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Mai The Wrongdoer, Chapter I (Underrock)

Posted:2020-05-14 17:30
File Size:592.2 MB
Length:176 pages
Favorited:4056 times
Average: 4.59

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Posted on 14 May 2020, 17:30 UTC by:   ctulhu666    PM
Uploader Comment
Hey there! There's my first comics uploaded here.
You can support it on my patreon page:

I'm gonna make 5-6 pages per month.

Check my shit here:

Or you can mail me and tell me how terrible of a person I am (or just commission):
[email protected]

Posted on 27 February 2018, 11:46 UTC by:   dranbo    PM
Score +81
Hey underrock. Love your work. I'm going to try and tag this gallery. Keep up the good work.
Posted on 27 February 2018, 14:07 UTC by:   Bhaal29    PM
Score +528
Extra edgy with a side of powertrip
Posted on 28 February 2018, 06:58 UTC by:   Kai Nijuuri    PM
Score +159
Don't forget to give anthony fantano a turn after the death grips crew
Posted on 23 March 2018, 09:49 UTC by:   fiasco    PM
Score +166
The one rule: never stick your dick in Crazy
Posted on 01 April 2018, 20:33 UTC by:   kazimer    PM
Score +43
Holy fuck I died when I saw the death grips reference
Posted on 04 April 2018, 06:11 UTC by:   bearonfire    PM
Score +187
So edgy this comic is rated as +4 vorpal blade
Posted on 04 April 2018, 07:18 UTC by:   ctulhu666    PM
Score +177
So edgy it's gonna issue Shadow The Hedgehog HD Remastered edition.
Posted on 05 May 2018, 10:26 UTC by:   Hugh33337    PM
Score +200
Soooooo …
Demon cultists ?
A symbol of a circle with 8 arrows ?
An obvious lust for pleasure and violence ?
Tentacles ?
Yeeaaaaah, this is totally a cult of Slaanesh

And now we can add human sacrifices to please an "ancient elder god" who apparently like sufferings very much …
Last edited on 04 September 2018, 16:02 UTC.
Posted on 05 July 2018, 10:01 UTC by:   ctulhu666    PM
Score +41

"Mày nghĩ mày rất khôn ngoan với máy bay trực thăng và công nghệ của mày, nhưng chúng tao sẽ đánh bại chúng mày.
Tao sẽ trở thành dũng sĩ diệt Mỹ sau khi đánh bại hết tất cả lũ chúng mày."
It translates perfectly in Google Translate.

This is one of the taunts of Vietnamese soldiers in Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
That's just a reference joke, so no offense intended to both parties. I found it hillarious, especially given the stereotypical vibe of the line.
Since the security lady wasn't very polite, I decided It'd be great to make Mai counter that in the same kinda rude way.
So that's 1-1.
Posted on 04 September 2018, 19:12 UTC by:   Bhaal29    PM
Score +78
Posted on 04 September 2018, 20:22 UTC by:   lesbomancey    PM
Score +86
Posted on 11 October 2018, 15:30 UTC by:   ctulhu666    PM
Score +42
This month some delay happened. This was due to my underestimation of the actual time I need to invest into drawing this shit-ton of crap going on.
Anyway, it's there. 8 pages this time. Whoah.
I'm spending my whole budget on Monster drinks to keep me awake.

The plot goes to absolute catastrophy pretty rapidly, as I mentioned already. Enjoy ;)

Hail the Void!
Posted on 05 November 2018, 18:21 UTC by:   Nightwishman    PM
Score +45
"must have been a rat"

Metro reference?
Posted on 05 November 2018, 22:38 UTC by:   anonann8    PM
Score +125
Hey look buddy, I'm an Engineer. That means I solve problems.
Posted on 04 December 2018, 11:41 UTC by:   scrimshaq    PM
Score +42
Mai calls the Russian lady a Commie, but she's from a communist country herself...
Posted on 03 January 2019, 14:00 UTC by:   ctulhu666    PM
Score +43
Allright, grab your paper bags and breathe.

If you somehow missed the reference, there it is:
Word to word.

Ah, yes, I've also added the Happy New Year Pinup.

Thanks for your support and comments!
I really appreciate that 🖤🖤🖤
Last edited on 03 January 2019, 14:57 UTC.
Posted on 03 January 2019, 16:21 UTC by:   PoorWhiteTrash    PM
Score +32
That's gonna take a heck of a dose of pepto-bismol to settle her stomach.
Posted on 03 January 2019, 20:35 UTC by:   Rubikscube12    PM
Score +72
Good the thicc hot one is still ali-... oh
Posted on 04 January 2019, 03:54 UTC by:   stealthg    PM
Score +44
Those hazmat suit people are a riot. I hope they don't die. (They probably will)
Posted on 04 January 2019, 06:12 UTC by:   ancientsofmumu    PM
Score +35
No chance for that thing to start singing "Hello my baby", right?
Posted on 21 January 2019, 06:53 UTC by:   ctulhu666    PM
Score +52
There wasn't any line of dialog or exposition stating that she is (or rather was) a lesbian.
I have no clue where did you get that from.

>complaining about porn on porn sites
>complaining about dirty sweaty males paying for pornography
>on a porn website
Posted on 23 January 2019, 18:19 UTC by:   aooo    PM
Score +73
@kitsuneH As a straight male I need to ask you: How do you even function?

Can you just once leave your worldview in the real world?

This is a porn site. Looking through your uploads I see you are using e-hentai and not e-hentai. This means you are fully aware people are uploading more mature fetishes. Especially because you uploaded loli lesbian stuff.

(I'm not trying to call you out for your fetishes but I'm here to dis you for your hypocrisy.)

2. Some of fetishes on this website are fucked up (depending who you ask). Rape, death, gore.
3. If you browsed this artist's uploads you would see what kind of stuff he is producing. That being said this course of events shouldn't surprise you or shock you. You could see it coming from miles away.

Life would be easier for you if you just said "Hey this isn't for me" and move along to stuff you actually like instead of complaining about things you don't enjoy.

Also I need to say that I also don't like seeing this character dying. I liked her and hoped to see more of her but she was killed.

But did I or other people, for that matter, complain or insult the author? No.

If we don't like where some comic we will quietly stop reading and find something else to read. People who like it will continue to read it. Life will move on.
Posted on 06 February 2019, 06:09 UTC by:   ctulhu666    PM
Score +51
Yeah, I wish I could work faster on this thing. Takes a lot of time drawing these.

I've collected all of my teenage agnst, watched all Naruto AMVs on YouTube and listened to all Nu-metal albums from 1998 to 2006, so yeah...
That's edgy as fuck. And I'm perfectly aware of that.

Even though it's just porn, I'm still an artist and I like drawing cool stuff. 🐱‍🐉
Don't worry, though, I know why you are here.
The comic will still have porn and erotica in it. 😉
Posted on 06 February 2019, 12:59 UTC by:   sigfriedo    PM
Score +167
Goodbye Thicc Redhead friend
You will be sorely missed
Posted on 08 February 2019, 06:27 UTC by:   dmastermanga    PM
Score +46
I'm just wondering what the "bad guys"' plan is, Okay, you summoned the demon baby at great sacrificial cost, but gun it down once its there. what's even going on?
Posted on 09 February 2019, 04:42 UTC by:   segrelum    PM
Score +46
@dmastermanga: Science
Posted on 10 February 2019, 05:55 UTC by:   PoorWhiteTrash    PM
Score +63
They're just throwing science at the wall and seeing what sticks here.
Posted on 03 March 2019, 18:49 UTC by:   PoorWhiteTrash    PM
Score +32
...Am I alone in finding the monster version of the security guard even sexier?
Posted on 03 April 2019, 02:32 UTC by:   stealthg    PM
Score +33
Who will win? A well-trained police squad OR some weird cultist boiz?

I was kinda hoping the police would win. xD
Posted on 03 April 2019, 21:38 UTC by:   ancientsofmumu    PM
Score +44
I'm more invested on the story than the (admittedly amazing) titties now.
Posted on 07 June 2019, 11:16 UTC by:   ctulhu666    PM
Score +34
Woah, man.
Just woah.

Also, I'm a Jewish Ukrainian, you got nothing on me, m8
Posted on 07 June 2019, 14:07 UTC by:   stealthg    PM
Score +67
Pg.100 Darn, I kinda wanted him to shoot himself in the dick....
Posted on 09 June 2019, 02:13 UTC by:   ancientsofmumu    PM
Score +34
Posted on 09 June 2019, 09:10 UTC by:   Chevalier2    PM
Score +36
Look I'm not saying that shotting a girl in a black magic ritual while fucking her is bad I'm only saying that Bible Black New Testament teached us that is bad
Posted on 12 June 2019, 07:31 UTC by:   kosk1d    PM
Score +52
last panel would'a had more shock if black bible didn't do it already. #mileaway
Posted on 09 October 2019, 23:25 UTC by:   Zeikfried    PM
Score +78
This is the type of work that actually deserves a Patreon. Not everyone's cup of tea, but certainly can't deny the effort.

So many unbelievably crappy artists have patreon links on this site. 'I mean the kind of stuff that looks like it was drawn with crayon and markers.
Last edited on 11 February 2020, 21:05 UTC.
Posted on 08 November 2019, 13:15 UTC by:   ctulhu666    PM
Score +40
This bunch of pages has more dialogue in it.
And this security lady is...
Something else...

At this point I finally figured out what this whole thing is about...
All the little things are coming together! Finally!

I'm not entirely sure.
But at least I have some sense of direction now.
I hope.

As always, you can go throw some dosh at me here:
Comes with a bunch of bonus stuff, as expected.
Posted on 08 November 2019, 16:22 UTC by:   PoorWhiteTrash    PM
Score +68
That monster design is frickin awesome
Posted on 08 November 2019, 22:26 UTC by:   nameress    PM
Score +43
How is our hero going to get out of this?
Posted on 13 January 2020, 21:34 UTC by:   shouthedreamer    PM
Score +114
I came for after fap regret porn and I stumbled upon some nightmare SCP nonsense and I want more.
Posted on 13 January 2020, 22:39 UTC by:   nameress    PM
Score +37
Yes, naked and covered in blood, just like the day she was born!
Excellent stuff.
Posted on 15 January 2020, 02:17 UTC by:   masonhales    PM
Score +45
Damn black mesa really be like that
Posted on 12 February 2020, 00:20 UTC by:   Nightbringer777    PM
Score +59
Aww man, did the cute redhead have to die? Jeez.
Posted on 11 April 2020, 18:07 UTC by:   golestar    PM
Score +75
well that was abrupt
Posted on 11 April 2020, 22:26 UTC by:   N00bisZed    PM
Score +83
When you're dealing with eldritch things, death isn't the end
Posted on 12 April 2020, 20:15 UTC by:   CynicalPlatapus    PM
Score +18
that certainly wasn't how i saw it going
Posted on 13 April 2020, 02:25 UTC by:   nameress    PM
Score +13
And then the cycle begins anew.
Posted on 13 April 2020, 22:29 UTC by:   BrainPain    PM
Score +75
So first it starts making less and less sense, and then just this.
Alright, then. Keep your secrets.
Posted on 14 May 2020, 17:38 UTC by:   ctulhu666    PM
Score +25
Allrighty, if you are a patron of me, I've created a special post on my page, you can read it in the meantime.

TL,DR: I'll be taking 2 months off drawing the comic, cuz I need some rest and a clear vision on what the fuck am I doing.
During these 2 months I will finish the script and concept art for the 2nd chapter, then I'll create another gallery and will be uploading the second chapter separately from this album.
Links will be put everywhere possible, so stay tuned for that.

Other content on my patreon page will be released as usual, like bonus pics and sketches and stuff.

Thank you all for your support and comments, even the rough ones ;)
Stay cool and check for the updates either on this gallery, my patreon page, or my Hentai Foundry / Pixiv profile. (links below)
Posted on 14 May 2020, 18:46 UTC by:   ShadyEyes    PM
Score +16
I fucking love it, this is some true art in the "monsters from beyond reckoning" corner of irreality. It's great!
Posted on 14 May 2020, 20:29 UTC by:   hemorage39r    PM
Score +7
someone please resque the spellchecker on the last few pages, everything else is great!

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