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[Emine Kendama] Tsuma wa Instructor - MY WIFE IS BAWDY INSTRUCTOR Ch. 3 [English] [Bamboozalator]

[遠峰犬玉] 妻は淫ストラクター 第3話 [英訳]

Posted:2024-09-13 11:31
Language:English  TR
File Size:23.26 MiB
Length:42 pages
Favorited:153 times
Average: 2.28

Showing 1 - 40 of 42 images

Posted on 13 September 2024, 11:31 by:   Bamboozalator    PM
Uploader Comment
Support the author by buying from the Official Sites!

I'm still trying to improve the translations, so if you have any tips or recommendations please be sure to inform me.

I upload new translations 1st on Patreon & after some time release a free public version, but in any case your support will be appreciated & thanks in advance.
Posted on 13 September 2024, 11:33 by:   Scumbini    PM
Score +88
Translator has been manually tagged with Rough Translation 3 times, one has since been updated and removed:

>I'm still trying to improve the translations, so if you have any tips or recommendations please be sure to inform me.
Any help would begin with a question, are you machine translating or do you actually know Japanese? Because when you get notes like "wrong speaker, made up line" that doesn't bode well.
Last edited on 13 September 2024, 12:12.
Posted on 13 September 2024, 13:59 by:   Bamboozalator    PM
Score -53
First of all, I wasn't asking a question when I wrote about tips.
Regarding those past translations, if you haven't checked, I had already mentioned that they were my personal translations, which I initially did for my own reading but later decided to share.
Also since I couldn't find much information regarding translation (fonts choices, typesetting etc...) I shared my works in hopes of getting some feedback to improve.

Regarding your question about 'wrong speaker' or 'made-up lines,' as I mentioned in those earlier posts, I'm not a native Japanese or English speaker, so I initially had difficulty understanding handwritten texts. However, as I'm getting more exposure to Japanese it is becoming easier to understand now. Also, Japanese often omit 'you' and 'I' in speech, unlike English, which used to confuse me about who the speaker was.

(Do I use machine translation?) My answer to that is yes, but I only use It to check the meaning of words if I face a problem understanding certain words when manually translating.

Regarding Patreon, I post my translations for free after some time. You can visit all my galleries to check if the translations are good or bad. I created it for support so that I can continue providing translations.

The 'rough translation' tag has been removed from one because the gallery is now updated, after I checked and corrected the mistakes according to the feedback.

And now if you don't mind me asking, why are you posting the same comment in all of my posts? Don't you have anything better to do?
If the translation has a problem just mention it or tag it like other people did so I can correct.
Last edited on 15 September 2024, 10:45.
Posted on 13 September 2024, 14:07 by:   Loki The Flameshield    PM
Score +7
So....they're dead.
Posted on 13 September 2024, 14:28 by:   Daruna    PM
Score +87
>"(Do I use machine translation?) My answer to that is YES"
>charging people money for machine translations

pack it up we're done here

>claims to charge money because "providing translations" requires "support"

that's weird because i don't need "support" for my translations, and mine require a lot more brainpower than yours seeing as i DON'T use machine translation, but instead use multiple years of study and experience (unlike you). you'd think i have a greater claim to this "support" because of that but as it turns out i don't actually need it???? very strange.............

can you pls explain why someone like me, who is better than you and doesn't offload the work to a machine, doesn't want nor need financial "support," and yet you, who is functioning on a level far below me, does? could it possibly mean that once you actually learn English and Japanese (and let's be real this will never happen) you'll stop trying to scam people out of their money? i'd really like to know because i keep hearing this excuse from all the people who are carbon copies of you and i just don't understand, please help me understand :)
Posted on 13 September 2024, 15:23 by:   cybeast93    PM
Score +96
Tagging rough tl:

TL:My husband is kind & cares so much about me...
ED: My kind husband worries THIS much about me...

TL:Every day I keep getting this unpleasant feeling...
ED:That's not what 正当化 means. This is a made-up line.

TL:I've to stop! I can't let this go on...!
ED: another made-up line.

OG:すげぇ 乳輪はみ出しな ママあの人すごいおっぱい 武ちゃん見ちゃ駄目


TL:I'll take a picture.
ED:写メ doesn't mean taking a picture

TL:That sound great! Let's also mention the place to increase traffic!
ED: Second half of this sentence is made-up. アクセス増えそ is modifying 場所.

TL: It's pure bliss.
ED: Wrong tl.

TL: I can really see it, mm!
ED: Talking about her.

TL: I can tell that your whole is sensitive right now because it tingles no matter where I touch!
ED: Wrong tl of 感じる
Posted on 13 September 2024, 19:02 by:   Bamboozalator    PM
Score -45
I don't think you fully read the entire sentence regarding MTL, let me clear it (I use it to quickly check the story before starting the actual translation process, I don't use MTL for specifically translating but rather only to understand the meaning of a word I'm not familiar to or I can't understand.)

And like I said previously I'm not a professional (I'm learning the whole translation & editing process) also I'm only sharing the translation I did for my own reading or if someone asked me & I'm not asking or scamming anyone for money as all my translations are & uploaded for free after a certain time.

I can see that you & many others might not consider it to be good & I'm not saying they are the best. I'm providing the best I can for the readers and trying to improve myself during the process so that I can continue to provide better and professional level translations in the future & if anyone wants to willingly help or support it's up to them.

Do you want to know why I'm uploading if I'm still in the process of learning? It's so that I can get back the feedback from people who are good in both languages, so that they can help me point out the mistakes.

Did the artist or anyone hire me for foreign language translation & I somehow scammed them 'NO' I'm trying to provide free translations, and all of us are doing stuff that's considered illegal in japan, and are you really not getting support & doing this for completely free if so can you translate some works that I always wanted to read and have never been translated into English???

Anyways I appreciate your efforts for providing translations & I don't mind your help if you can share any help for improvement, Thanks for reading!

@ cybeast93 thanks for pointing out the mistakes, I'll do the corrections and upload as soon as I'm done.
Last edited on 14 September 2024, 11:45.
Posted on 13 September 2024, 19:18 by:   Daruna    PM
Score +43
you saying you're uploading this to get feedback and to get better at the craft would play a lot better if you weren't literally charging money for the translations for thirty days before you uploaded them to the central doujinshi hub of the internet, or if literally every single thing you've ever uploaded...


...didn't involve you shilling ways people can give you money.

do you think i'm stupid?
Posted on 13 September 2024, 19:43 by:   Bamboozalator    PM
Score -45
@Daruna Guess what comment I found of yours from your first upload, it reads "I'm still a retard with Japanese, so if you notice anything wrong, or if you have any other feedback, please let me know!"

I guess you're just like a hypocrite since you also asked people for feedback when you started but somehow when you see other people asking the same you want to criticize them.

And yeah, I think you're stupid if you still can't understand that people willingly choose to support, knowing they can get my translations for free without paying.
Last edited on 13 September 2024, 20:59.
Posted on 14 September 2024, 06:33 by:   Remeark    PM
Score +47
One of the reasons I hate MTL is that the comment section always becomes a discussion about the awful quality of the translation, for a good reason. But then we don't talk about the work itself, like no one is talking about the fact it looks like the guy went through the trouble of breaking every finger of the three assholes.
Posted on 15 September 2024, 07:00 by:   animadversion    PM
Score +6
@Bamboozalator There is a clear difference with him saying he is a retard with Japanese but to give feedback when he is actually translating and learning the languge himself.

You being a fucking retard and going teehee point out mistakes for me when you are just using a machine to shit out a "translation" is obviously just a horseshit excuse to not actually have to do any learning or fix your own mistakes

P.S get cancer MTLing dipshit I'm so sick of you fucks. You don't have to upload just leave it to people who actually know the language.

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