:41 UTC by:   PoorWhiteTrash    PM
Score +5
"Hey now, you're a rock star, get the meme on, get laid!"

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