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[Conrie] Conversion Procedures

Posted:2020-12-25 14:28
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Posted on 25 December 2020, 14:28 by:   bigblackD    PM
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Part 1

Not everypony is outright suited to be A-class milkmare but we believe that with some help of modern technology we can help that!

All you need is a subject, they don’t have to be all that willing nor even female, of course we aren’t savages and after the procedure our milkmares are well compensated (although “some” effect last after the procedure is completed, none of our patients complained!)

In this case our patient, named ultra marine, managed to wake up just after the first step, of course, having no idea where he is or what’s happening to him he tried to struggle, but out antigravity bracelets held him well in fixed pose. However before he will be able to perform his duty, our subject is going to have to undergo some changes - Our preliminary scans confirmed that he is capable of transition process and we may begin!

Part 2

To begin the procedure we have prepare our patient. Firstly we have to get rid of sperm to avoid any complications. And what’s a better way to do it then a powerful orgasm?

Ultra Marine clearly doesn’t mind! Seconds after we perform an injection his balls are nice and empty. Next step requires us to put a mask on the our patient. Of course its not an ordinary mask - firstly it allows us to keep the subject well feed (proper diet is important!) - but more importantly the mask pumps gas with “arousing properties”. And even if that won’t keep the subject in proper mood there is a whole hypno module.

Luckily Ultra Marine doesn’t display any signs of struggle and he seems to... eagerly awaiting the mask!

Part 3

With the mask on we have full control over our subject, at this point we don’t need our antigravity restrains working; we can safely turn them off. Right now Ultra Marine is siting patiently and awaiting further instructions.

But what’s the most important is the rapid breast expansion - caused by the previous injection subjects gender is being readjusted. The modified body part is very sensitive, a gentle pinch is enough to send a shiver of excitement down subjects’s spine. Of course there is still one more important thing to ne changed; with the balls so small and penis barely visible it’s just a matter of one last injection before Ultra Marine’s gender is going to be fully “corrected”!

Part 4

With our self made mixture of Various chemicals, the gender change procedure process is fast and quite painless. The whole thing doesn’t take longer than a few hours. The penis quickly decreases in size, firstly changing into a dick that suffers significant testosterone deficient and later into swollen clit.

Eventually the patient is gifted with fully functional pussy! But that is not what we are after here – It’s mostly about the pair of breast. Soon, with more of hormones pumped into the subject, Marina is going to fulfill her new role as a milk cow!

Part 5

Now, to speed up the whole process we keep pumping our patient with hormones. This way we can quickly check their product, test it and adjust the “diet” that we feed them. As you see the subject allows us to attach the milking machine to her breast without any resistance. Now it’s time to reprogram their brain slightly, so she will associate the milking process with pleasure!

Part 6

Before we finally put the subject in the proper milking machine, where she'll be placed in fixed position, feed and cleaned on regularar basis, we had to test the quality of the product - and as always the results are positive. Knowing that we can take Ultra Marine to other part of the facility.

With the small procedure that we have performed earlier she's quite happy with her current condition. This way don't have to use force or any machinery to transport her around the lab. She's a happy milk cow now!

Part 7

Eventually she found herself in standing before closed, transparent doors. As she put her hand on scanner she was welcomed with robotic assistant speaking, inviting to come further inside into some spacious chamber that revealed just as doors moved aside.

As she stood in the middle of the empty room, and once the door closed; several machines - arm shaped- appeared and surrounded her. A hot, sticky substance was poured on her body. It cooled down instantly as it reached her body, tightly wrapping her up in what it seemed like latex. Meanwhile she was being tattooed with a barcode that would also appear on her new clothes.

Part 8

After just few minutes the machine was done - form hooves to neck she was covered in latex-like substance, only her head and crotch area were “free” - for now.
She felt cold, metallic arm reaching around her waist, grabbing her and lifting. It was an odd feeling as she didn’t felt “squeezed”, perhaps the substance that covered her body was somehow compatible with rest of the machinery - it seemed like so.

As she was suspended few feet above the floor another set of mechanic hands approached her, making just “finishing touches”. Soon, her breast were covered by milking devices that grabbed her firmly, comfortably - taking the weight of her breast from her spine making it quite comfortable. Secondly a chastity-like device followed, wrapping itself up around Ultra’s pussy, vibrating slowly around her clit area.

And the icing on the cake, hypnotic visor that would make sure she’s calm and obedient for days, weeks, months.

Part 9
What followed were sequences of sounds, gears shifting and mechanical arms moving. Eventually everything stopped and like that Ultra Marine was placed on a long metallic pillar that supported few other subjects, suspended meters above the floor.

Blinded by the visor Ultra didn’t really see where she was. Not like she cared really – the device that obstructed her sight took care about her thoughts. Flashing colours kept her in calm and relaxed, she didn’t bother with struggling – she was enjoying herself. As she produced milk she was rewarded with orgasms and wherever she was hungry an automated pump feed her some sweet substance. She didn’t even notice her belly growing – machines putting her in artificial pregnancy state, just so she could yield more of the valuable substance.

Every now and then she heard some mechanical sounds – subjects besides her were switched, some of them to be let go or their purpose has changed. However, for Ultra, it was still a long way to go
Posted on 27 December 2020, 11:46 by:   The_old_hunter    PM
Score +13
Good tgtf you did here m8 but please add a male transformation tag as a visible change is occuring
Posted on 11 January 2021, 04:24 by:   bigblackD    PM
Score +14
Believe it or not, I couldn't get it to work. Somebody help.

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