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[Conrie] The Breeding program

Posted:2020-12-25 13:46
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Posted on 25 December 2020, 13:46 by:   bigblackD    PM
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Part 1

Our facility doesn’t accept applications, no exceptions. No one born from natural circumstances could ever understand our protocols, let alone our equipment. All of our scientists and engineers are born in house, genetically engineered to be perfect, birthed from one of our breeding slaves. These slaves need to be taken care of, it’s easier to keep them alive than find new ones constantly, sometimes you need fresh meat though. Today I’ve captured a new mother-to-be and I will start her training soon. Her physique is already what we’re looking for, slender, strong, untouched, she’s perfect for us. Upon waking up she did what all others do, her struggling did nothing but feed us data on her physical capabilities and mental state. Our eyes met while she weakly pounded her fists against the glass of her tube, she just shook her head, wanting any form of freedom she could get. I try to hide a smirk as I look over her readings, her vitals are within our parameters, physically she is ready to go onto the next step, tomorrow we’ll get her out of the tube to prepare her for the more invasive parts of this procedure. Before I left her for the night I noticed she was rubbing over the electrodes on her chest, some slaves in the past tried to rip them off but she was approaching them with curiosity rather than anger. It almost looked like she accepted she was captured and gave up fighting. I couldn’t leave yet, if she did truly accept her fate so fast I had to know why, but approaching her tube agitated her back to protesting and struggling, I couldn’t hear it but the way her chin was moving, she wanted to make her complaints vocal. Her feeding tube started force feeding her sedatives, I turned the light off as she was forced to sleep. Tomorrow might not go exactly as planned, this girl should be fun.

Part 2

Before letting her out of the tube I made sure our equipment was ready, checking everything twice, it’s not often we find someone that can go on the table within their first week here, most females need at least some kind of gene editing before they can make it to this step. Two of our men came into the room carrying her unconscious body with them, putting her onto the table and fastening her down to it, the only part of her body that had any free movement left was her head, every other part of her body was pinned. The second she was done being fastened down I ordered the men out, I can’t afford any distractions right now. She awoke just in time to see her new situation become even more complicated. Seconds before her eyes opened, a section of the wall opened up showing a window, on the other side was a panel of other scientists, newer, younger workers ready to study from live example. She couldn’t handle the sight, jarring her head in the other direction so she didn’t have to face them. It caught her very off guard when I patted her navel, when she looked up she saw it, the many phallic tools staring down over her spread legs, nothing protecting her holes from our machines. Her eyes were wide and her protest was made audible, though none of it coherent, just frantic mumbling. She calmed down steadily as she was forced to inhale aphrodisiac through her feeding tube. She also seemed to react positively to me putting electrodes over her chest, almost as if the beeping of her own heartbeat help her relax. Maybe it was just the drugs she was being force fed but I think she was already getting turned on, a slave at heart, we couldn’t be sure till our procedure advanced further.
I noticed she started to blush from the anticipation, it goes against regulation to insert anything until our breeding slaves have been force fed enough drugs, but she was in so much need for stimulation. I turn on the vibrator to stimulate her clitorus, making her blush harder and get a bit wet, she’ll give us many children if she stays this eager.

Part 3

Unfortunately I had to make her wait a bit longer, the observers were all very new to this, I had to explain what every piece of equipment did aloud. Electrodes over her chest to monitor heart rate, cuffs for her ankles and wrists to make thrashing impossible, the feeding tube giving her regular doses of aphrodisiac. I noticed she blushed harder as she was forced to listen, everything happening to her now explained to a class of students, she was treated like an object fully. The overwhelming embarrassment of the situation distracted her from how wet she was getting, all of the drugs mixed with the situation turned her on more than she’d ever admit, the students couldn’t hear it but her juices were dripping off the table into a tiny puddle on the floor. Her scent was intoxicating, I stumbled over my words a bit during the presentation.

Once I explained the last bit of equipment, the wall mirror was covered and the students were taken to a different room, leaving her and I all alone again. I turn to face her as I undid my belt, letting out my very quickly erecting cock. As I disrobed she fell silent, still blushing but her struggling both physical and vocal had ceased. I haven’t been this turned on by a breeding slave since the first one I brought in, all the equipment she was surrounded by would prevent me from taking her but I didn’t let anything stop me from enjoying her how I could as she was. Before anything is put inside a slave they must be lubricated, I usually did it with gloves on but for her I didn’t hesitate a moment. I put the lubricant on my hand and started to toy at her lips, stroking my cock with my other hand as I expose her silky pink flesh. She closed her eyes tight and started to let out muffled moans, so close already that she came the second I pushed a finger inside her, covering my hand in her juices, mixing in with the lube.

A bead of pre collected at my tip as I push a second finger into her, then thrust them in and out, abusing her sensitive insides. Minutes passed and she came again, moaning against her feeding tube louder, making a much larger puddle on the floor under her feet. My cock throbbed as I watched her writhe in pleasure, I couldn’t hold back shooting out my seed, letting it dirty the puddle she’s been making. Only now did I notice how high her heart rate has gotten, the monitor showed over 130 bpm. I start giving her a very weak sedative with her aprodesiacs to help her calm down as I finish preparing the equipment that will enter her, making sure it’s lined up perfectly and set to the proper starting speed. Her heart rate fell but didn’t return to normal resting rate before I filled her vagina again, this time with the phallic toy to test her endurance and virility, my previous play with her will skew the results, but if they’re too far off we can always do this again.

Part 4

I can’t believe how much I’ve fallen for this one, what about her has so much of my attention? I’ve been doing this same job for years, I’ve processed enough to make my own brothel without barely touching any of them more than I’ve had to, but this one is different. I can’t keep my hands off her, groping her hips or breasts constantly as the false cocks from the machines took both her holes, studying her insides while keeping her stimulated. Groping wasn’t enough, my cock was starting to throb so hard it was painful, it was going to burst, I need more from her... Removing any equipment this early on would trigger an alarm, the machine would assume the slave wiggled free and was attempting an escape, overriding that protocol would alert another staff member to check in… Maybe instead of removing equipment I could add more, her body is well enough to handle further abuse and training. I step over to the monitor keeping track of all her vitals, check her heart rate and brain waves, she’s definitely stable enough for something further. I change the diet being fed to her through the feeding tube, adding in drugs that contain prolactin and oxytocin, as well as inject her breasts directly with a formula we give to our slaves that have given birth but haven’t produced enough milk to reach our standards. She could feel what was happening, her breasts would be full of milk in just a few short hours with her fully aware of it. She could feel and see her chest grow as she was forced to produce so much so fast, it was exhausting, she didn’t even bother thrashing, I wasn’t sure if she gave up or was trying to save whatever strength she had left.
She produced so much that her nipples started leaking, trickling milk down her breasts without being touched, the sensation made her blush grow and her eyes clench shut. I wasted no time, having her operating table adjust to have her sitting upright so it’d be easier to get at her milk before I started my fun. I couldn’t waste a drop, first licking up everything that had already leaked out, savoring every taste. When her breasts were licked clean I squeezed them both, her eyes shot open as her nipples were forced to leak even more milk so fast and harshly, giving me even more to lap at. Her gaze lazily settled on me, watching every advance I took on her helpless form, all of my enjoyment so openly displayed. I pressed her breasts together, having her areola touch one another before I took both into my maw, pressing my lips around them, suckling on both her breasts at once. Her milk readily gave itself up, her breasts so overfilled that she couldn’t hold back at all, giving me a constant supply of her sweet essence. I could hear her moaning into the tube whenever it wasn’t feeding her, she had given up resisting a long time ago but now she was even ready to admit enjoyment, broken from abuse already. I even noticed her hand make motions as if it wanted to move to my head, she was subconsciously trying to caress me as I drank from her, I almost wanted to let her.
When her milk production slowed down I let her breasts out of my mouth, they jiggled back to their original state as she looked up to me with half closed eyes, as if to ask “what next?”. I pull down two suction cups from the top of the machine, each attached to a thin hose, affixing them over her nipples before turning them on, suckling out her milk at the same rate her body produces it then storing the milk for future use.

With her all setup I stepped back, looking down to notice the mess I had made under her table, I can’t believe I leaked so much pre during that, but this slave is so good, how could I resist? I wanted to give her a reward for pleasing me so much, I turned off her feeding tube for a moment, giving it a chance to give her whatever it already had inside it before leaving it vacant, as it emptied out I stroked myself off in front of her, nuzzling my cock against her hip, sometimes in the puddle of juices she was leaking from her vagina constantly being fucked. I could tell she knew what was coming, she looked happy about it, I wasn’t sure if she was just happy to eat something different or if she was really broken enough to enjoy this for what it was. I came into the tube, panting heavily as my seed shoot out down it directly into her maw, enough to fill her cheeks. As I set the tube back up I saw she hadn’t swallowed yet, she was savoring my seed, enjoying every last drop of it as I did with her milk, such a good girl.

Part 5

Enough games, it matters very little if every slave can produce milk or pleasure their owner, my company is focused almost completely on child birth, if I wanted to escape suspicion I had to get her ready for impregnation. Her eyes looked as though they were full of trust, as if a part of her saw me as a lover and not the man that abducted her for such a purpose as this, the sparkle of trust was soon gone when I put her visor on. Immediately it scanned her eyes, recognizing that this was a new girl not yet registered in the database, it had to break her in. It would show her vivid colors, images of her doing as my company wanted, in those visions she was happy, implanting visions into her mind that being a birthing slave was wonderful. She did as all others do and tried to resist, having your brain altered while you’re still conscious can cause serious stress. Eventually she’ll tire herself out but I couldn’t bear to wait, breaking her focus will make it much easier for the machine to pierce her, the covers over her ears emit a very low amount of white noise, the gentle buzz makes it near impossible to focus, mixed with her overall fatigue of being sexually experimented on for nearly the full day, she was lost and pushed down even further.
The machine already knew everything it had to do to break her, and this may be my last chance working on her so closely, I couldn’t waste the opportunity. The false cocks still taking both her holes began preparing her for artificial insemination, but every other piece of equipment at this point was just a formality, left on because there was no reason to take them off in most cases. I undo the latches on her feeding tube and allow it to exit her mouth, for the first time since we started, her mouth was uninhibited. By now her mind was gone, fully given up to me, she let out weak moans and drooled a bit before finally talking, “please make me a mommy… please… that’s what I’m for… “ her words were so soft, her body tired and worn, she ached for a break physically but mentally she was ready to give birth. She would continue to drone on, making similar requests whenever she had enough composure to speak, until one of her requests shocked me. Through everything I’ve done to her, she noticed and read my ID card, and asked to mother my children. I was taken aback, nothing in the mind control program should make her care who’s the daddy, a part of her was resisting it and wanted me, it was shocking yet all I could do was stare at her. Should I break her out?... No.. No that’s insanity, if we got caught we’d be killed or we’d both be used as slaves for whatever the company desired.
I offered her what little I could, now that the machine had her in an upright position it was only a little awkward to position a hug, our bodies pressed together, I could feel her arms struggle at the restraints just a bit, she reflexively wanted to hug back. The warmth she gave off was unlike anything I had ever felt before, but I couldn’t leave her like this, I reattached her feeding tube as to not arouse suspicion unnecessarily before having the dildos shoot some synthetic seed into her cervix directly, filling it till it was half full before stopping, the machine quickly gave a reading that the insemination was a success and if it were real she’d have a fertilized egg now. Once the company decided what baby they wanted her to have, she’d have it, her body fully ready for the next step.

Part 6

We’ve reached the last legs, today she will be made fully ready for impregnation, tomorrow she’ll be bred. The apparatus that holds her body will raise her up almost to the ceiling so I may prepare her special chair. Her eyes watched but her mind was already taken fully, she could see but not process what was happening anymore. Unfortunately, since there was some suspicion that I was getting too close to this one, some of my work was already done for me, the seed was selected without any of my input and it was already loaded into the chair’s storage tubes. The restraints were also already pre-measured to prevent me from giving her any wiggle room for comfort reasons, it’s almost as though they thought I might try to run away with her. I scoff spitefully as I do what little work I was still allowed to, replacing the cushions since I had no idea who was on this chair last, cleaning the probes, checking her diet plan for the next few weeks. The more I worked the more glances I made up to her, becoming somewhat torturous to see her mind get reworked into that of a proud baby factory. She was close to being lost forever, it’s hard but possible to restore someone’s mental state after prolonged exposure to our mind control machines, but it only gets harder the longer they’ve been exposed, if anyone was going to get her out they had to do it before she was impregnated.
She was lowered into the chair once I had everything set up, the angle of her decent naturally had the impregnation probe prod at her vagina, the more she was lowered the more it would push into her till she was sitting down with it just inches from her cervix. She let out a few whines and moans at its sudden intrusion, though her pleasure was derived from anticipation, her mind taught to enjoy birthing, not fucking, she was ready to produce and was having a hard time waiting. She began panting harder and harder the longer she waited for the machine to give her seed but it just wouldn’t, minutes felt like hours to her as I just kept going through the motions. I had to latch her down, her legs to the chair, her arms together and to the backrest of the chair, her upper body was free enough to move a little but she had no interest in getting out anymore. Lastly, I had to replace her electrodes, monitoring her heart rate wasn’t the only thing we needed to do anymore. These newer electrodes were much larger, she only needed a few, after being attached a few minutes a holographic screen would appear just below her breasts, it’d tell you almost anything about her, though while on standby it’d display her name, BPM, milk production, and her stage, which is assigned manually by either the one working on her or my boss telling me what stage to get her into. She was done, all set up for her impregnation, in a few hours she’d become pregnant, I took a seat across the room from her and just observed. Ideas flooded into my mind, options, we’ve had people run away with slaves before, most of them get caught but some have succeeded, but it’s so dangerous, you have to hide forever even if you don’t get caught right away. There has to be a better way to do this, one that always works without ruining your life, but what…

Part 7

Dread surrounded me as I came back into her room, she was asleep, but with how far gone she was her eyes didn’t need to be open, the machine had a direct link to her brain, visor images or not. I need to get her out of there, I need to turn the machine off before she gets impregnated, I need… I need a lot of things right now and I have no idea what to do. I curse myself for treating her like a slave before and just having my fun, even though it brought us closer, it also made us get caught in this situation. As I grumbled angrily to myself the main lights came on automatically, when the work day starts this is normal, but her machines automatically turned on too; the cups sucked on her nipples to steal away her milk, the electrodes attached to her body fed vital information to some nearby screens, her feeding tube began giving her a breakfast of proteins and drugs that would give her a weak numbing effect and lower the potency of her vagina’s defences against sperm cells. All the machinery turning on woke her up, her eyes were wide for a moment till she saw the visor again, it brought her back down to a relaxed, turned on state, a blush filled her cheeks.

I was about to think that all was lost and that I was too late, until I noticed what could save us both. My company mistrusted me enough to set her equipment to turn on automatically, yet they didn’t load up the seed that would impregnate her, they just left it on my counter. The seed we inject into slaves is modified, some genetic engineering that we’ve proven leads to smarter, stronger offspring, but our company has been using and refining it for years, modifying seed doesn’t take long for us. I threw away the seed they gave us and prepare to replace it with my own, my plan to save her looks possible, my hope for us keeps me going. As I stroked myself off to get a seed sample I step over to the monitor controlling her visor and switch settings from “Images” to “Thoughts” and since it’s already got such a powerful hold on her brain that it works in seconds. Her eyes closed, the machines around her ears block outside sounds and project the sounds that she’d hear in the environment she’s being forced to believe she’s in. Her thoughts are broadcast to me, as far as she knows, she’s not locked up in a chair being milked and impregnated, her brain has her just waking up in her bedroom. I watch her daily routine a little, watching her shower helps me cum, but as soon as my seed sample is put in a vial and setup for genetic processing I will put on a visor myself and enter her thoughts. I don’t link it directly to my brain, nor do I setup any of the audio equipment, but I’ll hear what she’s saying through the computer speakers and she’ll hear what I say through her own mind. I invite myself into her bathroom as she dries herself off from the shower, when she turns to face me, there won't be any hesitation; she lets the towel fall so she may rush over and hugged me close. Her body was still in the chair, she has no recollection of what happened to her since her mind was taken over, as far as she knows she’s just waiting to be stuffed with my seed over and over again.

I assure her that everything will be okay as long as she complies, and I explain how some of the machinery works but she quickly cuts me off with a kiss. Our tongues dance with each other a moment before she looks deep into my eyes, “I trust you, save me,” she speaks softly before resting her head on my chest. I nod and remove my visor, having me leave her thoughts, I then allow her to wake up. If I turn her visor off we’ll be caught for sure, but if I change the setting to have it project images and process her thoughts to be those of us being together when this is all over, her mind won’t be broken, she’ll just be forced to believe what she already believes. I insert the seed vial into the machine, after a scan it will approve the sample, then with the simple press of a button, the machine shoots my seed out into her vagina. Her weakened defences do nothing to prevent my seed from traveling all the way to her egg. The screen that normally displayed her vitals shrank a bit and just displayed one simple message, “Impregnation successful”.

A few days passed, no one came to check on me, they all assumed things went good enough to not have to worry, I was allowed to continue working close with her, even let her out of most of her equipment. Despite being in the confines of her experiment room, you’d be surprised how cozy a cot can be when you share it with someone you love. But no matter how much I enjoyed our time, eventually the baby would be born and they’d see it’s mine, I had to come clean. I couldn’t face my superiors head on and tell them what I had done, so I just wrote a very long email and attached some video files from the security cameras, telling them mostly everything and begging for some kind of way out for her. I didn’t hear back right away, I was still assigned her so I thought they either hadn’t read it or were considering my proposal. I laid her down on the cot and got above her, looking down into her eyes, she made a smirk and a gentle blush as she held her legs spread, I was ready to take her, it’d help keep my mind off of my bosses maybe saying no. As I grind my shaft against her vagina we’ll both hear it, my computer pings alerting me I received an email from the higher ups. Both of us go quiet, just staring across the room, slowly we will get up together and walk with each other to see what it says. My bosses either didn’t have much to say or decided to grow a sense of humor, the first line of their email said, “Take her away and get married already, we’re tired of waiting,”.

Both of us tear up a bit at reading that, partially from the implications that we can leave, but also at least a bit afraid they’re just kidding, though as I read deeper I saw what the real plan was. I can take her home as my wife, but she still owes the company a kid, after she births our child I’ll have to bring her back in to have her impregnated again with a special kid whose father might not be a person, but rather a machine made to sequence DNA and make cells. I couldn’t even finish explaining to her what we needed to do, she just said yes over and over, letting more tears leak out constantly, I did the same, but my smile also wouldn’t stop growing.

Part 8

As I explained long ago, “our facility doesn’t accept applications, no exceptions,” since our equipment and protocols were very complicated, and as you’ve seen, mostly illegal. Trust and obedience are important, when everyone that works for you was genetically engineered to work for you, that leaves little room for error; however, there is one weakness, those that created this facility obviously weren’t born in it, and of them, one decided to submit fraudulent reports, saying they were looking over three test subjects when really they were looking over four, they snuck their wife in one day and didn’t want to be caught. He was caught, but due to his seniority, and the fact that my bosses could now more easily study a willing subject, they made room to let a slave go, they were going to just wipe the memory of a newer slave and release them, but my enquiry for freedom came in before they could. We were let out on two conditions, she was still company property, so she would need to be impregnated on request, sometimes without much prior notice, and she wasn’t allowed to leave the house I put her in, no exceptions.

Today was the first day in all my employment where I could wake up feeling free, the light beams pouring in through the curtains woke me up, after a light stretch and a big yawn I was confronted with the best sight I could imagine; my new wife, already pregnant with our child, asleep next to me. Outside of the lab she was able to lay peacefully, I inched closer to her, letting my head rest on her chest, listening for her heartbeat as I enjoy the warmth of her body against mine. She woke up as soon as I started, but pretended to stay asleep anyway, both of us enjoying this moment too much to let it end so soon. Eventually, the mood was somewhat ruined by my cock erecting, both of us were so comfortable we didn’t notice at first, but eventually it’s near impossible to ignore the giant horse cock throbbing against your thighs. She let out a gentle, relaxed sigh before giggling, “whats a fox doing with a tool like that?”

I nuzzled my head against her chest even closer before admitting, “It's company policy that all the scientists can impregnate their slaves without the use of equipment, just in case,” it never occured to me before today that I was never assigned to abduct someone of my own size class, always bigger than me, maybe the higher-ups get a kick out of a fox dominating a horse, or in this case, shark. I couldn’t hold myself back long, eventually my head would come off her chest, I hold myself above her, letting my cock slide between her thighs and over her navel, resting over her vagina, my heat enveloping her lower body. “Mmm.. Don’t hurt the baby master,” she breathed out, eyes half closed in anticipation, her vagina leaked more by the second, one of her hands reached out to hold one of mine but her other rubbed her pregnant belly. I leaned down to kiss her on the lips as my cock slid back, leaving her navel, soon resting fully between her thighs before she felt my mostly flat tip press against her tail hole. She eeped at the prodding, blush filled her face, but instead of saying anything she just leaned up to kiss me again. I squeeze her hand a bit tighter as I push my tongue into her maw, rubbing it against hers gently as I let her juices leak out and cover the upper half of my cock before I start to take her. Both of us clench our eyes a bit as I start pushing harder, steadily opening her around my tip till her body accepted it, stretching her open wider than any of the machinery in the lab did, and pushing in much deeper than any of it ever had to. She moaned into our kiss before pulling her head back, “ahhnn… f-fuck master…” both of us were panting, letting our hot, lustful breath fill the air around us as I just kept pushing my cock in deeper and deeper. By the time I was hilted she let out another loud moan, her eyes clenched tight, “f-fuck! Ah.. ah.. It’s so much… t-take me,” were the last words she could let out before I started to pound her. I tried to start slow, but after just a couple thrusts I couldn’t hold back anymore. I pinned her against the bed as I let myself enjoy my pet wife.

My body slapped against hers constantly, the room was filled with both of our moaning gasps, it only took a couple minutes before she came hard, shooting her juices out over my navel and drenching my cock even further. Her eyes opened half way and her mouth hung open, her mind was shattering against our fucking, all she wanted was more. It didn’t take long for both of us to give in, neither of us could stop, my cock pounding her insides, we fell back into making out, her juices kept leaking as my pre leaked into her as well. Neither of us could tell how long it took, both of us too entranced to care about time, but when my body reached its limit I didn’t try to resist. I broke our embrace, leaning up and pulling out, my cock cast a shadow over her navel as my seed shot out over her body. Each strand warmed her up, messily covering her chest and most of her face, she came to her senses enough to open her maw, wanting to taste my seed, she greedily swallowed up as much as she could without moving, too tired to adjust, only able to sit there and take it. As the last drops leaked out over her belly, I let myself collapse, both of us lay motionless on different ends of the bed, only able to pant and writhe slightly in our own

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