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[Jagon] The Three Commandments [Ongoing]

Posted:2020-07-18 18:20
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:4.56 MiB
Length:19 pages
Favorited:582 times
Average: 4.59
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There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[Jagon] The Three Commandments [Ongoing], added 2020-07-27 15:21
[Jagon] The Three Commandments [Ongoing], added 2020-08-02 19:58
[Jagon] The Three Commandments [Ongoing], added 2020-08-16 15:42
[Jagon] The Three Commandments [Ongoing], added 2020-08-23 20:47
[Jagon] The Three Commandments [Complete], added 2020-08-30 23:00

Showing 1 - 19 of 19 images

Posted on 18 July 2020, 18:20 by:   no-vaca    PM
Uploader Comment
Posted on 14 June 2020, 10:33 by:   tchubert    PM
Score +39
Anybody notice the distinct lack of any actual negatives to the last forbidden action?
Posted on 14 June 2020, 10:51 by:   Macharius41    PM
Score +6
So is the book of commandments going into extremely pornographic detail about that last one? Because that seems a bit counterproductive to me.
Posted on 14 June 2020, 17:11 by:   IronHide77777    PM
Score +42
You would think the last one would make use of size problems and uncontrollable lust to result in death of the rider in this case.

Which could be circumnavigated with the female protagonist who is reading the book on top instead of the dragon, resulting in the books commandment being broken and the couple surviving persecution and a bad end unlike the couple in my imagined bad end in the book.

Of course not many would enjoy seeing the bad end in the book like that, but it is still too early to say what the author has in mind as of this post only 14 pages exist.
Posted on 14 June 2020, 23:19 by:   Swordgedance    PM
Score +8
page 9:
"quick, onto the last one"
*book looks 50% read"
illustration-priorities, I guess. ^^
Posted on 15 June 2020, 02:20 by:   stealthg    PM
Score +18
Literally every commandment before this one resulted in death. I really do not like where this is going...
Posted on 21 June 2020, 02:04 by:   tchubert    PM
Score +12
Given that the person reading the book did the same thing and is currently reading the book, i doubt it ends like the previous two.
Posted on 21 June 2020, 04:00 by:   tiamat234    PM
Score +32
...She is gonna pop like a fucking balloon isn't she?
Posted on 21 June 2020, 15:07 by:   Dfre    PM
Score +12
I'm still waiting for Princess Rush 3
Posted on 28 June 2020, 05:17 by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +47
1. Thou shalt not kill your beast for greed.
But he didn't kill his beast for greed, he killed her because he's nuts.

2. Thou shalt not commit an evil deed.
Thanks for being specific. And what's the point of this commandment? That murder and mayhem is perfectly fine if it's cleared by your higher-ups?

3. Thou shalt not lust after your steed.
Not sure what to think about this one. If we're at the point in this world's history where different species are all intermingling in the same culture, it's easy to speculate that interspecies coupling is a thing. If dragons are on the same intellectual plane instead of being just regarded as animals, how are they different from anyone else?
Posted on 06 July 2020, 21:48 by:   catsithx    PM
Score +9
@RobDollar I think the 3rd rule is that the dragon or it's partnter might become evny of some one talking t them.
Posted on 07 July 2020, 02:50 by:   Prince Drakkon    PM
Score +6
Rule 1, 4 pages.
Rule 2, 4 pages.
Rule 3, 8 pages and still going, and no moral in sight. Stay on brand, guys.
Posted on 07 July 2020, 04:31 by:   Tammas_Dexter    PM
Score +22
A+ knotting
Posted on 18 July 2020, 21:47 by:   Loleksy    PM
Score +6
I don't think it's about eyes, I think it's about the noses that could feel the stench of dragon cum that's soaked Jenna's fur :P
Posted on 28 July 2020, 00:41 by:   Swordgedance    PM
Score +36
p20: So... that's the problem?
No clutches from this drake?
Aren't there enough other drakes?
Especially since one drake would ne enough for multiple females to get pregnant...
And here everyone was worried about fatal copulation, fatal birth, envy leading to ruin...
Posted on 02 August 2020, 23:34 by:   ssj782    PM
Score +95
How does a single breeding male not breeding do that much damage? It makes no sense at all.
Posted on 03 August 2020, 00:25 by:   knolden9    PM
Score +52
I suspect it is utter dogmatic PROPAGANDA because some stuffy old farts got pissy over it.
Posted on 03 August 2020, 03:34 by:   tchubert    PM
Score +87
So... the problem was that she sucked as a leader? I fail to see the connection to her banging her dragon.
Posted on 16 August 2020, 17:51 by:   ssj782    PM
Score +91
So the one who is leading the witch hunt and deciding she needs 'punishment' is the guy who couldn't get into her pants because he was ignored on page 19?
Yep. Seems legit.
Posted on 17 August 2020, 09:19 by:   Derasit    PM
Score +6
So.. "no fuck with your dragon because lust will overcome your responsibilities" ?
Posted on 17 August 2020, 12:32 by:   tchubert    PM
Score +19
Nah, she was just a bad leader, the fucking her dragon was just a convenient excuse.
Posted on 23 August 2020, 23:10 by:   Chaon306    PM
Score -7
Well, and the leader's dragon is arguably the strongest, and if he refused to fuck anyone /besides/ her, the only bloodlines that survive are weak. So bad leadership, no good hatchlings, and perversion of their values.
Posted on 23 August 2020, 23:52 by:   tchubert    PM
Score +14
@Chaon306 Except that would just rapidly lead to severe inbreeding issues.

Besides, it may be the strongest, but that doesn't mean every other dragon is a weakling. It's siblings probably would work just as well. It also isn't really a leadership quality to be strong.
Posted on 24 August 2020, 00:55 by:   ssj782    PM
Score +27
Yeah... That third one was absolute bullshit. One dragon, no matter how strong, will cause the entire group to beging whithering unless it's one of those 'only one male/female' type tropes. Which if it were, they would have said so.
Last edited on 24 August 2020, 07:34.
Posted on 24 August 2020, 01:44 by:   knolden9    PM
Score +13
This comic is turning into unenjoyable preachy bullshit REALLY fast.
Posted on 24 August 2020, 12:04 by:   Morgath the Depraved    PM
Score +57
Not hating on the creator of this story here, But it's very plain to see in the story how hard they scapegoated the dragon and her rider for all of their misfortunes, maybe it might have had a few stronger clutches if that dragon was breeding yes, But you'll certainly never get that by decapitating the dragons you needed for breeding,

They just wanted to make her hurt, Lack of new recruits shows a general disintrest in joining and risking oneself in the public eye, That's what motivational campaigns are for, And an increased crime rate can be the result of secondary factors and not just primarily because of a temporarily weakened branch of law enforcement,

Besides, they could have just as easily dismissed her from the order, and "Rehabilitated" the stronger dragon and use it for breeding, But no they had to make an extreme example, Kill it and glorify the dark deed because they were just that pathetic at that particular period at the time.
Posted on 24 August 2020, 18:37 by:   DC_Oz    PM
Score +52
@knolden9: Considering she's reading War Propaganda it being preachy and bullshit is kinda the M.O. I imagine, the rest of the comic will be them dealing with it, hopefully, by exposing how much of a dick the system is.

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