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[Nyte] EVB: Cammy vs. Goanna

Posted:2021-09-06 23:13
File Size:5.87 MiB
Length:8 pages
Favorited:44 times
Average: 2.66

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Posted on 06 September 2021, 23:13 by:   pussycrusher    PM
Uploader Comment
Next up on the Epic Vore Battle menu is Cammy White from Street Fighter! Seems she's wandered too deep into the jungle in search of adversary Blanka and has found another creature instead: Fern Gully's hungry Goanna!

Goanna didn't get his human meal in the movie, but I'm thinking he may make it happen this time. ;)

*7 pages including cover! PDF and Single Images. Features vore and graphic digestion*

Art and Story by me, Colors by the talented Brittany.

Now available for individual purchase, or gain access for cheaper by subscribing!
Posted on 07 September 2021, 11:24 by:   leddis4    PM
Score +14
Seen one Nyte comic seen them all.
Posted on 08 September 2021, 09:42 by:   Sexyvore    PM
Score +5
@leddis4 Seen one porn video seen them all. Seen one action movie seen them all. Read one book read them all. Walked up one hill, walked up them all.

Now you'd probably rebut with the obvious fact that there are nuance and differences between them, right? So despite the same core each can be a different experience if you come looking for one. Right?

See what I'm getting at?
Posted on 08 September 2021, 18:00 by:   leddis4    PM
Score +25
I see what you're getting at. Too bad you're wrong.
Every single Nyte comic is exactly the same. There is no variety whatsoever, only a change of characters and monsters. There is nothing in them at all of note.

Also, don't compare genres with a specific series of events repeated over and over.
Porn is a genre encompassing a great many ideas. As are action movies. I'm not even going to go into the rank stupidity of using BOOKS as an analogy. A medium, really? What next? USB drives?
I am pointing out that Nyte does a specific series of events in the same way with the same outcome every single time. If we're really lucky we'll get one page with a tentacle between the girl's legs. But that's about it.

It represents a complete lack of imagination. Nyte has no ideas. More specifically, Nyte has one single idea repeated until the end of time.
This has no bearing on whether the idea is good or not. Even chocolate ice cream becomes tedious if you eat it for every meal, every day. The fact that Nyte's audience cannot accept this and happily consumes it leading to the artist's complete stagnancy and mediocrity is.. sad, really.
Posted on 13 October 2021, 21:01 by:   drazex    PM
Score +7
Some of us are glad to not have to have a tentacle forced between a girl's legs all the time. Talk about stagnant.

Sure, all of Nyte's comics are unwilling soft vore with minimal to no penetration. That's about as descriptive as 90% of porn (willing hetero sex with vaginal penetration). Just because Nyte's stuff doesn't include a specific thing you personally want to see doesn't make it bad. So you, sir, are the one objectively wrong.

What Nyte's comics provide are quality art in a variety of styles, good and varied emotions - some more scared, some more feisty, etc., and a variety of prey appearances. This is the target, and this is what is delivered, with no "mediocrity" about it.

The only sad thing is how judgemental you are about something that obviously just doesn't appeal to you *personally*.

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