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[Brandon Santiago] Erma [Ongoing]

Posted:2020-07-31 06:09
File Size:923.8 MB
Length:270 pages
Favorited:2002 times
Average: 4.81

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Posted on 31 July 2020, 06:09 UTC by:   tobeunforgiven2    PM
Uploader Comment
Author/Artist: Brandon J. Santiago
Published: 2014-2020
Related Galleries: Erma Strips, Sketches & Specials (Colored), Spirit's Bloom (Prequel)

Chapters 006-013: Babysitter Arc
Chapters 024-030: Pet Adoption Arc
Chapters 073-089: Family Visit Arc
Chapters 096-108: Wallace's Play Arc
Chapters 121-156: The Rats in the School Walls Arc
Chapters 162-172: The Dentist Arc
Chapters 181-186: Fundraiser Fiasco Arc
Chapters 195-226: The Family Reunion Arc
Chapters 227-253: The Search Arc
Chapters 255-258: The Recounted Days Arc
Chapters 259-???: The Night Parade

The following pages have been optimized to meet gallery specifications: 2, 108, 146
Posted on 05 June 2017, 04:01 UTC by:   Canilash    PM
Score +188
Somehow, this is getting better and better.
I like the world building.
Posted on 05 June 2017, 04:05 UTC by:   Minstrelofmoria    PM
Score +46
Aww. This doesn't have any of the one-off color pages. They're mostly just references, but some of them are cute.
Posted on 05 June 2017, 12:05 UTC by:   ssj782    PM
Score +185
I found this little gem by accident. It's hilarious! More, please!
Posted on 07 June 2017, 17:39 UTC by:   Jon89    PM
Score +67
Funny, Cute, I Love it
Posted on 14 June 2017, 13:07 UTC by:   private_wolfbane    PM
Score +70
The Power of Crest compels you!
Posted on 22 June 2017, 05:44 UTC by:   TheRipped    PM
Score +57
Okay, this is freaking hilarious. I like a lot of the one-shots, and all of the arcs.

"Explain!" made me laugh soo hard XD and the one where she goes sleep floating made me d'aw.

the current arc looks to be another good one

And, because I ship (oh, lords, do I ship) - I'm shipping Erma and Sidney. In a potentially aromantic way, but still. BFFs forever and all that X3 Like, Red Diamond quadrant stuff, for those up on troll lore XD
Posted on 01 July 2017, 14:17 UTC by:   Project_Demise    PM
Score +55
Yeah, I don't like going to the dentist either.
Posted on 01 July 2017, 16:44 UTC by:   Reboot    PM
Score +67
#64 broke my heart into pieces.

Espero que no, si es que no eres capaz de diferenciar la expresión "a ver" del verbo "haber".
Posted on 15 July 2017, 14:27 UTC by:   private_wolfbane    PM
Score +60
When you look at it from a child being afraid or in pain angle its almost brings a tear to your eye. I've been in the room with my baby nephew while he was getting a shot and he was crying so bad it made my chest hurt,I only found out later i was giving the doctor a death glare the entire time
Posted on 27 July 2017, 06:45 UTC by:   Monukuk    PM
Score +53
At first it was cute and funny, then it moved on to awesome and hilarious. And then the rat arc... my gods, the FEELS!
Posted on 12 August 2017, 00:54 UTC by:   Mr. Sweden    PM
Score +160
what is erma doing on my animu porn site

@sandler you sure it's not translated yet? page 134 seems perfect for a ratoncito pérez joke
Last edited on 12 August 2017, 01:53 UTC.
Posted on 12 August 2017, 04:18 UTC by:   Gideon666    PM
Score +45
i love this
Posted on 12 August 2017, 09:42 UTC by:   The Chronicler    PM
Score +46
Hey, looks like Brandon got himself some new drawing equipment, as per page 174. Good for him.

It's the baby sitter.

My heart's melted from that shady birthday deal.

I have this grave feeling in my gut that when Erma plays with snow, "Duel of the Fates" suddenly rises in the background.

Ghost Aunt is ADORABLE!

I do not like these devils teasing my Erma.

I'm going to need a larger res cap of Erma's happy face on page 204 after I get off work. God, I almost giggled surrounded by my co-workers.
Last edited on 12 March 2018, 01:46 UTC.
Posted on 12 August 2017, 23:25 UTC by:   Akaidokisama    PM
Score +59
What in the world is this doing on a hentai site??? And why is no one else wondering about it?
Posted on 17 August 2017, 02:56 UTC by:   tipop    PM
Score +281

Maybe because this is MOSTLY a hentai site, but there are other non hentai works around here. I dont see the problem of having some sfw comics, a lot of people, me included, come to this site to find good works comics, mostly are, obviously, nsfw, but sometimes a change of "theme"(not of quality) is welcome. Thats all IMO, of course.
Posted on 24 August 2017, 19:33 UTC by:   NotSwordfish    PM
Score +48
For those curious, the 'nevermore' strip is in reference to an American poem from the 19th century. I had to look it up too
Posted on 08 September 2017, 01:44 UTC by:   Alurker    PM
Score +57
The troll raven is a new high point. The bird likes to play with fire.
Posted on 27 September 2017, 16:12 UTC by:   Project_Demise    PM
Score +52
Gave Eustace a heart attack lol
Posted on 03 October 2017, 17:33 UTC by:   Hugh33337    PM
Score +59
Awwwww… Am I the only one who want to pat Erma on the head while saying "It's okay, you did your best" ?
Posted on 03 October 2017, 18:43 UTC by:   LegionnaireBlaze    PM
Score +45
You aren't the only one.
Posted on 04 October 2017, 14:00 UTC by:   Arjay    PM
Score +47
On the current story arc. Is the person answering the door the babysitter from pg. 13 that was sent to the Mental Institute?
Posted on 11 October 2017, 18:49 UTC by:   LegionnaireBlaze    PM
Score +42
Posted on 12 October 2017, 00:20 UTC by:   MitchellTF    PM
Score +78
...Erma. Loves all the monsters.

Except Pennywise.

Screw him.
Posted on 14 October 2017, 05:29 UTC by:   Umbaste    PM
Score +58
...might actually be worse. The kanji in the note doesn't say "grandmother". It says "grandfather".
Posted on 14 October 2017, 11:42 UTC by:   iiLunar    PM
Score +56
That page with Pennywise actually reminds me of that scene from Scary Movie 2 with the clown under the bed. Comedy gold there. Comedy gold here.

Edit: That guy on 199 in the last panel. I'm dead.

Edit 2: Well now this family reunion is certainly gonna be an interesting one. Still off to a better start than my family reunions.
Last edited on 19 June 2018, 11:36 UTC.
Posted on 15 October 2017, 15:41 UTC by:   Sonic Black    PM
Score +40
I like ERMA! Cant wait the next page... (shiver)
Posted on 28 October 2017, 21:08 UTC by:   Bigrig73    PM
Score +83
Normally I am only on this site for the porn. But this comic is just too cute not to read every update!
Posted on 09 December 2017, 16:25 UTC by:   whothewhatnow    PM
Score +45
Dat smug :3
Posted on 03 January 2018, 00:08 UTC by:   hoigoigoi    PM
Score +53

thanks a lot, all abroad the nightmare train!
Posted on 03 January 2018, 00:32 UTC by:   Skullknight1    PM
Score +55
I have no idea why this comic is on this site but it is easily the best one on here.
Posted on 27 January 2018, 00:27 UTC by:   mariohentai    PM
Score +49
So, Yori brought her twin daughters with her to pick up her sister's family. Nice way meeting your cousins Erma.
Posted on 27 February 2018, 08:02 UTC by:   twistedamerican    PM
Score +73
...dammit I came here to fap, not read the cutest goddamn webcomic on the internet.
Posted on 05 April 2018, 02:54 UTC by:   Lord Dashwood    PM
Score +55
Wow, I hate her cousins worse than I hate my own!
Posted on 31 July 2018, 18:09 UTC by:   Seyser Koze    PM
Score +49
Just a reminder that these are on Amazon if anybody wants to toss some cash in the artist's direction.

Edit: Also I bet it turns out that that birthday present from grandpa was a Magical Pretty Princess Unicorn DVD or something and Emiko destroyed it for nothing.
Last edited on 31 July 2018, 19:55 UTC.
Posted on 03 September 2018, 21:06 UTC by:   skyller    PM
Score +64
When this is getting more interesting than porn!
Posted on 14 October 2018, 08:01 UTC by:   TheOneMavado    PM
Score +40
You missed a page between 223 and 224.
Posted on 14 October 2018, 13:30 UTC by:   Gamerman45    PM
Score +62
This is such a fun comic! I absolutely adore it so much!
Posted on 26 December 2018, 23:55 UTC by:   DonCapo    PM
Score +44
This is story rich material - I'd watch animated series of Erma. Is there some way I can say thanks for this entering my library?
Posted on 25 January 2019, 22:09 UTC by:   Hardlizard    PM
Score +45
I am feeling that our good Sam here is not entirely normal. I mean he stayed utterly chill while a monster is at .5 second to eat him, and then say he had it covered ? I don’t think he was bragging, he could literally have handled it himself. Which bring the question: how...How could a mere human without any powers have survived the assault of a supernatural monster, and then the dozen of creatures that would try to kill him...and apparently he shouldn’t even be able to see them ? Who is he ?
Posted on 15 April 2019, 14:53 UTC by:   Gaiadrill    PM
Score +47
Page 247
100% Anger
Posted on 25 April 2019, 07:32 UTC by:   anomaly39    PM
Score +40
Every time the director talks i swear i can hear Morgan Freeman's voice.
Posted on 10 June 2019, 05:37 UTC by:   NoodlesForCash    PM
Score +71
Erma is such a sweetheart. Wish this updated faster.
Posted on 28 September 2019, 02:15 UTC by:   ranwolf    PM
Score +40
ou-oh, looks like yokai maid is developing a crush...
Posted on 20 October 2019, 13:53 UTC by:   Bolasraecher    PM
Score +42
Yeah, this is probably my favorite webcomic. I'm not even into horror, and I get so much out of this. Go pick up the prequel the artist made, it's a pretty cute lovestory of how Sam and Emiko met. It also introduces a character that seems to become major later, that we have only seen on one page in the comic, with no attention being drawn to him.
Posted on 21 December 2019, 08:49 UTC by:   Jean-Claud    PM
Score +49
When we getting new Erma...?
Posted on 29 June 2020, 04:05 UTC by:   Reach    PM
Score +49
Any sane man knows the most appropriate reaction to meeting your granddaughter is to tickle them mercilessly.
Posted on 14 July 2020, 16:49 UTC by:   Evildoomnerd    PM
Score +18
It's like universal law: Grandparents LOVE spoiling their Grandkids.
Posted on 14 July 2020, 17:41 UTC by:   矛盾体不是受    PM
Score +10
so cute~真可爱~
Posted on 15 July 2020, 02:34 UTC by:   aeroplume72    PM
Score +6
Well now THAT was unexpected.
All that build up and he suddenly show his nice face ? that nobody is used to ?
That's too good to be true.
But it can't be a lie either...
This is not an act, he's too powerful to resort to mischevious tricks, he doesn't need to hide something.
He is truly joyful about having a grand-daughter. Or, to put it bluntly... a NEW daughter.
He is simply going to show him his dream for a yokai empire or something like that, and be proud of it and expect her to take his legacy there.
He is projecting to train her, like he trained his other children before, in a twisted grandiose vision that was denied from him, that his children rejected, causing him frustration and hatred.
And so her mother is going to panic and try to recuperate her daughter, and he will violently toss her away, showing his true dark face like "I WON'T FAIL WITH HER LIKE I FAILED WITH YOU."
That is what I expect now.
Posted on 16 July 2020, 00:39 UTC by:   hentailover6983    PM
Score +19
I am really in love with this story. Turning something in the horror genre into a super adorable and funny comedy is hard to do. I love the creativeness and the world-building, and the general genius behind the premise of the story.

Whenever I'm feeling down, this comic is one of the things I go to feel positive again. Really hope that this gets turned into a physical production when the story is eventually fully complete.
Posted on 18 July 2020, 13:21 UTC by:   centionsenom    PM
Score +6
So, I'm assuming that the prequel to this (Spirit's Bloom) is no longer canon, seeing as the grandfather is now all smiles and hugs.
Posted on 31 July 2020, 01:52 UTC by:   mariohentai    PM
Score +6
A grandpa just being a grandpa! :D Such a great and lovely reaction from him it's just awesome!
I have to say that I was expecting something like this from him, just a tiny feeling that he would react this way towards his granddaughter, and in the end it happened. Good work!

But the others reactions just say that they've never seen him like that, they've never seen him smile, EVER! It seems that in their childhood, he was though and rash to them, trying to raise them in the best way he knew and could, to make them strong enough to survive in a world that hates them just because they are what they are, monsters. He raised them that way for what he lived himself and didn't want that the same happens to his kids.

But now, his job is done, for good or for bad, it's done. And now he can enjoy and spoil his grandchildren the way he couldn't enjoy and spoil his kids, because he had to raise them.

There's a saying around here: "If you raise your kids, you will be capable to spoil your grandkids, but if you spoil your kids, you'd have to raise your grandkids."

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