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[Feretta] A Tale of Tails: Chapter 6 - Paths converge (ongoing)

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Posted on 12 May 2020, 18:49 UTC by:   Rizardon91    PM
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Chapter 6 of the long-running fantasy comic by Feretta

Art is not mine; you can find the autor:
as GenuineFeretta here on e-hentai

Chapter 1: /g/624754/ef259699d6/
Chapter 1.5: /g/634713/8c022e9b68/
Chapter 2: /g/778147/28be2b3b75/
Chapter 3: /g/945018/9c3719e4a5/
Chapter 4: /g/1144559/31718c9497/
Chapter 5: /g/1542521/5179e9293f/

@ssj782 light likes to bounce off stuff so: how can someone possibly give some shape to a black object?
Simple, by not using pure black on all the object and blending the reflected light from the surroundings, especially if said object is partially in shadow like in the panels you are refering to.
Wait isn't most of the building a mix of greys and browns...

And as a last counter-argument /s/c5fc0e16a5/634713-6 last panel: isn't that a trail-less construct? No wait, there are two! ;)
Posted on 03 December 2019, 01:06 UTC by:   Crawdaddy    PM
Score +87
I have no idea what this is about, but I appreciate and enjoy the worldbuilding.
Posted on 03 December 2019, 02:21 UTC by:   herearesomething    PM
Score +66
Uh... So the "current world" is just a piece of the original planet? O.O
Posted on 03 December 2019, 08:11 UTC by:   Retrospective    PM
Score +23
Im excited for this new chapter
Posted on 03 December 2019, 17:56 UTC by:   Pseudo-Nim    PM
Score +48
After that kerfuffle at the end of the First Era this may not be even a piece of the original planet.
Coil, it may be even not a piece of a planet at all, given they were forced to go full SPC-████ to restore the population after the first... accident, let's put it this way.
At least the planet was still more or less intact at the time - for a certain definition of intact, that is...
Posted on 09 December 2019, 14:45 UTC by:   The Chronicler    PM
Score +57
Time for a new running commentary, and none of you can stop me.

Page 3 - Hell yeah, I love reading lore.

Page 6 - That's a really cool motorcycle, but @TheGenuineFeretta does a charge crystal burn clean?

Page 9 - I forsee problems with this girl.

Page 15 - There must not be black powder in this universe, be cause rocks most certainly can be picked.
Last edited on 24 February 2020, 02:22 UTC.
Posted on 16 December 2019, 13:19 UTC by:   EvilCoffeeInc    PM
Score +6
So this is an interesting development, knowing what we know now about the original "first age" planet and the origin of Hadalen powers. Looks like pops might've created these things as a last-ditch effort at controlling Vitrin power after he was gone.
Posted on 17 December 2019, 00:46 UTC by:   Pseudo-Nim    PM
Score +27
From what happened during Vitrin's (supposed) demise, his Core may be not an inert instrument like Hadalen's one, but rather act akin to something like The Bore from WoT - and If so, the power was not his to begin with.

What I wonder, given how Hadalen and Vitrin are on entirely other level then other four, is this - were the Second Generation Cores built from the deeper understanding behind the First Generation ones, or are they something new that just looks similar from the outside?
Posted on 19 December 2019, 08:12 UTC by:   JWpilot    PM
Score +7
I believe that the other cores preceded the Hadalen and Vitrin cores.
Posted on 23 December 2019, 14:19 UTC by:   Pseudo-Nim    PM
Score +23
>"We'd already built a new sun, captured entire planets for earth and water and air..."
Hmm... could be, could be. I've always interpreted that scene as White Hole Core being the first of a kind - but it certainly can be that it was first of the kind, with more primitive/different engines being already in in exploitation.


BTW, that little buttplug Vix is holding on the page 5 is a spaceship from Feretta's other comic: Space Vixen - Deep Space K9. Currently on hiatus, though.
Anyway, here's the link
Posted on 23 December 2019, 17:58 UTC by:   Hardcore Genesis    PM
Score +8
I freaking love this! I'm genuinely considering trying to turn this into a legit tabletop rpg,it's awesome that Feretta gave us this world building ^^
Posted on 24 December 2019, 03:33 UTC by:   Wildjack    PM
Score +53
Absolutely enjoying the world building!
Also, I need to see Mirial get some action soon. Rawr!
Posted on 30 December 2019, 07:42 UTC by:   BIGhappyG33    PM
Score +59
Feretta has come such a long way with their artwork and it’s incredible!
Posted on 30 December 2019, 11:07 UTC by:   Moglos    PM
Score +5
more mis here plz
Posted on 06 January 2020, 21:47 UTC by:   heretic1311    PM
Score +8
"Pot of Rage"...
Is this going to be a reoccuring joke like the Fork of Truth in Looking for Group?
Posted on 06 January 2020, 23:43 UTC by:   ssj782    PM
Score -9
On page 8, I thought the whip was made of energy. That would have been an excellent double training for magic and weapon.
On page 9, we see its just a physical whip. And she's swinging it like a club. There's no way in hell it would smack the dummy that hard with the stupid way she's using it.
Also, why is the voyuer using the white energy that everyone is terrified of?
Last edited on 07 January 2020, 11:44 UTC.
Posted on 07 January 2020, 16:34 UTC by:   GenuineFeretta    PM
Score +61
@The Chronicler
It's pure natural electrical storm energy, so yes. Clean as can be. Reusable too.

I think you'll find that she can swing it completely fine, and it's made of magic. Upkeep on an object this small and simple doesn't leave a visible trail. Also Meeka is using Cronin, which is brown, but it's glowing, and glowing brown becomes soft yellow. It doesn't affect the actual magic, she's still connected to Cronin. Don't worry about it.
Posted on 14 January 2020, 20:58 UTC by:   cody1o3    PM
Score +60
Remember back when this was a comic about a dick girl who got thrown out of her village presumably because of the dick? I member.
Seriously tho, been following on and off for years now, nice to see some more concrete world building. Cant wait for more!
Posted on 14 January 2020, 21:20 UTC by:   Pseudo-Nim    PM
Score +22
>simpler than bullwhip
Whatever you say, pal, whatever you say.
Posted on 14 January 2020, 21:55 UTC by:   GenuineFeretta    PM
Score +90
The difference is between conjuration and upkeep. While the object is being formed, it's being formed from raw Hadalen essence, which is the black smoke you see. When it's fully formed, upkeep is a lot lower. Also, the whip is very slightly brown because it has yellow sunlight hitting it.

Also, I built this world, I think I know how it works. :p I'm the creator of it.
Posted on 27 January 2020, 05:13 UTC by:   ssj782    PM
Score -31
No other time has the black energy been shown as brown in the light. Black doesn't WORK that way, anyways. And even if that was suddenly the way it worked, you have the problem of it being brown IN HER SHADOW in the 4th panel of page 9. Based on the wall, the sun is to her left side, meaning the whip (beside her body and thus in shadow) would be in shadow, and not direct light. And that's completely ignoring that every other time a construct is in direct sunlight, its still black.
No other object created with the energy has ever stopped smoking the entire time it was 'in upkeep'.

Changing the rules already set now just makes it look like it wasn't noticed on the first go, and you want to save face.

The whip not only has a thickly woven form of multiple constructs, but it also bends, moves, and 'cracks'. That's much more complicated than a stationary shell of a flower.
Posted on 28 January 2020, 08:28 UTC by:   GenuineFeretta    PM
Score +80
Sir, I believe you'll find you are mistaken. Go back as early as chapter 2, page 25 and 26, which is the previous time she conjured this exact same object. Smoke when conjuring, no smoke when not, lights up as a physical object in the natural light of day. And that's back when I was way worse at light (and everything else). Or chapter 3, pages 25-36, where the weapons Fen conjures up clearly stop smoking after conjuring, and all the tentacles are made of the same material, but aren't smoking. Or chapter 3, pages 43-49. Wagon is conjured, weapon is conjured, takes on the yellow glow of the light, no smoke after conjuring.

In fact, the only time you've seen a conjuration continue to drool essence is when the spell is complex enough to be an entire person, such as shadow Mis, or the Twins. Lamb even makes a note of how "it takes a lot of focus to maintain a spell like that" in the first chapter of the comic. And even then, her conjured object doesn't show the smoke, only her own tail tip.

The objects have never been fully black, either, there's always been a blue sheen to most of them, but in direct sunlight, with a yellow sun, it's going to be hit by yellow light. It's ALSO going to get hit by bounce light from her body and the area around her. Her body, robes, the floor AND the light source are all yellow. But if you wanna talk breaking the rules, Jennifer's conjured twin is fully colored.

And don't worry, my face is fine.
Posted on 18 February 2020, 19:26 UTC by:   nuggistrike    PM
Score -38
will she ever face that city where she murderet 6 people ? or dont she even care ? funny if 1 of her missions will be near the city or som on will rember her as a mass murder hu kild over 8 people in cold blood and fleet the sene ! rember she has so fare ! impregnated a girl ! take her viginity and also nearley kild same girl ! also transform in to a dual headed dragon with same girl ! only to fuck a male dragon agans that girls wishes ! so she can get info about her dad !

will she ever face that town ???
Posted on 23 February 2020, 23:28 UTC by:   Sasori0    PM
Score +6
Posted on 24 February 2020, 03:12 UTC by:   tchubert    PM
Score +14
Guess she hasn't seen the right picks if she thinks rocks can't be "picked".
Posted on 10 March 2020, 03:46 UTC by:   Blackfox156    PM
Score +60
She’s want to fuck the dragon again in her new form. Calling it.
Posted on 17 March 2020, 21:54 UTC by:   herearesomething    PM
Score +12

(nothing can go wrong, right? right?)
Posted on 24 March 2020, 10:07 UTC by:   Moglos    PM
Score +10
plz add feral mis x feral fen sex
Posted on 03 April 2020, 07:15 UTC by:   fakenamen    PM
Score +12
How can you be sure she's not pregante? Did you consult a Luigi board?
Posted on 14 April 2020, 01:08 UTC by:   herearesomething    PM
Score +69
Page 22:

My dear lady... When a mad scientist, even a very sexy one, wants to do experiments on you... You RUN!!! :-D
Posted on 14 April 2020, 06:15 UTC by:   Qardo21    PM
Score +69
Page 22:

Quick! Someone get a Newspaper! A light swat on the nose works. If that doesn't work. Spray bottle full of water.
Posted on 15 April 2020, 02:25 UTC by:   Miralelian    PM
Score +24
"As a researcher, I can't even BEGIN to imagine the possibilities this could lead to!"

As a reader, I *can* imagine at least half those possibilities involve sex (hurray! 😈). The other half is a complete mystery though.
Posted on 04 May 2020, 02:28 UTC by:   alaion    PM
Score +48
I could never have imagined, since reading chapter 1 back when it was still in progress, that the story could evolve into something as amazing as this series has.

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