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Towergirls Subtitle Pending (Ongoing)

Posted:2020-03-21 23:49
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Posted on 21 March 2020, 23:49 UTC by:   Naliys    PM
Uploader Comment
These are the Lore Charts of the game Towergirls. If you want to support them go here:

The game is still VERY much in alpha but there is already content available and if you want even more content faster you need to help out.

Page 1-23 is Generation 1
Page 24-44 is Generation 2
Page 45-66 is Generation 3
Page 67-88 is Generation 4 (Ongoing)
Page 89 and 90 are Holiday Based but are part of Generation 2.

Just to be clear, this is NOT the Towerfags game with the NTR, Rape, and Bestiality. This is completely different and is completely SFW.

* Coronavirus Update Stay safe yall.
Posted on 04 October 2018, 22:16 UTC by:   tridick    PM
Score +228
The guys that made the Patreon account stole this whole shit from the /towergirls/ board on 8chan.
At some point the anons there started to get mad at the devs (who used to post there) for claiming that they came up with the concept and that they now own it and can do anything they want with these community created characters and concepts.

I have nothing against the OP but please don't support these people and their Patreon
Posted on 04 October 2018, 23:05 UTC by:   Naliys    PM
Score +70
Wasnt stolen. Gats, the original creator, is actually a part of this team and has since made the concept of towergirls a public domain concept.
Last edited on 24 November 2018, 21:14 UTC.
Posted on 05 October 2018, 00:30 UTC by:   tridick    PM
Score +94
That's the thing, Gats created the Gen 1 princesses while the other generations were community created by /tg/, /v/ and /twgrl/.
Those communities came up with the idea of princess related items, religions, totems, chocolate dicks, factions, etc.
When this game began anons suggested that they should reduce the amount of NTR, the developers had a shitfit and killed part of the community, now they run a Patreon where they use content created by the same community that they threw under the bus meanwhile that same community tries to create free content like board games and Pen & Paper games
Posted on 05 October 2018, 00:43 UTC by:   Naliys    PM
Score +60
Actually Gats created the first three charts and the rest of three generations had his input. The others like gargoyle princess were fan made. Also this is not the Towerfags game. This is a SFW game.
Last edited on 27 November 2018, 18:55 UTC.
Posted on 05 October 2018, 08:10 UTC by:   Detward    PM
Score +119
Tridick, this isn't the game made by towerfag, that's a completely different game. This game never even has or plans to have sex scenes much less NTR, you are thinking of a different one.

EDIT: Like, seriously I think you have the games confused
Posted on 05 October 2018, 22:10 UTC by:   Naliys    PM
Score +7
I forgot Monkey Princess...damn it all
Posted on 05 October 2018, 23:57 UTC by:   PostNuclearMan    PM
Score +122
Towerfag initially had involvement with Gats but Gats left due to the rape, NTR and general low quality of the game.

Subtitle Pending aka The Game is more of a VN/JRPG mashup which employs gats.

secondly Gats made the Gen1-3 with dubious levels of input from the 4chan community who went on to make their own content.

Subtitle Pending/The Game exclusively uses content present in the charts made to advertise their game.

'Kingdom Conquest' bluntly stole ideas from everything; including copyrighted material from SP. Supposedly Towerfag is debranding but I figure he's too stupid to actually manage that.
Posted on 06 October 2018, 04:15 UTC by:   Ento100    PM
Score +37
>Language: Japanese
Are you sure about that?

Also, yea, this has nothing to do with Kingdom conquest, or princess and conquest, or whatever it's calling itself nowadays, this is for the official towergirls game. Gats owns towergirls, there is no disputing that.

Also, witch's card was released early around halloween, but she's part of gen 2.
Posted on 10 October 2018, 23:55 UTC by:   HumanFlea    PM
Score +26
I'm confused, are the 3 variants possible sub classes for the princess or the people of their kingdom?
Posted on 11 October 2018, 02:12 UTC by:   omegachavez    PM
Score -37
A shame that towercuck decided to be a massive faggot and everything. Then again, not much is to be expected from a game that reused RPGMaker assets.

Those are mobs that appear in their territories, Flea, including their subjects.
Edit:wrong tense of reuse, dunno if he still does.
Last edited on 11 October 2018, 04:11 UTC.
Posted on 12 October 2018, 11:12 UTC by:   front row    PM
Score +7
Wow I thought these were just random pick what you draw sheets of /ic/
Posted on 18 October 2018, 13:06 UTC by:   Turbotowns    PM
Score -3
@omegachavez I just wanted to mention that not EVERYthing made with RPGMaker(and/or reuses their assets) is shit, like for example, the legendary Monster Girl Quest. granted, a lot of rpgmaker stuff IS basic, hence why there's a stigma to begin with, I just wanted to say that there ARE some diamonds amidst the shit sea.

The lore here, holy shit, this could be made into a fully fledged RPG like skyrim, and it'd be kick-ass!
Last edited on 18 October 2018, 13:52 UTC.
Posted on 02 November 2018, 23:39 UTC by:   MilesReilly    PM
Score +23
When I saw how little support Subtitle Pending was getting compared to Kingdom conquest I thought it was going to be disbanded, but they have made good work and put on effort into making a compelling game rather than to make some neat porn gifs that we were just going to see on a gallery, I'm really glad how it has turned out
Posted on 12 December 2018, 01:43 UTC by:   imercenary    PM
Score +15
I love the concept, I'm hoping someone successfully executes on this idea.
Posted on 12 December 2018, 08:36 UTC by:   Chris2999    PM
Score +12
Except there is no lewd, its a SFW game. I just found out about that after playing it for a couple hours and I am so incredibly disappointed.
Posted on 03 January 2019, 15:56 UTC by:   Todd Maccarone    PM
Score +5
Is the person who submitted this collection going to update it anytime soon? Last time I checked, there were at least 2-3 new charts that had been made. Just saying.
Posted on 05 January 2019, 03:08 UTC by:   Naliys    PM
Score +6
I said in the description that this game is SFW. Not my fault you choose not to read.
Posted on 19 January 2019, 21:52 UTC by:   Red_Piotrus    PM
Score +116
Yadda yadda yadda this is a hentai site where is the hentai version of this?
Posted on 27 February 2019, 08:24 UTC by:   RustySword7    PM
Score +0
The patreon acknowledges Gats and mentions an imageboard site, they don't have to mention that it comes from 4chan or 8chan, that would be terrible publicity.
Posted on 14 May 2019, 08:23 UTC by:   sora21345    PM
Score +14
wanted to ask but what happen to towerfags game with the ntr,rape and bestiality did it die or something???
Posted on 14 May 2019, 18:59 UTC by:   Naliys    PM
Score +7
No it didn't. He changed the princesses slightly in an attempt to avoid the now finished lawsuit but didn't change the overall design. So now its simply a ripoff of Towergirls. Not giving links as I will not promote that game. Just look it up on google.
Posted on 23 July 2019, 09:47 UTC by:   Turbotowns    PM
Score +6
@Chris2999 wait... played? Nani?
Posted on 25 July 2019, 22:49 UTC by:   Ento100    PM
Score +4
@Naliys Uh, WItch princess is part of Gen 2.
Posted on 09 August 2019, 14:05 UTC by:   Minaroto    PM
Score +13
So many genetic stuff quite interesting.
Posted on 06 September 2019, 02:09 UTC by:   HF561    PM
Score -13
kinda sickened one of my favorite japanese artist is working for Towercuck
Posted on 19 October 2019, 04:02 UTC by:   LAOD paope    PM
Score -3
" this is NOT the Towerfags game with the NTR, Rape, and Bestiality. This is completely different and is completely SFW."
Lf a game like that. need sauce.
Posted on 14 November 2019, 12:57 UTC by:   Todd Maccarone    PM
Score +6
It's a very extensive gallery, to be sure, but whomever has been posting these may want to update it- there are at least 4 or 5 new charts that have uploaded since this was last updated. Good job overall, though... A commendable job thus far.
Posted on 22 March 2020, 03:14 UTC by:   YarnHorns~    PM
Score +10
This is actually rather wholesome and cutesy, I'm surprised there's this fucking much drama associated with it. But I guess the internet can never have nice things =/

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